コード例 #1
ファイル: VoxelDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override Rectangle GetBounds(GameObject obj) {
			if (Vxl == null || Hva == null) return Rectangle.Empty;
			var bounds = VxlRenderer.GetBounds(obj, Vxl, Hva, Props);
			bounds.Offset(obj.Tile.Dx * TileWidth / 2, (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * TileHeight / 2);
			return bounds;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ShpDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override Rectangle GetBounds(GameObject obj) {
			if (InvisibleInGame || Shp == null) return Rectangle.Empty;

			var bounds = ShpRenderer.GetBounds(obj, Shp, Props);
			bounds.Offset(obj.Tile.Dx * TileWidth / 2, (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * TileHeight / 2);
			return bounds;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TmpDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override void Draw(GameObject obj, DrawingSurface ds, bool shadows = true) {
			if (obj == null || TsEntry == null) return;

			var tmpFile = TsEntry.GetTmpFile(obj as MapTile);
			if (tmpFile != null)
				TmpRenderer.Draw((MapTile)obj, tmpFile, ds);

			// todo: tile shadows (TS)
コード例 #4
ファイル: GameCollection.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public Drawable GetDrawable(GameObject o) {
			if (o is NamedObject)
				return GetDrawable((o as NamedObject).Name);
			if (o is NumberedObject) {
				int idx = Math.Max(0, (o as NumberedObject).Number);
				if (idx >= 0 && idx < _drawables.Count)
					return GetDrawable(idx);
			return null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AnimDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override void Draw(GameObject obj, DrawingSurface ds, bool omitShadow = false) {
			if (TransLucency == 0)
				base.Draw(obj, ds, omitShadow);
			else {
				Logger.Debug("Drawing object {0} with {1}% translucency", obj, TransLucency);
				ShpRenderer.Draw(Shp, obj, this, Props, ds, TransLucency);
			if (Props.HasShadow && !omitShadow)
				ShpRenderer.DrawShadow(obj, Shp, Props, ds);
コード例 #6
ファイル: UnitDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override void Draw(GameObject obj, DrawingSurface ds, bool shadows = true) {
			Size onBridgeOffset = Size.Empty;
			if (obj is OwnableObject && (obj as OwnableObject).OnBridge)
				onBridgeOffset = new Size(0, -4 * TileHeight / 2);

			foreach (var drawable in SubDrawables) {
				drawable.Props.Offset += onBridgeOffset;
				drawable.Draw(obj, ds, shadows);
				drawable.Props.Offset -= onBridgeOffset;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ShpRenderer.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public static Rectangle GetBounds(GameObject obj, ShpFile shp, DrawProperties props) {
			int frameIndex = DecideFrameIndex(props.FrameDecider(obj), shp.NumImages);
			var offset = new Point(-shp.Width / 2, -shp.Height / 2);
			Size size = new Size(0, 0);
			var img = shp.GetImage(frameIndex);
			if (img != null) {
				offset.Offset(img.X, img.Y);
				size = new Size(img.Width, img.Height);
			return new Rectangle(offset, size);
コード例 #8
ファイル: ObjectSorter.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		private void ExamineObjects(GameObject obj, GameObject obj2) {
			if (obj == obj2) return;

			var front = GetFrontBlock(obj, obj2);
			if (front == obj && !_hist.Contains(obj2))
				AddDependency(obj, obj2, "obj in front");

			else if (front == obj2) {
				// obj2 is in front of obj, so so obj cannot have been drawn yet
				// Debug.Assert(!_hist.Contains(obj2), "obj drawn before all its dependencies were found");
				AddDependency(obj2, obj, "obj2 in front");
コード例 #9
ファイル: VoxelDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		private unsafe void BlitVoxelToSurface(DrawingSurface ds, DrawingSurface vxl_ds, GameObject obj, DrawProperties props) {
			Point d = new Point(obj.Tile.Dx * TileWidth / 2, (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * TileHeight / 2);
			d.Offset(-vxl_ds.BitmapData.Width / 2, -vxl_ds.BitmapData.Height / 2);

			// rows inverted!
			var w_low = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0;
			byte* w_high = w_low + ds.BitmapData.Stride * ds.BitmapData.Height;
			var zBuffer = ds.GetZBuffer();
			var shadowBufVxl = vxl_ds.GetShadows();
			var shadowBuf = ds.GetShadows();
			// int rowsTouched = 0;

