コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// When equivalence over different times is necessary,
        /// checks this.agent and last position only,
        /// ignoring data that would make this state different to other equivalent states:
        /// It doesn't matter from which direction the agent got to its current location.
        /// It's also necessary to ignore the agents' move time - we want the same positions
        /// in any time to be equivalent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            AgentState that = (AgentState)obj;

            if (AgentState.EquivalenceOverDifferentTimes)
                return(this.agent.Equals(that.agent) &&
                       this.lastMove.x == that.lastMove.x &&
                       this.lastMove.y == that.lastMove.y); // Ignoring the time and the direction
                return(this.agent.Equals(that.agent) &&
                       this.lastMove.x == that.lastMove.x &&
                       this.lastMove.y == that.lastMove.y &&
                       this.lastMove.time == that.lastMove.time); // Ignoring the direction
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Used when AgentState objects are put in the open list priority queue - mainly in AStarForSingleAgent, I think.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CompareTo(IBinaryHeapItem other)
            AgentState that = (AgentState)other;

            if (this.h + this.lastMove.time < that.h + that.lastMove.time)
            if (this.h + this.lastMove.time > that.h + that.lastMove.time)

            if (this.potentialConflictsID < that.potentialConflictsID)
            if (this.potentialConflictsID > that.potentialConflictsID)

            if (this.potentialConflicts < that.potentialConflicts) // Doesn't this come before the potentialConflictsID in other places?
            if (this.potentialConflicts > that.potentialConflicts)

            // TODO: Prefer goal nodes.

            // Prefer larger g:
            if (this.lastMove.time < that.lastMove.time)
            if (this.lastMove.time > that.lastMove.time)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The returned plan wasn't constructed considering a CAT, so it's possible there's an alternative plan with the same cost and less collisions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SinglePlan GetSingleAgentOptimalPlan(AgentState agentState,
                                                    out Dictionary <int, int> conflictCountPerAgent, out Dictionary <int, List <int> > conflictTimesPerAgent)
            LinkedList <Move> moves = new LinkedList <Move>();
            int agentNum            = agentState.agent.agentNum;
            var conflictCounts      = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            var conflictTimes       = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
            IReadOnlyDictionary <TimedMove, List <int> > CAT;

            if (this.parameters.ContainsKey(CBS_LocalConflicts.CAT)) // TODO: Add support for IndependenceDetection's CAT
                CAT = ((IReadOnlyDictionary <TimedMove, List <int> >) this.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.CAT]);
                CAT = new Dictionary <TimedMove, List <int> >();

            TimedMove current = agentState.lastMove; // The starting position
            int       time    = current.time;

            while (true)

                // Count conflicts:
                current.UpdateConflictCounts(CAT, conflictCounts, conflictTimes);

                if (agentState.agent.Goal.Equals(current))

                // Get next optimal move
                Move optimal = this.singleAgentOptimalMoves[agentNum][this.GetCardinality(current)];
                current = new TimedMove(optimal, time);

            conflictCountPerAgent = conflictCounts;
            conflictTimesPerAgent = conflictTimes;
            return(new SinglePlan(moves, agentNum));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Silver.cs プロジェクト: kylevedder/mapf
        private bool singleAgentA_Star(AgentState agent)
            BinaryHeap           openList   = new BinaryHeap(); // TODO: Safe to use OpenList here instead?
            HashSet <AgentState> closedList = new HashSet <AgentState>();

            AgentState temp = agent;
            bool       valid;

            while (openList.Count > 0)
                if (this.runner.ElapsedMilliseconds() > 120000)
                temp = (AgentState)openList.Remove();
                if (temp.h == 0)
                    valid = true;
                    for (int i = temp.lastMove.time; i <= maxPathCost; i++)
                        if (RT.Contains(new TimedMove(temp.lastMove.x, temp.lastMove.y, Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION, i)))
                            valid = false;
                    if (valid)
                        totalTime += temp.lastMove.time;
                        parked.Add(new Move(temp.lastMove.x, temp.lastMove.y, Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION), temp.lastMove.time);
                expendNode(temp, openList, closedList);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Silver.cs プロジェクト: kylevedder/mapf
 private void expendNode(AgentState node, BinaryHeap openList, HashSet <AgentState> closedList)
     foreach (TimedMove move in node.lastMove.GetNextMoves())
         if (isValidMove(move))
             AgentState temp   = new AgentState(node);
             AgentState tempCL = temp;
             temp.prev = node;
             if (move.time > maxPathCost)
                 tempCL = new AgentState(temp);
                 tempCL.lastMove.time = maxPathCost;
             if (!closedList.Contains(tempCL))
                 temp.lastMove.time = move.time;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a problem instance from a given file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProblemInstance Import(string fileName)
            TextReader input = new StreamReader(fileName);

