public Boolean FinalizeStockOB(stockObNewHeader Acchr) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update StockOBHeader set Status = 1, DocumentStatus = 99" + " where DocumentNo=" + Acchr.DocumentNo + " and DocumentDate='" + Acchr.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean updateStockHeaderAndDetail(stockObNewHeader sobh, List <stockObNewDetail> StockDetail) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update StockOBHeader set FYID='" + sobh.FYID + "', StoreLocation = '" + sobh.StoreLocation + "'" + ", Value = " + sobh.Value + ", Remarks = '" + sobh.Remarks + "'" + " where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "' and DocumentNo=" + sobh.DocumentNo + " and DocumentDate='" + sobh.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "Delete from StockOBDetail where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and DocumentNo=" + sobh.DocumentNo + " and DocumentDate='" + sobh.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; foreach (stockObNewDetail sobd in StockDetail) { updateSQL = "insert into StockOBDetail " + "(DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StockItemID,ModelNo,Quantity,Price) " + "values ('" + sobd.DocumentID + "'," + sobd.DocumentNo + "," + "'" + sobd.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + sobd.StockItemID + "'," + "'" + sobd.ModelNo + "'," + sobd.Quantity + "," + sobd.Price + ")"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; MessageBox.Show("Transaction Exception Occured"); } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; } return(status); }
public static List <stockObNewHeader> getStockOblistForTransfer(string FYID) { stockObNewHeader sbh; List <stockObNewHeader> SbList = new List <stockObNewHeader>(); try { string query = "select DocumentID,DocumentName,FYID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StoreLocation,StoreLocationName,Value,Remarks,StockItemID,StockItemName " + ", ModelNo, ModelName,Quantity, Price,Status,DocumentStatus, Createuser,CreatorName, CreateTime,TransferStatus " + "from ViewStockOB where (FYID='" + FYID + "' and Status = 1)"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sbh = new stockObNewHeader(); sbh.DocumentID = reader.GetString(0); sbh.DocumentName = reader.GetString(1); sbh.FYID = reader.GetString(2); sbh.DocumentNo = reader.GetInt32(3); sbh.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime(4); sbh.StoreLocation = reader.GetString(5); sbh.StoreLocationName = reader.GetString(6); sbh.Value = reader.GetDouble(7); sbh.Remarks = reader.GetString(8); sbh.StockItemID = reader.GetString(9); sbh.StockItemName = reader.GetString(10); sbh.ModelNo = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? "NA" : reader.GetString(11); sbh.ModelName = reader.IsDBNull(12)?"NA":reader.GetString(12); sbh.Quantity = reader.GetDouble(13); sbh.Price = reader.GetDouble(14); sbh.Status = reader.GetInt32(15); sbh.DocumentStatus = reader.GetInt32(16); sbh.CreateUser = reader.GetString(17); sbh.CreatorName = reader.GetString(18); sbh.CreateTime = reader.GetDateTime(19); sbh.Transferstatus = reader.GetInt32(20); SbList.Add(sbh); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying StockOB List Details"); } return(SbList); }
public static List <stockObNewDetail> getstockObNewDetail(stockObNewHeader Acchr) { stockObNewDetail sobDetail; List <stockObNewDetail> SobDetail = new List <stockObNewDetail>(); try { string query = ""; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); query = "select RowID,DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StockItemID,StockItemName, ModelNo, ModelName, Quantity , Price " + "from ViewStockOB " + " where DocumentID='" + Acchr.DocumentID + "'" + " and DocumentNo=" + Acchr.DocumentNo + " and DocumentDate='" + Acchr.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sobDetail = new stockObNewDetail(); sobDetail.RowID = reader.GetInt32(0); sobDetail.DocumentID = reader.GetString(1); sobDetail.DocumentNo = reader.GetInt32(2); sobDetail.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime(3).Date; sobDetail.StockItemID = reader.GetString(4); sobDetail.StockItemName = reader.GetString(5); sobDetail.ModelNo = reader.IsDBNull(6)? "NA" : reader.GetString(6); sobDetail.ModelName = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "NA" : reader.GetString(7); sobDetail.Quantity = reader.GetDouble(8); sobDetail.Price = reader.GetDouble(9); SobDetail.Add(sobDetail); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying Stock Details"); } return(SobDetail); }
//public Boolean insertstockObNewHeader(stockObNewHeader sobh) //{ // Boolean status = true; // string utString = ""; // try // { // string updateSQL = "insert into StockOBHeader " + // " (DocumentID,FYID,DocumentDate,DocumentNo,StoreLocation, Value, Status, DocumentStatus,Remarks," + // "CreateUser,CreateTime)" + // "values (" + // "'" + sobh.DocumentID + "'," + // sobh.FYID + "," + // "'" + sobh.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + // + sobh.DocumentNo + "," + // "'" + sobh.StoreLocation + "'," + // sobh.Value + "," + // sobh.Status + "," + // sobh.DocumentStatus + "," + // "'" + sobh.Remarks + "'," + // "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "'," + // "GETDATE())"; // //"'" + pheader.ForwardUser + "'," + // //"'" + pheader.ApproveUser + "'," + // utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; // utString = utString + // ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + // Main.QueryDelimiter; // if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) // { // status = false; // } // } // catch (Exception) // { // status = false; // } // return status; //} //public Boolean UpdateStockOBDetail(List<stockObNewDetail> SobDetail, stockObNewHeader sobh) //{ // Boolean status = true; // string utString = ""; // try // { // string updateSQL = "Delete from StockOBDetail where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + // " and DocumentNo=" + sobh.DocumentNo + // " and DocumentDate='" + sobh.