			// short firstRowTouched = short.MaxValue;
			for (int y = 0; y < vxl_ds.Height; y++) {
				byte* src_row = (byte*)vxl_ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + vxl_ds.BitmapData.Stride * (vxl_ds.Height - y - 1);
				byte* dst_row = ((byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + (d.Y + y) * ds.BitmapData.Stride + d.X * 3);
				int zIdx = (d.Y + y) * ds.Width + d.X;
				if (dst_row < w_low || dst_row >= w_high) continue;

				for (int x = 0; x < vxl_ds.Width; x++) {
					// only non-transparent pixels
					if (*(src_row + x * 4 + 3) > 0) {
						*(dst_row + x * 3) = *(src_row + x * 4);
						*(dst_row + x * 3 + 1) = *(src_row + x * 4 + 1);
						*(dst_row + x * 3 + 2) = *(src_row + x * 4 + 2);

						// if (y < firstRowTouched)
						// 	firstRowTouched = (short)y;

						short zBufVal = (short)((obj.Tile.Rx + obj.Tile.Ry + obj.Tile.Z) * TileHeight / 2);
						if (zBufVal >= zBuffer[zIdx])
							zBuffer[zIdx] = zBufVal;
					// or shadows
					else if (shadowBufVxl[x + y * vxl_ds.Height]) {
						int shadIdx = (d.Y + y) * ds.Width + d.X + x;
						if (!shadowBuf[shadIdx]) {
							*(dst_row + x * 3) /= 2;
							*(dst_row + x * 3 + 1) /= 2;
							*(dst_row + x * 3 + 2) /= 2;
							shadowBuf[shadIdx] = true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: UnitDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override Rectangle GetBounds(GameObject obj) {
			Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Empty;
			var parts = new List<Drawable>();

			foreach (var d in parts) {
				var db = d.GetBounds(obj);
				if (db == Rectangle.Empty) continue;
				if (bounds == Rectangle.Empty) bounds = db;
				else bounds = Rectangle.Union(bounds, db);

			Point onBridgeOffset = Point.Empty;
			if (obj is OwnableObject && (obj as OwnableObject).OnBridge)
				onBridgeOffset = new Point(0, -4 * TileHeight / 2);

			return bounds;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ObjectSorter.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		internal void ExamineNeighbourhood(GameObject obj) {
			// Debug.WriteLine("Examining neighhourhood of " + obj);
			// Debug.Assert(!_hist.Contains(obj), "examining neighbourhood for an object that's already in the draw list");
			var objBB = obj.GetBounds();
			var tileTL = _map.GetTileScreen(objBB.Location, true, false);
			var tileBR = _map.GetTileScreen(objBB.Location + objBB.Size);

			for (int y = tileTL.Dy - 3; y <= tileBR.Dy + 3; y++) {
				for (int x = tileTL.Dx - 3; x <= tileBR.Dx + 3; x += 2) {
					if ((x + (y + obj.TopTile.Dy)) < 0 || y < 0) continue;
					var tile2 = _map[x + (y + obj.TopTile.Dy)%2, y/2];
					if (tile2 == null) continue;

					// Debug.WriteLine("neighhourhood tile " + tile2 + " of obj " + obj + " at " + obj.Tile);
					ExamineObjects(obj, tile2);
					foreach (var obj2 in tile2.AllObjects)
						ExamineObjects(obj, obj2);
コード例 #12
ファイル: MapTile.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public void AddObject(GameObject obj) {
			obj.Tile = this;
コード例 #13
ファイル: MapTile.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public void RemoveObject(GameObject obj, bool silent = false) {
			if (!silent) Logger.Warn("Removing unknown object {0} from tile {1}", obj, this);
			bool removed = _allObjects.Remove(obj);
			if (!removed) Logger.Warn("Failed to reomve objects {0} from tile {1}", obj, this);
コード例 #14
ファイル: VxlRenderer.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public static Rectangle GetBounds(GameObject obj, VxlFile vxl, HvaFile hva, DrawProperties props) {

			float direction = (obj is OwnableObject) ? (obj as OwnableObject).Direction : 0;
			float objectRotation = 45f - direction / 256f * 360f; // convert game rotation to world degrees

			var world = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(60));
			world = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(objectRotation)) * world; // object facing
			world = Matrix4.Scale(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f) * world;

			// art.ini TurretOffset value positions some voxel parts over our x-axis
			world = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0.18f * props.TurretVoxelOffset, 0, 0) * world;
			var camera = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(30), 1f, 1, 100);
			world = world * camera;