            //return new ProblemInstance(); // DELETE ME!!!
            string[] lineParts;
            string   line;
            int      instanceId = 0;
            string   gridName   = "Random Grid"; // The default

            line = input.ReadLine();
            if (line.StartsWith("Grid:") == false)
                lineParts  = line.Split(',');
                instanceId = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                if (lineParts.Length > 1)
                    gridName = lineParts[1];
                line = input.ReadLine();

            //instanceId = int.Parse(fileName.Split('-')[4]);
            // First/second line is Grid:

            // Read grid dimensions
            line      = input.ReadLine();
            lineParts = line.Split(',');
            int maxX = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
            int maxY = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);

            bool[][] grid = new bool[maxX][];
            char     cell;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                    grid[i] = new bool[maxY];
                    line    = input.ReadLine();
                    for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                            cell = line.ElementAt(j);
                            if (cell == '@' || cell == 'O' || cell == 'T' || cell == 'W' /* Water isn't traversable from land */)
                                grid[i][j] = true;
                                grid[i][j] = false;
                        catch { }
                catch { }

            // Next line is Agents:
            line = input.ReadLine();

            // Read the number of agents
            line = input.ReadLine();
            int numOfAgents = int.Parse(line);

            // Read the agents' start and goal states
            AgentState[] states = new AgentState[numOfAgents];
            AgentState   state;
            AgentState   newSingleState;
            Agent        newSingleAgent;
            Agent        agent;
            int          agentNum;
            int          agentNumSingle = 0;
            int          goalX;
            int          goalY;
            int          startX;
            int          startY;

            // Run on each of the agents
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfAgents; i++)
                line      = input.ReadLine();
                lineParts = line.Split(EXPORT_DELIMITER);
                agentNum  = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                goalX     = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);
                goalY     = int.Parse(lineParts[2]);
                startX    = int.Parse(lineParts[3]);
                startY    = int.Parse(lineParts[4]);
                agent     = new Agent(goalX, goalY, agentNum);
                state     = new AgentState(startX, startY, agent);
                states[i] = state;

                // ******** Some of the project modifications: ********

                // numberOfRun 1 is the first solver of the MAPF problem
                // here we are building a list of single agent problem, it will be used to automate the calculation of the middle positions as described in the project report)
                if (Program.numberOfRun == 1)
                    newSingleAgent = new Agent(goalX, goalY, agentNumSingle);
                    newSingleState = new AgentState(startX, startY, newSingleAgent);
                    AgentState[] singleStates = new AgentState[1];
                    singleStates[0] = newSingleState;
                    // Generate the single agents problem instance
                    ProblemInstance instanceSingle = new ProblemInstance();
                    instanceSingle.Init(singleStates, grid);
                    instanceSingle.instanceId = i;
                    instanceSingle.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = gridName;
                    // Saving the single agent problems in an array
                    Program.onlySingleAgentsInstances[i] = instanceSingle;

            // Generate the regular problem instance
            ProblemInstance instance = new ProblemInstance();

            instance.Init(states, grid);
            instance.instanceId = instanceId;
            instance.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = gridName;
            if (Program.numberOfRun == 1)
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the optimal move towards the goal of the given agent. Move isn't necessarily unique.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agent"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Move GetSingleAgentOptimalMove(AgentState agentState)
     return(this.singleAgentOptimalMoves[agentState.agent.agentNum][this.m_vCardinality[agentState.lastMove.x, agentState.lastMove.y]]);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the shortest path to the goal of every agent in the problem instance, from every location in the grid.
        /// Current implementation is a simple breadth-first search from every location in the graph.
        /// </summary>
        public void ComputeSingleAgentShortestPaths()
            //Debug.WriteLine("Computing the single agent shortest path for all agents...");
            //return; // Add for generator

            this.singleAgentOptimalCosts = new int[this.GetNumOfAgents()][];
            this.singleAgentOptimalMoves = new Move[this.GetNumOfAgents()][];

            for (int agentId = 0; agentId < this.GetNumOfAgents(); agentId++)
                // Run a single source shortest path algorithm from the _goal_ of the agent
                var shortestPathLengths = new int[this.m_nLocations];
                var optimalMoves        = new Move[this.m_nLocations];
                for (int i = 0; i < m_nLocations; i++)
                    shortestPathLengths[i] = -1;
                var openlist = new Queue <AgentState>();

                // Create initial state
                var agentStartState = this.m_vAgents[agentId];
                var agent           = agentStartState.agent;
                var goalState       = new AgentState(agent.Goal.x, agent.Goal.y, -1, -1, agentId);
                int goalIndex       = this.GetCardinality(goalState.lastMove);
                shortestPathLengths[goalIndex] = 0;
                optimalMoves[goalIndex]        = new Move(goalState.lastMove);

                while (openlist.Count > 0)
                    AgentState state = openlist.Dequeue();

