public string CreateGTNDetailString(stock stk, gtnheader gtnh) { string updateSQL = ""; try { updateSQL = "insert into GTNDetail " + "(DocumentID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate,StockItemID,ModelNo,Quantity,MRNNo,MRNDate," + "BatchNo,ExpiryDate,PurchaseQuantity,PurchasePrice,PurchaseTax) values (" + "'" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'," + gtnh.TemporaryNo + "," + "'" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + stk.StockItemID + "'," + "'" + stk.ModelNo + "'," + stk.PresentStock + "," + stk.MRNNo + "," + "'" + stk.MRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + stk.BatchNo + "'," + "'" + stk.ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + stk.PurchaseQuantity + "," + stk.PurchasePrice + "," + stk.PurchaseTax + ")"; } catch (Exception ex) { updateSQL = ""; } return(updateSQL); }
public Boolean AcceptGTN(gtnheader gtnh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update GTNHeader set DocumentStatus=99, status=1 " + ", AcceptedUser='******'" + ", ApproveUser='******'" + ", AcceptanceDate=convert(date, getdate())" + ", AcceptanceStatus= 1" + ", commentStatus='" + gtnh.CommentStatus + "'" + ", GTNNo=" + gtnh.GTNNo + ", GTNDate=convert(date, getdate())" + ", ReceiveStatus = 99" + " where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "GTNHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean reverseGTN(gtnheader gtnh) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update GTNHeader set DocumentStatus=" + gtnh.DocumentStatus + ", forwardUser='******'" + ", commentStatus='" + gtnh.CommentStatus + "'" + ", ForwarderList='" + gtnh.ForwarderList + "'" + ", ReceiveStatus=" + gtnh.ReceiveStatus + " where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "GTNHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception) { status = false; } return(status); }
public Boolean validateGTNHeader(gtnheader gtnh) { Boolean status = true; if (gtnh.FromLocation == gtnh.ToLocation) { MessageBox.Show("From Location and To Location Should not be same"); return(false); } if (gtnh.FromLocation == null) { return(false); } if (gtnh.ToLocation == null) { return(false); } ////////if (gtnh.MaterialValue == 0) ////////{ //////// return false; ////////} if (gtnh.Remarks.Trim().Length == 0) { return(false); } return(status); }
//---- public Boolean updateGTNInStockDetail(gtnheader gtnh, List <gtndetail> GTNDetails) { Boolean status = true; // string utString = ""; try { foreach (gtndetail gtnd in GTNDetails) { double quant = gtnd.Quantity; int RefNo = gtnd.refNo; updateRefNoWiseGTNDetailInStock(quant, RefNo, gtnd, gtnh); } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; } return(status); }
public string createGTNStockInsertString(double gtnqty, stock stk, gtnheader gtnh, string store) { string updateSQL = ""; try { updateSQL = "insert into Stock " + "(FYID,StockItemID,ModelNo,InwardDocumentID,InwardDocumentNo,InwardDocumentDate,InwardQuantity,PresentStock,MRNNo,MRNDate," + "BatchNo,ExpiryDate,PurchaseQuantity,PurchasePrice,PurchaseTax,SupplierID,StoreLocation," + "CreateTime,CreateUser)" + " values (" + "'" + Main.currentFY + "'," + "'" + stk.StockItemID + "'," + "'" + stk.ModelNo + "'," + "'" + "GTN" + "'," + gtnh.GTNNo + "," + "'" + gtnh.GTNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + gtnqty + "," + gtnqty + "," + stk.MRNNo + "," + "'" + stk.MRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + stk.BatchNo + "'," + "'" + stk.ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + stk.PurchaseQuantity + "," + stk.PurchasePrice + "," + stk.PurchaseTax + "," + "'" + stk.SupplierID + "'," + "'" + store + "'," + "GETDATE()" + "," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "')"; } catch (Exception ex) { updateSQL = ""; } return(updateSQL); }