			Rectangle ret = Rectangle.Empty;
			foreach (var section in vxl.Sections) {
				var frameRot = hva.LoadGLMatrix(section.Index);
				frameRot.M41 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleX;
				frameRot.M42 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleY;
				frameRot.M43 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleZ;

				var minbounds = new Vector3(section.MinBounds);
				if (props.HasShadow)
					minbounds.Z = -100;

				var frameTransl = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(minbounds);
				var frame = frameTransl * frameRot * world;

				// floor rect of the bounding box
				Vector3 floorTopLeft = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
				Vector3 floorTopRight = new Vector3(section.SpanX, 0, 0);
				Vector3 floorBottomRight = new Vector3(section.SpanX, section.SpanY, 0);
				Vector3 floorBottomLeft = new Vector3(0, section.SpanY, 0);

				// ceil rect of the bounding box
				Vector3 ceilTopLeft = new Vector3(0, 0, section.SpanZ);
				Vector3 ceilTopRight = new Vector3(section.SpanX, 0, section.SpanZ);
				Vector3 ceilBottomRight = new Vector3(section.SpanX, section.SpanY, section.SpanZ);
				Vector3 ceilBottomLeft = new Vector3(0, section.SpanY, section.SpanZ);

				// apply transformations
				floorTopLeft = Vector3.Transform(floorTopLeft, frame);
				floorTopRight = Vector3.Transform(floorTopRight, frame);
				floorBottomRight = Vector3.Transform(floorBottomRight, frame);
				floorBottomLeft = Vector3.Transform(floorBottomLeft, frame);

				ceilTopLeft = Vector3.Transform(ceilTopLeft, frame);
				ceilTopRight = Vector3.Transform(ceilTopRight, frame);
				ceilBottomRight = Vector3.Transform(ceilBottomRight, frame);
				ceilBottomLeft = Vector3.Transform(ceilBottomLeft, frame);

				int FminX = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Min(floorTopLeft.X, floorTopRight.X), floorBottomRight.X), floorBottomLeft.X));
				int FmaxX = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(floorTopLeft.X, floorTopRight.X), floorBottomRight.X), floorBottomLeft.X));
				int FminY = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Min(floorTopLeft.Y, floorTopRight.Y), floorBottomRight.Y), floorBottomLeft.Y));
				int FmaxY = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(floorTopLeft.Y, floorTopRight.Y), floorBottomRight.Y), floorBottomLeft.Y));

				int TminX = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Min(ceilTopLeft.X, ceilTopRight.X), ceilBottomRight.X), ceilBottomLeft.X));
				int TmaxX = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(ceilTopLeft.X, ceilTopRight.X), ceilBottomRight.X), ceilBottomLeft.X));
				int TminY = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Min(ceilTopLeft.Y, ceilTopRight.Y), ceilBottomRight.Y), ceilBottomLeft.Y));
				int TmaxY = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(ceilTopLeft.Y, ceilTopRight.Y), ceilBottomRight.Y), ceilBottomLeft.Y));

				int minX = Math.Min(FminX, TminX);
				int maxX = Math.Max(FmaxX, TmaxX);
				int minY = Math.Min(FminY, TminY);
				int maxY = Math.Max(FmaxY, TmaxY);

				ret = Rectangle.Union(ret, Rectangle.FromLTRB(minX, minY, maxX, maxY));

			// return new Rectangle(-ret.Width / 2, -ret.Height / 2, ret.Width, ret.Height);
			return ret;
コード例 #15
ファイル: AlphaDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override void Draw(GameObject obj, DrawingSurface ds, bool shadow = true) {
			ShpRenderer.DrawAlpha(obj, Shp, Props, ds);
コード例 #16
ファイル: ObjectSorter.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		private void MarkDependencies(GameObject nowSatisfied) {
			var satisfiedQueue = new List<GameObject> { nowSatisfied };
			while (satisfiedQueue.Count > 0) {
				var mark = satisfiedQueue.Last();
				satisfiedQueue.RemoveAt(satisfiedQueue.Count - 1);

				// move the tile we're marking from the graph to the history
				// Debug.WriteLine("Inserting object " + mark + "@" + mark.Tile + " to hist");

				var prune = from entry in _graph where entry.Value.Remove(mark) && entry.Value.Count == 0 select entry.Key;
				// prune newly satisfied
				foreach (var obj in prune.ToList()) {
コード例 #17
ファイル: VxlRenderer.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public DrawingSurface Render(VxlFile vxl, HvaFile hva, GameObject obj, DrawProperties props) {
			if (!_isInit) Initialize();
			if (!_canRender) {
				Logger.Warn("Not rendering {0} because no OpenGL context could be obtained", vxl.FileName);
				return null;

