public static IQueryable<vw_Claim_Dashboard> PrepareQuery(IQueryable<vw_Claim_Dashboard> dasQ, vw_Claim_Dashboard das) { #region Append WHERE clause if applicable dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.Archived == das.Archived); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.ClaimNos))// Filter for multiple Claim No.s { int SingleClaimNo = -1; if (int.TryParse(das.ClaimNos, out SingleClaimNo)) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.ClaimNo.ToString(), "%" + SingleClaimNo.ToString() + "%")); else dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => Defaults.stringToIntList(das.ClaimNos).Contains(o.ClaimNo)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.CustRefNo)) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.CustRefNo.ToLower(), das.CustRefNo.ToLower())); if (das.BrandID > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.BrandID == das.BrandID); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.BrandName)) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.BrandName.ToLower(), "%" + das.BrandName.ToLower() + "%")); if (das.StatusID > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.StatusID == das.StatusID); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.Status)) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.Status.ToLower(), das.Status.ToLower())); if (das.AssignedTo > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.AssignedTo == das.AssignedTo); if (das.VendorID > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.VendorID == das.VendorID); if (das.CustID > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.CustID == das.CustID); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.CustOrg)) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.CustOrg.ToLower(), das.CustOrg.ToLower())); if (das.SalespersonID > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.SalespersonID == das.SalespersonID); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.Salesperson)) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => SqlMethods.Like(o.Salesperson.ToLower(), das.Salesperson.ToLower())); if (das.ShipToLocationID > 0) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.ShipToLocationID == das.ShipToLocationID); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(das.ShipToLoc)) dasQ = dasQ.Where (o => SqlMethods.Like(o.ShipToLoc.ToLower(), das.ShipToLoc.ToLower())); //Apply date filter // if (das.ClaimDateFrom.HasValue) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.ClaimDate.Date >= das.ClaimDateFrom_SQL.Value.Date); if (das.ClaimDateTo.HasValue) dasQ = dasQ.Where(o => o.ClaimDate.Date <= das.ClaimDateTo_SQL.Value.Date); #endregion return dasQ; }
public DashboardNav(string NavString) { Alias = new string[] { "dashboard","dashbaord", "dshboard", "dasboard", "dashboad", "search", "sarch", "searh", "seerch", "search", "claims", "clais", "caims", "all", "al" }; filter = new vw_Claim_Dashboard(); Data = NavString; }
public List<ClaimRpt.BrandwiseClaim> GetBrandClaimCount(vw_Claim_Dashboard das) { List<vw_Claim_Dashboard> dasList = SearchClaim(claimSortOn, das); List<ClaimRpt.BrandwiseClaim> dasCountLst = new List<ClaimRpt.BrandwiseClaim>(dasList.Count); //Get grouped data var grouped = from dl in dasList group dl by new { dl.BrandID, dl.BrandName } into g orderby g.Key.BrandName select new { BrandID = g.Key.BrandID, Brand = g.Key.BrandName, Count = g.Count() }; //Populate UserCount list foreach (var u in grouped) dasCountLst.Add(new ClaimRpt.BrandwiseClaim() { BrandID = u.BrandID, Brand = u.Brand, Count = u.Count }); return dasCountLst; }
public List<vw_Claim_Dashboard> SearchClaim(string orderBy, vw_Claim_Dashboard das) { orderBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) ? userSortOn : orderBy; using (dbc) { IQueryable<vw_Claim_Dashboard> dasQ = (from vw_u in dbc.vw_Claim_Dashboards select vw_u); //Get filters - if any dasQ = DashboardService.PrepareQuery(dasQ, das); // Apply Sorting, Pagination and return PagedList return dasQ.OrderBy(orderBy).ToList(); } }
public List<ClaimRpt.StatuswiseClaim> GetStatusClaimCount(vw_Claim_Dashboard das) { List<vw_Claim_Dashboard> dasList = SearchClaim(claimSortOn, das); List<ClaimRpt.StatuswiseClaim> dasCountLst = new List<ClaimRpt.StatuswiseClaim>(dasList.Count); //Get grouped data var grouped = from ul in dasList group ul by new { ul.StatusID, ul.Status } into g orderby g.Key.Status select new { StatusID = g.Key.StatusID, Status = g.Key.Status, Count = g.Count() }; //Populate UserCount list foreach (var u in grouped) dasCountLst.Add(new ClaimRpt.StatuswiseClaim() { StatusID = u.StatusID, Status = u.Status, Count = u.Count }); return dasCountLst; }
