private void FillQuestionsForDisplay(int id) { mQuestions = new List <Question>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT QuesID FROM askstu_Question WHERE (CategoryID = @myParam) AND (SubmitFAQ = 1)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { mQuestions.Add(new Question(int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()))); } } catch (Exception f) { Console.WriteLine(f.ToString()); } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public void Delete() { if (mWasFilled) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlParameter lId = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int); lId.Value = mId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" DELETE FROM news_events WHERE (id = @id)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lId); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } } else { throw new Exception("Delete Failed Because Object not created from DB"); } }
private void GetListPhotos() { mPhotos = new List <Image>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = mId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand( @"SELECT PhotoID FROM photos_Images WHERE AlbumID = @myParam", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { mPhotos.Add(new Image(int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()))); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void GetCourses() { mCourses = new List <Course>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = mId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT CourseID FROM crshelp_TutoringCourses WHERE (StuID = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { mCourses.Add(new Course(int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()))); } } catch (Exception f) { Console.WriteLine(f.ToString()); } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public static List <Testimonial> GetTestimonials() { List <Testimonial> temp = new List <Testimonial>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT StuTID FROM askstu_Testimonial ORDER BY GradYear DESC", tempConn.myConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { temp.Add(new Testimonial(int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()))); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(temp); }
private void GetUserIDByLogin() { //Connect to DB ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); //Attempt to read the data from server try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myLogin = new SqlParameter("@myLogin", SqlDbType.VarChar); myLogin.Value = m_loginName; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT aspnetID FROM users WHERE = @myLogin", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myLogin); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { m_id = (Guid)myReader["aspnetID"]; } } catch (Exception f) { Console.WriteLine(f.ToString()); } tempConn.CloseConnection(); }
public static List <Course> GetListCSTCourses() { List <Course> tempList = new List <Course>(); //The list that will be returned. Course tempCourse = new Course(); //Create connection string and attempt to connect ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); //Attempt to read the data from server and if possible tie data from server object's properties try { //Create reader variable SqlDataReader myReader = null; //Create command SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT course_id, short_name, long_name, credit_hours, lecture_hours, lab_hours, official_description, active FROM Courses WHERE short_name like 'CST%' AND active=1 ORDER BY short_name", tempConn.myConnection); //Start reading results myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); //While there are more rows to read continue to do so. //Due to this if there are more than one record with the same ID then the last one //retrieved from the DB will be the one that will reside in the object. //This should not happen if DB is done properly. while (myReader.Read()) { tempCourse = new Course(); tempCourse.mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); tempCourse.mShortName = myReader[1].ToString(); tempCourse.mLongName = myReader[2].ToString(); tempCourse.mCreditHours = int.Parse(myReader[3].ToString()); tempCourse.mLectureHours = int.Parse(myReader[4].ToString()); tempCourse.mLabHours = int.Parse(myReader[5].ToString()); tempCourse.mOfficialDesc = myReader[6].ToString(); tempCourse.mActive = (bool)myReader[7]; tempList.Add(tempCourse); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { //Close the connection tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(tempList); }
private void GetCourseByID(int id) { mId = id; //Set the object.mId to the id we want to read from the DB if available. //Create connection string and attempt to connect ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); //Attempt to read the data from server and if possible tie data from server to the object's corresponding properties. try { //Create reader SqlDataReader myReader = null; //Create any parameters that we need to look for in DB SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = mId; //Create an SQL command SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT short_name, long_name, credit_hours, lecture_hours, lab_hours, official_description, active FROM Courses Where course_id = @myParam", tempConn.myConnection); //Add parameters to SQL command myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); //Begin reading from DB myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); //While there are more rows to read continue to do so. //Due to this if there are more than one record with the same ID then the last one //retrieved from the DB will be the one that will reside in the object. //This should not happen if DB is done properly. if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No Course Recorded with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mShortName = myReader[0].ToString(); mLongName = myReader[1].ToString(); mCreditHours = int.Parse(myReader[2].ToString()); mLectureHours = int.Parse(myReader[3].ToString()); mLabHours = int.Parse(myReader[4].ToString()); mOfficialDesc = myReader[5].ToString(); mActive = (bool)myReader[6]; } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { //Close the connection tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void GetNameOfClassesDB(int labID) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetlabs"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam3 = new SqlParameter("@Param3", SqlDbType.Int); myParam3.Value = labID; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT DayWeekID, TimeDayID, Status FROM TimeBlock Where LabID = @Param3", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam3); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); int r = 0, c = 0; if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No records exist for a lab with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { r = int.Parse(myReader[1].ToString()) - 1; c = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()) - 1; classNames[r, c] = myReader[2].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } for (int r = 0; r < 15; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < 7; c++) { if (classNames[r, c] == "Closed") { backgroundColor[r, c] = "#990000"; } else if (classNames[r, c] == "Open") { backgroundColor[r, c] = "#006600"; } else { backgroundColor[r, c] = "#0000FF"; } } } }
