private void metrobtnExpiry_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(" Please select Account and Coredatabase"); return; } string SQL; int count = 0; //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Check whether account present in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfAccountPresentInCore(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString(), cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Account does not exist in Core! Please give correct Account"); return; } // Check whether Database exist in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseAlreadyAddedToCore(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist Core"); return; } SQL = "UPDATE BQECoreHost.dbo.Company SET CompanyStatus=2,TrailExpDate='2038-01-02 15:23:19.973' WHERE DatabaseID='" + cmbDatabases.Text + "';"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Expiry extended sucessully in Core"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Opeartion not sucessfull"); } }
private void btnDeleteQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string SQL; int count; try { if (txtSQLQuery.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Kindly Write the Query first"); return; } //Check whether Database Coreutility exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL("CoreUtility", cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Create Querylist table first!!"); return; } //Check if Query exists Querylist table SQL = "SELECT * FROM CoreUtility.dbo.QueryList WHERE Query='" + txtSQLQuery.Text + "';"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLSelect(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text, cmbDatabases.Text); if (count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Query not present in the QueryList table"); return; } //Delete Query in QueryList table SQL = ""; SQL += "DELETE FROM CoreUtility.dbo.QueryList WHERE Query='" + txtSQLQuery.Text + "'AND Comment='" + txtComment.Text + "';"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()); if (count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Query deleted sucessfully"); btnLoadQueries.PerformClick(); txtComment.Text = ""; txtSQLQuery.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("Query not deleted, Try Again !!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btnDeleteQuerylistTable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string SQL; int count; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(" Please select UserID, Password, SQL Server or Coredatabase"); return; } //Check whether Database Coreutility exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL("CoreUtility", cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //restore Querylist table to original form SQL = ""; // count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()); // Create table Query List, Add Default valuse to the QueryList table SQL = ""; SQL += "USE [CoreUtility]; DELETE FROM dbo.QueryList; SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[QueryList] ON ; "; SQL += " INSERT[dbo].[QueryList]([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(1 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT inv.InvoiceDetail_ID,inv.amt,pay.Payamt FROM (SELECT InvoiceDetail_ID, SUM(Amount) AS amt FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail GROUP BY InvoiceDetail_ID) inv JOIN (SELECT InvoiceDetail_ID, SUM(AmountPaid) AS Payamt FROM dbo.PaymentDetail GROUP BY InvoiceDetail_ID) pay ON pay.InvoiceDetail_ID = inv.InvoiceDetail_ID WHERE inv.amt <> pay.Payamt AND(ABS(inv.amt - pay.Payamt) BETWEEN 0 AND 1);', N'--Penny issue in invoices and Paymnets', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(2 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT inv.InvoiceDetail_ID,inv.amt,pay.Payamt FROM (SELECT InvoiceDetail_ID, SUM(Amount) AS amt FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail GROUP BY InvoiceDetail_ID) inv JOIN (SELECT InvoiceDetail_ID, SUM(AmountPaid) AS Payamt FROM dbo.PaymentDetail GROUP BY InvoiceDetail_ID) pay ON pay.InvoiceDetail_ID = inv.InvoiceDetail_ID WHERE inv.amt <> pay.Payamt AND pay.Payamt > inv.amt;', N'--Payment more than invoice', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(3 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT i.Invoice_ID,i.InvoiceAmount,inv.amt FROM (SELECT Invoice_ID, SUM(Amount) AS amt FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail GROUP BY Invoice_ID)inv JOIN dbo.Invoice i ON i.Invoice_ID = inv.Invoice_ID WHERE i.InvoiceAmount <> inv.amt;', N'--Different amount in Invoice and InvoiceDetail for same invoice', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(4 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT p.Payment_ID,p.PayAmt,pay.paymentamount FROM (SELECT Payment_ID, SUM(AmountPaid) AS paymentamount FROM dbo.PaymentDetail GROUP BY Payment_ID) pay JOIN dbo.Payment p ON p.Payment_ID = pay.Payment_ID WHERE p.PayAmt <> pay.paymentamount;', N'--Different amount in Payment and PaymentDetail', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(5 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT Entity_ID,COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Workflow GROUP BY Entity_ID HAVING COUNT(*)>1;', N'--Duplicate workflow entry for same Time/Expense Entry', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(6 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.BillPayment WHERE BillPayment_ID NOT IN (SELECT MasterTransaction_Id FROM dbo.Accounting WHERE MasterTransaction_Id IS NOT