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; // utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; // utString = utString + // ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + // Main.QueryDelimiter; // foreach (stockObNewDetail sobd in SobDetail) // { // updateSQL = "insert into StockOBDetail " + // "(DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StockItemID,ModelNo,Quantity,Price) " + // "values ('" + sobd.DocumentID + "'," + // sobd.DocumentNo + "," + // "'" + sobd.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + // "'" + sobd.StockItemID + "'," + // "'" + sobd.ModelNo + "'," + // sobd.Quantity + "," + // sobd.Price + ")"; // utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; // utString = utString + // ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + // Main.QueryDelimiter; // } // if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) // { // status = false; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // status = false; // } // return status; //} //public Boolean deleteProductTestTempDetail(stockObNewDetail sdbd) //{ // Boolean status = true; // string utString = ""; // try // { // string updateSQL = "delete StockOBDetail " + // " where DocumentID='" + sdbd.DocumentID + "'" + // " and DocumentNo=" + sdbd.DocumentNo + // " and DocumentDate='" + sdbd.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; // utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; // utString = utString + // ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + // Main.QueryDelimiter; // if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) // { // status = false; // } // } // catch (Exception) // { // status = false; // } // return status; //} public Boolean validateStockOB(stockObNewHeader sodh) { Boolean status = true; try { if (sodh.DocumentID.Trim().Length == 0 || sodh.DocumentID == null) { return(false); } //if (sodh.DocumentNo == 0) //{ // return false; //} if (sodh.DocumentDate == null) { return(false); } if (sodh.FYID.Trim().Length == 0 || sodh.FYID == null) { return(false); } if (sodh.StoreLocation.Trim().Length == 0 || sodh.StoreLocation == null) { return(false); } if (sodh.Remarks.Trim().Length == 0 || sodh.Remarks == null) { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(status); }
public Boolean InsertStockHeaderAndDetail(stockObNewHeader sobh, List <stockObNewDetail> StockDetail) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; string updateSQL = ""; try { sobh.DocumentNo = DocumentNumberDB.getNumber(sobh.DocumentID, 1); if (sobh.DocumentNo <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Error in Creating New Number"); return(false); } updateSQL = "update DocumentNumber set TempNo =" + sobh.DocumentNo + " where FYID='" + Main.currentFY + "' and DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "DocumentNumber", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "insert into StockOBHeader " + " (DocumentID,FYID,DocumentDate,DocumentNo,StoreLocation, Value, Status, DocumentStatus,Remarks," + "CreateUser,CreateTime)" + "values (" + "'" + sobh.DocumentID + "','" + sobh.FYID + "'," + "'" + sobh.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + +sobh.DocumentNo + "," + "'" + sobh.StoreLocation + "'," + sobh.Value + "," + sobh.Status + "," + sobh.DocumentStatus + "," + "'" + sobh.Remarks + "'," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "'," + "GETDATE())"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "Delete from StockOBDetail where DocumentID='" + sobh.DocumentID + "'" + " and DocumentNo=" + sobh.DocumentNo + " and DocumentDate='" + sobh.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; foreach (stockObNewDetail sobd in StockDetail) { updateSQL = "insert into StockOBDetail " + "(DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,StockItemID,ModelNo,Quantity,Price) " + "values ('" + sobd.DocumentID + "'," + sobh.DocumentNo + "," + "'" + sobd.DocumentDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + sobd.StockItemID + "'," + "'" + sobd.ModelNo + "'," + sobd.Quantity + "," + sobd.Price + ")"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "StockOBDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; MessageBox.Show("Transaction Exception Occured"); } return(status); }
public static List <stockObNewHeader> getStockOblist(int opt) { stockObNewHeader sbh; List <stockObNewHeader> SbList = new List <stockObNewHeader>(); try { string query1 = "select distinct DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,FYID,StoreLocation,Value, " + "Status, Createuser,CreatorName, CreateTime,Remarks, TransferStatus,DocumentStatus,DocumentName,StoreLocationName " + "from ViewStockOB where (Createuser='******' and Status = 0 and TransferStatus = 0)"; string query2 = "select distinct DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,FYID,StoreLocation,Value, " + "Status, Createuser,CreatorName, CreateTime,Remarks, TransferStatus,DocumentStatus,DocumentName,StoreLocationName " + "from ViewStockOB where Status = 1 and DocumentStatus = 99"; string query3 = "select distinct DocumentID,DocumentNo,DocumentDate,FYID,StoreLocation,Value, " + "Status, Createuser,CreatorName, CreateTime,Remarks, TransferStatus,DocumentStatus,DocumentName,StoreLocationName " + "from ViewStockOB where Status = 1 and DocumentStatus = 99 and TransferStatus = 0"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = ""; switch (opt) { case 1: query = query1; break; case 2: query = query2; break; case 3: query = query3; // For showing Details in StockTransfer Form break; case 6: query = query2; break; default: query = ""; break; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { sbh = new stockObNewHeader(); sbh.DocumentID = reader.GetString(0); sbh.DocumentNo = reader.GetInt32(1); sbh.DocumentDate = reader.GetDateTime(2); sbh.FYID = reader.GetString(3); sbh.StoreLocation = reader.GetString(4); sbh.Value = reader.GetDouble(5); sbh.Status = reader.GetInt32(6); sbh.CreateUser = reader.GetString(7); sbh.CreatorName = reader.GetString(8); sbh.CreateTime = reader.GetDateTime(9); sbh.Remarks = reader.IsDBNull(10)?"":reader.GetString(10); sbh.Transferstatus = reader.GetInt32(11); sbh.DocumentStatus = reader.GetInt32(12); sbh.DocumentName = reader.GetString(13); sbh.StoreLocationName = reader.GetString(14); SbList.Add(sbh); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying Serviced List Details"); } return(SbList); }