			Logger.Debug("Rendering voxel {0}", vxl.FileName);

			GL.Viewport(0, 0, _surface.BitmapData.Width, _surface.BitmapData.Height);
			GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);

			// RA2 uses dimetric projection with camera elevated 30° off the ground
			var persp = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(30), _surface.BitmapData.Width / (float)_surface.BitmapData.Height, 1, _surface.BitmapData.Height);
			GL.LoadMatrix(ref persp);


			var lookat = Matrix4.LookAt(0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
			GL.MultMatrix(ref lookat);
			var trans = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 10);
			GL.MultMatrix(ref trans);

			// align and zoom
			var world = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(60));
			world = Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(180)) * world;
			world = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(-45)) * world; 
			world = Matrix4.Scale(0.028f, 0.028f, 0.028f) * world;
			GL.MultMatrix(ref world);

			// DrawAxes();
			// determine tilt vectors
			Matrix4 tilt;
			int tiltPitch, tiltYaw;
			if (true) {
				int ramp = (obj.Tile.Drawable as TileDrawable).GetTileImage(obj.Tile).RampType;
				if (ramp == 0 || ramp >= 17) {
					tiltPitch = tiltYaw = 0;
				else if (ramp <= 4) {
					// screen-diagonal facings (perpendicular to axes)
					tiltPitch = 25;
					tiltYaw = -90 * ramp;
				else {
					// world-diagonal facings (perpendicular to screen)
					tiltPitch = 25;
					tiltYaw = 225 - 90 * ((ramp - 1) % 4);
				tilt = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(tiltPitch));
				tilt *= Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(tiltYaw));

				/*// show tilt direction
				var tiltVec = Vector3.UnitZ;
				tiltVec = Vector3.Transform(tiltVec, tilt);
				tiltVec = Vector3.Multiply(tiltVec, 1000f);

			/*// draw slope normals
			var colors = new[] { Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Orange, Color.Black, Color.Purple, Color.SlateBlue, Color.DimGray, Color.White, Color.Teal, Color.Tan };
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

				const float roll = 25f;
				float syaw = 45f * i;
				var slopeNormal = Vector3.UnitZ;
				slopeNormal = Vector3.Transform(slopeNormal, Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(roll)));
				slopeNormal = Vector3.Transform(slopeNormal, Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(syaw)));
				GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0);
				GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Multiply(slopeNormal, 1000f));

			// object rotation around Z
			float direction = (obj is OwnableObject) ? (obj as OwnableObject).Direction : 0;
			float objectRotation = 90 - direction / 256f * 360f - tiltYaw; // convert game rotation to world degrees
			Matrix4 @object = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(objectRotation)) * tilt; // object facing
			// art.ini TurretOffset value positions some voxel parts over our x-axis
			@object = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0.18f * props.TurretVoxelOffset, 0, 0) * @object;
			GL.MultMatrix(ref @object);

			// DrawAxes();
			float pitch = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(210);
			float yaw = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(120);
			/*// helps to find good pitch/yaw
			// direction of light vector given by pitch & yaw
			for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 360; j += 30) {
					GL.Color3(colors[i / 30]);
					var shadowTransform2 =
						* Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(j));
					GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0);
					GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Multiply(ExtractRotationVector(ToOpenGL(Matrix4.Invert(world * shadowTransform2))), 100f));

			var shadowTransform = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(pitch) * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(yaw);
			// clear shadowbuf
			var shadBuf = _surface.GetShadows();
			Array.Clear(shadBuf, 0, shadBuf.Length);
			foreach (var section in vxl.Sections) {

				var frameRot = hva.LoadGLMatrix(section.Index);
				frameRot.M41 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleX;
				frameRot.M42 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleY;
				frameRot.M43 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleZ;

				var frameTransl = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(section.MinBounds);
				var frame = frameTransl * frameRot;
				GL.MultMatrix(ref frame);

				var shadowScale = Matrix4.Scale(0.5f);
				//var shadowTilt = null;
				var shadowToScreen = frameTransl * shadowScale * frameRot * (@object * world) * trans * lookat;

				// undo world transformations on light direction
				var lightDirection = ExtractRotationVector(ToOpenGL(Matrix4.Invert((@object * world) * frame * shadowTransform)));