public void GetAwardById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { //Create reader SqlDataReader myReader = null; //Create any parameters that we need to look for in DB SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; //Create an SQL command SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT awards_Awards_Students.StudentAwardID, awards_Awards.Title, awards_Awards.Description, awards_Students.FirstName, awards_Students.LastName, awards_Awards_Students.Year, awards_Awards_Students.Description AS SpecDescription FROM awards_Awards_Students INNER JOIN awards_Students ON awards_Awards_Students.StudentID = awards_Students.StudentID INNER JOIN awards_Awards ON awards_Awards_Students.AwardID = awards_Awards.AwardID WHERE (awards_Awards_Students.StudentAwardID = @myParam) ORDER BY awards_Awards_Students.StudentAwardID", tempConn.myConnection); //Add parameters to SQL command myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); //Begin reading from DB myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); //While there are more rows to read continue to do so. //Due to this if there are more than one record with the same ID then the last one //retrieved from the DB will be the one that will reside in the object. //This should not happen if DB is done properly. if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No Award recorded with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mAwardEntryId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mAwardTitle = myReader[1].ToString(); mAwardDescription = myReader[2].ToString(); mStudentName = myReader[3].ToString() + " " + myReader[4].ToString(); mYear = int.Parse(myReader[5].ToString()); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally //Always executes { //Close the connection tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public static List <SelectListItem> GetListLabs(int labId) { List <SelectListItem> listOfLabs = new List <SelectListItem>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetlabs"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT Lab, LabID FROM Lab ORDER BY Lab", tempConn.myConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); int tempCheck = 0; if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No records exist for labs in the database."); } while (myReader.Read()) { tempCheck = int.Parse(myReader[1].ToString()); if (tempCheck != labId) { listOfLabs.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = myReader[0].ToString(), Value = myReader[1].ToString() }); } else { listOfLabs.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = myReader[0].ToString(), Value = myReader[1].ToString(), Selected = true }); } } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exceptions throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(listOfLabs); }
private void FillFacultyById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand( @"SELECT UserID, FirstName, LastName, PreferredName, Title, Phone, Email, Degrees, ImageFile, Office, Website, Active FROM Faculty WHERE FacultyID = @myParam", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record for a Faculty with the given id exists."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mFacultyId = id; mUserId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mFirstName = myReader[1].ToString(); mLastName = myReader[2].ToString(); mPreferredName = myReader[3].ToString(); mTitle = myReader[4].ToString(); mPhone = myReader[5].ToString(); mEmail = myReader[6].ToString(); //mDegrees = myReader[7].ToString(); mImage = new Image(myReader[8].ToString()); //mThumbFile = "th_" + mImageFile; mOffice = myReader[9].ToString(); mWebsite = myReader[10].ToString(); mActive = (bool)myReader[11]; FillListOfCoursesTaught(); FillListOfDegrees(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { //Close the connection tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public static void InsertNewsEvent(string title, string subtitle, string message, string picture, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int userID, int type, bool notify) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlParameter lTitle = new SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.VarChar); lTitle.Value = title; SqlParameter lSub = new SqlParameter("@subtitle", SqlDbType.VarChar); lSub.Value = subtitle; SqlParameter lMess = new SqlParameter("@message", SqlDbType.Text); lMess.Value = message; SqlParameter lStart = new SqlParameter("@start", SqlDbType.DateTime); lStart.Value = startDate; SqlParameter lEnd = new SqlParameter("@end", SqlDbType.DateTime); lEnd.Value = endDate; SqlParameter lUser = new SqlParameter("@user", SqlDbType.Int); lUser.Value = userID; SqlParameter lType = new SqlParameter("@type", SqlDbType.Int); lType.Value = type; SqlParameter lNot = new SqlParameter("@notify", SqlDbType.Bit); lNot.Value = notify; SqlParameter lPic = new SqlParameter("@picture", SqlDbType.VarChar); lPic.Value = picture; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" INSERT INTO news_events (title, subtitle, message, start_date, end_date, [user], type, notify, image_name) VALUES (@title, @subtitle, @message, @start, @end, @user, @type, @notify, @picture)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lTitle); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lSub); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lMess); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lStart); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lEnd); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lUser); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lType); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lNot); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lPic); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public static List <SelectListItem> GetListOfDegrees(int currentDegreeId = 1) { List <SelectListItem> tempList = new List <SelectListItem>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT short_name_text, degree_id FROM Degrees", tempConn.myConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); int tempCheck = 0; while (myReader.Read()) { tempCheck = int.Parse(myReader[1].ToString()); if (tempCheck != currentDegreeId) { tempList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = myReader[0].ToString(), Value = myReader[1].ToString() }); } else { tempList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = myReader[0].ToString(), Value = myReader[1].ToString(), Selected = true }); } } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(tempList); }
