コード例 #1
        static ui_event scroll_process_direction(Menu_Type m, int dir)
            ui_event eout = new ui_event();

            /* Reject diagonals */
            if (Misc.ddx[dir] != 0 && Misc.ddy[dir] != 0)
                //this was empty. TODO: Maybe return null?

            /* Forward/back */
            else if (Misc.ddx[dir] != 0)
                eout.type = Misc.ddx[dir] < 0 ? ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE : ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT;

            /* Move up or down to the next valid & visible row */
            else if (Misc.ddy[dir] != 0)
                m.cursor += Misc.ddy[dir];
                eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE;

コード例 #2
         * Handle mouse input in a menu.
         * Mouse output is either moving, selecting, escaping, or nothing.  Returns
         * true if something changes as a result of the click.
        bool handle_mouse(ui_event ein, out ui_event eout)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //int new_cursor;

            //if (!region_inside(&menu.active, in))
            //    /* A click to the left of the active region is 'back' */
            //    if (!region_inside(&menu.active, in) &&
            //            in.mouse.x < menu.active.col)
            //        out.type = EVT_ESCAPE;
            //    int count = menu.filter_list ? menu.filter_count : menu.count;

            //    new_cursor = menu.skin.get_cursor(in.mouse.y, in.mouse.x,
            //            count, menu.top, &menu.active);

            //    if (is_valid_row(menu, new_cursor))
            //    {
            //        if (new_cursor == menu.cursor || !(menu.flags & MN_DBL_TAP))
            //            out.type = EVT_SELECT;
            //        else
            //            out.type = EVT_MOVE;

            //        menu.cursor = new_cursor;
            //    }

            //return out.type != EVT_NONE;
コード例 #3
 static bool cmd_list_action(Menu_Type m, ui_event mevent, int oid)
     if (mevent.type == ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT)
         return(cmd_menu(ref Command_List.all[oid], m.menu_data));
コード例 #4
        /* Check whether a (mouse) event is inside a region */
        public bool region_inside(ui_event key)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            ////TODO make sure this is right... I don't think it is... I need to ensure the mouse.x/y is correct
            //if ((col > key.mouse.x) || (col + width <= key.mouse.x))
            //    return false;

            //if ((row > key.mouse.y) || (row + page_rows <= key.mouse.y))
            //    return false;

            //return true;
コード例 #5
         * Handle any menu command keys / SELECT events.
         * Returns true if the key was handled at all (including if it's not handled
         * and just ignored).
        bool handle_action(ui_event min)
            if (row_funcs.row_handler != null)
                int oid = cursor;
                if (filter_list != null)
                    oid = filter_list[cursor];

                return(row_funcs.row_handler(this, min, oid));

コード例 #6
        static bool menu_action_handle(Menu_Type m, ui_event Event, int oid)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //menu_action *acts = menu_priv(m);

            //if (event.type == EVT_SELECT)
            //    if (!(acts.flags & MN_ACT_GRAYED) && acts[oid].action)
            //    {
            //        acts[oid].action(acts[oid].name, m.cursor);
            //        return true;
            //    }

            //return false;
コード例 #7
         * Handle a textui mouseclick.
        static void process_click(ui_event e)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //    int x, y;

            //    if (!OPT(mouse_movement)) return;

            //    y = KEY_GRID_Y(e);
            //    x = KEY_GRID_X(e);

            //    /* Check for a valid location */
            //    if (!in_bounds_fully(y, x)) return;

            //    /* XXX show context menu here */
            //    if ((p_ptr.py == y) && (p_ptr.px == x))
            //        textui_cmd_rest();

            //    else /* if (e.mousebutton == 1) */
            //    {
            //        if (p_ptr.timed[TMD_CONFUSED])
            //        {
            //            cmd_insert(CMD_WALK);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            cmd_insert(CMD_PATHFIND);
            //            cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
            //        }
            //    }