				// draw line in direction light comes from
				GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0);
				GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Multiply(lightDirection, 100f));

				for (uint x = 0; x != section.SizeX; x++) {
					for (uint y = 0; y != section.SizeY; y++) {
						foreach (VxlFile.Voxel vx in section.Spans[x, y].Voxels) {
							Color color = obj.Palette.Colors[vx.ColorIndex];
							Vector3 normal = section.GetNormal(vx.NormalIndex);
							// shader function taken from https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/blob/bleed/cg/vxl.fx
							// thanks to pchote for a LOT of help getting it right
							Vector3 colorMult = Vector3.Add(Ambient, Diffuse * Math.Max(Vector3.Dot(normal, lightDirection), 0f));
								(byte)Math.Min(255, color.R * colorMult.X),
								(byte)Math.Min(255, color.G * colorMult.Y),
								(byte)Math.Min(255, color.B * colorMult.Z));

							Vector3 vxlPos = Vector3.Multiply(new Vector3(x, y, vx.Z), section.Scale);

							var shadpos = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
							var screenPos = Vector3.Transform(shadpos, shadowToScreen);
							screenPos = Vector3.Transform(screenPos, persp);
							screenPos.X /= screenPos.Z;
							screenPos.Y /= screenPos.Z;
							screenPos.X = (screenPos.X + 1) * _surface.Width / 2;
							screenPos.Y = (screenPos.Y + 1) * _surface.Height / 2;
							if (0 <= screenPos.X && screenPos.X < _surface.Width && 0 <= screenPos.Y && screenPos.Y < _surface.Height)
								shadBuf[(int)screenPos.X + (_surface.Height - 1 - (int)screenPos.Y) * _surface.Width] = true;

							/* draw line in normal direction
							if (r.Next(100) == 4) {
								float m = Math.Max(Vector3.Dot(normal, lightDirection), 0f);
								GL.Color3(m, m, m);
								GL.Vertex3(new Vector3(x, y, vx.Z));
								GL.Vertex3(new Vector3(x, y, vx.Z) + Vector3.Multiply(normal, 100f));


			// read pixels back to surface
			GL.ReadPixels(0, 0, _surface.BitmapData.Width, _surface.BitmapData.Height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, _surface.BitmapData.Scan0);
			return _surface;
コード例 #18
ファイル: ShpRenderer.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		unsafe public static void Draw(ShpFile shp, GameObject obj, Drawable dr, DrawProperties props, DrawingSurface ds, int transLucency = 0) {

			int frameIndex = props.FrameDecider(obj);
			Palette p = props.PaletteOverride ?? obj.Palette;

			frameIndex = DecideFrameIndex(frameIndex, shp.NumImages);
			if (frameIndex >= shp.Images.Count)

			var img = shp.GetImage(frameIndex);
			var imgData = img.GetImageData();
			if (imgData == null || img.Width * img.Height != imgData.Length)

			Point offset = props.GetOffset(obj);
			offset.X += obj.Tile.Dx * Drawable.TileWidth / 2 - shp.Width / 2 + img.X;
			offset.Y += (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * Drawable.TileHeight / 2 - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y;
			Logger.Trace("Drawing SHP file {0} (Frame {1}) at ({2},{3})", shp.FileName, frameIndex, offset.X, offset.Y);

			int stride = ds.BitmapData.Stride;
			var heightBuffer = ds.GetHeightBuffer();
			var zBuffer = ds.GetZBuffer();

			var w_low = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0;
			byte* w_high = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + stride * ds.BitmapData.Height;
			byte* w = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + offset.X * 3 + stride * offset.Y;

			// clip to 25-50-75-100
			transLucency = (transLucency / 25) * 25;
			float a = transLucency / 100f;
			float b = 1 - a;

			int rIdx = 0; // image pixel index
			int zIdx = offset.X + offset.Y * ds.Width; // z-buffer pixel index
			short hBufVal = (short)(obj.Tile.Z * Drawable.TileHeight / 2);
			short zOffset = (short)((obj.BottomTile.Rx + obj.BottomTile.Ry) * Drawable.TileHeight / 2);

			if (!dr.Flat)
				hBufVal += shp.Height;

			for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++) {
				if (offset.Y + y < 0) {
					w += stride;
					rIdx += img.Width;
					zIdx += ds.Width;
					continue; // out of bounds

				for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++) {
					byte paletteValue = imgData[rIdx];