public static List <SelectListItem> GetDomains(string currentlySelected = "") { List <SelectListItem> tempList = new List <SelectListItem>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("PrintManager"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand( @"SELECT DISTINCT DomainName FROM UserQuotas", tempConn.myConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { if (myReader["DomainName"].ToString() != currentlySelected) { tempList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = myReader["DomainName"].ToString(), Value = myReader["DomainName"].ToString() }); } else { tempList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = myReader["DomainName"].ToString(), Value = myReader["DomainName"].ToString(), Selected = true }); } } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(tempList); }
public static void InsertRecruit(string first, string last, string street, string city, string state, string zip, string phone, string email, string school) { //Create connection string and attempt to connect ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("Recruiting"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlParameter fName = new SqlParameter("@first", SqlDbType.VarChar); fName.Value = first; SqlParameter lName = new SqlParameter("@last", SqlDbType.VarChar); lName.Value = last; SqlParameter emailP = new SqlParameter("@email", SqlDbType.VarChar); emailP.Value = email; SqlParameter streetP = new SqlParameter("@street", SqlDbType.VarChar); streetP.Value = street; SqlParameter cityP = new SqlParameter("@city", SqlDbType.VarChar); cityP.Value = city; SqlParameter stateP = new SqlParameter("@state", SqlDbType.Char); stateP.Value = state; SqlParameter zipP = new SqlParameter("@zip", SqlDbType.VarChar); zipP.Value = zip; SqlParameter phoneP = new SqlParameter("@phone", SqlDbType.VarChar); phoneP.Value = phone; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" INSERT INTO Tour (FirstName, LastName, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone, Email) VALUES (@first, @last, @street, @city, @state, @zip, @phone, @email)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(fName); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lName); myCommand.Parameters.Add(emailP); myCommand.Parameters.Add(streetP); myCommand.Parameters.Add(cityP); myCommand.Parameters.Add(stateP); myCommand.Parameters.Add(zipP); myCommand.Parameters.Add(phoneP); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void FillEventById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@Param", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT, news_events.title, news_events.subtitle, news_events.message, news_events.start_date, news_events.end_date, news_events.image_name, users.first_name, users.last_name, news_events.notify, news_events.type FROM news_events INNER JOIN users ON news_events.[user] = WHERE ( = @Param)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record exists of a NewsEvent with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mTitle = myReader[1].ToString(); mSubtitle = myReader[2].ToString(); mMessage = myReader[3].ToString(); mStartDate = DateTime.Parse(myReader[4].ToString()); mEndDate = DateTime.Parse(myReader[5].ToString()); mPicture = new Image(myReader[6].ToString()); mUserName = myReader[7].ToString() + " " + myReader[8].ToString(); //mAlumni = bool.Parse(myReader[9].ToString()); mAlumni = false; mType = int.Parse(myReader[10].ToString()); mWasFilled = true; } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void GetImageByFilename(string filename) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.VarChar); myParam.Value = filename; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT PhotoID, Caption, Filename, Thumbnail, Path FROM photos_Images WHERE (Filename = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No image exists in the db with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mCaption = myReader[1].ToString(); mFilename = myReader[2].ToString(); mThumbFile = myReader[3].ToString(); mPath = myReader[4].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mThumbFile)) { mThumbFile = mFilename; } } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public void GetDegreeById(int id) { mId = id; ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = mId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT short_name, long_name, official_description, active, degree_type_id, short_name_text FROM Degrees WHERE degree_id = @myParam", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No Degree is recorded with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mShortName = myReader[0].ToString(); mLongName = myReader[1].ToString(); mOfficialDesc = myReader[2].ToString(); mActive = (bool)myReader[3]; mDegreeType = new DegreeType(int.Parse(myReader[4].ToString())); mShortNameText = myReader[5].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private int GetIDLabFromNameDB(string labName) { int labID = 1; //Connect to DB ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetlabs"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); //Attempt to read the data from server and if possible tie data from server to properties try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam1 = new SqlParameter("@Param1", SqlDbType.Char); myParam1.Value = labName; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT LabID FROM Lab Where Lab = @Param1", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam1); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No records exist for a Lab with the given name/number."); } while (myReader.Read()) { labID = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } if (labID == 0) { labID = 1; } return(labID); }
