コード例 #1
 // Function to Add a new Profile into the Profile List
 public void AddProfileToListAndSetItAsTheCurrentProfile(CProfile cProfile)
     // Add the Profile into the List and use it as the new Current Profile
     mcCurrentProfile = mcProfileList[mcProfileList.IndexOf(cProfile)];
コード例 #2
        // Load Profiles in from the file, overwriting any current ones
        public void LoadProfilesFromFile()
            // Clear the List

                // Open an Input File Stream
                FileStream   cInStream = new FileStream(msFILE_NAME, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                BinaryReader cBinaryIn = new BinaryReader(cInStream);

                // Read in the name of the Current Profile first
                string sCurrentProfileName = cBinaryIn.ReadString();

                // While we haven't reached the end of the file
                while (cBinaryIn.PeekChar() > 0)
                    // Create a new temp Profile
                    CProfile sProfile = new CProfile();

                    // Read in the Profiles data
                    sProfile.sName       = cBinaryIn.ReadString();
                    sProfile.iLowerPitch = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iUpperPitch = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iScoreSpong = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iScoreShootingGallerySong1 = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iScoreShootingGallerySong2 = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iScoreShootingGallerySong3 = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iScorePitchMatcher         = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();
                    sProfile.iScoreTargetPractice       = cBinaryIn.ReadInt32();

                    // Store this Profile in the List

                // Close the file

                // Save the handle to the Current Profile
                mcCurrentProfile = mcProfileList[mcProfileList.IndexOf(new CProfile(sCurrentProfileName))];

                // Use the Current Profiles Settings
            // If the end of the stream is reached before reading in a full Profile
            catch (EndOfStreamException)
                MessageBox.Show("End of file reached before full Profile was read in. Using default profile", "Error Loading Profiles");

                // Load the Default Profile
            // If the file was not found
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not find Profiles.dat to load profiles from. Using default profile", "Error locating file Profiles.dat");

                // Load the Default Profile
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error Loading Profiles; Using Default Profile");

                // Load the Default Profile
コード例 #3
        // Do game processing and update the display
        public override void Update(float fTimeSinceLastUpdateInSeconds, Graphics cBackBuffer)
            Brush cBrush;           // Used to draw text
            Brush cGameNameBrush;   // Used to draw the Name of the Games text

            // Save a handle to the Current Profile for readability
            CProfile cProfile = CProfiles.Instance().mcCurrentProfile;

            // Clear the scene

            // Display the High Scores title and the Players High Scores title
            cBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.RoyalBlue);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("High Scores", mcFontTitle, cBrush, 250, 50);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("      Your\nHigh Scores", mcFontTitle, cBrush, 550, 10);

            // Change the Brush Color
            cBrush         = new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue);
            cGameNameBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGreen);

            // Display the Spong Scores
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Spong", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 10, 110);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(msSpongHighScoreName, mcFontText, cBrush, 250, 110);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(miSpongHighScore.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 325, 140);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(cProfile.iScoreSpong.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 625, 140);

            // Display the Shooting Gallery Song 1 Scores
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Shooting Gallery", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 10, 180);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Song 1", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 50, 230);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(msShootingGallerySong1HighScoreName, mcFontText, cBrush, 250, 230);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(miShootingGallerySong1HighScore.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 325, 260);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(cProfile.iScoreShootingGallerySong1.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 625, 260);

            // Display the Shooting Gallery Song 2 Scores
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Song 2", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 50, 290);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(msShootingGallerySong2HighScoreName, mcFontText, cBrush, 250, 290);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(miShootingGallerySong2HighScore.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 325, 320);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(cProfile.iScoreShootingGallerySong2.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 625, 320);

            // Display the Shooting Gallery Song 3 Scores
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Song 3", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 50, 350);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(msShootingGallerySong3HighScoreName, mcFontText, cBrush, 250, 350);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(miShootingGallerySong3HighScore.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 325, 380);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(cProfile.iScoreShootingGallerySong3.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 625, 380);

            // Display the Pitch Matcher Scores
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Pitch Matcher", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 10, 420);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(msPitchMatcherHighScoreName, mcFontText, cBrush, 250, 420);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(miPitchMatcherHighScore.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 325, 450);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(cProfile.iScorePitchMatcher.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 625, 450);

            // Display the Target Practice Scores
            cBackBuffer.DrawString("Target Practice", mcFontText, cGameNameBrush, 10, 490);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(msTargetPracticeHighScoreName, mcFontText, cBrush, 250, 490);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(miTargetPracticeHighScore.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 325, 520);
            cBackBuffer.DrawString(cProfile.iScoreTargetPractice.ToString(), mcFontText, cBrush, 625, 520);

            // Release the Brush resources