NULL);', N'--Vendor bill payments present in BillPayment/BillPaymentdetails table but not present in Accounting table', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(7 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT id.Client_ID AS InvoiceClient, p.Client_ID AS ProjClient,id.Invoice_ID FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail id JOIN dbo.Project p ON p.Project_ID = id.Project_ID WHERE id.Client_ID <> p.Client_ID;', N'--Different client in InvoiceDetails table and Project table/Wrong client in Invoice', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(8 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT debt.DebtAmount,credit.CreditAmount,credit.Accounting_ID FROM (SELECT SUM(ISNULL(Amount, 0)) AS DebtAmount, Accounting_ID FROM dbo.AccountingDetail WHERE IsDebit = 1 GROUP BY Accounting_ID)debt INNER JOIN (SELECT SUM(ISNULL(Amount, 0)) AS CreditAmount, Accounting_ID FROM dbo.AccountingDetail WHERE IsDebit = 0 GROUP BY Accounting_ID)credit ON credit.Accounting_ID = debt.Accounting_ID WHERE debt.DebtAmount <> credit.CreditAmount;', N'--Sum of Debit/Credits not equal', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(9 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT DefaultGroup_ID,* FROM dbo.Project WHERE DefaultGroup_ID NOT IN (SELECT Group_ID FROM dbo.Groups );', N'--Orphan default group in Projects', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(10 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Accounting WHERE TransactionType=450 AND Transaction_Id NOT IN(SELECT VendorBill_ID FROM dbo.VendorBill );', N'--Orphan vendor bills/vendor bill details present in accounting tables but deleted from vendor bill tables', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(11 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.TimeEntry WHERE VendorBill_ID IS NOT NULL AND VendorBill_ID NOT IN (SELECT VendorBill_ID FROM dbo.VendorBill);', N'--Orphan VBs in Time Entry', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(12 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.ExpenseLog WHERE VendorBill_ID IS NOT NULL AND VendorBill_ID NOT IN (SELECT VendorBill_ID FROM dbo.VendorBill);', N'--Orphan VBs in Expense Entry', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(14 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.TimeEntry WHERE Invoice_ID IS NOT NULL AND Invoice_ID NOT IN (SELECT Invoice_ID FROM dbo.Invoice);', N'--Orphan Invoices in Time Entry', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(15 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.ExpenseLog WHERE Invoice_ID IS NOT NULL AND Invoice_ID NOT IN (SELECT Invoice_ID FROM dbo.Invoice);', N'--Orphan Invoices in Expense Entry', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(16 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.CheckExpenseLineItem WHERE Check_ID NOT IN (SELECT Check_ID FROM dbo.Checks);', N'--Orphan Checks in CheckExpenseLineItem', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(17 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Checks WHERE IsBillPayment =1 AND Check_ID NOT IN (SELECT Entity_ID FROM dbo.BillPayment WHERE Entity_ID IS NOT NULL);', N'--Orphan check in Checks Payment deleted in BillPaymnet', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(19 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.VendorBillExpenseItem WHERE VendorBill_ID NOT IN (SELECT VendorBill_ID FROM dbo.VendorBill);', N'--Orphan VB in VendorBillExpenseItem', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(20 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.BillPaymentDetail WHERE BillPayment_ID NOT IN (SELECT BillPayment_ID FROM dbo.BillPayment);', N'--Orphan bill paymnet in BillPaymentDetail', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(21 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail WHERE Invoice_ID NOT IN (SELECT Invoice_ID FROM dbo.Invoice);', N'--Orphan Invoices in InvoiceDetail', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(22 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.CreditCardExpenseItem WHERE CreditCardPayment_ID NOT IN (SELECT CreditCardPayment_ID FROM dbo.CreditCardPayment);', N'--Orphan Credit card payment in CreditCardExpenseItem ', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(23 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.PaymentDetail WHERE Payment_ID NOT IN (SELECT Payment_ID FROM dbo.Payment);', N'--Orphan Invoice Payments in PaymentDetail', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(24 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Invoice i JOIN(SELECT Invoice_ID, SUM(Amount) AS amt FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail GROUP BY Invoice_ID)id ON id.Invoice_ID = i.Invoice_ID WHERE i.InvoiceAmount <> id.amt;', N'-- Different amount in Invoice and InvoiceDetails for same invoice ', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(26 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Payment i JOIN (SELECT Payment_ID, SUM(AmountPaid) AS amt FROM dbo.PaymentDetail GROUP BY Payment_ID)id ON id.Payment_ID = i.Payment_ID WHERE i.PayAmt <> id.amt;', N'-- Different amount in Payment and PaymentDetails for same Payment', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(27 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT el.VendorBill_ID,el.Reimbursable,el.ExpenseLog_ID,* FROM dbo.ExpenseLog el JOIN dbo.Workflow wf ON el.ExpenseLog_ID=wf.Entity_ID WHERE el.Reimbursable = 1 AND el.VendorBill_ID IS NULL AND wf.WorkflowAction = 2 ;', N'----Approved Reimbursable