public List<ClaimRpt.CustwiseClaim> GetCustClaimCount(vw_Claim_Dashboard das) { List<vw_Claim_Dashboard> dasList = SearchClaim(claimSortOn, das); List<ClaimRpt.CustwiseClaim> dasCountLst = new List<ClaimRpt.CustwiseClaim>(dasList.Count); //Get grouped data var grouped = from dl in dasList group dl by new { dl.CustID, dl.CustOrg } into g orderby g.Key.CustOrg select new { CustID = g.Key.CustID, Cust = g.Key.CustOrg, Count = g.Count() }; //Populate UserCount list foreach (var u in grouped) dasCountLst.Add(new ClaimRpt.CustwiseClaim() { CustID = u.CustID, Cust = u.Cust, Count = u.Count }); return dasCountLst; }
public ActionResult SetSearchOpts(vw_Claim_Dashboard searchObj) { if (searchObj != null) {//Called only to set filter via ajax searchOpts = searchObj; return Json(true); } return Json(false); }
public List<vw_Claim_Dashboard> Search(string orderBy, int? pgIndex, int pageSize, vw_Claim_Dashboard das, bool isExcelReport, bool applyLocFilter) { orderBy = string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) ? sortOn : orderBy; using (dbc) { IQueryable<vw_Claim_Dashboard> dasQ; #region Special case for customer (apply accessible location filter) if (!applyLocFilter) dasQ = (from vw_u in dbc.vw_Claim_Dashboards select vw_u); else // only for customer dasQ = (from vw_u in dbc.vw_Claim_Dashboards join ul in dbc.UserLocations on new { LocID = vw_u.ShipToLocationID } equals new { LocID = ul.LocID } where ul.UserID == _SessionUsr.ID select vw_u); #endregion //Get filters - if any dasQ = PrepareQuery(dasQ, das); // Apply Sorting, Pagination and return PagedList #region Sort and Return result //Special case to replace Customproperty with original (for ShipToLoc) // For better implementation: SO: 2241643/how-to-use-a-custom-property-in-a-linq-to-entities-query orderBy = (orderBy ?? "").Replace("ShipToLocAndCode", "ShipToLoc"); if (isExcelReport) return dasQ.OrderBy(orderBy).ToList<vw_Claim_Dashboard>(); else return dasQ.OrderBy(orderBy).ToPagedList(pgIndex ?? 1, pageSize); /* Apply pagination and return - kept for future ref return dasQ.OrderBy(orderBy).Skip(pgIndex.Value).Take(pageSize).ToList<vw_Claim_Dashboard>(); */ #endregion } }
public JsonResult ClaimListKO(int? index, string qData, bool? fetchAll) { base.SetTempDataSort(ref index);// Set TempDate, Sort & index //Make sure searchOpts is assigned to set ViewState vw_Claim_Dashboard oldSearchOpts = (vw_Claim_Dashboard)searchOpts; searchOpts = new vw_Claim_Dashboard() { Archived = oldSearchOpts.Archived };// CAUTION: otehrwise archived saved search will show null records populateData(false); index = (index > 0) ? index + 1 : index; // paging starts with 2 var result = from vw_u in new DashboardService().SearchKO( sortExpr, index, gridPageSize * 2, (vw_Claim_Dashboard)searchOpts, fetchAll ?? false, _Session.IsOnlyCustomer) select new { ID = vw_u.ID, CNo = vw_u.ClaimNo, StatusID = vw_u.StatusID, AsgnTo = vw_u.AssignToName, CustRef = vw_u.CustRefNo, Brand = vw_u.BrandName, CustOrg = vw_u.CustOrg, SP = vw_u.Salesperson, CDate = vw_u.ClaimDateOnly, Archvd = vw_u.Archived, Status = vw_u.Status, Cmts = vw_u.CommentsExist, Files = vw_u.FilesHExist, CDtTxt = vw_u.ClaimDateTxt,//ClaimDate.ToString(Defaults.dtFormat,, ShpLocCode = vw_u.ShipToLocAndCode }; return Json(new { records = result, search = oldSearchOpts }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult Excel() { //HttpContext context = ControllerContext.HttpContext.CurrentHandler; //Essense of : this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + "Dashboard_" + _SessionUsr.ID + ".xls"); this.Response.Charset = ""; this.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); this.Response.ContentType = "application/"; //DON'T do the following //this.Response.Write(content); //this.Response.End(); populateData(false); var result = new DashboardService().Search(sortExpr, 1, gridPageSize, (vw_Claim_Dashboard)searchOpts, true, _Session.IsOnlyCustomer); searchOpts = new vw_Claim_Dashboard(); populateData(false); return View("Excel", result); }
public ActionResult ClaimListKO(vw_Claim_Dashboard searchObj, string doReset, string qData, bool? fetchAll) { searchOpts = (doReset == "on") ? new vw_Claim_Dashboard() : searchObj; // Set or Reset Search-options populateData(false);// Populate ddl Viewdata return Json(true);// WE just need to set it in the session }