public fMain() { InitializeComponent(); // it is the first thing we need to do // CSKernelClient.cUtil.setSepDecimal(); cEditor editor = new cEditor(this, pnEditor, pnRule, pnReport, tbpEditor); }
public static bool showDbFields(ref string field, ref int fieldType, ref int index, cEditor editor) { fColumns fc = null; try { fc = new fColumns(); fc.clearColumns(); cReport report = editor.getReport(); cReportConnect connect = report.getConnect(); fc.fillColumns(connect.getDataSource(), connect.getColumns(), false); for (int _i = 0; _i < report.getConnectsAux().count(); _i++) { connect = report.getConnectsAux().item(_i); fc.fillColumns(connect.getDataSource(), connect.getColumns(), true); } fc.setField(field); fc.ShowDialog(); if (fc.getOk()) { field = fc.getField(); fieldType = fc.getFieldType(); index = fc.getIndex(); return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { cError.mngError(ex, "showDbFields", C_MODULE, ""); return false; } finally { if (fc != null) { fc.Close(); } } }
public static void setDocActive(cEditor editor) { m_editor = editor; setMenu(); if (editor != null) { TabPage editorTab = editor.getEditorTab(); (editorTab.Parent as TabControl).SelectedTab = editorTab; if (m_fToolbox != null && !m_fToolbox.IsDisposed && m_fToolbox.Visible) { if (getToolbox(editor) != null) { editor.showToolbox(); } } if (m_fControls != null && !m_fControls.IsDisposed && m_fControls.Visible) { if (getCtrlBox(editor) != null) { editor.showControls(); } } if (m_fTreeViewCtrls != null && !m_fTreeViewCtrls.IsDisposed && m_fTreeViewCtrls.Visible) { if (getCtrlTreeBox(editor) != null) { editor.showControlsTree(); } } } else { if (m_fToolbox != null && !m_fToolbox.IsDisposed && m_fToolbox.Visible) { m_fToolbox.clear(); } if (m_fControls != null && !m_fControls.IsDisposed && m_fControls.Visible) { m_fControls.clear(); } if (m_fTreeViewCtrls != null && !m_fTreeViewCtrls.IsDisposed && m_fTreeViewCtrls.Visible) { m_fTreeViewCtrls.clear(); } } fmain.showControls(editor); fmain.showControlsTree(editor); fmain.showFields(editor); }
public static fToolbox getToolbox(cEditor editor) { if (m_fToolbox == null || m_fToolbox.IsDisposed) { m_fToolbox = new fToolbox(); } m_fToolbox.setHandler(editor); return m_fToolbox; }
internal void setReportCopySource(cEditor cEditor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static void moveGroup(cReportGroup group, cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static void setDocActive(cEditor f) { m_editor = f; setMenu(); }
public void init() { cEditor editor = new cEditor(this, pnEditor, pnRule, pnReport, tbpEditor); editor.init(); editor.newReport(null); }
public void showProperties(cEditor editor, string key) { lv_properties.Items.Clear(); if (editor != null) { setObjectDescription(getControlOrSection(editor, key)); } }
public static void setDocActive (cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public static void showGroupProperties(object o, cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public static fToolbox getToolBox(cEditor cEditor) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public static void clearToolbox(cEditor editor) { if (m_editor == editor) { if (m_fToolbox != null && !m_fToolbox.IsDisposed && m_fToolbox.Visible) { m_fToolbox.clear(); } } }
public static fTreeViewCtrls getCtrlTreeBox(cEditor editor) { if (m_fTreeViewCtrls == null || m_fTreeViewCtrls.IsDisposed) { m_fTreeViewCtrls = new fTreeViewCtrls(); } m_fTreeViewCtrls.setHandler(editor); return m_fTreeViewCtrls; }
public static fControls getCtrlBox(cEditor editor) { if (m_fControls == null || m_fControls.IsDisposed) { m_fControls = new fControls(); } m_fControls.setHandler(editor); return m_fControls; }
public void showControls(cEditor editor) { lv_controls.Items.Clear(); if (editor != null) { cGlobals.addCtrls(editor.getReport(), lv_controls, C_CTRL_IMAGE, C_DB_IMAGE); } }
public void showControlsTree(cEditor editor) { m_wasDoubleClick = false; tv_controls.Nodes.Clear(); if (editor != null) { cGlobals.addCtrls(editor.getReport(), tv_controls, C_IMG_FOLDER, C_IMG_FORMULA, C_IMG_CONTROL, C_IMG_DATBASE_FIELD); } }
internal static fControls getCtrlBox(cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private object getControlOrSection(cEditor editor, string key) { if (key.Length > 1) { if (key.Substring(0, 1) == "S") { return editor.getSectionOrSectionLineFromKey(key.Substring(1)); } else { return editor.getReport().getControls().item(key); } } else { return null; } }
internal static void setDocInacActive(cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void showFields(cEditor editor) { lv_fields.Items.Clear(); if (editor != null) { var connect = editor.getReport().getConnect(); cGlobals.fillColumns( connect.getDataSource(), connect.getColumns(), lv_fields, C_INDEX, C_FIELDTYPE, false); } }
internal static fTreeViewCtrls getCtrlTreeBox(cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static void setDocInacActive(cEditor f) { if (m_editor != f) { return; } m_editor = null; setMenu(); setEditAlignTextState(false); }
public static bool showDbFields (string sField, int nFieldType, int nIndex, cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
internal static void clearCtrlBox(cEditor editor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
internal void setReportCopySource(cEditor editor) { m_sourceEditor = editor; }
public void showPopMenuSection(cEditor editor, bool noDelete, bool showGroups, Point p) { cmSectionDeleteSection.Enabled = !noDelete; cmSectionGroupProperties.Visible = showGroups; cmSectionMoveGroup.Visible = showGroups; cmSectionGroupSeparator.Visible = showGroups; m_contextMenuEditor = editor; cmnSection.Show(p); }
public void showPopMenuControl(cEditor editor, bool clickInCtrl, bool pasteEnabled, Point p) { cmCtrlCopy.Enabled = clickInCtrl; cmCtrlDelete.Enabled = clickInCtrl; cmCtrlEditText.Enabled = clickInCtrl; cmCtrlSendBack.Enabled = clickInCtrl; cmCtrlBringFront.Enabled = clickInCtrl; cmCtrlProperties.Enabled = clickInCtrl; cmCtrlPaste.Enabled = pasteEnabled; cmCtrlPasteEx.Enabled = pasteEnabled; m_contextMenuEditor = editor; cmnControl.Show(p); }
public void setHandler(cEditor editor) { m_editor = editor; }
public static fSearch getSearch(cEditor editor) { if (m_fSearch == null || m_fSearch.IsDisposed) { m_fSearch = new fSearch(); } m_fSearch.setHandler(editor); return m_fSearch; }