            //#if 0
            //    else if (e.mousebutton == 2)
            //    {
            //        target_set_location(y, x);
            //        msg_print("Target set.");
            //    }
コード例 #8
ファイル: Menu_Type.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
         * Handle mouse input in a menu.
         * Mouse output is either moving, selecting, escaping, or nothing.  Returns
         * true if something changes as a result of the click.
        bool handle_mouse(ui_event ein, out ui_event eout)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //int new_cursor;

            //if (!region_inside(&menu.active, in))
            //    /* A click to the left of the active region is 'back' */
            //    if (!region_inside(&menu.active, in) &&
            //            in.mouse.x < menu.active.col)
            //        out.type = EVT_ESCAPE;
            //    int count = menu.filter_list ? menu.filter_count : menu.count;

            //    new_cursor = menu.skin.get_cursor(in.mouse.y, in.mouse.x,
            //            count, menu.top, &menu.active);

            //    if (is_valid_row(menu, new_cursor))
            //    {
            //        if (new_cursor == menu.cursor || !(menu.flags & MN_DBL_TAP))
            //            out.type = EVT_SELECT;
            //        else
            //            out.type = EVT_MOVE;

            //        menu.cursor = new_cursor;
            //    }

            //return out.type != EVT_NONE;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Menu_Type.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
         * Handle navigation keypresses.
         * Returns true if they key was intelligible as navigation, regardless of
         * whether any action was taken.
        bool handle_keypress(ui_event ein, ref ui_event eout)
            bool eat = false;
            int count = (this.filter_list != null) ? this.filter_count : this.count;

            if(eout == null)
                eout = new ui_event();

            /* Get the new cursor position from the menu item tags */
            int new_cursor = get_cursor_key(this.top, ein.key);
            if (new_cursor >= 0 && is_valid_row(new_cursor))
                if ((this.flags & (int)menu_type_flags.MN_DBL_TAP) == 0 || new_cursor == this.cursor)
                    eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT;
                    eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE;

                this.cursor = new_cursor;

            /* Escape stops us here */
            else if (ein.key.code == keycode_t.ESCAPE)
                eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE;

            /* Menus with no rows can't be navigated or used, so eat all keypresses */
            else if (count <= 0)
                eat = true;

            /* Try existing, known keys */
            else if (ein.key.code == (keycode_t)' ')
                int rows = this.active.page_rows;
                int total = count;

                if (rows < total)
                    /* Go to start of next page */
                    this.cursor += this.active.page_rows;
                    if (this.cursor >= total - 1) this.cursor = 0;
                    this.top = this.cursor;

                    eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE;
                    eat = true;

            else if (ein.key.code == (keycode_t)'\n' || ein.key.code == (keycode_t)'\r')
                eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT;

            /* Try directional movement */
                int dir = Utilities.target_dir(ein.key);

                if (dir != 0)
                    eout = this.skin.process_dir(this, dir);

                    if (eout.type == ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE)
                        while (!is_valid_row(this.cursor))
                            /* Loop around */
                            if (this.cursor > count - 1)
                                this.cursor = 0;
                            else if (this.cursor < 0)
                                this.cursor = count - 1;
                                this.cursor += Misc.ddy[dir];

                        Misc.assert(this.cursor >= 0);
                        Misc.assert(this.cursor < count);

            return eat;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Menu_Type.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
         * Handle any menu command keys / SELECT events.
         * Returns true if the key was handled at all (including if it's not handled
         * and just ignored).
        bool handle_action(ui_event min)
            if (row_funcs.row_handler != null)
                int oid = cursor;
                if (filter_list != null)
                    oid = filter_list[cursor];

                return row_funcs.row_handler(this, min, oid);

            return false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Menu_Type.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
        static ui_event scroll_process_direction(Menu_Type m, int dir)
            ui_event eout = new ui_event();

            /* Reject diagonals */
            if(Misc.ddx[dir] != 0 && Misc.ddy[dir] != 0) {
                //this was empty. TODO: Maybe return null?

