コード例 #1
        public virtual void ShouldWriteMultipleCardinalityAttribute()
            BeanBPrime  beanB   = new BeanBPrime();
            BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapper(beanB);

            wrapper.Write(new Relationship("text", "ST", Cardinality.Create("0-10")), "This is my text");
            Assert.AreEqual("This is my text", beanB.Text[0], "text");
コード例 #2
        public virtual void ShouldWriteSimpleAttribute()
            BeanB       beanB   = new BeanB();
            BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapper(beanB);

            wrapper.Write(new Relationship("text", "ST", Cardinality.Create("0-1")), "This is my text");
            Assert.AreEqual("This is my text", beanB.Text, "text");
コード例 #3
        public virtual void ShouldWriteSimpleAssociation()
            BeanB       beanB   = new BeanB();
            BeanC       beanC   = new BeanC();
            BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapper(beanC);

            wrapper.Write(new Relationship("textHolder", "ABCD_IN123456CA.BeanB", Cardinality.Create("0-1")), beanB);
            Assert.IsNotNull(beanC.BeanB, "bean b");
コード例 #4
        public virtual void ShouldCopyOriginalTextFromCVImplObjectToBean()
            BeanD       beanD   = new BeanD();
            BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapper(beanD);
            CVImpl      cvImpl  = new CVImpl(CodeResolverRegistry.Lookup <IntoleranceValue>("CODE"));

            cvImpl.OriginalText = ORIGINAL_TEXT;
            wrapper.Write(new Relationship("value", "CV", Cardinality.Create("0-1")), cvImpl);
            Assert.AreEqual(ORIGINAL_TEXT, ((CV)beanD.GetField("someCode")).OriginalText, "originalText");
コード例 #5
        /// <exception cref="Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.XmlToModelTransformationException"></exception>
        private void WriteAttribute(BeanWrapper bean, Hl7Source source, IList <XmlNode> nodes, Relationship relationship, string traversalName
            if (relationship.Structural)
                source.GetResult().AddHl7Error(new Hl7Error(Hl7ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Data found for relationship as an element but should have been an attribute. "
                                                            + (nodes.IsEmpty() ? ("(" + relationship.Name + ")") : XmlDescriber.DescribePath(nodes[0])), CollUtils.IsEmpty(nodes) ?
                                                            null : (XmlElement)nodes[0]));
            string        type   = DetermineType(nodes, relationship, source, source.GetResult());
            ElementParser parser = (source.IsR2() ? ParserR2Registry.GetInstance().Get(type) : ParserRegistry.GetInstance().Get(type)