public Boolean InsertGTNHeaderAndDetail(gtnheader gtnh, List <gtndetail> GTNDetails) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; string updateSQL = ""; try { gtnh.TemporaryNo = DocumentNumberDB.getNumber(gtnh.DocumentID, 1); if (gtnh.TemporaryNo <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Error in Creating New Number"); return(false); } updateSQL = "update DocumentNumber set TempNo =" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " where FYID='" + Main.currentFY + "' and DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "DocumentNumber", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "insert into GTNHeader " + "(DocumentID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate,GTNNo,GTNDate,FromLocation,ToLocation,MaterialValue," + "Remarks,Comments,CommentStatus,AcceptanceDate,AcceptedUser,AcceptanceStatus," + "ForwarderList,Status,DocumentStatus,CreateTime,CreateUser)" + " values (" + "'" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'," + gtnh.TemporaryNo + "," + "'" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + gtnh.GTNNo + "," + "'" + gtnh.GTNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnh.FromLocation + "'," + "'" + gtnh.ToLocation + "'," + gtnh.MaterialValue + "," + "'" + gtnh.Remarks + "'," + "'" + gtnh.Comments + "'," + "'" + gtnh.CommentStatus + "'," + "'" + gtnh.AcceptDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnh.AcceptUser + "'," + +gtnh.AcceptStatus + "," + "'" + gtnh.ForwarderList + "'," + gtnh.Status + "," + gtnh.DocumentStatus + "," + "GETDATE()" + "," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "')"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "GTNHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "Delete from GTNDetail where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "GTNDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; foreach (gtndetail gtnd in GTNDetails) { updateSQL = "insert into GTNDetail " + "(DocumentID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate,StockItemID,ModelNo,Quantity,MRNNo,MRNDate,BatchNo,ExpiryDate,SerialNo,PurchaseQuantity, " + "PurchasePrice,PurchaseTax,SupplierID,StockReferenceNo) " + "values ('" + gtnd.DocumentID + "'," + gtnh.TemporaryNo + "," + "'" + gtnd.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.StockitemID + "'," + "'" + gtnd.ModelNo + "'," + gtnd.Quantity + "," + gtnd.MRNNo + "," + "'" + gtnd.MRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.BatchNo + "'," + "'" + gtnd.ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.SerialNo + "'," + gtnd.PurchaseQuantity + "," + gtnd.PurchasePrice + "," + gtnd.PurchaseTax + "," + "'" + gtnd.SupplierID + "'," + +gtnd.refNo + ")"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "GTNDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; MessageBox.Show("Transaction Exception Occured"); } return(status); }
public Boolean updateGTNHeaderAndDetail(gtnheader gtnh, gtnheader prevgtnh, List <gtndetail> GTNDetails) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update GTNHeader set FromLocation='" + gtnh.FromLocation + "',ToLocation='" + gtnh.ToLocation + "',MaterialValue=" + gtnh.MaterialValue + "," + " Remarks='" + gtnh.Remarks + "', CommentStatus='" + gtnh.CommentStatus + "', Comments='" + gtnh.Comments + "', ForwarderList='" + gtnh.ForwarderList + "' where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "GTNHeader", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "Delete from GTNDetail where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "GTNDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; foreach (gtndetail gtnd in GTNDetails) { updateSQL = "insert into GTNDetail " + "(DocumentID,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate,StockItemID,ModelNo,Quantity,MRNNo,MRNDate,BatchNo,ExpiryDate,SerialNo,PurchaseQuantity, " + "PurchasePrice,PurchaseTax,SupplierID,StockReferenceNo) " + "values ('" + gtnd.DocumentID + "'," + gtnd.TemporaryNo + "," + "'" + gtnd.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.StockitemID + "'," + "'" + gtnd.ModelNo + "'," + gtnd.Quantity + "," + gtnd.MRNNo + "," + "'" + gtnd.MRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.BatchNo + "'," + "'" + gtnd.ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.SerialNo + "'," + gtnd.PurchaseQuantity + "," + gtnd.PurchasePrice + "," + gtnd.PurchaseTax + "," + "'" + gtnd.SupplierID + "'," + +gtnd.refNo + ")"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "GTNDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; MessageBox.Show("Transaction Exception Occured"); } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; } return(status); }
