static void BuildManifestInternel(DLCItem dlcItem) { var builds = AssetBundleBuildsCache = BuildBuildRules(dlcItem); string dlcName = dlcItem.Name; string manifestPath = DLCAssetMgr.GetDLCManifestPath(dlcName); string dlcItemPath = DLCAssetMgr.GetDLCItemPath(dlcName); List <string> bundles = new List <string>(); List <string> assets = new List <string>(); if (builds.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in builds) { bundles.Add(item.assetBundleName); foreach (var assetPath in item.assetNames) { assets.Add(assetPath + ":" + (bundles.Count - 1)); } } } #region 创建Manifest文件 if (File.Exists(manifestPath)) { File.Delete(manifestPath); } DLCManifest dlcManifest = new DLCManifest(); foreach (var item in builds) { BundleData tempData = new BundleData(); tempData.DLCName = dlcItem.Name; tempData.BundleName = item.assetBundleName; foreach (var asset in item.assetNames) { AssetPathData pathData = new AssetPathData(); pathData.FullPath = asset; pathData.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset); if (AllAssets.ContainsKey(asset)) { pathData.SourceBundleName = AllAssets[asset]; } tempData.AssetFullPaths.Add(pathData); } dlcManifest.Data.Add(tempData); } BaseFileUtils.SaveJson(manifestPath, dlcManifest, true); #endregion #region dlcitem if (File.Exists(dlcItemPath)) { File.Delete(dlcItemPath); } BaseFileUtils.SaveJson(dlcItemPath, dlcItem, true); #endregion CLog.Debug("[BuildScript] BuildManifest with " + assets.Count + " assets and " + bundles.Count + " bundels."); }
static void BuildDLCConfigInternal(DLCItem dlcItem) { var builds = AssetBundleBuildsCache = GenerateAssetBundleBuildData(dlcItem); string constPath = dlcItem.GetConst(); string manifestPath = dlcItem.GetManifest(); string dlcItemPath = dlcItem.GetConfig(); List <string> bundles = new List <string>(); List <string> assets = new List <string>(); if (builds.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in builds) { bundles.Add(item.assetBundleName); foreach (var assetPath in item.assetNames) { assets.Add(assetPath + ":" + (bundles.Count - 1)); } } } #region 创建Manifest文件 if (File.Exists(manifestPath)) { File.Delete(manifestPath); } DLCManifest dlcManifest = new DLCManifest(); foreach (var item in builds) { BundleData tempData = new BundleData(); tempData.DLCName = dlcItem.Name; if (AllBundles.ContainsKey(item.assetBundleName)) { tempData.BundleName = item.assetBundleName; if (AllSharedBundles.Contains(item.assetBundleName)) { tempData.IsShared = true; } } else { CLog.Error("没有包含:" + item.assetBundleName); } foreach (var asset in item.assetNames) { AssetPathData pathData = new AssetPathData(); pathData.FullPath = asset; pathData.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset); if (AllAssets.ContainsKey(asset)) { pathData.SourceBundleName = AllAssets[asset]; } tempData.AssetFullPaths.Add(pathData); } dlcManifest.Data.Add(tempData); } FileUtil.SaveJson(manifestPath, dlcManifest, true); #endregion #region dlcitem if (File.Exists(dlcItemPath)) { File.Delete(dlcItemPath); } FileUtil.SaveJson(dlcItemPath, dlcItem.Config, true); #endregion #region const if (File.Exists(constPath)) { File.Delete(constPath); } var cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-us"); var w = new CodegenTextWriter(constPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); w.WithCurlyBraces("namespace CYM", () => { w.WithCurlyBraces("public partial class Const", () => { foreach (var bundleData in dlcManifest.Data) { string newBundleName = ""; foreach (var pathData in bundleData.AssetFullPaths) { if (pathData.SourceBundleName.IsInv()) { continue; } //跳过指定的Bundle资源 if (pathData.SourceBundleName == Const.BN_System || pathData.SourceBundleName == Const.BN_Shared) { continue; } //获得相应的Bundle名称 if (pathData.SourceBundleName.StartsWith(Const.BN_Scene)) { newBundleName = Const.BN_Scene; } else { newBundleName = pathData.SourceBundleName; } //保证变量名称有效 var fileName = pathData.FileName.Replace(".", "_").Replace("(", "_").Replace(")", "").Trim(); //加上前缀 fileName = newBundleName.ToUpper() + "_" + fileName; //忽略不需要的Const if (DLCConfig.IsInIgnoreConst(fileName)) { continue; } if (Consts.Contains(fileName)) { continue; } Consts.Add(fileName); w.WriteLine($"public const string {fileName} = \"{pathData.FileName}\";"); } } }); }); w.Flush(); w.Dispose(); #endregion CLog.Info("[Builder][{0}] BuildManifest with " + assets.Count + " assets and " + bundles.Count + " bundels.", dlcItem.Name); }