            if (parser != null)
                    ConstrainedDatatype constraints = source.GetService().GetConstraints(source.GetVersion(), relationship.ConstrainedType);
                    ParseContextImpl    context     = new ParseContextImpl(relationship, constraints, source.GetVersion(), source.GetDateTimeZone(),
                                                                           source.GetDateTimeTimeZone(), CodeTypeRegistry.GetInstance(), source.IsCda());
                    BareANY @object = parser.Parse(context, nodes, source.GetResult());
                    ChangeDatatypeIfNecessary(type, relationship, @object);
                    if (relationship.HasFixedValue())
                        ValidateNonstructuralFixedValue(relationship, @object, source, nodes);
                        // fixed means nothing to write to bean
                        bean.Write(relationship, @object);
                catch (InvalidCastException e)
                    source.GetResult().AddHl7Error(new Hl7Error(Hl7ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't parse relationship name=" + relationship.
                                                                Name + ", traversalName=" + traversalName + " [" + e.Message + "]", CollUtils.IsEmpty(nodes) ? null : (XmlElement)nodes[
                source.GetResult().AddHl7Error(new Hl7Error(Hl7ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No parser for type \"" + type + "\". " + (nodes
                                                                                                                                    .IsEmpty() ? ("(" + relationship.Name + ")") : XmlDescriber.DescribePath(nodes[0])), CollUtils.IsEmpty(nodes) ? null : (
コード例 #6
 /// <exception cref="Ca.Infoway.Messagebuilder.Marshalling.HL7.XmlToModelTransformationException"></exception>
 private void WriteIndicator(BeanWrapper bean, Hl7Source source, IList <XmlNode> nodes, Relationship relationship, string traversalName
         // if "false", as in the indicator element is absent, we will never actually get here :)
         // can't really parse a boolean here, but we need to check for null flavor
         NullFlavorHelper nullFlavorHelper = new NullFlavorHelper(relationship.Conformance, nodes.IsEmpty() ? null : nodes[0], new
                                                                  XmlToModelResult(), true);
         NullFlavor nullFlavor = nullFlavorHelper.ParseNullNode();
         object     value      = (nullFlavor == null ? new BLImpl(!nodes.IsEmpty()) : new BLImpl(nullFlavor));
         bean.Write(relationship, value);
     catch (InvalidCastException e)
         this.log.Info("Can't parse relationship name=" + relationship.Name + ", traversalName=" + traversalName + " [" + e.Message
                       + "]");
コード例 #7
 private void WriteAssociation(BeanWrapper beanWrapper, Hl7Source source, IList <XmlNode> nodes, Relationship relationship,
                               string traversalName)
     this.log.Debug("Writing association: traversalName=" + traversalName + ", relationshipType=" + relationship.Type);
     // 1. collapsed relationship
     if (relationship.Cardinality.Single && beanWrapper.IsAssociationMappedToSameBean(relationship))
         this.log.Debug("COLLAPSE RECURSE : " + traversalName + " as collapsed relationship to " + beanWrapper.GetWrappedType());
         BeanWrapper childBeanWrapper = beanWrapper.CreateSubWrapper(relationship);
         WriteSpecialAssociation(childBeanWrapper, source, nodes, relationship);
         //1b. trivial collapsed relationship with cardinality change (e.g. "RecordId" collapsed into "Location criteria"
         if (relationship.Cardinality.Multiple && beanWrapper.IsAssociationMappedToSameBean(relationship) && IsTypeWithSingleNonFixedRelationship
                 (relationship, source))
             BeanWrapper childBeanWrapper = beanWrapper.CreateSubWrapper(relationship);
             foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                 WriteAssociation(childBeanWrapper, source, (XmlElement)node, relationship);
             // 2. initialized read-only association
             if (relationship.Cardinality.Single && beanWrapper.IsPreInitializedDelegate(relationship))
                 this.log.Debug("READ-ONLY ASSOCIATION: " + traversalName + " as collapsed relationship to " + beanWrapper.GetWrappedType(
                 BeanWrapper childBeanWrapper = new BeanWrapper(beanWrapper.GetInitializedReadOnlyAssociation(relationship));
                 WriteSpecialAssociation(childBeanWrapper, source, nodes, relationship);
                 // 3a. non-collapsed, multiple-cardinality choice or single-cardinality choice with node name same as choice name
                 if (IsCdaChoice(nodes, relationship, source))
                     IList <object> convertedBeans = HandleCdaChoice(nodes, traversalName, relationship, source);
                     if (relationship.Cardinality.Multiple)
                         this.log.Debug("Special choice handling: WRITING MULTIPLE-CARDINALITY CHOICE: " + beanWrapper.GetWrappedType() + " property with annotation="
                                        + traversalName + " - values=" + convertedBeans);
                         beanWrapper.Write(relationship, convertedBeans);
                         if (relationship.Cardinality.Single && convertedBeans.IsEmpty())
                             throw new MarshallingException("Special choice handling: Why is this empty? : " + relationship.Name + " on " + source.Type
                             this.log.Debug("Special choice handling: WRITING SINGLE: " + beanWrapper.GetWrappedType() + " property with annotation="
                                            + traversalName + " - value=" + convertedBeans[0]);
                             // may need to ignore values beyond the first; an error will have been logged
                             beanWrapper.Write(relationship, convertedBeans[0]);
                     // 3. non-collapsed (including choice, specializationChild, and template type, handling for which is encapsulated in
                     //			Source.createChildSource())
                     if (relationship.TemplateRelationship || relationship.Choice || MessageBeanRegistry.GetInstance().IsMessagePartDefined(source
                                                                                                                                            .GetVersion(), relationship.Type))
                         IList <object> convertedBeans = new List <object>();
                         foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                             XmlElement    childNode   = (XmlElement)node;
                             Hl7PartSource childSource = source.CreatePartSource(relationship, childNode);
                             this.log.Debug("RECURSE for node=" + source.GetCurrentElement().Name + " - relationship=" + relationship.Name + ", tarversalName="
                                            + traversalName + ", of type: " + childSource.Type);
                             object tealChild = MapPartSourceToTeal(childSource, relationship);
                         if (relationship.Cardinality.Multiple)
                             this.log.Debug("WRITING MULTIPLE: " + beanWrapper.GetWrappedType() + " property with annotation=" + traversalName + " - values="
                                            + convertedBeans);
                             beanWrapper.Write(relationship, convertedBeans);
                             if (relationship.Cardinality.Single && convertedBeans.IsEmpty())
                                 throw new MarshallingException("Why is this empty? : " + relationship.Name + " on " + source.Type);
                                 this.log.Debug("WRITING SINGLE: " + beanWrapper.GetWrappedType() + " property with annotation=" + traversalName + " - value="
                                                + convertedBeans[0]);
                                 // may need to ignore values beyond the first; an error will have been logged
                                 beanWrapper.Write(relationship, convertedBeans[0]);
                         if (!ConformanceLevelUtil.IsOptional(relationship) && !IsFullyFixedType(relationship, source))
                             this.log.Info("IGNORING: HL7 type " + relationship.Type + " with traversalName=" + traversalName + "(" + Describer.Describe
                                               (source.GetMessagePartName(), relationship) + ") cannot be mapped to any teal bean");