コード例 #1
        public Reflection()
            Type T1 = Type.GetType("CSharp.Customer6"); // same as below
            Type T2 = typeof(Customer6);                // same as above and below

            Customer6 c1 = new Customer6();
            Type      T  = c1.GetType(); // same as above

            Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, Full Name={1}, Namespace={2}", T.Name, T.FullName, T.Namespace);

            // get all properties of "CSharp.Customer6" class
            PropertyInfo[] properties = T.GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                Console.WriteLine("PropertyInfo Name={0} Type={1}", property.Name, property.PropertyType.Name);

            // Methods in Customer6 class
            MethodInfo[] methods = T.GetMethods();
            foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
                Console.WriteLine("MethodsInfo ReturnType={0} Name={1}", method.ReturnType.Name, method.Name);
                ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); // is also available

            /* there will be more methods listed in list because
             *  - every Type inherits directly on indirectly from System.Object
             *      System.Object has defined the 4 methods listed (GetType, GetHashCode, Equals, ToString)

            ConstructorInfo[] constructors = T.GetConstructors();
            foreach (ConstructorInfo constructor in constructors)
                Console.WriteLine("ConstructorInfo ToString()={0} Name={1}", constructor.ToString(), constructor.Name);

コード例 #2
        // late binding sample: very slow compared with early binding
        // used only when objects are not available on compile time
        public void ReflectionSamples()
            // early binding is when compiler detects an error before program even get in the executable state.
            Customer6 c1       = new Customer6();
            string    fullName = c1.GetFullName("fVali", "lVali");

            Console.WriteLine("fullName={0}", fullName);

            //late Binding
            // load asssembly
            Assembly   executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Type       customerType      = executingAssembly.GetType("CSharp.Customer6");
            MethodInfo GetFullNameMethod = customerType.GetMethod("GetFullName");

            string[] parameters = new string[2]; // to be passes to discovered method
            parameters[0] = "ValiF";
            parameters[1] = "ValiF";

            object customerInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(customerType);
            string fullName2        = (string)GetFullNameMethod.Invoke(customerInstance, parameters);

            Console.WriteLine("fullName2={0}", fullName2);