private ArrayList BuildLevels(Graph g) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); for (int level = 0; level <= g.BottomVertex.level; level++) { al.Add(new ArrayList()); } foreach (Vertex v in g.vertices.Values) { if (v.level <= g.BottomVertex.level) { ArrayList all = (ArrayList)al[v.level]; all.Add(v); } else { Debug.Assert(v.level == int.MaxValue); } } foreach (ArrayList all in al) { all.Sort(); } return al; }
internal void BuildAllocationTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, int typeIndex, ulong size, Vertex[] typeVertex, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, FilterForm filterForm) { int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 2); Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex; Vertex fromVertex; Edge edge; if ((typeVertex[typeIndex].interestLevel & InterestLevel.Interesting) == InterestLevel.Interesting && ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm)) { vertexStack[stackPtr] = typeVertex[typeIndex]; stackPtr++; stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr); stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr); for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = vertexStack[i]; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(size); } fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = graph.BottomVertex; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(size); } }
internal void ViewGraph(ReadLogResult logResult, string exeName, Graph.GraphType graphType) { string fileName = log.fileName; if (exeName != null) fileName = exeName; Graph graph = null; string title = ""; switch (graphType) { case Graph.GraphType.CallGraph: graph = logResult.callstackHistogram.BuildCallGraph(new FilterForm()); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.CallGraph; title = "Call Graph for: "; break; case Graph.GraphType.AssemblyGraph: graph = logResult.callstackHistogram.BuildAssemblyGraph(new FilterForm()); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.AssemblyGraph; title = "Assembly Graph for: "; break; case Graph.GraphType.AllocationGraph: graph = logResult.allocatedHistogram.BuildAllocationGraph(new FilterForm()); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.AllocationGraph; title = "Allocation Graph for: "; break; case Graph.GraphType.HeapGraph: graph = logResult.objectGraph.BuildTypeGraph(new FilterForm()); title = "Heap Graph for: "; break; case Graph.GraphType.FunctionGraph: graph = logResult.functionList.BuildFunctionGraph(new FilterForm()); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.FunctionGraph; title = "Function Graph for: "; break; case Graph.GraphType.ModuleGraph: graph = logResult.functionList.BuildModuleGraph(new FilterForm()); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.ModuleGraph; title = "Module Graph for: "; break; case Graph.GraphType.ClassGraph: graph = logResult.functionList.BuildClassGraph(new FilterForm()); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.ClassGraph; title = "Class Graph for: "; break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } title += fileName; GraphViewForm graphViewForm = new GraphViewForm(graph, title); graphViewForm.Visible = true; }
internal Vertex(string name, string signature, string module, Graph containingGraph) { this.signature = signature; this.incomingEdges = new Dictionary<Vertex, Edge>(); this.outgoingEdges = new Dictionary<Vertex, Edge>(); this.level = Int32.MaxValue; this.weight = 0; this.containingGraph = containingGraph; this.moduleName = module; nameSpace = nameSpaceOf(name, out basicName); = name; basicSignature = signature; if (nameSpace.Length > 0 && signature != null) { int index; while ((index = basicSignature.IndexOf(nameSpace)) >= 0) { basicSignature = basicSignature.Remove(index, nameSpace.Length); } } }
internal Graph BuildAssemblyGraph(FilterForm filterForm) { Vertex[] assemblyVertex = new Vertex[1]; Vertex[] funcVertex = new Vertex[1]; Vertex[] typeVertex = new Vertex[1]; Vertex[] vertexStack = new Vertex[1]; Graph graph = new Graph(this); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.AssemblyGraph; int count = BuildAssemblyVertices(graph, ref assemblyVertex, filterForm); BuildTypeVertices(graph, ref typeVertex, filterForm); BuildFuncVertices(graph, ref funcVertex, filterForm); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Vertex v = (Vertex)assemblyVertex[i], tv = null; string c =; int stackid = readNewLog.assemblies[c]; if(stackid < 0) { int[] stacktrace = readNewLog.stacktraceTable.IndexToStacktrace(-stackid); tv = typeVertex[stacktrace[0]]; } BuildAssemblyTrace(graph, stackid, v, tv, funcVertex, ref vertexStack); } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { = true; } = false; return graph; }