					short zshapeOffset = obj is StructureObject ? (GetBuildingZ(x, y, shp, img, obj)) : (short)0;
					if (paletteValue != 0) {
						short zBufVal = zOffset;
						if (dr.Flat)
							zBufVal += (short)(y - img.Height);
						else if (dr.IsBuildingPart) {
							// nonflat building
							zBufVal += zshapeOffset;
							zBufVal += img.Height;

						if (w_low <= w && w < w_high  /*&& zBufVal >= zBuffer[zIdx]*/) {
							if (transLucency != 0) {
								*(w + 0) = (byte)(a * *(w + 0) + b * p.Colors[paletteValue].B);
								*(w + 1) = (byte)(a * *(w + 1) + b * p.Colors[paletteValue].G);
								*(w + 2) = (byte)(a * *(w + 2) + b * p.Colors[paletteValue].R);
							else {
								*(w + 0) = p.Colors[paletteValue].B;
								*(w + 1) = p.Colors[paletteValue].G;
								*(w + 2) = p.Colors[paletteValue].R;

								//var pal = Theater.Active.GetPalettes().UnitPalette.Colors;
								//*(w + 0) = pal[zshapeOffset].R;
								//*(w + 1) = pal[zshapeOffset].G;
								//*(w + 2) = pal[zshapeOffset].B;
							zBuffer[zIdx] = zBufVal;
							heightBuffer[zIdx] = hBufVal;
					//else {
					//	*(w + 0) = 0;
					//	*(w + 1) = 0;
					//	*(w + 2) = 255;

					// Up to the next pixel
					w += 3;
				w += stride - 3 * img.Width;
				zIdx += ds.Width - img.Width;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Theater.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public GameCollection GetObjectCollection(GameObject o) {
			if (o is InfantryObject) return _infantryTypes;
			else if (o is UnitObject) return _vehicleTypes;
			else if (o is AircraftObject) return _aircraftTypes;
			else if (o is StructureObject) {
				if (_buildingTypes.HasObject(o))
					return _buildingTypes;
					return _overlayTypes;
			else if (o is OverlayObject) return _overlayTypes;
			else if (o is TerrainObject) return _terrainTypes;
			else if (o is SmudgeObject) return _smudgeTypes;
			else if (o is AnimationObject) return _animations;
			else if (o is MapTile) return _tileTypes;
			else return null;
コード例 #20
ファイル: GameCollection.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public bool HasObject(GameObject o) {
			return GetDrawable(o) != null;
コード例 #21
ファイル: ObjectSorter.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		private void AddDependency(GameObject obj, GameObject dependency, string reason = "") {
			HashSet<GameObject> list;
			if (!_graph.TryGetValue(obj, out list))
				_graph[obj] = list = new HashSet<GameObject> { obj.BottomTile, obj.TopTile };

			if (dependency != null) {
				bool added = list.Add(dependency);
				// if (added) Debug.WriteLine("dependency (" + obj + "@" + obj.Tile + " --> " + dependency + "@" + dependency.Tile + ") added because " + reason);
コード例 #22
ファイル: DrawProperties.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public Point GetShadowOffset(GameObject obj) {
			var ret = Offset;
			if (ShadowOffsetHack != null)
			return ret;
コード例 #23
ファイル: ObjectSorter.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public Hexagon GetIsoBoundingBox(GameObject obj) {
			if (obj is MapTile)
				return new Hexagon {
					xMin = obj.Tile.Rx,
					xMax = obj.Tile.Rx,
					yMin = obj.Tile.Ry,
					yMax = obj.Tile.Ry,
					zMin = obj.Tile.Z,
					zMax = obj.Tile.Z,
			else if (obj is OwnableObject) {
				var oObj = obj as OwnableObject;
				return new Hexagon {
					xMin = obj.TopTile.Rx,
					xMax = obj.BottomTile.Rx,
					yMin = obj.TopTile.Ry,
					yMax = obj.BottomTile.Ry,
					zMin = obj.Tile.Z + (oObj.OnBridge ? 4 : 0),
					zMax = obj.Tile.Z + (oObj.OnBridge ? 4 : 0),
				return new Hexagon {
					xMin = obj.TopTile.Rx,
					xMax = obj.BottomTile.Rx,
					yMin = obj.TopTile.Ry,
					yMax = obj.BottomTile.Ry,
					zMin = obj.Tile.Z + obj.Drawable.TileElevation,
					zMax = obj.Tile.Z + obj.Drawable.TileElevation,
コード例 #24
ファイル: ObjectSorter.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		private object GetFrontBlock(GameObject objA, GameObject objB) {
			// magic, don't touch.
			// any kind of randomness or antisymmetry in this function
			// will lead to cyclic dependencies in the drawing order graph, 
			// resulting in neither object every being drawn.

