internal SortAndHighlightSelector(CallTreeForm.SortingBehaviour sort, CallTreeForm.SortingBehaviour highlight) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // need to add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // int i, numCounters = Statistics.GetNumberOfCounters(); sortCounter.Items.Add("in order of execution"); for(i = 0; i < numCounters; i++) { sortCounter.Items.Add("by " + Statistics.GetCounterName(i).ToLower()); } sortCounter.SelectedIndex = 1 + sort.counterId; sortOrder.SelectedIndex = (1 + sort.sortingOrder) / 2; for(i = 0; i < numCounters; i++) { highlightCounter.Items.Add(Statistics.GetCounterName(i).ToLower()); } highlightCounter.SelectedIndex = highlight.counterId; highlightOrder.SelectedIndex = (1 + highlight.sortingOrder) / 2; }
internal void GetSortResults(CallTreeForm.SortingBehaviour s, CallTreeForm.SortingBehaviour h) { s.counterId = sortCounter.SelectedIndex - 1; s.sortingOrder = sortOrder.SelectedIndex * 2 - 1; h.counterId = highlightCounter.SelectedIndex; h.sortingOrder = highlightOrder.SelectedIndex * 2 - 1; }
public void SetIncludeFilters( CallTreeForm.FnViewFilter[] filters) { filterInclude = filters; }
private void viewCallTreeMenuItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (clrProfiler.lastLogResult != null && clrProfiler.lastLogResult.hadCallInfo) { CallTreeForm callTreeForm = new CallTreeForm(clrProfiler.log.fileName, clrProfiler.lastLogResult); } }
private void BuildBaseData(GraphBase gb, CallTreeForm tmpcallTree, Hashtable htbl, Hashtable FuncExcl, Hashtable TypeExcl) { Vertex selectedVertex; int selectedVertexCount = gb.SelectedVertexCount(out selectedVertex); int id = 1; string nameAndSignature = null; datanode n = new datanode(); try { foreach (Vertex v in gb.basegraph.vertices.Values) { if( !"????")) { if (v.selected || (selectedVertexCount == 0) ) { nameAndSignature =; if(v.signature != null) nameAndSignature += ' ' + v.signature; = nameAndSignature; n.incl = FormatSize((int)v.weight); n.caller = v.incomingEdges; n.callee = v.outgoingEdges; n.level = v.level; n.excl = 0; n.timesBeenCalled= n.timesMakeCalls = 0; FillCallAlloc(ref n, v); if(tmpcallTree.LogResult.allocatedHistogram.readNewLog.funcSignatureIdHash.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { n.category = 1; // func id = tmpcallTree.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.funcSignatureIdHash[nameAndSignature]; if(FuncExcl.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { n.excl = FormatSize((int)FuncExcl[nameAndSignature]); } if( id > 0 && id <tmpcallTree.CallStats.Length) { n.timesBeenCalled = (int)tmpcallTree.CallStats[id].timesCalled; n.timesMakeCalls = (int)tmpcallTree.CallStats[id].totalFunctionsCalled; } if( !htbl.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { htbl.Add(nameAndSignature, n); } } else if(tmpcallTree.LogResult.allocatedHistogram.readNewLog.typeSignatureIdHash.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { n.category = 2; // type id = tmpcallTree.LogResult.allocatedHistogram.readNewLog.typeSignatureIdHash[nameAndSignature]; if(TypeExcl.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { n.excl = FormatSize((int)TypeExcl[nameAndSignature]); } if( id > 0 && id <tmpcallTree.AllocStats.Length) { n.timesBeenCalled = (int)tmpcallTree.AllocStats[id].timesAllocated; } if( !htbl.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { typemaxIncl = (typemaxIncl > v.weight) ? typemaxIncl : v.weight; htbl.Add(nameAndSignature, n); } } else { if( !htbl.ContainsKey(nameAndSignature)) { maxIncl = v.weight; htbl.Add(nameAndSignature, n); } } } } } } catch { throw new Exception("Faild on build base data structure \n"); } // max for caculate function/type 9 details if( prevFilter.max == 0) { prevFilter.max = maxIncl; prevTypedeFilter.max = typemaxIncl; } else { currFilter.max = maxIncl; currTypedeFilter.max = typemaxIncl; } maxIncl = 0; typemaxIncl = 0; }