//--- //--- public Boolean updateGTNInStock(gtnheader gtnh, List <gtndetail> gtndList) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; string updateSQL = ""; DateTime dt = UpdateTable.getSQLDateTime(); try { foreach (gtndetail gtnd in gtndList) { List <stock> ItemStock = GetItemStock(gtnd.StockitemID, gtnh.FromLocation); double tqty = 0; //check quantity availability foreach (stock stk in ItemStock) { //quantity check tqty = tqty + stk.PresentStock; } if (tqty < gtnd.Quantity) { //not enough quantity for issue status = false; break; } //update stock in list double gtnqty = 0; double balqty = gtnd.Quantity; foreach (stock stk in ItemStock) { if (balqty <= stk.PresentStock) { gtnqty = balqty; stk.PresentStock = stk.PresentStock - balqty; balqty = 0; } else { //stock not sufficient gtnqty = stk.PresentStock; balqty = balqty - stk.PresentStock; stk.PresentStock = 0; } //Delete GTNdetail updateSQL = "Delete from GTNDetail where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" + " and StockItemID='" + stk.StockItemID + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "GTNDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; //create GTNDetail insert string updateSQL = CreateGTNDetailString(stk, gtnh); if (updateSQL.Trim().Length > 0) { utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "GTNDetail", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } else { status = false; break; } //create stock update string updateSQL = "Update stock set PresentStock=" + stk.PresentStock + " where RowID=" + stk.RowID; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; //create stock insert string updateSQL = createGTNStockInsertString(gtnqty, stk, gtnh, gtnh.ToLocation); if (updateSQL.Trim().Length > 0) { utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("insert", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } else { status = false; break; } } if (!status) { break; } } if (status) { //update tables if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { status = false; } return(status); }
public void updateRefNoWiseGTNDetailInStock(double Quant, int refNo, gtndetail gtnd, gtnheader gtnh) { //Boolean status = true; string updateSQL = ""; string utString = ""; try { updateSQL = "update Stock set " + " PresentStock=" + "( (select PresentStock from Stock where RowID = " + refNo + ")-" + Quant + ")" + " where RowID=" + refNo; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "update Stock set " + " IssueQuantity=" + "( (select isnull(IssueQuantity,0) from Stock where RowID = " + refNo + ")+" + Quant + ")" + " where RowID=" + refNo; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "insert into Stock " + "(FYID,StockItemID,ModelNo,InwardDocumentID,InwardDocumentNo,InwardDocumentDate,InwardQuantity,PresentStock,MRNNo,MRNDate," + "BatchNo,ExpiryDate,SerialNo,PurchaseQuantity,PurchasePrice,PurchaseTax,SupplierID,StoreLocation," + "CreateTime,CreateUser)" + " values (" + "'" + Main.currentFY + "'," + "'" + gtnd.StockitemID + "'," + "'" + gtnd.ModelNo + "'," + "'" + "GTN" + "'," + gtnh.GTNNo + "," + "'" + gtnh.GTNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + gtnd.Quantity + "," + gtnd.Quantity + "," + gtnd.MRNNo + "," + "'" + gtnd.MRNDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.BatchNo + "'," + "'" + gtnd.ExpiryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + "'" + gtnd.SerialNo + "'," + gtnd.PurchaseQuantity + "," + gtnd.PurchasePrice + "," + gtnd.PurchaseTax + "," + "'" + gtnd.SupplierID + "'," + "'" + gtnh.ToLocation + "'," + "GETDATE()" + "," + "'" + Login.userLoggedIn + "')"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { //status = false; MessageBox.Show("failed to Update In Reference Number Wise GTNDetail in stock"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("failed to Update In Reference Number Wise SIDetail in stock"); return; } //return status; }
//--- public static List <gtndetail> getGTNDetail(gtnheader gtnh) { gtndetail gtnd; List <gtndetail> GTNDetail = new List <gtndetail>(); try { string query = ""; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); query = "select RowID,DocumentID,TemporaryNo, TemporaryDate,StockItemID,StockItemName,ModelNo, ModelName,Quantity, " + "MRNNo,MRNDate,BatchNo,SerialNo,ExpiryDate,PurchaseQuantity,PurchasePrice,PurchaseTax,SupplierID,SupplierName,StockReferenceNo " + "from ViewGTNDetail " + "where DocumentID='" + gtnh.DocumentID + "'" + " and TemporaryNo=" + gtnh.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate='" + gtnh.