Expenses with NULL Vendor Bill IDs', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(28 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT p1.Client_ID, p1.RetainerPaymentTaken,p2.RetainerAmtApplied FROM (SELECT Client_ID, SUM(PayAmt) AS RetainerPaymentTaken FROM dbo.Payment WHERE PayRetainer = 1 GROUP BY Client_ID) p1 JOIN (SELECT Client_ID, SUM(PayAmt) AS RetainerAmtApplied FROM dbo.Payment WHERE PayMethod = -1 GROUP BY Client_ID) p2 ON p2.Client_ID = p1.Client_ID WHERE p2.RetainerAmtApplied > p1.RetainerPaymentTaken;', N'-- --Retainer applied more than retainer taken ', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(29 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.PaymentDetail WHERE Payment_ID IN (SELECT Payment_ID FROM dbo.Payment WHERE PayMethod=-1) AND AmountPaid<> CRA+PRA+PPRA;', N'-- CRA+PRA+PPRA <> AMOUNT PAID', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(30 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT * FROM dbo.Project WHERE Project_ID IN (SELECT RootProject_ID FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail WHERE RootProject_ID IS NOT NULL) AND ProjectLevel <>0;', N'----Child project set as Root Project ', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(31 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT id.RootProject_ID,p.ParentProject_ID,id.Project_ID,* FROM dbo.InvoiceDetail id JOIN dbo.Project p ON p.Project_ID = id.Project_ID WHERE p.ParentProject_ID IS NOT NULL AND id.RootProject_ID IS NULL AND id.InvoiceDetail_ID IN (SELECT InvoiceDetail_ID FROM dbo.PaymentDetail WHERE(PPRA <> 0 OR PRA <> 0) AND InvoiceDetail_ID IS NOT NULL) ;', N'---Root project as NULL in Invoice Details for retainer applied', N'CORE ', 1) ; INSERT[dbo].[QueryList] ([ID], [Query], [Comment], [Software], [IsActive]) VALUES(CAST(32 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'SELECT a.TransactionAmount,i.InvoiceAmount, (a.TransactionAmount-i.InvoiceAmount) AS diff,i.Invoice_ID FROM dbo.Accounting a JOIN dbo.Invoice i ON i.Invoice_ID=a.MasterTransaction_Id WHERE a.TransactionType IN (''250'',''12'',''22'',''200'') AND a.TransactionAmount<>i.InvoiceAmount;', N'---- Different amount for Invoices in Invoice table and Accounting table', N'CORE ', 1) ; SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[QueryList] OFF; "; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("QueryList table successfully restored "); } else { MessageBox.Show("Operation not successfull,,Try again!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btnLoadQueryDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string SQL; string connectString; try { //Check whether Database Coreutility exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL("CoreUtility", cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Create Querylist table first!!"); return; } //Check if Queries loaded if (cmbQueryList.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Load Queries First "); return; } // Set connection string with selected server and integrated security connectString = "Data Source=" + this.server + ";Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=" + txtUserID.Text + ";Password="******";"; txtComment.Text = cmbQueryList.Text; using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectString)) { // Open connection con.Open(); //Get QueryList names in server in a datareader SQL = "SELECT Query FROM CoreUtility.dbo.QueryList WHERE Software='CORE' AND IsActive=1 and Comment='" + cmbQueryList.Text + "';"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand com = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQL, con); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { txtSQLQuery.Text = dr["Query"].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btnLoadServers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ClassCoreUtility.CaluculateAll(PBarSQLServer); // Create a instance of the SqlDataSourceEnumerator class servers = SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance; // Fetch all visible SQL server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 instances tableServers = new DataTable(); // Check if datatable is empty if (tableServers.Rows.Count == 0) { // Get a datatable with info about SQL Server 2000 and 2005 instances tableServers = servers.GetDataSources(); // List that will be combobox’s datasource List <string> listservers = new List <string>(); // For each element in the datatable add a new element in the list foreach (DataRow rowServer in tableServers.Rows) { // Server instance could have instace name or only server name, // check this for show the name if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rowServer["InstanceName"].ToString())) { listservers.Add(rowServer["ServerName"].ToString()); } else { listservers.Add(rowServer["ServerName"] + "\\" + rowServer["InstanceName"]); } } // Set servers list to combobox’s datasource this.cmbSQLServer.DataSource = listservers; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ToString(); } }
private void btnValidateQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string SQL; int count; try { if (txtSQLQuery.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Kindly load the Query first"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Validate Query SQL = txtSQLQuery.Text; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLSelect(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text, cmbDatabases.Text); if (count == 1) { MessageBox.Show("Query validated sucessfully on SQL Server"); } if (count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Query validated sucessfully on SQL Server"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error in Query. Correct your Query!!!"); } }
private void metrobtnDeleteDatabaseSQLServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to delete the database from SQL server?", "Delete database", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { txtCurrentCoreLoginUsersss.Text = ""; cmbFullAccessUser.Text = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Coredatabase and Account"); return; } string SQL; int count = 0; //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether account present in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfAccountPresentInCore(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString(), cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Account does not exist in Core! Please give correct Account"); return; } //Delete database from SQL Server SQL = "SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name='" + cmbDatabases.Text + "';"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLSelect(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPasswordsss.Text, cmbDatabases.Text); if (count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); } SQL = ""; count = 0; SQL = " DROP DATABASE [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "];"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()); if (count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Database deleted sucessully from SQL Server"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Database not deleted"); } //Call connect databases button event explicitly btnConnectDB.PerformClick(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete database as it is in use. Kindly close all open connections on SQL Server!!"); } }
private void btnMakeCoreLoginUsers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(" Please select Account and Coredatabase"); return; } string SQL; //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Check whether account present in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfAccountPresentInCore(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString(), cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Account does not exist in Core! Please give correct Account"); return; } //Check whether database has full access security employee if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDBHasFullAccessUser(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("No Employee with full access security/Set the security manually"); return; } //Make selected user as Core login User SQL = "UPDATE [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "]. dbo.Employee SET HostAccount_ID=NULL WHERE HostAccount_ID IS NOT NULL; UPDATE [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "]. dbo.Employee SET HostAccount_ID = (SELECT ID FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Account WHERE Email= '" + txtCoreAccountss.Text + "'), Password = (SELECT Password FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Account WHERE Email= '" + txtCoreAccountss.Text + "') WHERE EmployeeID = '" + cmbFullAccessUser.Text + "'; "; int count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPasswordsss.Text); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Employee made as Core Login User sucessfully!!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Opeartion not sucessful!!"); } //Get current login Core User string st = ClassCoreUtility.getCurrentCoreLoginUser(cmbDatabases.Text, txtCoreAccountss.Text, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPasswordsss.Text); txtCurrentCoreLoginUsersss.Text = st; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btlLoadFullAccessUsers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseAlreadyAddedToCore(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist in CORE!!"); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(" Please select Account and Coredatabase"); return; } string SQL, connectString; List <string> lstFullAccessUsers = new List <string>(); //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Check whether account present in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfAccountPresentInCore(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString(), cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Account does not exist in Core! Please give correct Account"); return; } //Check whether database has full access security employee if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDBHasFullAccessUser(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("No Employee with full access security/Set the security manually"); return; } // Set connection string with selected server and integrated security connectString = "Data Source=" + this.server + ";Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=" + txtUserID.Text + ";Password="******";"; using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectString)) { // Open connection con.Open(); //Get list of full access users SQL = "SELECT EmployeeID FROM [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "].dbo.Employee WHERE Employee_ID IN (SELECT Employee_ID FROM [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "].dbo.Security WHERE SecurityTemplate_ID IN(SELECT SecurityTemplate_ID FROM [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "]. dbo.SecurityTemplate WHERE SecurityTemplateName = 'Full