            /* Forward/back */
            else if(Misc.ddx[dir] != 0)
                eout.type = Misc.ddx[dir] < 0 ? ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE : ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT;

            /* Move up or down to the next valid & visible row */
            else if(Misc.ddy[dir] != 0) {
                m.cursor += Misc.ddy[dir];
                eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE;

            return eout;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Menu_Type.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
        static bool menu_action_handle(Menu_Type m, ui_event Event, int oid)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            //menu_action *acts = menu_priv(m);

            //if (event.type == EVT_SELECT)
            //    if (!(acts.flags & MN_ACT_GRAYED) && acts[oid].action)
            //    {
            //        acts[oid].action(acts[oid].name, m.cursor);
            //        return true;
            //    }

            //return false;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Menu_Type.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
         * Run a menu.
         * If popup is true, the screen is saved before the menu is drawn, and
         * restored afterwards. Each time a popup menu is redrawn, it resets the
         * screen before redrawing.
        public ui_event select(ui_event_type notify, bool popup)
            ui_event min = new ui_event(); //EVENT_EMPTY;
            bool no_act = ((flags & (int)menu_type_flags.MN_NO_ACTION) == 1) ? true : false;

            Misc.assert(active.width != 0 && active.page_rows != 0);

            notify |= (ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT | ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE);
            if(popup) {

            /* Stop on first unhandled event */
            while ((min.type & notify) == 0)
                ui_event mout = new ui_event();

                min = Utilities.inkey_ex();

                /* Handle mouse & keyboard commands */
                if (min.type == ui_event_type.EVT_MOUSE) {
                    handle_mouse(min, out mout);
                } else if (min.type == ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD) {
                    if (!no_act && (cmd_keys != null && cmd_keys.Length > 0) && cmd_keys.IndexOf((char)min.key.code) >= 0 && handle_action(min))

                    handle_keypress(min, ref mout);
                } else if (min.type == ui_event_type.EVT_RESIZE) {
                    if (row_funcs.resize != null)

                /* XXX should redraw menu here if cursor has moved */

                /* If we've selected an item, then send that event out */
                if (mout.type == ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT && !no_act && handle_action(mout))

                /* Notify about the outgoing type */
                if ((notify & mout.type) != (ui_event_type)0) {
                    if(popup) {
                    return mout;

            if(popup) {
            return min;
コード例 #14
         * Request a command from the user.
         * Note that "caret" ("^") is treated specially, and is used to
         * allow manual input of control characters.  This can be used
         * on many machines to request repeated tunneling (Ctrl-H) and
         * on the Macintosh to request "Control-Caret".
         * Note that "backslash" is treated specially, and is used to bypass any
         * keymap entry for the following character.  This is useful for macros.
        static ui_event get_command()
            int mode = (int)(Option.rogue_like_commands.value ? Keymap.Mode.ROGUE : Keymap.Mode.ORIG);

            keypress[] tmp = new keypress[2] {
                new keypress(), new keypress()

            ui_event ke = new ui_event();

            //ui_event ret = ke;

            keypress[] act = null;

            /* Get command */
            while (true)
                /* Hack -- no flush needed */
                Term.msg_flag = false;

                /* Activate "command mode" */
                Utilities.inkey_flag = true;

                /* Get a command */
                ke = Utilities.inkey_ex();

                if (ke.type == ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD)
                    bool keymap_ok = true;
                    switch ((char)ke.key.code)
                    case '0': {
                        int count = TextUI.get_count();

                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        //if (count == -1 || !get_com_ex("Command: ", &ke))
                        //    continue;
                        //    p_ptr.command_arg = count;

                    case '\\': {
                        /* Allow keymaps to be bypassed */
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        //(void)get_com_ex("Command: ", &ke);
                        //keymap_ok = false;

                    case '^': {
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        ///* Allow "control chars" to be entered */
                        //if (get_com("Control: ", &ke.key))
                        //    ke.key.code = KTRL(ke.key.code);

                    /* Find any relevant keymap */
                    if (keymap_ok)
                        act = Keymap.find(mode, ke.key);
                        //if (act == null) {
                        //    ret = ke;

                /* Erase the message line */
                Utilities.prt("", 0, 0);

                if (ke.type == ui_event_type.EVT_BUTTON)
                    /* Buttons are always specified in standard keyset */
                    act    = tmp;
                    tmp[0] = ke.key;