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" + " order by StockItemID"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { gtnd = new gtndetail(); gtnd.RowID = reader.GetInt32(0); gtnd.DocumentID = reader.GetString(1); gtnd.TemporaryNo = reader.GetInt32(2); gtnd.TemporaryDate = reader.GetDateTime(3).Date; gtnd.StockitemID = reader.GetString(4); gtnd.StockItemName = reader.GetString(5); gtnd.ModelNo = reader.IsDBNull(6)?"NA":reader.GetString(6); gtnd.ModelName = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "NA":reader.GetString(7); gtnd.Quantity = reader.GetDouble(8); gtnd.MRNNo = reader.IsDBNull(9)? 0:reader.GetInt32(9); if (reader.IsDBNull(10)) { gtnd.MRNDate = DateTime.Parse("01-01-1900"); } else { gtnd.MRNDate = reader.GetDateTime(10).Date; } gtnd.BatchNo = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? "NA" : reader.GetString(11); gtnd.SerialNo = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? "NA" : reader.GetString(12); if (reader.IsDBNull(13)) { gtnd.ExpiryDate = DateTime.Parse("01-01-1900"); } else { gtnd.ExpiryDate = reader.GetDateTime(13); } gtnd.PurchaseQuantity = reader.GetDouble(14); gtnd.PurchasePrice = reader.GetDouble(15); gtnd.PurchaseTax = reader.GetDouble(16); gtnd.SupplierID = reader.IsDBNull(17)? "NA" : reader.GetString(17); gtnd.SupplierName = reader.IsDBNull(18)?"NA" : reader.GetString(17); if (reader.IsDBNull(13)) { gtnd.refNo = 0; } else { gtnd.refNo = reader.GetInt32(19); } GTNDetail.Add(gtnd); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying GTN Details"); } return(GTNDetail); }
public List <gtnheader> getFilteredGTNHeader(string userList, int opt, string userCommentStatusString) { //approved user comment status string string acStr = ""; try { acStr = userCommentStatusString.Substring(0, userCommentStatusString.Length - 2) + "1" + Main.delimiter2; } catch (Exception ex) { acStr = ""; } //----- gtnheader gheader; List <gtnheader> gheaderlist = new List <gtnheader>(); try { string query1 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " GTNNo,GTNDate,FromLocation,FromLocationName,ToLocation,ToLocationName,Remarks,Comments,Commentstatus,AcceptanceDate,AcceptedUser,AcceptanceStatus," + "CreateUser,CreateTime,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,ForwarderList,Status,DocumentStatus,ReceiveStatus, MaterialValue " + " from ViewGTNHeader" + " where ((forwardUser='******' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98) " + " or (createuser='******' and DocumentStatus=1)" + " or (commentStatus like '%" + userCommentStatusString + "%' and DocumentStatus between 1 and 98)) and Status not in (7,98) order by TemporaryDate desc,DocumentID asc,TemporaryNo desc"; string query2 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " GTNNo,GTNDate,FromLocation,FromLocationName,ToLocation,ToLocationName,Remarks,Comments,Commentstatus,AcceptanceDate,AcceptedUser,AcceptanceStatus," + "CreateUser,CreateTime,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,ForwarderList,Status,DocumentStatus,ReceiveStatus, MaterialValue " + " from ViewGTNHeader" + " where ((createuser='******' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98 ) " + " or (ForwarderList like '%" + userList + "%' and DocumentStatus between 2 and 98 and ForwardUser <> '" + Login.userLoggedIn + "')" + " or (commentStatus like '%" + acStr + "%' and DocumentStatus between 1 and 98)) and Status not in (7,98) order by TemporaryDate desc,DocumentID asc,TemporaryNo desc"; string query3 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " GTNNo,GTNDate,FromLocation,FromLocationName,ToLocation,ToLocationName,Remarks,Comments,Commentstatus,AcceptanceDate,AcceptedUser,AcceptanceStatus," + "CreateUser,CreateTime,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,ForwarderList,Status,DocumentStatus,ReceiveStatus, MaterialValue " + " from ViewGTNHeader" + " where ((createuser='******'" + " or ForwarderList like '%" + userList + "%'" + " or commentStatus like '%" + acStr + "%'" + " or approveUser='******')" + " and DocumentStatus = 99) and Status = 1 order by GTNDate desc,DocumentID asc,GTNNo desc"; //string query4 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + // " GTNNo,GTNDate,FromLocation,ToLocation,Remarks,Comments,Commentstatus,AcceptanceDate,AcceptedUser,AcceptanceStatus," + // "CreateUser,CreateTime,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,ForwarderList,Status,DocumentStatus " + // " from ViewGTNHeader" + // " where DocumentID = " + "'INDENT'" + "and IndentNo > 0 and DocumentStatus = 99 "; string query6 = "select