コード例 #1
        public bool DoesBoxOverlap(BoundingBox box)
            /// We are using separating axis theorem
            /// We have to test 4 planes from tetrahedron, 3 planes from BB (trivial) and 6 * 3 planes from cross product of edges
            /// First early out on box planes - trivial world space bounding box

            if (!BoundingBox.Intersects(m_BoundingBox, box))

            Vector3[] corners = box.GetCorners();

            Vector4 baryCentricBoundsMin = new Vector4(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            Vector4 baryCentricBoundsMax = new Vector4(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

            /// Second check tetrahedron planes, easy due to barycentric matrices
            foreach (var vert in corners)
                float b0, b1, b2, b3;
                CalculateBarycentricCoordinates(vert, out b0, out b1, out b2, out b3);

                baryCentricBoundsMin = Vector4.Minimize(baryCentricBoundsMin, new Vector4(b0, b1, b2, b3));
                baryCentricBoundsMax = Vector4.Maximize(baryCentricBoundsMax, new Vector4(b0, b1, b2, b3));

            if (baryCentricBoundsMin.X > 1.0f || baryCentricBoundsMin.Y > 1.0f || baryCentricBoundsMin.Z > 1.0f || baryCentricBoundsMin.W > 1.0f)

            if (baryCentricBoundsMax.X < 0.0f || baryCentricBoundsMax.Y < 0.0f || baryCentricBoundsMax.Z < 0.0f || baryCentricBoundsMax.W < 0.0f)

            // Finally, more difficult part - planes between the edges of both
            Vector3[] boxVectors     = { new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1) };
            Vector3[] tetEdgeVectors = new Vector3[6];
            // Note: not necessary to normalize, we are interested in axis limits overlap
            // And those vectors cannot be 0 (degenerated tetrahedron)

            tetEdgeVectors[0] = m_Vertices[1] - m_Vertices[0];
            tetEdgeVectors[1] = m_Vertices[2] - m_Vertices[0];
            tetEdgeVectors[2] = m_Vertices[3] - m_Vertices[0];

            tetEdgeVectors[3] = m_Vertices[2] - m_Vertices[1];
            tetEdgeVectors[4] = m_Vertices[3] - m_Vertices[2];
            tetEdgeVectors[5] = m_Vertices[1] - m_Vertices[3];

            foreach (var tetEdge in tetEdgeVectors)
                foreach (var boxEdge in boxVectors)
                    // Normal of plane constructed by those 2 edges
                    var planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(tetEdge, boxEdge);

                    if (planeNormal.LengthSquared() > 0.0001f)
                        Vector2 tetLimits = GeometricsAlgorithms.GetAxisProjectionLimits(m_Vertices, planeNormal);
                        Vector2 boxLimits = GeometricsAlgorithms.GetAxisProjectionLimits(corners, planeNormal);

                        if (tetLimits.X > boxLimits.Y || tetLimits.Y < boxLimits.X)

コード例 #2
        public static Vector4 FindTwoTetrahedronsSplittingPlane(Tetrahedron first, Tetrahedron second)
            List <Vector3> potentialSplitPlanes = new List <Vector3>();

            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(first.m_TetPlanes[0].X, first.m_TetPlanes[0].Y, first.m_TetPlanes[0].Z));
            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(first.m_TetPlanes[1].X, first.m_TetPlanes[1].Y, first.m_TetPlanes[1].Z));
            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(first.m_TetPlanes[2].X, first.m_TetPlanes[2].Y, first.m_TetPlanes[2].Z));
            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(first.m_TetPlanes[3].X, first.m_TetPlanes[3].Y, first.m_TetPlanes[3].Z));

            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(second.m_TetPlanes[0].X, second.m_TetPlanes[0].Y, second.m_TetPlanes[0].Z));
            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(second.m_TetPlanes[1].X, second.m_TetPlanes[1].Y, second.m_TetPlanes[1].Z));
            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(second.m_TetPlanes[2].X, second.m_TetPlanes[2].Y, second.m_TetPlanes[2].Z));
            potentialSplitPlanes.Add(new Vector3(second.m_TetPlanes[3].X, second.m_TetPlanes[3].Y, second.m_TetPlanes[3].Z));

            Vector3[] tetEdgeVectorsFirst  = new Vector3[6];
            Vector3[] tetEdgeVectorsSecond = new Vector3[6];

            tetEdgeVectorsFirst[0] = first.m_Vertices[1] - first.m_Vertices[0];
            tetEdgeVectorsFirst[1] = first.m_Vertices[2] - first.m_Vertices[0];
            tetEdgeVectorsFirst[2] = first.m_Vertices[3] - first.m_Vertices[0];

            tetEdgeVectorsFirst[3] = first.m_Vertices[2] - first.m_Vertices[1];
            tetEdgeVectorsFirst[4] = first.m_Vertices[3] - first.m_Vertices[2];
            tetEdgeVectorsFirst[5] = first.m_Vertices[1] - first.m_Vertices[3];

            tetEdgeVectorsSecond[0] = second.m_Vertices[1] - second.m_Vertices[0];
            tetEdgeVectorsSecond[1] = second.m_Vertices[2] - second.m_Vertices[0];
            tetEdgeVectorsSecond[2] = second.m_Vertices[3] - second.m_Vertices[0];

            tetEdgeVectorsSecond[3] = second.m_Vertices[2] - second.m_Vertices[1];
            tetEdgeVectorsSecond[4] = second.m_Vertices[3] - second.m_Vertices[2];
            tetEdgeVectorsSecond[5] = second.m_Vertices[1] - second.m_Vertices[3];

            foreach (var tetEdgeFirst in tetEdgeVectorsFirst)
                foreach (var tetEdgeSecond in tetEdgeVectorsSecond)
                    // Normal of plane constructed by those 2 edges
                    var planeNormal = Vector3.Cross(tetEdgeFirst, tetEdgeSecond);

                    if (planeNormal.LengthSquared() > 0.001f)

            const float epsilon = 0.001f;// fixed 1mm

            foreach (var splittingPlaneNormal in potentialSplitPlanes)
                Vector2 tetOneLimits = GeometricsAlgorithms.GetAxisProjectionLimits(first.m_Vertices, splittingPlaneNormal);
                Vector2 tetTwoLimits = GeometricsAlgorithms.GetAxisProjectionLimits(second.m_Vertices, splittingPlaneNormal);

                if ((tetOneLimits.X + epsilon) > tetTwoLimits.Y)
                    return(new Vector4(splittingPlaneNormal, -(tetOneLimits.X + tetTwoLimits.Y) / 2.0f));
                if (tetOneLimits.Y < (tetTwoLimits.X + epsilon))
                    return(new Vector4(splittingPlaneNormal, -(tetOneLimits.Y + tetTwoLimits.X) / 2.0f));

            throw new Exception("no splitting plane found");