                /* Apply keymap if not inside a keymap already */
                if (ke.key.code != (keycode_t)0 && act != null && Utilities.inkey_next == null)
                    //int n = 0;
                    //while (n < act.Length && act[n] != null)//act[n].type
                    //    n++;

                    ///* Make room for the terminator */
                    //n += 1;

                    /* Install the keymap */
                    for (int q = 0; q < act.Length; q++)              //It used to check for q < n instead
                        request_command_buffer[q] = act[q];
                        //memcpy(request_command_buffer, act, n);

                    /* Start using the buffer */
                    Utilities.inkey_next = new List <keypress>(request_command_buffer);

                    /* Continue */
                    //ret.type = ke.type;
                    //ret.mouse = ke.mouse;
                    //ret.key = act[0];

                /* Done */

コード例 #15
ファイル: Misc.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
  * Convert a "key event" into a "location" (X)
 public static int KEY_GRID_X(ui_event K)
     return ((int)(((K.mouse.x - COL_MAP) / Term.tile_width) + Term.instance.offset_x));
コード例 #16
ファイル: Store.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
        static bool store_menu_handle(Menu_Type m, ui_event mevent, int oid)
            bool processed = true;

            if (mevent.type == ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT)
                /* Nothing for now, except "handle" the event */
                return true;
                /* In future, maybe we want a display a list of what you can do. */
            else if (mevent.type == ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD)
                bool storechange = false;

                switch ((char)mevent.key.code) {
                    case 's':
                    case 'd': storechange = store_sell(); break;
                    case 'p':
                    case 'g': storechange = store_purchase(oid); break;
                    case 'l':
                    case 'x': store_examine(oid); break;

                    case '?': {
                        /* Toggle help */
                        if ((store_flags & STORE_SHOW_HELP) != 0)
                            store_flags &= ~(STORE_SHOW_HELP);
                            store_flags |= STORE_SHOW_HELP;

                        /* Redisplay */
                        store_flags |= STORE_INIT_CHANGE;

                    case '=': {
                        store_menu_set_selections(m, false);

                        processed = store_process_command_key(mevent.key);

                if ((char)mevent.key.code == UIEvent.KTRL('R')) {
                    /* XXX redraw functionality should be another menu_iter handler */
                    store_flags |= (STORE_FRAME_CHANGE | STORE_GOLD_CHANGE);

                /* Let the game handle any core commands (equipping, etc) */
                Game_Command.process_command(cmd_context.CMD_STORE, true);

                if (storechange)

                if (processed) {

                /* Notice and handle stuff */

                /* Display the store */

                return processed;

            return false;
コード例 #17
         * Handle navigation keypresses.
         * Returns true if they key was intelligible as navigation, regardless of
         * whether any action was taken.
        bool handle_keypress(ui_event ein, ref ui_event eout)
            bool eat   = false;
            int  count = (this.filter_list != null) ? this.filter_count : this.count;

            if (eout == null)
                eout = new ui_event();

            /* Get the new cursor position from the menu item tags */
            int new_cursor = get_cursor_key(this.top, ein.key);

            if (new_cursor >= 0 && is_valid_row(new_cursor))
                if ((this.flags & (int)menu_type_flags.MN_DBL_TAP) == 0 || new_cursor == this.cursor)
                    eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT;
                    eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE;

                this.cursor = new_cursor;

            /* Escape stops us here */
            else if (ein.key.code == keycode_t.ESCAPE)
                eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE;

            /* Menus with no rows can't be navigated or used, so eat all keypresses */
            else if (count <= 0)
                eat = true;

            /* Try existing, known keys */
            else if (ein.key.code == (keycode_t)' ')
                int rows  = this.active.page_rows;
                int total = count;

                if (rows < total)
                    /* Go to start of next page */
                    this.cursor += this.active.page_rows;
                    if (this.cursor >= total - 1)
                        this.cursor = 0;
                    this.top = this.cursor;

                    eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE;
                    eat = true;

            else if (ein.key.code == (keycode_t)'\n' || ein.key.code == (keycode_t)'\r')
                eout.type = ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT;