                    // Generate child states
                    foreach (TimedMove aMove in state.lastMove.GetNextMoves())
                        if (IsValid(aMove))
                            int entry = m_vCardinality[aMove.x, aMove.y];
                            // If move will generate a new or better state - add it to the queue
                            if ((shortestPathLengths[entry] == -1) || (shortestPathLengths[entry] > state.g + 1))
                                var childState = new AgentState(state);
                                shortestPathLengths[entry] = childState.g;
                                optimalMoves[entry]        = new Move(aMove.GetOppositeMove());

                int start = this.GetCardinality(agentStartState.lastMove);
                if (shortestPathLengths[start] == -1)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Unsolvable instance! Agent {0} cannot reach its goal", agentId));

                this.singleAgentOptimalCosts[agentId] = shortestPathLengths;
                this.singleAgentOptimalMoves[agentId] = optimalMoves;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a problem instance based on a DAO map file.
        /// TODO: Fix code dup with GenerateProblemInstance and Import later.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentsNum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProblemInstance GenerateDragonAgeProblemInstance(string mapFileName, int agentsNum)
             * Randomization based on timer is disabled for purposes of getting
             * reproducible experiments.
            //Random rand = new Random();

            m_mapFileName = mapFileName;
            m_agentNum    = agentsNum;
            TextReader input = new StreamReader(mapFileName);

            string[] lineParts;
            string   line;

            line = input.ReadLine();
            Debug.Assert(line.StartsWith("type octile"));

            // Read grid dimensions
            line      = input.ReadLine();
            lineParts = line.Split(' ');
            int maxX = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);

            line      = input.ReadLine();
            lineParts = line.Split(' ');
            int maxY = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);

            line = input.ReadLine();
            bool[][] grid = new bool[maxX][];
            char     cell;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                grid[i] = new bool[maxY];
                line    = input.ReadLine();
                for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                    cell = line.ElementAt(j);
                    if (cell == '@' || cell == 'O' || cell == 'T' || cell == 'W' /* Water isn't traversable from land */)
                        grid[i][j] = true;
                        grid[i][j] = false;

            int x;
            int y;

            Agent[]      agentGoals  = new Agent[agentsNum];
            AgentState[] agentStates = new AgentState[agentsNum];
            bool[][]     goals       = new bool[maxX][];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                goals[i] = new bool[maxY];

            // Choose random valid unclaimed goal locations
            for (int i = 0; i < agentsNum; i++)
                x = rand.Next(maxX);
                y = rand.Next(maxY);
                if (goals[x][y] || grid[x][y])
                    goals[x][y]   = true;
                    agentGoals[i] = new Agent(x, y, i);

            // Select random start/goal locations for every agent by performing a random walk
            for (int i = 0; i < agentsNum; i++)
                agentStates[i] = new AgentState(agentGoals[i].Goal.x, agentGoals[i].Goal.y, agentGoals[i]);

            ProblemInstance problem = new ProblemInstance();

            problem.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapFileName);
            problem.Init(agentStates, grid);

            for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_WALK_STEPS; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < agentsNum; i++)
                    goals[agentStates[i].lastMove.x][agentStates[i].lastMove.y] = false; // We're going to move the goal somewhere else
                    // Move in a random legal direction:
                    while (true)
                        Move.Direction op = (Move.Direction)rand.Next(0, 5); // TODO: fixme
                        if (problem.IsValid(agentStates[i].lastMove) &&
                            !goals[agentStates[i].lastMove.x][agentStates[i].lastMove.y]) // This spot isn't another agent's goal
                            agentStates[i].lastMove.setOppositeMove(); // Rollback
                    goals[agentStates[i].lastMove.x][agentStates[i].lastMove.y] = true; // Claim agent's new goal

            // Zero the agents' timesteps
            foreach (AgentState agentStart in agentStates)
                agentStart.lastMove.time = 0;

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a problem instance, including a board, start and goal locations of desired number of agents
        /// and desired precentage of obstacles
        /// TODO: Refactor to use operators.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridSize"></param>
        /// <param name="agentsNum"></param>
        /// <param name="obstaclesNum"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ProblemInstance GenerateProblemInstance(int gridSize, int agentsNum, int obstaclesNum)
            m_mapFileName = "GRID" + gridSize + "X" + gridSize;
            m_agentNum    = agentsNum;

             * Randomization based on timer is disabled for purposes of getting
             * reproducible experiments.
            //Random rand = new Random();

            if (agentsNum + obstaclesNum + 1 > gridSize * gridSize)
                throw new Exception("Not enough room for " + agentsNum + ", " + obstaclesNum + " and one empty space in a " + gridSize + "x" + gridSize + "map.");

            int x;
            int y;