private void FillTestimonialById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT StuTID, Fname, Lname, Testimonial, GradYear, Employer, PictureURL, ThumbURL FROM askstu_Testimonial WHERE (StuTID = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record exists of a Testimonial with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mFirstName = myReader[1].ToString(); mLastName = myReader[2].ToString(); mTestimonial = myReader[3].ToString(); mGradYear = int.Parse(myReader[4].ToString()); mEmployer = myReader[5].ToString(); mPicture = new Image(myReader[6].ToString()); //mThumb = myReader[7].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } FillDegrees(); }
private void FillListOfDegrees() { mDegrees = new List <string>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = mFacultyId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT Degree, Year FROM Faculty_Degrees WHERE (FacultyID = @myParam) ORDER BY Year DESC", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); string temp = ""; string year = ""; while (myReader.Read()) { temp = myReader[0].ToString(); year = myReader[1].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) { temp += " (" + year + ")"; } mDegrees.Add(temp); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void FillTutorEventById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT TutID, StuID, TutDate, StartTime, EndTime, Title, Location FROM crshelp_Tutoring WHERE (TutID = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record of a tutor event with the given id exists."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mTutor = new Tutor(int.Parse(myReader[1].ToString())); mDate = DateTime.Parse(myReader[2].ToString()); mStart = DateTime.Parse(myReader[3].ToString()); mEnd = DateTime.Parse(myReader[4].ToString()); mTitle = myReader[5].ToString(); mLocation = myReader[6].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void FillTutorById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT StuID, FirstName, LastName, StudentPic FROM crshelp_Tutor WHERE (StuID = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record exists of a Tutor with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mFirst = myReader[1].ToString(); mLast = myReader[2].ToString(); mPic = myReader[3].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } GetCourses(); }
public static List <TutorEvent> GetEventsByMonth(DateTime month) { DateTime start = new DateTime(month.Year, month.Month, 1); DateTime end = start.AddMonths(1); List <TutorEvent> temp = new List <TutorEvent>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter lStart = new SqlParameter("@start", SqlDbType.DateTime); lStart.Value = start; SqlParameter lEnd = new SqlParameter("@end", SqlDbType.DateTime); lEnd.Value = end; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT TutID FROM crshelp_Tutoring WHERE (TutDate > @start) AND (TutDate < @end)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lStart); myCommand.Parameters.Add(lEnd); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { temp.Add(new TutorEvent(int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()))); } } catch (Exception f) { Console.WriteLine(f.ToString()); } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(temp); }
private void GetQuotaInfo(string userName, string domain) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("PrintManager"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.NVarChar); myParam.Value = userName; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand( @"SELECT UserName, TotalPagesPrinted, Balance, PaidBalance FROM UserQuotas WHERE (UserName = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record exists of a PrintQuota with the given information."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mUserName = myReader["UserName"].ToString(); mTotalPagesPrinted = int.Parse(myReader["TotalPagesPrinted"].ToString()); mBalance = Math.Round(double.Parse(myReader["Balance"].ToString()), 2); mPagesLeft = (int)Math.Round((mBalance / .05)); mPaidBalance = Math.Round(double.Parse(myReader["PaidBalance"].ToString()), 2); mPaidPagesLeft = (int)Math.Round((mPaidBalance / .05)); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void GetPageById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@Param", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT id, text FROM Pages WHERE (id = @Param)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record exists of a Page with the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mText = myReader[1].ToString(); } mFromDB = true; } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void GetDegreeTypeById(int id) { mDegreeTypeId = id; ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = mDegreeTypeId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT short_name, long_name, description FROM DegreeTypes WHERE degree_type_id = @myParam", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record of a DegreeType with given id exists."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mShortName = myReader[0].ToString(); mLongName = myReader[1].ToString(); mDescription = myReader[2].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
private void FillQuestionById(int id) { ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@myParam", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = id; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT QuesID, Question, Answer FROM askstu_Question WHERE (QuesID = @myParam)", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!myReader.HasRows) { throw new Exception("No record exists for a Question that has the given id."); } while (myReader.Read()) { mId = int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()); mQuestion = myReader[1].ToString(); mAnswer = myReader[2].ToString(); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } }
public static List <NewsEvent> GetListEventsByTypeIgnoreDate(int typeId) { List <NewsEvent> tempList = new List <NewsEvent>(); ConnectSovereignDB tempConn = new ConnectSovereignDB("csetweb"); tempConn.OpenConnection(); try { SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlParameter myParam = new SqlParameter("@Param", SqlDbType.Int); myParam.Value = typeId; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(@" SELECT id FROM news_events WHERE (type = @Param) ORDER BY start_date DESC", tempConn.myConnection); myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { tempList.Add(new NewsEvent(int.Parse(myReader[0].ToString()))); } } catch (Exception f) { //Add log exception throw; } finally { tempConn.CloseConnection(); } return(tempList); }