private static void BuildDetail(BodyType rectWarper) { double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 7.66, ht = 0.1; CXSubRectangles rct = new CXSubRectangles(); rct.sufx = ""; /*Now unused. Used before in A4 (i.e 2xA5) print*/ rct.subrect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("manirect" + rct.sufx, rectWarper.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rct.subrect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //rct.subrect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.MistyRose; RectangleType heading = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("heading" + rct.sufx, rct.subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, 0.3); heading.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //heading.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.MistyRose; Sub_rectangle_position(rct); Sub_header(rct); Sub_Details(rct); }// fn build details
}// fn build details #region [Lines AREA] private static void Sub_rectangle_position(CXSubRectangles rct) { RectangleType subrect = rct.subrect; string sufx = rct.sufx; double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0.23, ht = Customised.SubReportHeight; rct.Slno = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("slno" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); // if true show po and dc or hsncode to front if (Customised.WithPo) { rct.Po = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("po" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Slno.Width.Value, 0, 0.45, ht); rct.Dc = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("dc" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Po.Width.Value, 0, 0.45, ht); x += rct.Dc.Width.Value; } else { x += rct.Slno.Width.Value; } rct.Hsn_code = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("hsn_code" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, 0, 0.45, ht); //for particulars if (Customised.WithPo) { if (Customised.WithColours) { if (Customised.WithSizes) { //po true size true colour true switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 1; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 1.5; break; } } else { //po true size false colour true switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 1.39; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2; break; } } } else { if (Customised.WithSizes) { // po True colour false size true switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 1.49; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2; break; } } else { //po true size false colour false switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 1.99; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.49; break; } } } } else { if (Customised.WithColours) { if (Customised.WithSizes) { //po false size true colour true switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 1.89; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.39; break; } } else { //po false size false colour true switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.39; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.89; break; } } } else { if (Customised.WithSizes) { // po false colour false size true switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.39; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.89; break; } } else { //po false size false colour false switch (Customised.TaxType) { case Core.SGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 2.89; break; case Core.IGST: x += rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value; wd = 3.39; break; } } } } rct.Particulars = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("particulars" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, 0, wd, ht); x += rct.Particulars.Width.Value; if (Customised.WithSizes) { rct.Sizes = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("sizes" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, 0, 0.5, ht); x += rct.Sizes.Width.Value; } if (Customised.WithColours) { rct.Colours = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("colours" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, 0, 0.5, ht); x += rct.Colours.Width.Value; } //else //{ // if (!Customised.WithSizes) // { // x += rct.Particulars.Width.Value; // } //} rct.Qtys = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("qtys" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, 0, 0.52, ht); rct.Price = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("price" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Qtys.Width.Value, 0, 0.57, ht); rct.Taxableamt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("taxableamt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Price.Width.Value, 0, 0.75, ht); if (Customised.TaxType == Core.SGST) { rct.Sgst_per = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("sgst_per" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Taxableamt.Width.Value, 0.3, 0.2, ht - 0.3); rct.Sgst_amt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("sgst_amt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Sgst_per.Width.Value, 0, 0.55, ht); rct.Cgst_per = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("cgst_per" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Sgst_amt.Width.Value, 0.3, 0.2, ht - 0.3); rct.Cgst_amt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("cgst_amt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Cgst_per.Width.Value, 0, 0.55, ht); x += rct.Cgst_amt.Width.Value; } else if (Customised.TaxType == Core.IGST) { rct.Igst_per = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("igst_per" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Taxableamt.Width.Value, 0.3, 0.25, ht - 0.3); rct.Igst_amt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("igst_amt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x += rct.Igst_per.Width.Value, 0, 0.752, ht); x += rct.Igst_amt.Width.Value; } rct.Sub_total = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("sub_total" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, 0, 0.74, ht); Style(rct.Slno); Style(rct.Po); Style(rct.Dc); Style(rct.Particulars); Style(rct.Sizes); Style(rct.Colours); Style(rct.Qtys); Style(rct.Price); Style(rct.Taxableamt); Style(rct.Sgst_per); Style(rct.Sgst_amt); Style(rct.Cgst_per); Style(rct.Cgst_amt); Style(rct.Igst_per); Style(rct.Igst_amt); Style(rct.Sub_total); //rct.Slno.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; //rct.Po.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkRed; //rct.Dc.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; //rct.Hsn_code.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Blue; //rct.Particulars.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Yellow; //rct.Sizes.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Lime; //rct.Colours.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.LightBlue; //rct.Qtys.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.LightCoral; //rct.Price.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.LemonChiffon; //rct.Taxableamt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.LightSalmon; //rct.Cgst_per.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; //rct.Cgst_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Beige; //rct.Sgst_per.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Khaki; //rct.Sgst_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Azure; //rct.Igst_per.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.AntiqueWhite; //rct.Igst_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.AliceBlue; //rct.Sub_total.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.LightGreen; }