Access'));"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(SQL, con); SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { lstFullAccessUsers.Add(dr[0].ToString()); } // Set databases list as combobox’s datasource this.cmbFullAccessUser.DataSource = lstFullAccessUsers; //Get current login Core User string st = ClassCoreUtility.getCurrentCoreLoginUser(cmbDatabases.Text, txtCoreAccountss.Text, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPasswordsss.Text); txtCurrentCoreLoginUsersss.Text = st; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btnGetDiscrepency_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { richTxtDiscrepency.Text = ""; ClassCoreUtility.CaluculateAll(PBarDiscrepency); //ClassCoreUtility.CaluculateAll(pgrDiscrepency); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Coredatabase and Account"); return; } string SQL; int count = 0; //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Check whether Database exist in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseAlreadyAddedToCore(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist Core"); return; } //Get discrepency in Core database Dictionary <string, string> dctDiscrepency = ClassCoreUtility.GetDiscrepency(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()); foreach (var item in dctDiscrepency) { string comment = item.Key.ToString(); int lencomment = comment.Length; richTxtDiscrepency.Text += comment; //richTxtDiscrepency.Select(richTxtDiscrepency.Text.IndexOf("--"), lencomment); //richTxtDiscrepency.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; //richTxtDiscrepency.SelectionColor = Color.Green; //richTxtDiscrepency.SelectedText = Environment.NewLine + item.Value; richTxtDiscrepency.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); int lenSQL = item.Value.Length; richTxtDiscrepency.Text += item.Value.ToString(); richTxtDiscrepency.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); richTxtDiscrepency.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); } if (richTxtDiscrepency.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("No Discrepency found!!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Copy the Discrepencies!!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void metrobtn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to delete the Database from Core?", "Delete from Core", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { txtCurrentCoreLoginUsersss.Text = ""; cmbFullAccessUser.Text = string.Empty; richTxtDiscrepency.Text = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show("Please select Coredatabase and Account"); return; } string SQL; int count = 0; //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Check whether Database exist in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseAlreadyAddedToCore(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist Core"); return; } //Check whether account present in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfAccountPresentInCore(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString(), cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Account does not exist in Core! Please give correct Account"); return; } //Delete database from Core SQL = ""; SQL = "USE BQECoreHost;"; SQL += "delete FROM dbo.AccountCompany WHERE Company_ID IN(SELECT ID FROM dbo.Company WHERE DatabaseID='" + cmbDatabases.Text + "');"; SQL += "DELETE FROM company WHERE DatabaseID = '" + cmbDatabases.Text + "'; "; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Database deleted sucessully from Core"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Database not deleted"); } btnConnectDB.PerformClick(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void metrobtnConnectCore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtCurrentCoreLoginUsersss.Text = ""; cmbFullAccessUser.Text = string.Empty; richTxtDiscrepency.Text = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(" Please select Account and Coredatabase"); return; } string SQL; int count = 0; //Check whether Database exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database does not exist on SQL Server"); return; } //Check whether database is Core Database if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDatabase(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Database not a Core Database!!"); return; } //Check whether Database exist in CORE if ((ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseAlreadyAddedToCore(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Database already added to Core"); return; } //Check whether account present in CORE if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfAccountPresentInCore(txtCoreAccountss.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString(), cmbDatabases.