			// tiles never overlap
			if (objA is MapTile && objB is MapTile) return null;

			var boxA = objA.GetBounds();
			var boxB = objB.GetBounds();
			if (!boxA.IntersectsWith(boxB)) return null;

			var hexA = GetIsoBoundingBox(objA);
			var hexB = GetIsoBoundingBox(objB);

			var sepAxis = Hexagon.GetSeparationAxis(hexA, hexB);

			// tiles can only be in front based on z-axis separation
			if ((objA is MapTile) ^ (objB is MapTile) && sepAxis != Axis.Z)
				return (objA is MapTile) ? objB : objA;

			// flat stuff always loses
			if (objA.Drawable.Flat ^ objB.Drawable.Flat) {
				if (sepAxis != Axis.Z)
					return (objA.Drawable.Flat) ? objB : objA;

			switch (sepAxis) {
				case Axis.X:
					if (hexA.xMin > hexB.xMax) return objA;
					else if (hexB.xMin > hexA.xMax) return objB;
				case Axis.Y:
					if (hexA.yMin > hexB.yMax) return objA;
					else if (hexB.yMin > hexA.yMax) return objB;
				case Axis.Z:
					if (hexA.zMin > hexB.zMax) return objA;
					else if (hexB.zMin > hexA.zMax) return objB;

			// units on bridges can only be drawn after the bridge
			if (objA is OverlayObject && SpecialOverlays.IsHighBridge(objA as OverlayObject)
                && objB is OwnableObject && (objB as OwnableObject).OnBridge) return objB;
			else if (objB is OverlayObject && SpecialOverlays.IsHighBridge(objB as OverlayObject)
                     && objA is OwnableObject && (objA as OwnableObject).OnBridge) return objA;

			// no proper separation is possible, if one of both
			// objects is flat then mark the other one as in front,
			// otherwise use the one with lowest y
			if (objA.Drawable.Flat && !objB.Drawable.Flat) return objB;
			else if (objB.Drawable.Flat && !objA.Drawable.Flat) return objA;

			// try to make distinction based on object type
			// tile, smudge, overlay, terrain, unit/building, aircraft
			var priorities = new Dictionary<Type, int> {
                {typeof(MapTile), 0},
                {typeof(SmudgeObject), 1},
                {typeof(OverlayObject), 2},
                {typeof(TerrainObject), 3},
                {typeof(StructureObject), 3},
                {typeof(AnimationObject), 3},
                {typeof(UnitObject), 3},
                {typeof(InfantryObject), 3},
                {typeof(AircraftObject), 4},
			int prioA = priorities[objA.GetType()];
			int prioB = priorities[objB.GetType()];

			if (prioA > prioB) return objA;
			else if (prioA < prioB) return objB;

			// finally try the minimal y coordinate
			if (boxA.Bottom > boxB.Bottom) return objA;
			else if (boxA.Bottom < boxB.Bottom) return objB;

			// finally if nothing worked up to here, which is very unlikely,
			// we'll use a tie-breaker that is at least guaranteed to yield
			// the same result regardless of argument order
			return objA.Id < objB.Id ? objA : objB;
コード例 #25
ファイル: ShpRenderer.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		private static short GetBuildingZ(int x, int y, ShpFile shp, ShpFile.ShpImage img, GameObject obj) {
			if (_noBuildingZAvailable)
				return 0;
			else if (BuildingZ == null) {
				if (ModConfig.ActiveConfig.Engine < EngineType.YurisRevenge)
					BuildingZ = VFS.Open<ShpFile>("buildngz.shp");
				else // Yuri's Revenge uses .sha as a file extension for this
					BuildingZ = VFS.Open<ShpFile>("buildngz.sha");
				if (BuildingZ != null)
					_noBuildingZAvailable = true;

			var zImg = BuildingZ.GetImage(0);
			byte[] zData = zImg.GetImageData();

			// center x
			x += zImg.Width / 2 - shp.Width / 2 + img.X;
			// correct for foundation
			x -= (obj.Drawable.Foundation.Width - obj.Drawable.Foundation.Height) * 30;
			// add zshapepointmove
			x += obj.Drawable.Props.ZShapePointMove.X;