            /* Try directional movement */
                int dir = Utilities.target_dir(ein.key);

                if (dir != 0)
                    eout = this.skin.process_dir(this, dir);

                    if (eout.type == ui_event_type.EVT_MOVE)
                        while (!is_valid_row(this.cursor))
                            /* Loop around */
                            if (this.cursor > count - 1)
                                this.cursor = 0;
                            else if (this.cursor < 0)
                                this.cursor = count - 1;
                                this.cursor += Misc.ddy[dir];

                        Misc.assert(this.cursor >= 0);
                        Misc.assert(this.cursor < count);

コード例 #18
        public const int QUIVER_TAGS = 0x80;            /* 0-9 are quiver slots when selecting */

         * Convert a "key event" into a "location" (Y)
        public static int KEY_GRID_Y(ui_event K)
            return((int)(((K.mouse.y - ROW_MAP) / Term.tile_height) + Term.instance.offset_y));
コード例 #19
ファイル: Command.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
 static bool cmd_list_action(Menu_Type m, ui_event mevent, int oid)
     if (mevent.type == ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT)
         return cmd_menu(ref Command_List.all[oid], m.menu_data);
         return false;
コード例 #20
         * Run a menu.
         * If popup is true, the screen is saved before the menu is drawn, and
         * restored afterwards. Each time a popup menu is redrawn, it resets the
         * screen before redrawing.
        public ui_event select(ui_event_type notify, bool popup)
            ui_event min    = new ui_event();          //EVENT_EMPTY;
            bool     no_act = ((flags & (int)menu_type_flags.MN_NO_ACTION) == 1) ? true : false;

            Misc.assert(active.width != 0 && active.page_rows != 0);

            notify |= (ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT | ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE);
            if (popup)

            /* Stop on first unhandled event */
            while ((min.type & notify) == 0)
                ui_event mout = new ui_event();

                min = Utilities.inkey_ex();

                /* Handle mouse & keyboard commands */
                if (min.type == ui_event_type.EVT_MOUSE)
                    handle_mouse(min, out mout);
                else if (min.type == ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD)
                    if (!no_act && (cmd_keys != null && cmd_keys.Length > 0) && cmd_keys.IndexOf((char)min.key.code) >= 0 && handle_action(min))

                    handle_keypress(min, ref mout);
                else if (min.type == ui_event_type.EVT_RESIZE)
                    if (row_funcs.resize != null)

                /* XXX should redraw menu here if cursor has moved */

                /* If we've selected an item, then send that event out */
                if (mout.type == ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT && !no_act && handle_action(mout))

                /* Notify about the outgoing type */
                if ((notify & mout.type) != (ui_event_type)0)
                    if (popup)

            if (popup)
コード例 #21
  * Convert a "key event" into a "location" (X)
 public static int KEY_GRID_X(ui_event K)
     return((int)(((K.mouse.x - COL_MAP) / Term.tile_width) + Term.instance.offset_x));
コード例 #22
ファイル: Region.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
        /* Check whether a (mouse) event is inside a region */
        public bool region_inside(ui_event key)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            ////TODO make sure this is right... I don't think it is... I need to ensure the mouse.x/y is correct
            //if ((col > key.mouse.x) || (col + width <= key.mouse.x))
            //    return false;

            //if ((row > key.mouse.y) || (row + page_rows <= key.mouse.y))
            //    return false;

            //return true;
コード例 #23
        /* Allow the user to select from the current menu, and return the
         * corresponding command to the game.  Some actions are handled entirely
         * by the UI (displaying help text, for instance). */
        static birth_stage menu_question(birth_stage current, Menu_Type current_menu, Command_Code choice_command)
            birthmenu_data menu_data = current_menu.menu_data as birthmenu_data;

            birth_stage next = birth_stage.BIRTH_RESET;