internal int BuildAssemblyVertices(Graph graph, ref Vertex[] typeVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { int count = 0; foreach(string c in readNewLog.assemblies.Keys) { readNewLog.AddTypeVertex(count++, c, graph, ref typeVertex, filterForm); } return count; }
internal void AddTypeVertex(int typeId, string typeName, Graph graph, ref Vertex[] typeVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { EnsureVertexCapacity(typeId, ref typeVertex); typeVertex[typeId] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(typeName, null, null); typeVertex[typeId].interestLevel = filterForm.InterestLevelOfTypeName(typeName, null, finalizableTypes.ContainsKey(typeId)); }
internal Graph BuildClassGraph(FilterForm filterForm) { Vertex[] funcVertex = new Vertex[1]; Vertex[] vertexStack = new Vertex[1]; Graph graph = new Graph(this); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.ClassGraph; BuildFuncVertices(graph, ref funcVertex, filterForm); foreach (FunctionDescriptor fd in functionList) { BuildClassTrace(graph, fd.funcCallStack, fd.functionId, fd.funcSize, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, filterForm); } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) = true; = false; return graph; }
void BuildModuleTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, int modIndex, ulong size, Vertex[] funcVertex, Vertex[] modVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, FilterForm filterForm) { int functionsToSkip = FunctionsInSameModule(modIndex, stackTraceIndex); int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 0) - functionsToSkip; Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex; Vertex fromVertex; Edge edge; if (ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm)) { vertexStack[stackPtr] = modVertex[modIndex]; stackPtr++; stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr); stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr); for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = vertexStack[i]; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(size); } fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = graph.BottomVertex; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(size); } }
void BuildModVertices(Graph graph, ref Vertex[] modVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { for (int i = 0; i < readNewLog.modBasicName.Length; i++) { string basicName = readNewLog.modBasicName[i]; string fullName = readNewLog.modFullName[i]; if (basicName != null && fullName != null) { readNewLog.AddFunctionVertex(i, basicName, fullName, graph, ref modVertex, filterForm); modVertex[i].basicName = basicName; modVertex[i].basicSignature = fullName; } } }
private void readLogFile(ReadNewLog log, ReadLogResult logResult, string exeName, Graph.GraphType graphType) { log.ReadFile(logFileStartOffset, logFileEndOffset, logResult); ViewGraph(logResult, exeName, graphType); }
internal Graph BuildReferenceGraph(Graph orgGraph) { var graph = new Graph(this, Graph.GraphType.ReferenceGraph); Vertex[] pathFromRoot = new Vertex[32]; GcObject rootObject = CreateRootObject(); FindVertex(0, rootObject, graph, BuildTypeGraphOptions.LumpBySignature); rootObject.InterestLevel = InterestLevel.Interesting; foreach (GcObject gcObject in idToObject.Values) { gcObject.parent = null; } // We wish to find all references to certain selected objects, // or, to be precise, all references that keep these objects alive. // To do this, we use a breadth first traversal of the object graph, using // a queue of objects still to process. If we find a reference to one of the // selected objects, we don't actually include this object, but instead // just make note of the reference // Initialize rootObject.parent = null; var foundBeforeMarker = new GcObject(); var queue = new Queue <GcObject>(); queue.Enqueue(rootObject); // Loop while (queue.Count != 0) { GcObject head = queue.Dequeue(); foreach (GcObject refObject in head.References) { if (refObject.parent == null || refObject.parent == foundBeforeMarker) { // this is a reference to either one of the "selected" objects // or just to a new object if (refObject.vertex != null && refObject.vertex.selected && (refObject.InterestLevel & (InterestLevel.Interesting | InterestLevel.Display)) != InterestLevel.Ignore && refObject.AllocTickIndex > orgGraph.allocatedAfterTickIndex && refObject.AllocTickIndex < orgGraph.allocatedBeforeTickIndex) { // add <root> -> ... -> head -> refObject to the reference graph int levels = 0; for (GcObject pathObject = head; pathObject != null; pathObject = pathObject.parent) { levels++; } while (pathFromRoot.Length < levels + 2) { pathFromRoot = new Vertex[pathFromRoot.Length * 2]; } pathFromRoot[levels + 1] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(, refObject.vertex.signature, refObject.vertex.moduleName); int level = levels; for (GcObject pathObject = head; pathObject != null; pathObject = pathObject.parent) { if ((pathObject.InterestLevel & (InterestLevel.Interesting | InterestLevel.Display)) == InterestLevel.Ignore || pathObject.vertex == null) { pathFromRoot[level] = null; } else { pathFromRoot[level] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(, pathObject.vertex.signature, pathObject.vertex.moduleName); } level--; } int nonZeroLevels = 0; for (int j = 0; j <= levels + 1; j++) { if (pathFromRoot[j] != null) { pathFromRoot[nonZeroLevels++] = pathFromRoot[j]; } } levels = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(pathFromRoot, nonZeroLevels); for (int j = 0; j < levels - 1; j++) { Vertex fromVertex = pathFromRoot[j]; Vertex toVertex = pathFromRoot[j + 1]; Edge edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(1); } Vertex thisVertex = pathFromRoot[levels - 1]; thisVertex.basicWeight += 1; if (refObject.parent == null) { thisVertex.count += 1; refObject.parent = foundBeforeMarker; } } else { refObject.parent = head; queue.Enqueue(refObject); } } } } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { if (v.weight < v.outgoingWeight) { v.weight = v.outgoingWeight; } if (v.weight < v.incomingWeight) { v.weight = v.incomingWeight; } if (v.weightHistory == null) { v.weightHistory = new ulong[1]; } } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { = true; } = false; return(graph); }
internal Graph BuildTypeGraph(int allocatedAfterTickIndex, int allocatedBeforeTickIndex, BuildTypeGraphOptions options, FilterForm filterForm) { Graph graph; if (filterForm.filterVersion != 0 || options != BuildTypeGraphOptions.LumpBySignature || allocatedAfterTickIndex > 0 || allocatedBeforeTickIndex < int.MaxValue) { graph = new Graph(this, Graph.GraphType.HeapGraph); graph.previousGraphTickIndex = allocatedAfterTickIndex; } else { Graph previousGraph = cachedGraph; if (previousGraph != null && previousGraph.graphSource == this) { return(previousGraph); } cachedGraph = graph = new Graph(this, Graph.GraphType.HeapGraph); if (previousGraph != null) { graph.previousGraphTickIndex = ((ObjectGraph)previousGraph.graphSource).tickIndex; foreach (Vertex v in previousGraph.vertices.Values) { Vertex newV = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(, v.signature, v.moduleName); if (v.weightHistory == null) { newV.weightHistory = new ulong[1]; } else { ulong[] weightHistory = v.weightHistory; newV.weightHistory = new ulong[Math.Min(weightHistory.Length + 1, historyDepth)]; for (int i = v.weightHistory.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { newV.weightHistory[i] = weightHistory[i - 1]; } } newV.weightHistory[0] = v.weight; } } } graph.typeGraphOptions = options; graph.filterVersion = filterForm.filterVersion; if (graph.previousGraphTickIndex < graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex) { graph.previousGraphTickIndex = graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex; } graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex = allocatedAfterTickIndex; graph.allocatedBeforeTickIndex = allocatedBeforeTickIndex; GcObject rootObject = CreateRootObject(); for (int i = 0; i < rootCount; i++) { roots[i].InterestLevel = InterestLevel.Ignore; } foreach (GcObject gcObject in idToObject.Values) { gcObject.parent = null; gcObject.vertex = null; gcObject.InterestLevel = InterestLevel.Ignore; } AssignParents(rootObject); int index = 0; foreach (GcType gcType in typeIdToGcType.Values) { gcType.index = index++; } GcType[] gcTypes = new GcType[index]; typeHintTable = new int[index]; foreach (GcType gcType in typeIdToGcType.Values) { gcTypes[gcType.index] = gcType; } AssignInterestLevelsToTypes(options, filterForm); for (int i = 0; i < rootCount; i++) { AssignInterestLevelToObject(rootIDs[i], roots[i], options, filterForm, true); } foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, GcObject> keyValuePair in idToObject) { GcObject gcObject = keyValuePair.Value; if (gcObject.AllocTickIndex > allocatedAfterTickIndex && gcObject.AllocTickIndex < allocatedBeforeTickIndex) { AssignInterestLevelToObject(keyValuePair.Key, gcObject, options, filterForm, false); } else { gcObject.InterestLevel = InterestLevel.Ignore; } } foreach (GcObject gcObject in idToObject.Values) { if (gcObject.InterestLevel == InterestLevel.Ignore) { CheckForParentMarkingDescendant(gcObject); } } FindVertex(0, rootObject, graph, options); for (int i = 0; i < rootCount; i++) { roots[i].vertex = null; FindVertex(rootIDs[i], roots[i], graph, options); } foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, GcObject> keyValuePair in idToObject) { ulong id = keyValuePair.Key; GcObject gcObject = keyValuePair.Value; if (gcObject.parent == null || (gcObject.InterestLevel & (InterestLevel.Interesting | InterestLevel.Display)) == InterestLevel.Ignore) { continue; } FindVertex(id, gcObject, graph, options); } Vertex[] pathFromRoot = new Vertex[32]; foreach (GcObject gcObject in idToObject.Values) { if (gcObject.parent == null || (gcObject.InterestLevel & (InterestLevel.Interesting | InterestLevel.Display)) == InterestLevel.Ignore || gcObject.AllocTickIndex <= allocatedAfterTickIndex || gcObject.AllocTickIndex >= allocatedBeforeTickIndex) { continue; } int levels = 0; for (GcObject pathObject = gcObject; pathObject != null; pathObject = pathObject.parent) { if (pathObject.vertex != null) { levels++; } } while (pathFromRoot.Length < levels + 1) { pathFromRoot = new Vertex[pathFromRoot.Length * 2]; } int level = levels; for (GcObject pathObject = gcObject; pathObject != null; pathObject = pathObject.parent) { if (pathObject.vertex != null) { level--; pathFromRoot[level] = pathObject.vertex; } } levels = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(pathFromRoot, levels); for (int j = 0; j < levels - 1; j++) { Vertex fromVertex = pathFromRoot[j]; Vertex toVertex = pathFromRoot[j + 1]; Edge edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(gcObject.Size(this)); } Vertex thisVertex = pathFromRoot[levels - 1]; thisVertex.basicWeight += gcObject.Size(this); thisVertex.count += 1; } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { if (v.weight < v.outgoingWeight) { v.weight = v.outgoingWeight; } if (v.weight < v.incomingWeight) { v.weight = v.incomingWeight; } if (v.weightHistory == null) { v.weightHistory = new ulong[1]; } } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { = true; } = false; return(graph); }
internal void GetAllocationGraph(ReadLogResult readLogResult) { graph = readLogResult.allocatedHistogram.BuildAllocationGraph(new FilterForm()); PlaceVertices(); }
internal Graph BuildTypeGraph(int allocatedAfterTickIndex, int allocatedBeforeTickIndex, BuildTypeGraphOptions options) { if (graph == null || FilterForm.filterVersion != graphFilterVersion || allocatedAfterTickIndex >= 0 || allocatedBeforeTickIndex < int.MaxValue) { graph = new Graph(this); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.HeapGraph; graphFilterVersion = FilterForm.filterVersion; graph.previousGraphTickIndex = allocatedAfterTickIndex; } else { ObjectGraph previousGraph = (ObjectGraph)graph.graphSource; graph.previousGraphTickIndex = previousGraph.tickIndex; graph.graphSource = this; foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { if (v.weightHistory == null) { v.weightHistory = new uint[1]; } else { uint[] weightHistory = v.weightHistory; if (weightHistory.Length < historyDepth) { v.weightHistory = new uint[weightHistory.Length + 1]; } for (int i = v.weightHistory.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { v.weightHistory[i] = weightHistory[i - 1]; } } v.weightHistory[0] = v.weight; v.weight = v.incomingWeight = v.outgoingWeight = v.basicWeight = 0; v.count = 0; foreach (Edge e in v.outgoingEdges.Values) { e.weight = 0; } } } if (graph.previousGraphTickIndex < graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex) { graph.previousGraphTickIndex = graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex; } graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex = allocatedAfterTickIndex; graph.allocatedBeforeTickIndex = allocatedBeforeTickIndex; GcType rootType = GetOrCreateGcType("<root>", 0); GcObject rootObject = GetOrCreateObject(0); rootObject.type = rootType; rootObject.references = roots; foreach (GcObject gcObject in idToObject.Values) { gcObject.level = int.MaxValue; gcObject.vertex = null; } AssignLevels(rootObject); AssignInterestLevels(); int index = 0; foreach (GcType gcType in typeNameToGcType.Values) { gcType.index = index++; } GcType[] gcTypes = new GcType[index]; typeHintTable = new int[index]; foreach (GcType gcType in typeNameToGcType.Values) { gcTypes[gcType.index] = gcType; } Vertex[] pathFromRoot = new Vertex[32]; foreach (GcObject gcObject in idToObject.Values) { if (gcObject.level == int.MaxValue || (gcObject.interestLevel & (InterestLevel.Interesting | InterestLevel.Display)) == InterestLevel.Ignore || gcObject.allocTickIndex <= allocatedAfterTickIndex || gcObject.allocTickIndex >= allocatedBeforeTickIndex) { continue; } while (pathFromRoot.Length < gcObject.level + 1) { pathFromRoot = new Vertex[pathFromRoot.Length * 2]; } for (GcObject pathObject = gcObject; pathObject != null; pathObject = pathObject.parent) { if ((pathObject.interestLevel & (InterestLevel.Interesting | InterestLevel.Display)) == InterestLevel.Ignore) { pathFromRoot[pathObject.level] = null; } else { pathFromRoot[pathObject.level] = FindVertex(pathObject, graph, options); } } int levels = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= gcObject.level; i++) { if (pathFromRoot[i] != null) { pathFromRoot[levels++] = pathFromRoot[i]; } } levels = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(pathFromRoot, levels); for (int i = 0; i < levels - 1; i++) { Vertex fromVertex = pathFromRoot[i]; Vertex toVertex = pathFromRoot[i + 1]; Edge edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(gcObject.size); } Vertex thisVertex = pathFromRoot[levels - 1]; thisVertex.basicWeight += gcObject.size; thisVertex.count += 1; } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { if (v.weight < v.outgoingWeight) { v.weight = v.outgoingWeight; } if (v.weight < v.incomingWeight) { v.weight = v.incomingWeight; } if (v.weightHistory == null) { v.weightHistory = new uint[1]; } } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) { = true; } = false; return(graph); }
void BuildFuncVertices(Graph graph, ref Vertex[] funcVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { for (int i = 0; i < readNewLog.funcName.Length; i++) { string name = readNewLog.funcName[i]; string signature = readNewLog.funcSignature[i]; if (name != null && signature != null) readNewLog.AddFunctionVertex(i, name, signature, graph, ref funcVertex, filterForm); } }
internal void AddTypeVertex(int typeId, string typeName, Graph graph, ref Vertex[] typeVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { EnsureVertexCapacity(typeId, ref typeVertex); typeVertex[typeId] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(typeName, null, null); typeVertex[typeId].interestLevel = filterForm.IsInterestingTypeName(typeName, null, finalizableTypes.ContainsKey(typeId)) ? InterestLevel.Interesting | filterForm.InterestLevelForParentsAndChildren() : InterestLevel.Ignore; }
internal void BuildHandleAllocationTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, uint count, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, FilterForm filterForm) { int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 0); Vertex handleVertex = graph.FindOrCreateVertex("Handle", null, null); handleVertex.interestLevel = InterestLevel.Interesting; Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex; Vertex fromVertex; Edge edge; if (ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm)) { vertexStack[stackPtr] = handleVertex; stackPtr++; stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr); stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr); for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = vertexStack[i]; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(count); } fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = graph.BottomVertex; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(count); } }
private void RefreshGraph() { Graph orgGraph = graph; if (orgGraph.graphSource is Graph) { orgGraph = (Graph)orgGraph.graphSource; } switch (orgGraph.graphType) { case Graph.GraphType.CallGraph: graph = ((Histogram)orgGraph.graphSource).BuildCallGraph(filterForm); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.CallGraph; break; case Graph.GraphType.AllocationGraph: graph = ((Histogram)orgGraph.graphSource).BuildAllocationGraph(filterForm); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.AllocationGraph; break; case Graph.GraphType.AssemblyGraph: graph = ((Histogram)orgGraph.graphSource).BuildAssemblyGraph(filterForm); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.AssemblyGraph; break; case Graph.GraphType.HeapGraph: graph = ((ObjectGraph)orgGraph.graphSource).BuildTypeGraph(orgGraph.allocatedAfterTickIndex, orgGraph.allocatedBeforeTickIndex, orgGraph.typeGraphOptions, filterForm); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.HeapGraph; break; case Graph.GraphType.HandleAllocationGraph: graph = ((Histogram)orgGraph.graphSource).BuildHandleAllocationGraph(filterForm); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.HandleAllocationGraph; break; } placeVertices = placeEdges = true; graphPanel.Invalidate(); }
void BuildClassTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, int funcIndex, ulong size, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, FilterForm filterForm) { string className = ClassNameOfFunc(funcIndex); int functionsToSkip = FunctionsInSameClass(className, stackTraceIndex); int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 0) - functionsToSkip; Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex; Vertex fromVertex; Edge edge; if (ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm)) { vertexStack[stackPtr] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(className, null, null); vertexStack[stackPtr].interestLevel = filterForm.InterestLevelOfMethodName(className, null); stackPtr++; stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr); stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr); for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = vertexStack[i]; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(size); } if (toVertex != graph.TopVertex) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = graph.BottomVertex; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(size); } } }
private Vertex CloneVertex(Graph g, Vertex v) { Vertex vn = g.FindOrCreateVertex(, v.signature, v.moduleName); vn.basicName = v.basicName; vn.basicSignature = v.basicSignature; = true; return vn; }
internal void BuildTypeVertices(Graph graph, ref Vertex[] typeVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { for (int i = 0; i < readNewLog.typeName.Length; i++) { string typeName = readNewLog.typeName[i]; if (typeName == null) typeName = string.Format("???? type {0}", i); readNewLog.AddTypeVertex(i, typeName, graph, ref typeVertex, filterForm); } }
private void ZoomVertex(Vertex v, string titlePrefix) { toolTip.Active = false; Graph g; if (graph.graphSource is Graph) { Graph orgGraph = (Graph)graph.graphSource; g = new Graph(orgGraph); v = orgGraph.FindOrCreateVertex(, v.signature, v.moduleName); } else g = new Graph(graph); g.allocatedAfterTickIndex = graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex; g.allocatedBeforeTickIndex = graph.allocatedBeforeTickIndex; Vertex vn = CloneVertex(g, v); vn.count = v.count; if (v.incomingEdges.Count == 0) { if (v != graph.TopVertex) g.FindOrCreateEdge(g.TopVertex, vn).AddWeight(v.weight); } else { foreach (Edge e in v.incomingEdges.Values) { Vertex vin = CloneVertex(g, e.FromVertex); g.FindOrCreateEdge(vin, vn).AddWeight(e.weight); if (vin != g.TopVertex) g.FindOrCreateEdge(g.TopVertex, vin).AddWeight(e.weight); } } if (v.outgoingEdges.Count == 0) { if (v != graph.BottomVertex) g.FindOrCreateEdge(vn, g.BottomVertex).AddWeight(v.weight); } else { foreach (Edge e in v.outgoingEdges.Values) { Vertex von = CloneVertex(g, e.ToVertex); g.FindOrCreateEdge(vn, von).AddWeight(e.weight); if (von != g.BottomVertex) g.FindOrCreateEdge(von, g.BottomVertex).AddWeight(e.weight); } } = false; g.graphType = graph.graphType; g.typeGraphOptions = graph.typeGraphOptions; if (titlePrefix == null) titlePrefix = "Zoom to: "; string title = titlePrefix + + " " + (v.signature != null? v.signature : ""); GraphViewForm graphViewForm = new GraphViewForm(g, title); graphViewForm.Visible = true; }
internal void AddFunctionVertex(int funcId, string functionName, string signature, Graph graph, ref Vertex[] funcVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { EnsureVertexCapacity(funcId, ref funcVertex); int moduleId = funcModule[funcId]; string moduleName = null; if (moduleId >= 0) moduleName = modBasicName[moduleId]; funcVertex[funcId] = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(functionName, signature, moduleName); funcVertex[funcId].interestLevel = filterForm.InterestLevelOfMethodName(functionName, signature); }
private void showInstancesMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Graph orgGraph = graph; if (orgGraph.graphSource is Graph) orgGraph = (Graph)orgGraph.graphSource; ObjectGraph objectGraph = (ObjectGraph)orgGraph.graphSource; ObjectGraph.BuildTypeGraphOptions options; if (graph.typeGraphOptions == ObjectGraph.BuildTypeGraphOptions.LumpBySignature) { options = ObjectGraph.BuildTypeGraphOptions.IndividualObjects; } else { options = ObjectGraph.BuildTypeGraphOptions.LumpBySignature; } graph = objectGraph.BuildTypeGraph(graph.allocatedAfterTickIndex, graph.allocatedBeforeTickIndex, options, filterForm); placeVertices = placeEdges = true; graphPanel.Invalidate(); EnableDisableMenuItems(); }
