void findBlock(string[] args) { // Attempt on an alternitive block lookup method, for speed's sake.. functions lookup = new functions(); if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[2])) { return; } if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[3])) { return; } if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[4])) { return; } int blockX = int.Parse(args[2]); int blockY = int.Parse(args[3]); int blockZ = int.Parse(args[4]); decimal ChunkX = decimal.Divide(blockX, 16); decimal ChunkZ = decimal.Divide(blockZ, 16); ChunkX = Math.Floor(ChunkX); ChunkZ = Math.Floor(ChunkZ); Classes.Chunk thisChunk = null; Classes.MapBlock thisblock = null; foreach (Classes.Chunk b in Mainform.Chunks) { if (b.x == ChunkX & b.z == ChunkZ) { thisChunk = b; break; } } thisblock = thisChunk.getBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ); if (thisblock != null) { Packets.chatMessage cm = new Packets.chatMessage(Socket, Mainform, "FOUND IT. " + thisblock.Name, true); } else { Packets.chatMessage cm = new Packets.chatMessage(Socket, Mainform, "Fail :(", true); } }
void dropStack(string[] args) { functions lookup = new functions(); Classes.Item thisitem = null; if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[2])) { return; } foreach (Classes.Item b in Mainform.inventory) { if (b.slot == (short.Parse(args[2]))) { thisitem = b; break; } } if (thisitem == null) { return; } Packets.ClickWindow click = new Packets.ClickWindow(Socket, Mainform, short.Parse(args[2]), 0, 0, thisitem); Packets.ClickWindow click2 = new Packets.ClickWindow(Socket, Mainform, -999, 0, 0, thisitem); //Slot -999 is outside window click, which drops it. }
void placeBlock(string[] args) { functions lookup = new functions(); if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[2])) { return; } if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[3])) { return; } if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[4])) { return; } int blockX = int.Parse(args[2]); int blockY = int.Parse(args[3]); int blockZ = int.Parse(args[4]) - 1; // - 1 corrects some error in sending this packet that results in the Z coord being off. int heldSlot = Mainform.selectedSlot + 36; Classes.Item heldItem = null; foreach (Classes.Item b in Mainform.inventory) { if (b.slot == heldSlot) { heldItem = b; break; } } if (heldItem != null) { Packets.placeBlock myblock = new Packets.placeBlock(blockX, (byte)blockY, blockZ, 3, heldItem, Socket); } else { Packets.chatMessage chat = new Packets.chatMessage(Socket, Mainform, "Not holding anything.", true); } }
void cselect(string[] args) { functions lookup = new functions(); int blockId; if (!lookup.isNumeric(args[2])) { return; } blockId = int.Parse(args[2]); Packets.creativeInventory ci = new Packets.creativeInventory(Socket, Mainform, 40, new Classes.Item(blockId, 1, 2, 0)); }
void holdChange(string[] args) { functions test = new functions(); if (!test.isNumeric(args[2])) { return; } if (short.Parse(args[2]) < 0 || short.Parse(args[2]) > 9) { return; } Mainform.selectedSlot = short.Parse(args[2]); Packets.HeldItemChange hic = new Packets.HeldItemChange(Socket, Mainform, true); }