public UserDefinedWriter(string path, Stream IO, AudioPCMConfig pcm, string encoder, string encoderParams, string encoderMode, int padding) { Path = path; _encoder = encoder; _encoderParams = encoderParams; _encoderMode = encoderMode; useTempFile = _encoderParams.Contains("%I"); tempFile = path + ".tmp.wav"; _encoderProcess = new Process(); _encoderProcess.StartInfo.FileName = _encoder; _encoderProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = _encoderParams.Replace("%O", "\"" + path + "\"").Replace("%M", encoderMode).Replace("%P", padding.ToString()).Replace("%I", "\"" + tempFile + "\""); _encoderProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; if (!useTempFile) { _encoderProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; } _encoderProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; if (!_encoderParams.Contains("%O")) { _encoderProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; } if (useTempFile) { wrt = new WAVWriter(tempFile, null, pcm); return; } bool started = false; Exception ex = null; try { started = _encoderProcess.Start(); if (started) { _encoderProcess.PriorityClass = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass; } } catch (Exception _ex) { ex = _ex; } if (!started) { throw new Exception(_encoder + ": " + (ex == null ? "please check the path" : ex.Message)); } if (_encoderProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput) { Stream outputStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); outputBuffer = new CyclicBuffer(2 * 1024 * 1024, _encoderProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream, outputStream); } Stream inputStream = new CyclicBufferOutputStream(_encoderProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream, 128 * 1024); wrt = new WAVWriter(path, inputStream, pcm); }
public void Close() { if (closed) { return; } closed = true; wrt.Close(); if (useTempFile && (_finalSampleCount < 0 || wrt.Position == _finalSampleCount)) { bool started = false; Exception ex = null; try { started = _encoderProcess.Start(); if (started) { _encoderProcess.PriorityClass = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass; } } catch (Exception _ex) { ex = _ex; } if (!started) { throw new Exception(m_settings.Path + ": " + (ex == null ? "please check the path" : ex.Message)); } } wrt = null; if (!_encoderProcess.HasExited) { _encoderProcess.WaitForExit(); } if (useTempFile) { File.Delete(tempFile); } if (outputBuffer != null) { outputBuffer.Close(); } if (_encoderProcess.ExitCode != 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} returned error code {1}", m_settings.Path, _encoderProcess.ExitCode)); } }
public UserDefinedWriter(string path, Stream IO, AudioPCMConfig pcm, string encoder, string encoderParams, string encoderMode, int padding) { _path = path; _encoder = encoder; _encoderParams = encoderParams; _encoderMode = encoderMode; useTempFile = _encoderParams.Contains("%I"); tempFile = path + ".tmp.wav"; _encoderProcess = new Process(); _encoderProcess.StartInfo.FileName = _encoder; _encoderProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = _encoderParams.Replace("%O", "\"" + path + "\"").Replace("%M", encoderMode).Replace("%P", padding.ToString()).Replace("%I", "\"" + tempFile + "\""); _encoderProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; if (!useTempFile) _encoderProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; _encoderProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; if (!_encoderParams.Contains("%O")) _encoderProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; if (useTempFile) { wrt = new WAVWriter(tempFile, null, pcm); return; } bool started = false; Exception ex = null; try { started = _encoderProcess.Start(); if (started) _encoderProcess.PriorityClass = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass; } catch (Exception _ex) { ex = _ex; } if (!started) throw new Exception(_encoder + ": " + (ex == null ? "please check the path" : ex.Message)); if (_encoderProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput) { Stream outputStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read); outputBuffer = new CyclicBuffer(2 * 1024 * 1024, _encoderProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream, outputStream); } Stream inputStream = new CyclicBufferOutputStream(_encoderProcess.StandardInput.BaseStream, 128 * 1024); wrt = new WAVWriter(path, inputStream, pcm); }
