public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl) { if (WebSecurity.IsAccountLockedOut(model.DisplayName, 3, 300)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account has been locked due to excessive log in failures. Please try again in 5 minutes."); return View(model); } //else if (WebSecurity.GetPasswordFailuresSinceLastSuccess(model.DisplayName) == 2) //{ // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Warning! One more unsuccessful login attempt and your account will be locked."); // return View(model); //} else if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.DisplayName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe)) { return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); return View(model); }
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (WebSecurity.IsAccountLockedOut(model.DisplayName, 3, 300)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Your account has been locked due to excessive log in failures. Please try again in 5 minutes."); return View(model); } if (Membership.ValidateUser(model.DisplayName, model.Password)) { if (Roles.GetRolesForUser(model.DisplayName).Contains("Administrator")) { ViewBag.toast = "<script> $(function () {" + "toastr.options = { 'positionClass': 'toast-bottom-right' };" + "toastr.error('You have to be a member to login to the member's site.');});</script>"; return View(model); } MigrateShoppingCart(model.DisplayName); MigrateWishList(model.DisplayName); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.DisplayName, model.RememberMe); if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\")) { return Redirect(returnUrl); } else { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect."); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return View(model); }