private static void Sub_Details(CXSubRectangles rct) { RectangleType subrect = rct.subrect; string sufx = rct.sufx; double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0.23, ht = Customised.SubReportHeight; x = 0; y = 0.4; wd = subrect.Width.Value; ht = 0.03; ListType listDetlLine = ReportUtil.AddList("listDetlLine" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); listDetlLine.DataSetName = "MyDataSource_Items"; listDetlLine.Grouping = new GroupingType("group_" + PCreditnoteitems.SL_NO + ""); listDetlLine.Grouping.GroupExpressions.Add("=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.SL_NO + ".Value"); //listDetlLine.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; // x = 0; y = 0; wd = 0.55; ht = 0.25; RectangleType listdetails_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("listdetails_rect" + sufx, listDetlLine.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); listdetails_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //listdetails_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Azure; x = rct.Slno.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Slno.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_slno = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_slno" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_slno.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.SL_NO + ".Value"; txt_slno.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_slno.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; if (Customised.WithPo) { x = rct.Po.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Po.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_po_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_po_no" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_po_no.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.PO_NO + ".Value"; txt_po_no.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_po_no.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); } if (Customised.WithDc) { x = rct.Dc.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Dc.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_dc_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_dc_no" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_dc_no.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.DC_NO + ".Value"; txt_dc_no.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_dc_no.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); } x = rct.Hsn_code.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value - 0.02; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_hsn_code = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_hsn_code" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_hsn_code.Value = "=Fields!HSN_CODE_ID.Value"; txt_hsn_code.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_hsn_code.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Particulars.Left.Value + 0.05; y = 0; wd = rct.Particulars.Width.Value - 0.05; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_product_name = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_product_name" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_product_name.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.PRODUCT_ID + ".Value"; txt_product_name.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; txt_product_name.CanGrow = true; txt_product_name.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); if (Customised.WithSizes) { x = rct.Sizes.Left.Value + 0.02; y = 0; wd = rct.Sizes.Width.Value - 0.05; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_sizes = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_sizes" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_sizes.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.SIZES + ".Value"; txt_sizes.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_sizes.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); } if (Customised.WithColours) { x = rct.Colours.Left.Value + 0.02; y = 0; wd = rct.Colours.Width.Value - 0.05; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_colours = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_colours" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_colours.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.COLOURS + ".Value"; txt_colours.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_colours.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); } x = rct.Qtys.Left.Value + 0.02; y = 0; wd = rct.Qtys.Width.Value - 0.05; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_qty = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_qty" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_qty.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.QTY + ".Value"; txt_qty.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_qty.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Price.Left.Value + 0.02; y = 0; wd = rct.Price.Width.Value - 0.05; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_price = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_price" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_price.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.PRICE + ".Value"; txt_price.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_price.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Taxableamt.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Taxableamt.Width.Value - 0.04; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_taxable = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_taxable" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_taxable.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.TAXABLEVALUE + ".Value"; txt_taxable.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_taxable.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); if (Customised.TaxType == Core.SGST) { x = rct.Sgst_per.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Sgst_per.Width.Value - 0.04; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_sgst_per = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_sgst_per" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_sgst_per.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.SGST_PERCENT + ".Value"; txt_sgst_per.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_sgst_per.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Sgst_amt.Left.Value; y = 0; wd = rct.Sgst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_sgst_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_sgst_amt" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_sgst_amt.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.SGST_AMOUNT + ".Value"; txt_sgst_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_sgst_amt.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Cgst_per.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Cgst_per.Width.Value - 0.04; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_cgst_per = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_cgst_per" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_cgst_per.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.CGST_PERCENT + ".Value"; txt_cgst_per.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_cgst_per.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Cgst_amt.Left.Value; y = 0; wd = rct.Cgst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_cgst_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_cgst_amt" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_cgst_amt.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.CGST_AMOUNT + ".Value"; txt_cgst_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_cgst_amt.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); } else if (Customised.TaxType == Core.IGST) { x = rct.Igst_per.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Igst_per.Width.Value - 0.04; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_igst_per = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_igst_per" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_igst_per.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.IGST_PERCENT + ".Value"; txt_igst_per.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_igst_per.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = rct.Igst_amt.Left.Value; y = 0; wd = rct.Igst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_igst_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_igst_amt" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_igst_amt.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.IGST_AMOUNT + ".Value"; txt_igst_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_igst_amt.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); } x = rct.Sub_total.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0; wd = rct.Sub_total.Width.Value - 0.04; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_amount = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_amount" + sufx, listdetails_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_amount.Value = "=Fields!" + PCreditnoteitems.SUB_TOTAL + ".Value"; txt_amount.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_amount.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); }
