public void removeStd(string username, ref courseDatabase crsDB) { student std = getStudent(username); // Increment the number of seats available for each course the student has registered for List <course> registeredCrsLst = std.registeredCrs; foreach (course registeredCrs in registeredCrsLst) { foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { if (registeredCrs.crsID == crs.crsID) { crs.disenrollUser(std); break; } } } // Remove the student from the advisees list of his advisor faculty advisor = getFaculty(std.advisor); advisor.removeAdvisee(username); // Remove the student from the database stdLst.Remove(std); }
public stdMainpage(string username, userDatabase usrDB, courseDatabase crsDB) { // Store attributes InitializeComponent(); this.crsDB = crsDB; this.usrDB = usrDB; std = usrDB.getStudent(username); // Change texts welcome.Text += std.fname + " " + std.lname; gpa.Text += " " + std.GPA; credits.Text += " " + std.totalCredits; // Create all the tables createCrsLst(); createGradeHist(); createStdSch(); // Clear selections on tables gradeHist.ClearSelection(); stdSch.ClearSelection(); // Auto completion source foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { crsIDBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(crs.crsID); } }
public facMainpage(string username, userDatabase usrDB, courseDatabase crsDB) { InitializeComponent(); this.usrDB = usrDB; this.crsDB = crsDB; fac = usrDB.getFaculty(username); // Change texts welcome.Text += fac.fname + " " + fac.lname; // Create all the tables createCrsLst(); createFacSch(); createAdviseeLst(); // Auto complete foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { crsIDBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(crs.crsID); } // Clear selection of tables facSch.ClearSelection(); adviseeLst.ClearSelection(); }
public void addPrevCourses(ref courseDatabase crsDB, string nextSemester) { string line; System.IO.StreamReader input = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"..\..\"); while ((line = input.ReadLine()) != null) { string username = line.Substring(0, 10).Trim().ToLower(); // Needed ToLower() string courseNumStr = line.Substring(11, 2).Trim(); int courseNum = int.Parse(courseNumStr); int loc = 14; student std = stdLst.Find(s => s.username.Trim() == username); for (int i = 0; i < courseNum; i++) { string crsID = line.Substring(loc, 10).Trim(); loc += 11; string semester = line.Substring(loc, 3).Trim(); loc += 4; string creditStr = line.Substring(loc, 4).Trim(); float credit = float.Parse(creditStr); loc += 4; string grade; if ((line.Length - loc) >= 3) { grade = line.Substring(loc, 3).Trim().ToString(); } else { grade = line.Substring(loc).Trim().ToString(); } loc += 5; if (semester == nextSemester) { course crs = crsDB.getCourse(crsID); std.addClassToNext(crs); crs.enrollUser(std); } else if (semester == "F14") { previousCourse pcrs = new previousCourse(username, crsID, semester, credit, grade); std.addClassToCurrent(pcrs); } else { previousCourse currentCourse = new previousCourse(username, crsID, semester, credit, grade); std.addClassToPast(currentCourse); } } } input.Close(); foreach (student std in stdLst) { std.calculateGPA(); } }
public void dropCrsFromStd(string courseID, ref courseDatabase courseDB, student currentStudent) { foreach (course crs in courseDB.getCourseList()) { if (courseID.Trim() == crs.crsID.Trim()) { currentStudent.dropCrsFromNext(crs); crs.disenrollUser(currentStudent); return; } } }
// Change the database //---------------------------------------- public void addCrsToStd(string crsID, string nextSemester, ref courseDatabase crsDB, student currentStudent) { foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { if (crsID.Trim() == crs.crsID.Trim()) { course selectedCourse = crs; selectedCourse.enrollUser(currentStudent); course courseAdding = selectedCourse; currentStudent.addClassToNext(courseAdding); return; } } }
public void changeTime(string crsID, string instructor, courseDatabase crsDB) { foreach (faculty fac in facLst) { if (fac.username == instructor.Trim()) { foreach (course crs in fac.nextSemesterCourses) { if (crs.crsID.Trim() == crsID.Trim()) { course curCrs = crsDB.getCourse(crsID); crs.timeBlocks = curCrs.timeBlocks; } } } } }
public admCreateCrs(courseDatabase crsDB, userDatabase usrDB) { InitializeComponent(); this.crsDB = crsDB; this.usrDB = usrDB; foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { crsIDBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(crs.crsID); } foreach (faculty fac in usrDB.getFacultyList()) { facDropDown.Items.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); facDropDown.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); } }
// For changing courses. Needs a direct access to user database public void changeInstrutor(courseDatabase crsDB, string newInstructor, string oldInstructor, string crsID) { foreach (faculty fac in facLst) { bool newI = false; bool oldI = false; if (!newI) { if (fac.username.Trim() == newInstructor.Trim()) { course crs = crsDB.getCourse(crsID); fac.nextSemesterCourses.Add(crs); newI = true; } } if (!oldI) { if (fac.username.Trim() == oldInstructor.Trim()) { foreach (course crs in fac.nextSemesterCourses) { if (crs.crsID == crsID.Trim()) { fac.nextSemesterCourses.Remove(crs); oldI = true; break; } } } } if (oldI && newI) { break; } } }
private void loginClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { uname = username.Text.Trim().ToLower(); utype = "student"; string password = this.password.Text.Trim(); if (usrDB.isValidUser(uname, password, ref utype)) { Hide(); if (utype == "admin" || utype == "manager") { if (!flag) { var form = new admMainpage(usrDB, @"..\..\", utype); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; usrDB.updateDatabase(); } else { var form = new admMainpage(usrDB, crsDB, utype); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } } else { if (utype == "faculty") { if (!flag) { var form = new facMainpage(uname, usrDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } else { var form = new facMainpage(uname, usrDB, crsDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } } else { if (!flag) { var form = new stdMainpage(uname, usrDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } else { var form = new stdMainpage(uname, usrDB, crsDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } } } username.Text = "Username"; username.ForeColor = Color.Silver; this.password.Text = "Password"; this.password.PasswordChar = '\0'; this.password.ForeColor = Color.Silver; flag = true; Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Your username or password is incorrect.", "Invalid Credential", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question); this.password.Text = ""; this.password.PasswordChar = '*'; this.password.ForeColor = Color.White; } }