internal void BuildFuncVertices(Graph graph, ref Vertex[] funcVertex, FilterForm filterForm) { for (int i = 0; i < readNewLog.funcName.Length; i++) { string name = readNewLog.funcName[i]; string signature = readNewLog.funcSignature[i]; if (name == null) name = string.Format("???? function {0}", i); if (signature == null) signature = "( ???????? )"; readNewLog.AddFunctionVertex(i, name, signature, graph, ref funcVertex, filterForm); } }
internal GraphViewForm(Graph graph, string title) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); toolTip = new ToolTip(); toolTip.Active = false; toolTip.ShowAlways = true; toolTip.AutomaticDelay = 70; toolTip.ReshowDelay = 1; this.graph = graph; font = MainForm.instance.font; fontHeight = font.Height; Text = title; EnableDisableMenuItems(); filterForm = new FilterForm(); findForm = new FindRoutineForm(); }
internal Graph BuildHandleAllocationGraph(FilterForm filterForm) { Vertex[] funcVertex = new Vertex[1]; Vertex[] vertexStack = new Vertex[1]; Graph graph = new Graph(this); graph.graphType = Graph.GraphType.HandleAllocationGraph; BuildFuncVertices(graph, ref funcVertex, filterForm); for (int i = 0; i < typeSizeStacktraceToCount.Length; i++) { if (typeSizeStacktraceToCount[i] > 0) { int[] stacktrace = readNewLog.stacktraceTable.IndexToStacktrace(i); uint count = (uint)typeSizeStacktraceToCount[i]; BuildHandleAllocationTrace(graph, i, count, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, filterForm); } } foreach (Vertex v in graph.vertices.Values) = true; = false; return graph; }
internal void BuildCallTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack, int count, FilterForm filterForm) { int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(stackTraceIndex, funcVertex, ref vertexStack, 0); Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex; Vertex fromVertex; Edge edge; if (ReadNewLog.InterestingCallStack(vertexStack, stackPtr, filterForm)) { stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr); stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr); for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = vertexStack[i]; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight((uint)count); } } }
internal void BuildAssemblyTrace(Graph graph, int stackTraceIndex, Vertex assembly, Vertex typeVertex, Vertex[] funcVertex, ref Vertex[] vertexStack) { int stackPtr = BuildVertexStack(Math.Abs(stackTraceIndex), funcVertex, ref vertexStack, stackTraceIndex < 0 ? 2 : 0); Vertex toVertex = graph.TopVertex; Vertex fromVertex; Edge edge; if(typeVertex != null) { vertexStack[stackPtr++] = typeVertex; } vertexStack[stackPtr++] = assembly; stackPtr = ReadNewLog.FilterVertices(vertexStack, stackPtr); stackPtr = Vertex.SqueezeOutRepetitions(vertexStack, stackPtr); for (int i = 0; i < stackPtr; i++) { fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = vertexStack[i]; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(1); } fromVertex = toVertex; toVertex = graph.BottomVertex; edge = graph.FindOrCreateEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); edge.AddWeight(1); }
internal Vertex FindVertex(GcObject gcObject, Graph graph, BuildTypeGraphOptions options) { if (gcObject.vertex != null) { return(gcObject.vertex); } string signature = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (gcObject.parent != null) { switch (options) { case BuildTypeGraphOptions.IndividualObjects: sb.AppendFormat("Address = 0x{0:x}, size = {1:n0} bytes",, gcObject.size); break; case BuildTypeGraphOptions.LumpBySignature: sb.Append(; sb.Append("->"); sb.Append(; if (gcObject.references != null) { sb.Append("->("); ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); string separator = ""; const int MAXREFTYPECOUNT = 3; int refTypeCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gcObject.references.Length; i++) { GcObject refObject = gcObject.references[i]; GcType refType = refObject.type; if (typeHintTable[refType.index] < i && gcObject.references[typeHintTable[refType.index]].type == refType) { ; // we already found this type - ignore further occurrences } else { typeHintTable[refType.index] = i; refTypeCount++; if (refTypeCount <= MAXREFTYPECOUNT) { al.Add(; } else { break; } } } al.Sort(); foreach (string typeName in al) { sb.Append(separator); separator = ","; sb.Append(typeName); } if (refTypeCount > MAXREFTYPECOUNT) { sb.Append(",..."); } sb.Append(")"); } break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } signature = sb.ToString(); } gcObject.vertex = graph.FindOrCreateVertex(, signature, null); return(gcObject.vertex); }