private static void Sub_header(CXSubRectangles rct) { RectangleType subrect = rct.subrect; string sufx = rct.sufx; double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0, ht = 0; x += rct.Slno.Left.Value + 0.01; y += 0.09; wd += rct.Slno.Width.Value - 0.03; ht += 0.16; TextboxType lbl_slno = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_slno" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_slno.Value = "S.No"; lbl_slno.Style.Font("Calibri", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_slno.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; if (Customised.WithPo) { x = rct.Po.Left.Value + 0.01; y = y + 0; wd = rct.Po.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_po_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_po_no" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_po_no.Value = "PO.No"; lbl_po_no.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_po_no.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; } if (Customised.WithDc) { x = rct.Dc.Left.Value + 0.01; y = y + 0; wd = rct.Dc.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_dc_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_dc_no" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_dc_no.Value = "DC.No"; lbl_dc_no.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_dc_no.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; } x = rct.Hsn_code.Left.Value + 0.12; y = 0.03; wd = rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value - 0.08; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_hsn = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_hsn" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_hsn.Value = "HSN"; lbl_hsn.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_hsn.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = rct.Particulars.Left.Value + 0.11; y = y + 0; wd = rct.Particulars.Width.Value - 0.13; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_particulars = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_particulars" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_particulars.Value = "Particulars"; lbl_particulars.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_particulars.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = rct.Hsn_code.Left.Value + 0.1; y = y + 0.12; wd = rct.Hsn_code.Width.Value - 0.08; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_hsn_code = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_hsn_code" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_hsn_code.Value = "Code"; lbl_hsn_code.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_hsn_code.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; if (Customised.WithSizes == true) { x = rct.Sizes.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.09; wd = rct.Sizes.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_sizes = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_sizes" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_sizes.Value = "Sizes"; lbl_sizes.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_sizes.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; } if (Customised.WithColours == true) { x = rct.Colours.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.09; wd = rct.Colours.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_colours = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_colours" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_colours.Value = "Colours"; lbl_colours.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_colours.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; } x = rct.Qtys.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.09; wd = rct.Qtys.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_qty = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_qty" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_qty.Value = "Quantity"; lbl_qty.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_qty.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = rct.Price.Left.Value + 0.01; y = y + 0; wd = rct.Price.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_price = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_price" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_price.Value = "Price"; lbl_price.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_price.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = rct.Taxableamt.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.03; wd = rct.Taxableamt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_taxableamt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_taxableamt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_taxableamt.Value = "Taxable"; lbl_taxableamt.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_taxableamt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = rct.Taxableamt.Left.Value + 0.01; y = y + 0.12; wd = rct.Taxableamt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_taxableamount = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_taxableamount" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_taxableamount.Value = "Amt"; lbl_taxableamount.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_taxableamount.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; if (Customised.TaxType == Core.SGST) { x = rct.Sgst_per.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.02; wd = rct.Sgst_per.Width.Value + rct.Sgst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_sgst" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_sgst.Value = " SGST"; lbl_sgst.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = rct.Sgst_per.Left.Value + 0.03; y = y + 0.1; wd = rct.Sgst_per.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_sgst_per = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_sgst_per" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_sgst_per.Value = " %"; lbl_sgst_per.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_sgst_per.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = rct.Sgst_amt.Left.Value + 0.01; y = y + 0.03; wd = rct.Sgst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_sgst_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_sgst_amt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_sgst_amt.Value = " Amt"; lbl_sgst_amt.Style.Font("Calibri", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_sgst_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = rct.Cgst_per.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.02; wd = rct.Cgst_per.Width.Value + rct.Cgst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_cgst" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_cgst.Value = " CGST"; lbl_cgst.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = rct.Cgst_per.Left.Value + 0.03; y = y + 0.1; wd = rct.Cgst_per.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_cgst_per = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_cgst_per" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_cgst_per.Value = " %"; lbl_cgst_per.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_cgst_per.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = rct.Cgst_amt.Left.Value + 0.02; y = y + 0.03; wd = rct.Cgst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_cgst_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_cgst_amt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_cgst_amt.Value = " Amt"; lbl_cgst_amt.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_cgst_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; } else if (Customised.TaxType == Core.IGST) { x = rct.Igst_per.Left.Value + 0.01; y = 0.02; wd = rct.Igst_per.Width.Value + rct.Igst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_igst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_igst" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_igst.Value = " IGST"; lbl_igst.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_igst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = rct.Igst_per.Left.Value + 0.03; y = y + 0.1; wd = rct.Igst_per.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_igst_per = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_igst_per" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_igst_per.Value = " %"; lbl_igst_per.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_igst_per.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = rct.Igst_amt.Left.Value + 0.02; y = y + 0.03; wd = rct.Igst_amt.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_igst_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_igst_amt" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_igst_amt.Value = " Amt"; lbl_igst_amt.Style.Font("Calibri", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_igst_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; } x = rct.Sub_total.Left.Value + 0.06; y = 0.09; wd = rct.Sub_total.Width.Value - 0.09; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_Totalv = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_Totalv" + sufx, subrect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_Totalv.Value = "Sub Total"; lbl_Totalv.Style.Font("Calibri", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_Totalv.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; }