RowID, DocumentID, DocumentName,TemporaryNo,TemporaryDate," + " GTNNo,GTNDate,FromLocation,FromLocationName,ToLocation,ToLocationName,Remarks,Comments,Commentstatus,AcceptanceDate,AcceptedUser,AcceptanceStatus," + "CreateUser,CreateTime,ForwardUser,ApproveUser,ForwarderList,Status,DocumentStatus,ReceiveStatus, MaterialValue " + " from ViewGTNHeader" + " where DocumentStatus = 99 and Status = 1 order by GTNDate desc,DocumentID asc,GTNNo desc"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Login.connString); string query = ""; switch (opt) { case 1: query = query1; break; case 2: query = query2; break; case 3: query = query3; break; //case 4: // query = query4; // break; case 6: query = query6; break; default: query = ""; break; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { gheader = new gtnheader(); gheader.RowID = reader.GetInt32(0); gheader.DocumentID = reader.GetString(1); gheader.DocumentName = reader.GetString(2); gheader.TemporaryNo = reader.GetInt32(3); gheader.TemporaryDate = reader.GetDateTime(4); gheader.GTNNo = reader.GetInt32(5); gheader.GTNDate = reader.GetDateTime(6); gheader.FromLocation = reader.GetString(7); gheader.FromLocationName = reader.GetString(8); gheader.ToLocation = reader.GetString(9); gheader.ToLocationName = reader.GetString(10); gheader.Remarks = reader.GetString(11); gheader.Comments = reader.GetString(12); gheader.CommentStatus = reader.GetString(13); gheader.AcceptDate = reader.GetDateTime(14); gheader.AcceptUser = reader.IsDBNull(15)?"":reader.GetString(15); gheader.AcceptStatus = reader.GetInt32(16); gheader.CreateUser = reader.GetString(17); gheader.CreateTime = reader.GetDateTime(18); if (!reader.IsDBNull(19)) { gheader.ForwardUser = reader.GetString(19); } else { gheader.ForwardUser = ""; } if (!reader.IsDBNull(20)) { gheader.ApproveUser = reader.GetString(20); } else { gheader.ApproveUser = ""; } //gheader.ApproveUser = reader.GetString(18); gheader.ForwarderList = reader.GetString(21); gheader.Status = reader.GetInt32(22); gheader.DocumentStatus = reader.GetInt32(23); gheader.ReceiveStatus = reader.GetInt32(24); gheader.MaterialValue = reader.GetDecimal(25); gheaderlist.Add(gheader); } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error querying GTN Header Data"); } return(gheaderlist); }
public Boolean updateDocForUnlockingGTN(DocUnlock du, int docStat) { Boolean status = true; string utString = ""; try { string updateSQL = "update " + du.TableName + " set Status = 96, AcceptedUser=NULL,ApproveUser = NULL,AcceptanceDate = '" + DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" + ",AcceptanceStatus= 0, ReceiveStatus = 1,DocumentStatus= " + docStat + " where TemporaryNo = " + du.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate = '" + du.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", du.TableName, "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; //Get All Stock Details Prepared In GTN gtnheader gtnh = new gtnheader(); gtnh.DocumentID = "GTN"; gtnh.TemporaryNo = du.TemporaryNo; gtnh.TemporaryDate = du.TemporaryDate; List <gtndetail> gtnDet = GTNDB.getGTNDetail(gtnh); foreach (gtndetail gtnd in gtnDet) { updateSQL = "update Stock set " + " PresentStock=" + "( (select PresentStock from Stock where RowID = " + gtnd.refNo + ")+" + gtnd.Quantity + ")" + " where RowID=" + gtnd.refNo; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; updateSQL = "update Stock set " + " IssueQuantity=" + "( (select isnull(IssueQuantity,0) from Stock where RowID = " + gtnd.refNo + ")-" + gtnd.Quantity + ")" + " where RowID=" + gtnd.refNo; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("update", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; } updateSQL = "Delete from Stock where InwardDocumentID ='GTN' and " + " InwardDocumentNo = (select GTNNo from GTNHeader where TemporaryNo = " + du.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate = '" + du.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "') and" + " InwardDocumentDate = (select GTNDate from GTNHeader where TemporaryNo = " + du.TemporaryNo + " and TemporaryDate = '" + du.TemporaryDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')"; utString = utString + updateSQL + Main.QueryDelimiter; utString = utString + ActivityLogDB.PrepareActivityLogQquerString("delete", "Stock", "", updateSQL) + Main.QueryDelimiter; if (!UpdateTable.UT(utString)) { status = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this.ToString() + "-" + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "() : Error"); status = false; } return(status); }