            /* Print the question currently being asked. */
            Term.putstr(QUESTION_COL, QUESTION_ROW, -1, ConsoleColor.Yellow, menu_data.hint);

            current_menu.cmd_keys = "?=*\x18";                   /* ?, =, *, <ctl-X> */

            while (next == birth_stage.BIRTH_RESET)
                /* Display the menu, wait for a selection of some sort to be made. */
                ui_event cx = current_menu.select(ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD, false);

                /* As all the menus are displayed in "hierarchical" style, we allow
                 * use of "back" (left arrow key or equivalent) to step back in
                 * the proces as well as "escape". */
                if (cx.type == ui_event_type.EVT_ESCAPE)
                    next = birth_stage.BIRTH_BACK;
                else if (cx.type == ui_event_type.EVT_SELECT)
                    if (current == birth_stage.BIRTH_ROLLER_CHOICE)

                        if (current_menu.cursor != 0)
                            /* Do a first roll of the stats */
                            next = current + 2;
                             * Make sure we've got a point-based char to play with.
                             * We call point_based_start here to make sure we get
                             * an update on the points totals before trying to
                             * display the screen.  The call to CMD_RESET_STATS
                             * forces a rebuying of the stats to give us up-to-date
                             * totals.  This is, it should go without saying, a hack.
                            Game_Command.get_top().set_arg_choice(0, 1);
                            next = current + 1;
                        Game_Command.get_top().set_arg_choice(0, current_menu.cursor);
                        next = current + 1;
                else if (cx.type == ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD)
                    /* '*' chooses an option at random from those the game's provided. */
                    if (cx.key.code == (keycode_t)'*' && menu_data.allow_random)
                        current_menu.cursor = Random.randint0(current_menu.count);
                        Game_Command.get_top().set_arg_choice(0, current_menu.cursor);
                        next = current + 1;
                    else if (cx.key.code == (keycode_t)'=')
                        next = current;
                    else if (cx.key.code == (keycode_t)UIEvent.KTRL('X'))
                        next = birth_stage.BIRTH_COMPLETE;
                    else if (cx.key.code == (keycode_t)'?')

コード例 #24
ファイル: Misc.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
  * Convert a "key event" into a "location" (Y)
 public static int KEY_GRID_Y(ui_event K)
     return ((int) (((K.mouse.y - ROW_MAP) / Term.tile_height) + Term.instance.offset_y));
コード例 #25
ファイル: UIEvent.cs プロジェクト: jobjingjo/csangband
        /** Convert a string of keypresses into their textual representation */
        public static string keypress_to_text(ui_event[] src, bool expand_backslash)
            string buf = "";

            foreach (ui_event evt in src){
                if (evt.type != ui_event_type.EVT_KBRD) break;

                keycode_t i = evt.key.code;
                byte mods = evt.key.mods;
                string desc = keycode_find_desc(i);

                /* un-ktrl control characters if they don't have a description */
                /* this is so that Tab (^I) doesn't get turned into ^I but gets
                 * displayed as [Tab] */
                if ((byte)i < 0x20 && desc == null){
                    mods |= (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_CONTROL;
                    i = (keycode_t)UN_KTRL(i);

                if (mods != 0) {
                    if (((mods & (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_CONTROL) != 0) && (mods & ~(byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_CONTROL) == 0) {
                        buf += "^";
                    } else {
                        buf += "{";
                        if((mods & (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_CONTROL) != 0) buf += "^";
                        if((mods & (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_SHIFT) != 0) buf += "S";
                        if((mods & (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_ALT) != 0) buf += "A";
                        if((mods & (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_META) != 0) buf += "M";
                        if((mods & (byte)keycode_t.KC_MOD_KEYPAD) != 0) buf += "K";
                        buf += "}";

                if (desc != null) {
                    buf += "[" + desc + "]";
                } else {
                    switch ((char)i) {
                        case '\a': buf += "\a"; break;
                        case '\\': {
                            if (expand_backslash)
                                buf += "\\\\";
                                buf += "\\";
                        case '^': buf += "\\^"; break;
                        case '[': buf += "\\["; break;
                        default: {
                            if ((char)i < 127)
                                buf += (char)i;
                                buf += "\\x" + i.ToString("X2");

            return buf;