コード例 #1
        public Tensor categorical_crossentropy(Tensor target, Tensor output, bool from_logits = false)
            // https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/f65a56fb65062c8d14d215c9f4b1015b97cc5bf3/keras/backend/cntk_backend.py#L1480

            var _output = In(output);
            var _target = In(target);

            if (from_logits)
                var result = C.CrossEntropyWithSoftmax(_output, _target);
                // cntk's result shape is (batch, 1), while keras expect (batch, )
                CNTK.Function r = C.Reshape(result, NDShape.CreateNDShape(new int[] { }));
                // scale preds so that the class probas of each sample sum to 1
                var o     = C.ElementDivide(_output.function, C.ReduceSum(_output, Axis.EndStaticAxis()));
                var eps   = Constant.Scalar(epsilon(), DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice);
                var omeps = Constant.Scalar(1.0 - epsilon(), DeviceDescriptor.CPUDevice);
                // avoid numerical instability with _EPSILON clipping
                o = C.Clip(o, eps, omeps);
                CNTK.Function r = C.Negate(C.ReduceSum(C.ElementTimes(_target, C.Log(_output)), Axis.EndStaticAxis()));
コード例 #2
        private CNTK.Function _reshape_dummy_dim(CNTK.Function x, params int[] axis)
            // https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/f65a56fb65062c8d14d215c9f4b1015b97cc5bf3/keras/backend/cntk_backend.py#L680

            List <int> shape = In(x.Output.Shape).ToList();

            var _axis = axis.Select(i => i < 0 ? (i + shape.Count) : i).ToArray();

            if (shape.Count(s => s == NDShape.InferredDimension) > 1)
                var result = x;
                foreach (int index in _axis.Sorted().Reverse())
                    result = C.Reshape(result, replacementShape: NDShape.CreateNDShape(new int[] { }),
                                       beginAxis: new Axis(index), endAxis: new Axis(index + 1));
                foreach (int index in _axis.Sorted().Reverse())

                return(C.Reshape(x, NDShape.CreateNDShape(shape)));
コード例 #3
        C.Function create_decoder(int[] digits_capsules_output_shape)
            var decoder_input = Util.inputVariable(digits_capsules_output_shape);
            var decoder       = Layers.Dense(decoder_input, 512, computeDevice, activation: CC.ReLU);

            decoder = Layers.Dense(decoder, 1024, computeDevice, activation: CC.ReLU);
            decoder = Layers.Dense(decoder, Util.np_prod(input_shape), computeDevice, activation: CC.Sigmoid);
            decoder = CC.Reshape(decoder, input_shape, name: "out_recon");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Turn a nD tensor into a 2D tensor with same 0th dimension. In other words, it flattens each data samples of a batch.
        /// </summary>
        public Tensor batch_flatten(Tensor x)
            // https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/f65a56fb65062c8d14d215c9f4b1015b97cc5bf3/keras/backend/cntk_backend.py#L1460
            // cntk's batch axis is not in shape,
            // so just flatten all the dim in x.shape
            int dim = Matrix.Product(x.shape.Select(s => s.Value).ToArray());

            x = Out(C.Reshape(In(x), NDShape.CreateNDShape(new[] { -1 })));
            x._keras_shape = new int?[] { null, dim };
コード例 #5
        public Tensor bias_add(Tensor output, Tensor bias)
            CNTKTensor _x     = In(output);
            CNTKTensor _b     = In(bias);
            var        _shape = In(_x.CNTK_Shape).Select(x => x < 0 ? 1 : x).ToArray();

            var shape = NDShape.CreateNDShape(_shape);

            var b = C.Reshape(_b, shape);

            return(Out(new Variable(_x.function) + b));
コード例 #6
        public static Function Dense(Variable operand, int outputDim, DataType dataType, CNTKDictionary weightInitializer, DeviceDescriptor device, string name)
            if (operand.Shape.Rank == 1)
                return(FullyConnectedLinearLayer(operand, outputDim, dataType, device, weightInitializer, name));

            //flatten input layer
            var newDim = operand.Shape.Dimensions.Aggregate((d1, d2) => d1 * d2);

            operand = CNTKLib.Reshape(operand, new[] { newDim });

            return(FullyConnectedLinearLayer(operand, outputDim, dataType, device, weightInitializer, name));
コード例 #7
        C.Function create_capsule_layer(C.Function inputs, int num_capsule, int dim_capsule, int routings, string name)
            var inputs_shape      = inputs.Output.Shape.Dimensions;
            var input_num_capsule = inputs_shape[0];
            var input_dim_capsule = inputs_shape[1];
            var W = new C.Parameter(
                new int[] { num_capsule, dim_capsule, input_num_capsule, input_dim_capsule },
                name: "W");

            inputs = CC.Reshape(inputs, new int[] { 1, 1, input_num_capsule, input_dim_capsule }); // [1, 1, 1152, 8])
            var inputs_hat = CC.ElementTimes(W, inputs);

            inputs_hat = CC.ReduceSum(inputs_hat, new C.Axis(3));
            inputs_hat = CC.Squeeze(inputs_hat);