private byte[] Wav2FlacBuffConverter(byte[] Buffer) { Stream OutWavStream = new MemoryStream(); Stream OutFlacStream = new MemoryStream(); AudioPCMConfig pcmconf = new AudioPCMConfig(16, 1, 16000); WAVWriter wr = new WAVWriter(null, OutWavStream, pcmconf); wr.Write(new AudioBuffer(pcmconf, Buffer, Buffer.Length / 2)); OutWavStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); WAVReader audioSource = new WAVReader(null, OutWavStream); if (audioSource.PCM.SampleRate != 16000) return null; AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, 0x10000); FlakeWriter flakeWriter = new FlakeWriter(null, OutFlacStream, audioSource.PCM); flakeWriter.CompressionLevel = 8; while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { flakeWriter.Write(buff); } OutFlacStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] barr = new byte[OutFlacStream.Length]; OutFlacStream.Read(barr, 0, (int)OutFlacStream.Length); return barr; }
public void Close() { if (closed) return; closed = true; wrt.Close(); if (useTempFile && (_finalSampleCount < 0 || wrt.Position == _finalSampleCount)) { bool started = false; Exception ex = null; try { started = _encoderProcess.Start(); if (started) _encoderProcess.PriorityClass = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass; } catch (Exception _ex) { ex = _ex; } if (!started) throw new Exception(_encoder + ": " + (ex == null ? "please check the path" : ex.Message)); } wrt = null; if (!_encoderProcess.HasExited) _encoderProcess.WaitForExit(); if (useTempFile) File.Delete(tempFile); if (outputBuffer != null) outputBuffer.Close(); if (_encoderProcess.ExitCode != 0) throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} returned error code {1}", _encoder, _encoderProcess.ExitCode)); }
public void ConstructorTest() { AudioBuffer buff = WAVReader.ReadAllSamples("test.wav", null); WAVWriter target; target = new WAVWriter("wavwriter0.wav", null, buff.PCM); //target.FinalSampleCount = buff.Length; target.Write(buff); target.Close(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllBytes("test.wav"), File.ReadAllBytes("wavwriter0.wav"), "wavwriter0.wav doesn't match."); target = new WAVWriter("wavwriter1.wav", null, buff.PCM); target.FinalSampleCount = buff.Length; target.Write(buff); target.Close(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllBytes("test.wav"), File.ReadAllBytes("wavwriter1.wav"), "wavwriter1.wav doesn't match."); }
private void SaveChunksToWaveFile(IList<AudioChunk> batchOfChunks) { if (batchOfChunks == null || !batchOfChunks.Any()) { return; } string token = batchOfChunks[0].Token; byte[] combinedChunks = Combine(batchOfChunks); _logger.Debug("Combine batch of chunks - Token: {0} Total length: {1}", token, combinedChunks.Length); var batchInd = IncreaseBatchChunkIndex(token); var flakeBuffer = WaveSamplesToFlake(combinedChunks); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save to .wav file var audioBuffer = new AudioBuffer(new AudioPCMConfig(16, 1, 22050), combinedChunks, combinedChunks.Length / 2); string wavFilePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(String.Format("~/Media/Records/{0}-{1}.wav", token, batchInd)); var wavWriter = new WAVWriter(wavFilePath, new WAVWriterSettings(new AudioPCMConfig(16, 1, 22050))); wavWriter.Write(audioBuffer); wavWriter.Close(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save to .flac file string flacFilePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(String.Format("~/Media/Records/{0}-{1}.flac", token, batchInd)); using (var fs = new FileStream(flacFilePath, FileMode.Create)) { using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { bw.Write(flakeBuffer); bw.Flush(); } fs.Close(); } }