private void GetLogData() { // get base data from log files try { _prevLog.readLogFile(); } catch { throw new Exception("Bad log file: " + _prevLog.LogFileName + "\n"); } try { _currLog.readLogFile(); } catch { throw new Exception("Bad log file: " + _currLog.LogFileName + "\n"); } // get mixed data structure graph try { _prevG.GetAllocationGraph(_prevLog.logResult); } catch { throw new Exception("Bad data structure in log file: " + _prevLog.LogFileName + "\n"); } try { _currG.GetAllocationGraph(_currLog.logResult); } catch { throw new Exception("Bad data structure in log file: " + _currLog.LogFileName + "\n"); } // get more detailed allocation info from stack trace try { _prevcallTrace = new CallTreeForm(_prevLog.LogFileName, _prevLog.logResult, true); ReadFile(_prevcallTrace, _prevLog.LogFileName, this.prevFuncExcl, this.prevTypeExcl); } catch { throw new Exception("Bad stacktrace content in log file: " + _prevLog.logResult + "\n"); } try { _currcallTrace = new CallTreeForm(_currLog.LogFileName, _currLog.logResult, true); ReadFile(_currcallTrace, _currLog.LogFileName, this.currFuncExcl, this.currTypeExcl); } catch { throw new Exception("Bad stacktrace content in log file: " + _currLog.logResult + "\n"); } nodeidx = 0; diffTracetbl = new DataTable("diffTrace"); summaryTracetbl = new DataTable("summaryTracetbl"); MakeDiffTreceTable(diffTracetbl); MakeDiffTreceTable(summaryTracetbl); string rname = _currcallTrace.MakeName((TreeNode)_currcallTrace.callTreeView.Root); Root = new DiffDataNode(rname); Root.prevIncl = ((TreeNode)_prevcallTrace.callTreeView.Root).data.bytesAllocated; Root.currIncl = ((TreeNode)_currcallTrace.callTreeView.Root).data.bytesAllocated; Root.diffIncl = Root.currIncl - Root.prevIncl; Root.prevCalls = ((TreeNode)_prevcallTrace.callTreeView.Root).data.numberOfFunctionsCalled; Root.currCalls = ((TreeNode)_currcallTrace.callTreeView.Root).data.numberOfFunctionsCalled; Root.diffCalls = Root.currCalls - Root.prevCalls; Root.nodeId = nodeidx++; Root.parentId = -1; Root.prevFunId = 0; Root.currFunId = 0; AddDiffTraceTableRow(diffTracetbl, Root); BuildDiffTraceTable(Root, (TreeNode)_currcallTrace.callTreeView.Root, (TreeNode)_prevcallTrace.callTreeView.Root); this.ds.Tables.Add(diffTracetbl); sumnodeidx = 0; depth = -1; BuildSummaryTable(Root, -1, "parentid = -1"); Root = (DiffDataNode)Root.allkids[0]; this.ds.Tables.Add(summaryTracetbl); }
private void ReadFile(CallTreeForm callTrace, string fileName, Hashtable FuncExcl, Hashtable TypeExcl) { Hashtable funcCalled = new Hashtable(); Hashtable TypeAlloc = new Hashtable(); Stream s = null; ProgressForm progressForm = null; try { s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); r = new StreamReader(s); progressForm = new ProgressForm(); progressForm.Text = "Preparing call tree view"; progressForm.Visible = true; progressForm.setProgress(0); progressForm.TopMost = false; int maxProgress = (int)(r.BaseStream.Length/1024); progressForm.setMaximum(maxProgress); buffer = new byte[4096]; bufPos = 0; bufLevel = 0; line = 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); c = ReadChar(); bool found; string assemblyName = null; int threadid = 0, stackid = 0; TreeNode.NodeType nodetype = TreeNode.NodeType.Call; while (c != -1) { found = false; if ((line % 1024) == 0) { int currentProgress = (int)(pos/1024); if (currentProgress <= maxProgress) { progressForm.setProgress(currentProgress); } } lastLineStartPos = pos-1; switch (c) { case -1: break; // 'A' with thread identifier case '!': { found = true; c = ReadChar(); threadid = ReadInt(); ReadInt(); stackid = ReadInt(); nodetype = TreeNode.NodeType.Allocation; if (c == -1) {found = false;} break; } case 'C': case 'c': { found = true; c = ReadChar(); nodetype = TreeNode.NodeType.Call; threadid = ReadInt(); stackid = ReadInt(); if (c == -1) {found = false;} break; } case 'y': case 'Y': { found = true; c = ReadChar(); nodetype = TreeNode.NodeType.AssemblyLoad; threadid = ReadInt(); ReadInt(); while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { c = ReadChar(); } sb.Length = 0; while (c > ' ') { sb.Append((char)c); c = ReadChar(); } assemblyName = sb.ToString(); break; } default: { // just ignore the unknown while(c != '\n' && c != '\r') { c = ReadChar(); } break; } } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t') c = ReadChar(); if (c == '\r') c = ReadChar(); if (c == '\n') { c = ReadChar(); line++; } if(!found) { continue; } string name = null; string typename = null; int[] stacktrace = callTrace.IndexToStacktrace(stackid); int functionId = (nodetype != TreeNode.NodeType.AssemblyLoad ? stacktrace[stacktrace.Length - 1] : 0); switch(nodetype) { case TreeNode.NodeType.Allocation: string key = null; if( (functionId < callTrace.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.funcName.Length )&& ((name = callTrace.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.funcName[functionId]) != null)) { if( callTrace.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.funcSignature[functionId] != null) { name += ' ' + callTrace.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.funcSignature[functionId]; } } else { name = "NATIVE FUNCTION ( UNKNOWN ARGUMENTS )"; } // function Excl if(FuncExcl.ContainsKey(name)) { int alloc = (int)FuncExcl[(string)name]; alloc += stacktrace[1]; FuncExcl[name] = alloc; } else { FuncExcl.Add(name, stacktrace[1]); } // Type Excl if( stacktrace[0]>=0 && stacktrace[0] < callTrace.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.typeName.Length) { typename = callTrace.LogResult.callstackHistogram.readNewLog.typeName[stacktrace[0]]; } if(typename == null) typename = "NATIVE FUNCTION ( UNKNOWN ARGUMENTS )"; if(TypeExcl.ContainsKey(typename)) { int alloc = (int)TypeExcl[(string)typename]; alloc += stacktrace[1]; TypeExcl[typename] = alloc; } else { TypeExcl.Add(typename, stacktrace[1]); } // Type Allocated by Excl if(name != "NATIVE FUNCTION ( UNKNOWN ARGUMENTS )") key = typename + '|' + functionId; else key = typename + '|' + 0; if( TypeAlloc.ContainsKey(key)) { int alloc = (int)TypeAlloc[key]; alloc += stacktrace[1]; TypeAlloc[key] = alloc; } else { TypeAlloc.Add(key, stacktrace[1]); } break; case TreeNode.NodeType.Call: if(funcCalled.ContainsKey(functionId)) { int calls = (int)funcCalled[functionId] + 1;; funcCalled[functionId]= calls; } else { funcCalled.Add(functionId,1); } break; } } } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Bad format in log file {0} line {1}", fileName, line)); } finally { progressForm.Visible = false; progressForm.Dispose(); if (r != null) r.Close(); } }