            C.Function outputs = null;
            var        zeros   = new C.Constant(new int[] { num_capsule, 1, input_num_capsule }, C.DataType.Float, 0, computeDevice);
            var        b       = CC.Combine(new C.VariableVector()

            for (int i = 0; i < routings; i++)
                var c = CC.Softmax(b, new C.Axis(0));
                var batch_dot_result = CC.ElementTimes(c, inputs_hat);
                batch_dot_result = CC.ReduceSum(batch_dot_result, new C.Axis(2));
                batch_dot_result = CC.Squeeze(batch_dot_result);
                outputs          = squash(batch_dot_result, name: $"squashed_{i}", axis: 1);
                if (i < (routings - 1))
                    outputs          = CC.Reshape(outputs, new int[] { num_capsule, dim_capsule, 1 });
                    batch_dot_result = CC.ElementTimes(outputs, inputs_hat);
                    batch_dot_result = CC.ReduceSum(batch_dot_result, new C.Axis(1));
                    b = CC.Plus(b, batch_dot_result);
            outputs = CC.Combine(new C.VariableVector()
            }, name);
コード例 #8
        C.Function get_mask_and_infer_from_last_dimension(C.Function inputs, C.Function mask)
            if (mask == null)
                var inputs_shape = inputs.Output.Shape.Dimensions.ToArray();
                var ndims        = inputs_shape.Length - 1;
                var x            = CC.Sqrt(CC.ReduceSum(CC.Square(inputs), new C.Axis(ndims - 1)));
                x = CC.Squeeze(x);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(x.Output.Shape.Dimensions.Count == 1);
                x    = CC.Argmax(x, new C.Axis(0));
                mask = CC.OneHotOp(x, numClass: (uint)inputs_shape[0], outputSparse: false, axis: new C.Axis(0));
            mask = CC.Reshape(mask, mask.Output.Shape.AppendShape(new int[] { 1 }));
            var masked = CC.ElementTimes(inputs, mask);

            masked = CC.Flatten(masked);
            masked = CC.Squeeze(masked);
コード例 #9
        C.Function create_capsule(string name, int[] input_shape, int[] extra_input_shape, int recognizer_dim, int generator_dim)
            var input_dim   = Util.np_prod(input_shape);
            var x           = Util.placeholderVariable(input_shape, "x");
            var extra_input = Util.placeholderVariable(extra_input_shape, "extra_input");

            var x_flat                         = CC.Flatten(x);
            var recognition                    = Layers.Dense(x_flat, recognizer_dim, computeDevice, "recognition_layer", CC.Sigmoid);
            var probability                    = Layers.Dense(recognition, 1, computeDevice, "probability", CC.Sigmoid);
            var learnt_transformation          = Layers.Dense(recognition, 2, computeDevice, "xy_prediction");
            var learnt_transformation_extended = CC.Plus(learnt_transformation, extra_input, "learnt_transformation_extended");

            var generation = Layers.Dense(learnt_transformation_extended, generator_dim, computeDevice, "generator_layer", CC.Sigmoid);
            var out_flat   = Layers.Dense(generation, input_dim, computeDevice, "output");

            out_flat = CC.ElementTimes(out_flat, probability);
            var output = CC.Reshape(out_flat, input_shape);

コード例 #10
        public Tensor bias_add(Tensor output, Tensor bias, DataFormatType?data_format = null, string name = null)
            if (data_format != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            using (this.name_scope("bias_add"))
                CNTKTensor _x     = In(output);
                CNTKTensor _b     = In(bias);
                var        _shape = In(_x.CNTK_Shape).Select(x => x < 0 ? 1 : x).ToArray();

                var shape = NDShape.CreateNDShape(_shape);

                var b = C.Reshape(_b, shape);

                return(Out(new Variable(_x.function) + b));
コード例 #11
        C.Function create_primary_cap(C.Function inputs, int dim_capsule, int n_channels, int[] kernel_size, int[] strides, bool pad)
            var output = Layers.Convolution2D(
                dim_capsule * n_channels,
                strides: strides,
                use_padding: pad,
                name: "primarycap_conv2d");
            var outputShape = output.Output.Shape.Dimensions;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((outputShape[2] == 256) && (outputShape[1] == 6) && (outputShape[0] == 6));

            var num_rows     = (int)(Util.np_prod(outputShape.ToArray()) / dim_capsule);
            var target_shape = new int[] { num_rows, dim_capsule };
            var outputs      = CC.Reshape(output, target_shape, name: "primarycap_reshape");
            var rtrn         = squash(outputs, name: "primarycap_squash", axis: 1);

コード例 #12
ファイル: SiaNetBackend.cs プロジェクト: zhuthree/SiaNet
 public Tensor Reshape(Tensor x, params long[] shape)
     return(Out(C.Reshape(In(x), BackendUtil.CastShapeInt(shape))));