private ActionBlock<WaveSampleBuffer> GetSaveToWaveFileBlock() { return new ActionBlock<WaveSampleBuffer>(waveSamples => { var audioBuffer = new AudioBuffer( new AudioPCMConfig(16, 1, 22050), waveSamples.Buffer, waveSamples.Buffer.Length / 2); var wavFilePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(String.Format("~/Media/Records/{0}-{1}.wav", waveSamples.Token, waveSamples.Id)); var wavWriter = new WAVWriter(wavFilePath, new WAVWriterSettings(new AudioPCMConfig(16, 1, 22050))); wavWriter.Write(audioBuffer); wavWriter.Close(); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetOut(Console.Error); Console.WriteLine("LossyWAV {0}, Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Nick Currie, Copyleft.", LossyWAVWriter.version_string); Console.WriteLine("C# port Copyright (C) 2008 Grigory Chudov."); Console.WriteLine("This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to"); Console.WriteLine("the extent permitted by law. <> for details."); if (args.Length < 1 || (args[0].StartsWith("-") && args[0] != "-")) { Usage(); return; } string sourceFile = args[0]; string stdinName = null; double quality = 5.0; bool createCorrection = false; bool toStdout = false; int outputBPS = 0; for (int arg = 1; arg < args.Length; arg++) { bool ok = true; if (args[arg] == "-I" || args[arg] == "--insane") quality = 10; else if (args[arg] == "-E" || args[arg] == "--extreme") quality = 7.5; else if (args[arg] == "-S" || args[arg] == "--standard") quality = 5.0; else if (args[arg] == "-P" || args[arg] == "--portable") quality = 2.5; else if (args[arg] == "-C" || args[arg] == "--correction") createCorrection = true; else if (args[arg] == "--16") outputBPS = 16; else if ((args[arg] == "-N" || args[arg] == "--stdinname") && ++arg < args.Length) stdinName = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-q" || args[arg] == "--quality") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = double.TryParse(args[arg], out quality); else if (args[arg] == "--stdout") toStdout = true; else ok = false; if (!ok) { Usage(); return; } } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan lastPrint = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); #if !DEBUG try #endif { WAVReader audioSource = new WAVReader(sourceFile, (sourceFile == "-" ? Console.OpenStandardInput() : null)); if (sourceFile == "-" && stdinName != null) sourceFile = stdinName; AudioPCMConfig pcm = outputBPS == 0 ? audioSource.PCM : new AudioPCMConfig(outputBPS, audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount, audioSource.PCM.SampleRate); WAVWriter audioDest = new WAVWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFile, ".lossy.wav"), toStdout ? Console.OpenStandardOutput() : null, pcm); WAVWriter lwcdfDest = createCorrection ? new WAVWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFile, ".lwcdf.wav"), null, audioSource.PCM) : null; LossyWAVWriter lossyWAV = new LossyWAVWriter(audioDest, lwcdfDest, quality, audioSource.PCM); AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, 0x10000); Console.WriteLine("Filename : {0}", sourceFile); Console.WriteLine("File Info : {0}kHz; {1} channel; {2} bit; {3}", audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount, audioSource.PCM.BitsPerSample, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(audioSource.Length * 1.0 / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate)); lossyWAV.FinalSampleCount = audioSource.Length; while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { lossyWAV.Write(buff); TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if ((elapsed - lastPrint).TotalMilliseconds > 60) { Console.Error.Write("\rProgress : {0:00}%; {1:0.0000} bits; {2:0.00}x; {3}/{4}", 100.0 * audioSource.Position / audioSource.Length, 1.0 * lossyWAV.OverallBitsRemoved / audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount / lossyWAV.BlocksProcessed, lossyWAV.SamplesProcessed / elapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, elapsed, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / lossyWAV.SamplesProcessed * audioSource.Length) ); lastPrint = elapsed; } } TimeSpan totalElapsed = DateTime.Now - start; Console.Error.