public void Setup() { m_temp = new TempDir(); Directory.CreateDirectory(m_temp.GetPath("CVS")); File.WriteAllText(m_temp.GetPath(@"CVS\Repository"), "module"); m_sandbox = m_temp.Path; m_branchMatcher = new InclusionMatcher(); }
public void GitDir_NotEmpty_NoImportSpecified() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { File.WriteAllText(temp.GetPath("file.txt"), "blah"); var switches = new Switches(); switches.Parse("--sandbox", Path.GetTempPath(), "--gitdir", temp.Path, "--noimport"); } }
public void Init_CreatesGitFiles() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var git = new GitRepo(m_log, temp.Path); git.Init(Enumerable.Empty<GitConfigOption>()); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(temp.GetPath("refs"))); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(temp.GetPath("HEAD"))); } }
public void Init_CreatesDirectoryIfItDoesNotExist() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var gitdir = temp.GetPath(@"dir1\dir2"); var git = new GitRepo(m_log, gitdir); git.Init(Enumerable.Empty<GitConfigOption>()); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(gitdir)); Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(temp.GetPath(@"dir1\dir2\refs"))); } }
public void CvsLogFileName_Specified_DoesNotExist() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var logFilename = temp.GetPath("blah.log"); var switches = new Switches() { CvsLog = logFilename, }; var config = new Config(switches); Assert.AreEqual(logFilename, config.CvsLogFileName); Assert.IsTrue(config.CreateCvsLog); } }
public void CvsLogFileName_Specified_Exists() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var logFilename = temp.GetPath("blah.log"); File.WriteAllText(logFilename, "blah"); var switches = new Switches() { CvsLog = logFilename, }; var config = new Config(switches); Assert.AreEqual(logFilename, config.CvsLogFileName); Assert.IsFalse(config.CreateCvsLog); } }
public void Init_Option_Set() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var git = new GitRepo(m_log, temp.Path); git.Init(new[] { new GitConfigOption("", "blah", add: false) }); var configFile = temp.GetPath("config"); var configContents = File.ReadAllLines(configFile); var sectionLineNumber = FindSectionHeader(configContents, "foo"); Assert.IsTrue(sectionLineNumber >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(configContents[sectionLineNumber + 1].Trim(), @"bar\s*=\s*blah")); } }
public void ConfFile_VerifyNotCalledUntilAllSwitchesProcessed() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var confFileName = temp.GetPath("test.conf"); File.WriteAllText(confFileName, "noimport\r\n"); var sandbox = temp.GetPath("sandbox"); Directory.CreateDirectory(sandbox); // specify sandbox directory after the conf file has been processed var switches = new Switches(); switches.Parse("-C", confFileName, "--sandbox", sandbox); Assert.IsTrue(switches.NoImport); Assert.AreEqual(sandbox, switches.Sandbox); } }
public void NonAsciiFile() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { // write the log file in the default encoding, which is what the CVS log will typically be in var cvsLog = temp.GetPath("cvs.log"); File.WriteAllText(cvsLog, CvsLogParserResources.NonAscii, Encoding.Default); var parser = new CvsLogParser(m_sandbox, cvsLog, m_branchMatcher); parser.Parse().ToList(); var file = parser.Files.Single(); Assert.AreEqual(file.Name, "demo©.xje"); } }
public void MarkerTag_LeftBlank() { using (var temp = new TempDir()) { var confFileName = temp.GetPath("test.conf"); File.WriteAllText(confFileName, "import-marker-tag \"\"\r\n"); var sandbox = temp.GetPath("sandbox"); Directory.CreateDirectory(sandbox); var switches = new Switches(); switches.Parse("-C", confFileName, "--sandbox", sandbox); Assert.AreEqual(switches.MarkerTag, ""); } }
public void Setup() { m_temp = new TempDir(); }