コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for builiding Transaction with Json Request,call the actual transaction execution method and call for Deseralize Json
        /// and Return the object.
        /// Returns the PayTraceBasicResponse Type
        /// </summary>
        public PayTraceBasicResponse VoidTransactionTrans(string token, VoidTransactionRequest voidTranasactionRequest)
            // Header details are available at Authentication header page.
            string methodUrl = ApiEndPointConfiguration.UrlVoidTransaction;

            //converting request into JSON string
            var requestJSON = JsonSerializer.GetSeralizedString(voidTranasactionRequest);

            //Optional - Display Json Request
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write ("<br>" + "Json Request: " + requestJSON + "<br>");

            //call for actual request and response
            var payTraceResponse = new PayTraceResponse();
            var tempResponse     = payTraceResponse.ProcessTransaction(methodUrl, token, requestJSON);

            //Create and assign the deseralized object to appropriate response type
            var payTraceBasicResponse = new PayTraceBasicResponse();

            payTraceBasicResponse = JsonSerializer.DeserializeResponse <PayTraceBasicResponse>(tempResponse);

            //Assign the http error if any
            JsonSerializer.AssignError(tempResponse, payTraceBasicResponse);

            //Return the Desearlized object
コード例 #2
        public KeyedSaleResponse KeyedAuthorizationTrans(string token, KeyedSaleRequest keyedSaleRequest)
            /// <summary>
            /// Method for builiding Transaction with Json Request,call the actual transaction execution method and call for Deseralize Json
            /// and Return the object.
            /// Returns the KeyedSaleResponse Type
            /// </summary>

            // Header details are available at Authentication header page.
            string methodUrl = ApiEndPointConfiguration.UrlKeyedAuthorization;

            //converting request into JSON string
            var requestJSON = JsonSerializer.GetSeralizedString(keyedSaleRequest);

            //Optional - Display Json Request
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write ("<br>" + "Json Request: " + requestJSON + "<br>");

            //call for actual request and response
            var payTraceResponse = new PayTraceResponse();
            var tempResponse     = payTraceResponse.ProcessTransaction(methodUrl, token, requestJSON);

            //Create and assign the deseralized object to appropriate response type
            var keyedSaleResponse = new KeyedSaleResponse();

            keyedSaleResponse = JsonSerializer.DeserializeResponse <KeyedSaleResponse>(tempResponse);

            //Assign the http error if any
            JsonSerializer.AssignError(tempResponse, (PayTraceBasicResponse)keyedSaleResponse);

            //Return the Desearlized object