			// align y on bottom
			y += zImg.Height - shp.Height;

			// add zshapepointmove
			y -= obj.Drawable.Props.ZShapePointMove.Y;

			x = Math.Min(zImg.Width - 1, Math.Max(0, x));
			y = Math.Min(zImg.Height - 1, Math.Max(0, y));
			return (short)(-64 + zData[y * zImg.Width + x]);
コード例 #26
ファイル: TmpDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override Rectangle GetBounds(GameObject obj) {
			var tile = (MapTile)obj;
			return TmpRenderer.GetBounds(tile, TsEntry.GetTmpFile(tile));
コード例 #27
ファイル: ShpRenderer.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		unsafe public static void DrawAlpha(GameObject obj, ShpFile shp, DrawProperties props, DrawingSurface ds) {

			// Change originally implemented by Starkku: Ares supports multiframe AlphaImages, based on frame count 
			// the direction the unit it facing.
			int frameIndex = props.FrameDecider(obj);

			var img = shp.GetImage(frameIndex);
			var imgData = img.GetImageData();
			var c_px = (uint)(img.Width * img.Height);
			if (c_px <= 0 || img.Width < 0 || img.Height < 0 || frameIndex > shp.NumImages)

			Point offset = props.GetOffset(obj);
			offset.X += obj.Tile.Dx * Drawable.TileWidth / 2;
			offset.Y += (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * Drawable.TileHeight / 2;
			Logger.Trace("Drawing AlphaImage SHP file {0} (frame {1}) at ({2},{3})", shp.FileName, frameIndex, offset.X, offset.Y);

			int stride = ds.BitmapData.Stride;
			var w_low = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0;
			byte* w_high = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + stride * ds.BitmapData.Height;

			int dx = offset.X + Drawable.TileWidth / 2 - shp.Width / 2 + img.X,
				dy = offset.Y - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y;
			byte* w = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + dx * 3 + stride * dy;
			short zOffset = (short)((obj.Tile.Rx + obj.Tile.Ry) * Drawable.TileHeight / 2 - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y);
			int rIdx = 0;

			for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++) {
				for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++) {
					if (imgData[rIdx] != 0 && w_low <= w && w < w_high) {
						float mult = imgData[rIdx] / 127.0f;
						*(w + 0) = limit(mult, *(w + 0));
						*(w + 1) = limit(mult, *(w + 1));
						*(w + 2) = limit(mult, *(w + 2));
					// Up to the next pixel
					w += 3;
				w += stride - 3 * img.Width;	// ... and if we're no more on the same row,
				// adjust the writing pointer accordingy
コード例 #28
ファイル: TmpDrawable.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		public override void DrawBoundingBox(GameObject obj, Graphics gfx) {
			// meh
コード例 #29
ファイル: Theater.cs プロジェクト: dkeetonx/ccmaps-net
		internal void Draw(GameObject obj, DrawingSurface ds) {
			Logger.Trace("Drawing object {0} @ {1}", obj, obj.Tile);
			obj.Drawable.Draw(obj, ds);
コード例 #30
ファイル: GameObjects.cs プロジェクト: zzattack/ccmaps-net
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a lamp to this object's palette if it's in range
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lamp">The lamp to apply</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the palette was replaced, meaning it needs to be recalculated</returns>
        public bool ApplyLamp(GameObject obj, bool ambientOnly = false)
            var lamp = this;
            const double TOLERANCE = 0.001;
            if (Math.Abs(lamp.LightIntensity) < TOLERANCE)
                return false;

            var drawLocation = obj.Tile;
            double sqX = (lamp.Tile.Rx - drawLocation.Rx) * (lamp.Tile.Rx - drawLocation.Rx);
            double sqY = (lamp.Tile.Ry - (drawLocation.Ry)) * (lamp.Tile.Ry - (drawLocation.Ry));

            double distance = Math.Sqrt(sqX + sqY);

            // checks whether we're in range
            if ((0 < lamp.LightVisibility) && (distance < lamp.LightVisibility / 256)) {
                double lsEffect = (lamp.LightVisibility - 256 * distance) / lamp.LightVisibility;

                // we don't want to apply lamps to shared palettes, so clone first
                if (obj.Palette.IsShared)
                    obj.Palette = obj.Palette.Clone();

                obj.Palette.ApplyLamp(lamp, lsEffect, ambientOnly);
                return true;
                return false;