            Agent[]      aGoals = new Agent[agentsNum];
            AgentState[] aStart = new AgentState[agentsNum];
            bool[][]     grid   = new bool[gridSize][];
            bool[][]     goals  = new bool[gridSize][];

            // Generate a random grid
            for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
                grid[i]  = new bool[gridSize];
                goals[i] = new bool[gridSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < obstaclesNum; i++)
                x = rand.Next(gridSize);
                y = rand.Next(gridSize);
                if (grid[x][y]) // Already an obstacle
                grid[x][y] = true;

            // Choose random goal locations
            for (int i = 0; i < agentsNum; i++)
                x = rand.Next(gridSize);
                y = rand.Next(gridSize);
                if (goals[x][y] || grid[x][y])
                    goals[x][y] = true;
                    aGoals[i]   = new Agent(x, y, i);

            // Select random start/goal locations for every agent by performing a random walk
            for (int i = 0; i < agentsNum; i++)
                aStart[i] = new AgentState(aGoals[i].Goal.x, aGoals[i].Goal.y, aGoals[i]);

            // Initialized here only for the IsValid() call. TODO: Think how this can be sidestepped elegantly.
            ProblemInstance problem = new ProblemInstance();

            problem.Init(aStart, grid);

            for (int j = 0; j < RANDOM_WALK_STEPS; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < agentsNum; i++)
                    goals[aStart[i].lastMove.x][aStart[i].lastMove.y] = false; // We're going to move the goal somewhere else
                    while (true)
                        Move.Direction op = (Move.Direction)rand.Next(0, 5); // TODO: fixme
                        if (problem.IsValid(aStart[i].lastMove) &&
                            !goals[aStart[i].lastMove.x][aStart[i].lastMove.y]) // this spot isn't another agent's goal
                            aStart[i].lastMove.setOppositeMove(); // Rollback
                    goals[aStart[i].lastMove.x][aStart[i].lastMove.y] = true; // Claim agent's new goal

            // Zero the agents' timesteps
            foreach (AgentState agentStart in aStart)
                agentStart.lastMove.time = 0;

            // TODO: There is some repetition here of previous instantiation of ProblemInstance. Think how to elegantly bypass this.
            problem = new ProblemInstance();
            problem.Init(aStart, grid);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ProblemInstance.cs プロジェクト: shimritproj/cbs
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a problem instance from a given file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProblemInstance Import(string fileName)
            TextReader input = new StreamReader(fileName);

            string[] lineParts;
            string   line;
            int      instanceId = 0;
            string   gridName   = "Random Grid"; // The default

            line = input.ReadLine();
            if (line.StartsWith("Grid:") == false)
                lineParts  = line.Split(',');
                instanceId = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                if (lineParts.Length > 1)
                    gridName = lineParts[1];
                line = input.ReadLine();

            //instanceId = int.Parse(fileName.Split('-')[4]);
            // First/second line is Grid:

            // Read grid dimensions
            line      = input.ReadLine();
            lineParts = line.Split(',');
            int maxX = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
            int maxY = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);

            bool[][] grid = new bool[maxX][];
            char     cell;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                grid[i] = new bool[maxY];
                line    = input.ReadLine();
                for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                    cell = line.ElementAt(j);
                    if (cell == '@' || cell == 'O' || cell == 'T' || cell == 'W' /* Water isn't traversable from land */)
                        grid[i][j] = true;
                        grid[i][j] = false;

            // Next line is Agents:
            line = input.ReadLine();

            // Read the number of agents
            line = input.ReadLine();
            int numOfAgents = int.Parse(line);

            // Read the agents' start and goal states
            AgentState[] states = new AgentState[numOfAgents];
            AgentState   state;
            Agent        agent;
            int          agentNum;
            int          goalX;
            int          goalY;
            int          startX;
            int          startY;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfAgents; i++)
                line      = input.ReadLine();
                lineParts = line.Split(EXPORT_DELIMITER);
                agentNum  = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                goalX     = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);
                goalY     = int.Parse(lineParts[2]);
                startX    = int.Parse(lineParts[3]);
                startY    = int.Parse(lineParts[4]);
                agent     = new Agent(goalX, goalY, agentNum);
                state     = new AgentState(startX, startY, agent);
                states[i] = state;

            // Generate the problem instance
            ProblemInstance instance = new ProblemInstance();

            instance.Init(states, grid);
            instance.instanceId = instanceId;
            instance.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = gridName;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ProblemInstance.cs プロジェクト: shimritproj/cbs
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the length of the shortest path between a given agent's location and the goal of that agent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="agent"></param>
 /// <returns>The length of the shortest path between a given agent's location and the goal of that agent</returns>
 public int GetSingleAgentOptimalCost(AgentState agent)
     return(this.singleAgentOptimalCosts[agent.agent.agentNum][this.m_vCardinality[agent.lastMove.x, agent.lastMove.y]]);