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Account does not exist in Core! Please give correct Account"); return; } //Check whether database has full access security employee if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfCoreDBHasFullAccessUser(cmbDatabases.Text.ToString(), this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("No Employee with full access security/Set the security manually"); } //Add Database to the CORE SQL = ""; SQL = "USE BQECoreHost;"; SQL += " DECLARE @industry AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @country AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @version AS NVARCHAR(MAX),"; SQL += " @DatabaseID AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @account AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @company AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @route AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,"; SQL += " @DatabaseName AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @password AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @EmployeeID AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @DataFileLocation AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @LogFileLocation AS NVARCHAR(MAX); "; SQL += "SET @industry =(SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM BQECoreMaster.dbo.Industry WHERE SICDescription =" + "'" + "Computer Programmer" + "');"; SQL += "SET @country =( SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Country WHERE Name ='" + "United States" + "');"; SQL += "SET @version =( SELECT TOP 1 CoreVersion FROM BQECoreMaster.dbo.UpdateQuery ORDER BY CreateDate DESC);"; SQL += "SET @DatabaseID = '" + cmbDatabases.Text + "';"; SQL += "SET @account =( SELECT ID FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Account WHERE Email = '" + txtCoreAccountss.Text + "');"; SQL += "SET @password =( SELECT Password FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Account WHERE Email = '" + txtCoreAccountss.Text + "');"; SQL += "SET @route =( SELECT ID FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Route WHERE ID='88888888-4444-4444-4444-123456789012');"; SQL += "SET @DataFileLocation = '' + 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER2016D\\MSSQL\\DATA\\" + cmbDatabases.Text + ".mdf';"; SQL += "SET @LogFileLocation = '' + 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER2016D\\MSSQL\\DATA\\" + cmbDatabases.Text + "_log.ldf';"; SQL += " INSERT INTO Company ( [ID], [Name], [Industry_ID], [Country_ID], [CreatedOn], [TrailExpDate], [CompanyStatus], [StatusMessage],[CoreDBVersion],[Mode],[UpdatedBy],[UpdatedOn],[CreatedBy], [HasArchive], [DatabaseID], [CoreDeliveredVersion],[DataFileLocation], [LogFileLocation] )"; SQL += "VALUES (NEWID(),'" + cmbDatabases.Text + "'," + " @industry, @country, GETDATE(), DATEADD(yy, 20, GETDATE()), 2, NULL,@version,2,NULL,GETDATE(), @account,0,'" + cmbDatabases.Text + "', @version,@DataFileLocation, @LogFileLocation); "; SQL += "SET @company =(SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM BQECoreHost.dbo.Company WHERE DatabaseID = @DatabaseID); "; SQL += " INSERT INTO AccountCompany( [ID], [Account_ID], [UpdatedOn],[UserType], [CreatedOn], [Company_ID],[UserStatus], [UpdatedBy],[CreatedBy],[IsDefault], [Route_ID])"; SQL += "VALUES (NEWID(),@account, GETDATE(),0, GETDATE(), @company,0,@account,@account,NULL, @route);"; SQL += "SET @EmployeeID=(SELECT TOP 1 Employee_ID FROM [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "].dbo.Employee WHERE HostAccount_ID IS NOT NULL AND Employee_ID IN(SELECT Employee_ID FROM [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "].dbo.Security WHERE SecurityTemplate_ID = '5DE836B0-F3F2-45DD-8A44-0C689E8B2ACD')); "; SQL += "UPDATE [" + cmbDatabases.Text + "].dbo.Employee SET HostAccount_ID = @account,Password = @password WHERE Employee_ID = @EmployeeID; "; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPasswordsss.Text.ToString()); if (count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Database added sucessfully to Core"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Database not added to Core"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void btnAddQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string SQL; int count; try { if (txtSQLQuery.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Kindly Write the Query first"); return; } //Check whether Database Coreutility exists on the SQL Server if (!(ClassCoreUtility.checkIfDatabaseExistsOnSQL("CoreUtility", cmbSQLServer.Text.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()))) { MessageBox.Show("Create Querylist table first!!"); return; } //Check if Query already added to Querylist table SQL = "SELECT * FROM CoreUtility.dbo.QueryList WHERE Query='" + txtSQLQuery.Text + "';"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLSelect(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text, cmbDatabases.Text); if (count == 1) { MessageBox.Show("Query already added to QueryList table"); return; } //Check if Comment already used in Querylist table SQL = ""; SQL = "SELECT * FROM CoreUtility.dbo.QueryList WHERE Comment='" + txtComment.Text + "';"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLSelect(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text, cmbDatabases.Text); if (count == 1) { MessageBox.Show("Comment already usedin QueryList table. Please choose different comment!!"); return; } //Validate Query SQL = ""; SQL = txtSQLQuery.Text; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLSelect(SQL, this.server, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text, cmbDatabases.Text); //Insert Query in QueryList table SQL = ""; SQL += "INSERT INTO CoreUtility. dbo.QueryList(Query,Comment,Software,IsActive) VALUES( '" + txtSQLQuery.Text + "','" + txtComment.Text + "','CORE',1);"; count = ClassCoreUtility.executeSQLInsertUpdate(SQL, this.server.ToString(), txtUserID.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString()); if (count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Query added sucessfully"); btnLoadQueries.PerformClick(); txtComment.Text = ""; txtSQLQuery.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("Query not added, Try Again !!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error in Query.Kindly correct youq query first"); } }