//add a new booking passing roombooking means extra unneeded data is being shunted around. //public void AddNewBookingToDB(int RoomIdfk, DateTime BookingFrom, DateTime BookingTo, Decimal Roomcost) { public void AddNewBookingToDB(RoomBooking myRB) { using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1()) { // CREATE a new booking var newbooking = new Booking(); newbooking.RoomIDFK = myRB.RoomIdfk; newbooking.BookingFrom = myRB.BookingFrom.Date; newbooking.BookingTo = myRB.BookingTo.Date; //add in the cost of the room extracted from the dictionary newbooking.RoomCost = myRB.roomCost; // RoomCost = (decimal) newbooking.RoomCost; //update db context.Bookings.Add(newbooking); context.SaveChanges(); var BookedConfirmationMessage = Environment.NewLine + "You have booked Room " + myRB.RoomIdfk + Environment.NewLine + "From " + myRB.BookingFrom + " To " + Environment.NewLine + myRB.BookingTo + Environment.NewLine + " For " + (string.Format("{0:C}", myRB.roomCost)); //show a confirmation message MessageBox.Show(BookedConfirmationMessage); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new booking if there isn't a conflict /// this runs from the BookRoomClick method above if there is no date conflict /// </summary> public void AddNewBooking() { //make a new instance and pass that to the class var myRB = new RoomBooking { RoomIdfk = RoomIdfk, BookingFrom = BookingFrom, BookingTo = BookingTo, roomCost = RoomBookedPrice() }; if (myRB.RoomIdfk != 0 && myRB.roomCost != 0) { //the DB call myModelCalls.AddNewBookingToDB(myRB); } else { MessageBox.Show(myRB.RoomIdfk + " RoomIDFK is null " + myRB.roomCost + " Roomcost is null"); } }