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Results : {0:0.0000} bits; {1:0.00}x; {2}", (1.0 * lossyWAV.OverallBitsRemoved) / audioSource.PCM.ChannelCount / lossyWAV.BlocksProcessed, lossyWAV.SamplesProcessed / totalElapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, totalElapsed ); audioSource.Close(); lossyWAV.Close(); } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); //Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.StackTrace); } #endif }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.SetOut(Console.Error); Console.WriteLine("CUERipper v2.1.4 Copyright (C) 2008-10 Grigory Chudov"); Console.WriteLine("This is free software under the GNU GPLv3+ license; There is NO WARRANTY, to"); Console.WriteLine("the extent permitted by law. <> for details."); int correctionQuality = 1; string driveLetter = null; int driveOffset = 0; bool test = false; bool forceD8 = false, forceBE = false, quiet = false; for (int arg = 0; arg < args.Length; arg++) { bool ok = true; if (args[arg] == "-P" || args[arg] == "--paranoid") correctionQuality = 2; else if (args[arg] == "-S" || args[arg] == "--secure") correctionQuality = 1; else if (args[arg] == "-B" || args[arg] == "--burst") correctionQuality = 0; else if (args[arg] == "-T" || args[arg] == "--test") test = true; else if (args[arg] == "--d8") forceD8 = true; else if (args[arg] == "--be") forceBE = true; else if (args[arg] == "-Q" || args[arg] == "--quiet") quiet = true; else if ((args[arg] == "-D" || args[arg] == "--drive") && ++arg < args.Length) driveLetter = args[arg]; else if ((args[arg] == "-O" || args[arg] == "--offset") && ++arg < args.Length) ok = int.TryParse(args[arg], out driveOffset); else ok = false; if (!ok) { Usage(); return; } } char[] drives; if (driveLetter == null || driveLetter.Length < 1) { drives = CDDrivesList.DrivesAvailable(); if (drives.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("No CD drives found."); return; } } else { drives = new char[1]; drives[0] = driveLetter[0]; } #if !DEBUG try #endif { CDDriveReader audioSource = new CDDriveReader(); audioSource.Open(drives[0]); if (audioSource.TOC.AudioTracks < 1) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: CD does not contain any audio tracks.", audioSource.Path); audioSource.Close(); return; } if (driveOffset == 0) if (!AccurateRipVerify.FindDriveReadOffset(audioSource.ARName, out driveOffset)) Console.WriteLine("Unknown read offset for drive {0}!!!", audioSource.Path); //throw new Exception("Failed to find drive read offset for drive" + audioSource.ARName); audioSource.DriveOffset = driveOffset; audioSource.CorrectionQuality = correctionQuality; audioSource.DebugMessages = !quiet; if (forceD8) audioSource.ForceD8 = true; if (forceBE) audioSource.ForceBE = true; string readCmd = audioSource.AutoDetectReadCommand; if (test) { Console.Write(readCmd); return; } AccurateRipVerify arVerify = new AccurateRipVerify(audioSource.TOC, WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy()); AudioBuffer buff = new AudioBuffer(audioSource, 0x10000); string CDDBId = AccurateRipVerify.CalculateCDDBId(audioSource.TOC); string ArId = AccurateRipVerify.CalculateAccurateRipId(audioSource.TOC); var ctdb = new CUEToolsDB(audioSource.TOC, null); ctdb.Init(arVerify); ctdb.ContactDB(null, "CUETools.ConsoleRipper 2.1.4", audioSource.ARName, true, false, CTDBMetadataSearch.Fast); arVerify.ContactAccurateRip(ArId); CTDBResponseMeta meta = null; foreach (var imeta in ctdb.Metadata) { meta = imeta; break; } //string destFile = (release == null) ? "cdimage.flac" : release.GetArtist() + " - " + release.GetTitle() + ".flac"; string destFile = (meta == null) ? "cdimage.wav" : meta.artist + " - " + meta.album + ".wav"; Console.WriteLine("Drive : {0}", audioSource.Path); Console.WriteLine("Read offset : {0}", audioSource.DriveOffset); Console.WriteLine("Read cmd : {0}", audioSource.CurrentReadCommand); Console.WriteLine("Secure mode : {0}", audioSource.CorrectionQuality); Console.WriteLine("Filename : {0}", destFile); Console.WriteLine("Disk length : {0}", CDImageLayout.TimeToString(audioSource.TOC.AudioLength)); Console.WriteLine("AccurateRip : {0}", arVerify.ARStatus == null ? "ok" : arVerify.ARStatus); Console.WriteLine("MusicBrainz : {0}", meta == null ? "not found" : meta.artist + " - " + meta.album); ProgressMeter meter = new ProgressMeter(); audioSource.ReadProgress += new EventHandler<ReadProgressArgs>(meter.ReadProgress); audioSource.DetectGaps(); StringWriter cueWriter = new StringWriter(); cueWriter.WriteLine("REM DISCID {0}", CDDBId); cueWriter.WriteLine("REM ACCURATERIPID {0}", ArId); cueWriter.WriteLine("REM COMMENT \"{0}\"", audioSource.RipperVersion); if (meta != null && meta.year != "") cueWriter.WriteLine("REM DATE {0}", meta.year); if (audioSource.TOC.Barcode != null) cueWriter.WriteLine("CATALOG {0}", audioSource.TOC.Barcode); if (meta != null) { cueWriter.WriteLine("PERFORMER \"{0}\"", meta.artist); cueWriter.WriteLine("TITLE \"{0}\"", meta.album); } cueWriter.WriteLine("FILE \"{0}\" WAVE", destFile); for (int track = 1; track <= audioSource.TOC.TrackCount; track++) if (audioSource.TOC[track].IsAudio) { cueWriter.WriteLine(" TRACK {0:00} AUDIO", audioSource.TOC[track].Number); if (meta != null && meta.track.Length >= audioSource.TOC[track].Number) { cueWriter.WriteLine(" TITLE \"{0}\"", meta.track[(int)audioSource.TOC[track].Number - 1].name); cueWriter.WriteLine(" PERFORMER \"{0}\"", meta.track[(int)audioSource.TOC[track].Number - 1].artist); } if (audioSource.TOC[track].ISRC != null) cueWriter.WriteLine(" ISRC {0}", audioSource.TOC[track].ISRC); if (audioSource.TOC[track].DCP || audioSource.TOC[track].PreEmphasis) cueWriter.WriteLine(" FLAGS{0}{1}", audioSource.TOC[track].PreEmphasis ? " PRE" : "", audioSource.TOC[track].DCP ? " DCP" : ""); for (int index = audioSource.TOC[track].Pregap > 0 ? 0 : 1; index <= audioSource.TOC[track].LastIndex; index++) cueWriter.WriteLine(" INDEX {0:00} {1}", index, audioSource.TOC[track][index].MSF); } cueWriter.Close(); StreamWriter cueFile = new StreamWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(destFile, ".cue")); cueFile.Write(cueWriter.ToString()); cueFile.Close(); //IAudioDest audioDest = new FLACWriter(destFile, audioSource.BitsPerSample, audioSource.ChannelCount, audioSource.SampleRate); IAudioDest audioDest = new WAVWriter(destFile, null, audioSource.PCM); audioDest.FinalSampleCount = audioSource.Length; while (audioSource.Read(buff, -1) != 0) { arVerify.Write(buff); audioDest.Write(buff); } TimeSpan totalElapsed = DateTime.Now - meter.realStart; Console.Write("\r \r"); Console.WriteLine("Results : {0:0.00}x; {1:d5} errors; {2:d2}:{3:d2}:{4:d2}", audioSource.Length / totalElapsed.TotalSeconds / audioSource.PCM.SampleRate, audioSource.ErrorsCount, totalElapsed.Hours, totalElapsed.Minutes, totalElapsed.Seconds ); audioDest.Close(); StringWriter logWriter = new StringWriter(); logWriter.WriteLine("{0}", audioSource.RipperVersion); logWriter.WriteLine("Extraction logfile from {0}", DateTime.Now); logWriter.WriteLine("Used drive : {0}", audioSource.Path); logWriter.WriteLine("Read offset correction : {0}", audioSource.DriveOffset); bool wereErrors = false; for (int iTrack = 1; iTrack <= audioSource.TOC.AudioTracks; iTrack++) for (uint iSector = audioSource.TOC[iTrack].Start; iSector <= audioSource.TOC[iTrack].End; iSector ++) if (audioSource.Errors[(int)iSector]) { if (!wereErrors) { logWriter.WriteLine(); logWriter.WriteLine("Errors detected"); logWriter.WriteLine(); } wereErrors = true; logWriter.WriteLine("Track {0} contains errors", iTrack); break; } logWriter.WriteLine(); logWriter.WriteLine("TOC of the extracted CD"); logWriter.WriteLine(); logWriter.WriteLine(" Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector"); logWriter.WriteLine(" ---------------------------------------------------------"); for (int track = 1; track <= audioSource.TOC.TrackCount; track++) logWriter.WriteLine("{0,9} | {1,8} | {2,8} | {3,9} | {4,9}", audioSource.TOC[track].Number, audioSource.TOC[track].StartMSF, audioSource.TOC[track].LengthMSF, audioSource.TOC[track].Start, audioSource.TOC[track].End); logWriter.WriteLine(); logWriter.WriteLine("AccurateRip summary"); logWriter.WriteLine(); arVerify.GenerateFullLog(logWriter, true, ArId); logWriter.WriteLine(); logWriter.WriteLine("End of status report"); logWriter.Close(); StreamWriter logFile = new StreamWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(destFile, ".log")); logFile.Write(logWriter.ToString()); logFile.Close(); audioSource.Close(); //FLACReader tagger = new FLACReader(destFile, null); //tagger.Tags.Add("CUESHEET", cueWriter.ToString()); //tagger.Tags.Add("LOG", logWriter.ToString()); //tagger.UpdateTags(false); } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.StackTrace); } #endif }