コード例 #1
ファイル: CLLS.cs プロジェクト: mmoench/CLLS
        public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node)
                // Check for zombies:
                if (CLLS.killList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ProtoCrewMember kerbal in HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Kerbals(ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Crew))
                        if (CLLS.killList.Contains(kerbal.name) && kerbal.rosterStatus != ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead)
                            Debug.Log("[CLLS] killing zombie " + kerbal.name);
                            kerbal.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Dead;

                // Update all vessels before their stats are made persistant. This way we don't have to store our
                // tracking-list with all the meta-information about the vessels:

                // Save the kill-list so that a re-load of a save in the same session (or a switching of the game-scene,
                // which works by saving and then loading) causes dead kerbals to become alive again:
                foreach (string kerbalName in CLLS.killList)
                    node.AddValue("kill_list", kerbalName);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("[CLLS] OnSave(): " + e.ToString());
コード例 #2
ファイル: GUI.cs プロジェクト: mmoench/CLLS
        public static string FormatDuration(double duration)
            int    dayLength = CLLS.GetDayLength();
            double seconds   = duration % 60;
            int    minutes   = ((int)(duration / 60)) % 60;
            int    hours     = ((int)(duration / 60 / 60)) % dayLength;
            int    days      = ((int)(duration / 60 / 60 / dayLength));

            return(String.Format("{0:0} / {1:00}:{2:00}:{3:00.00}", days, hours, minutes, seconds));
コード例 #3
        public override void OnUpdate()
            Vessel vessel = this.part.vessel;

            if (!vessel.loaded)
                return;                 // Shouldn't happen, but better safe than sorry
            TrackedVessel trackedVessel = CLLS.GetTrackedVessel(vessel);

            // Only calculate the remaining days of life support if there are kerbals on board and they use it:
            if (trackedVessel.cachedCrewCount <= 0 || trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour > 0)
                lifeSupportStatus = "On Standby";
                double lifeSupport        = trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupport;
                double consumptionPerHour = -trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour;
                double displayRate;
                string unit;

                displayRate = (float)((lifeSupport / consumptionPerHour)) / CLLS.GetDayLength();  // Show remaining days
                unit        = " days ";

                // If there is only very little left, go to hours or even minutes:
                if (displayRate < 2)
                    displayRate *= 6;
                    unit         = " hours ";
                if (displayRate < 1)
                    displayRate *= 60;
                    unit         = " min. ";

                if (lifeSupport <= 0)
                    lifeSupportStatus = "DEPLETED";
                    lifeSupportStatus = displayRate.ToString("0.00") + unit;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GUI.cs プロジェクト: mmoench/CLLS
        public static void DrawWindow()
            if (!showGui)
                int red    = 0xD10D0D;
                int green  = 0x00C000;
                int orange = 0xD79507;


                // Title:
                GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0, 3, windowStyle.fixedWidth, 20));
                GUILayout.Label("<size=14><b>Closed Loop Life Support</b></size>", new GUIStyle(GUI.labelStyle)
                    fixedWidth = windowStyle.fixedWidth, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter

                // Find all vessels which we want to display (we don't need debris, asterioids, etc):
                List <TrackedVessel> trackedVesselsToDisplay = new List <TrackedVessel>();
                foreach (TrackedVessel trackedVessel in CLLS.trackedVessels)
                    if (trackedVessel.cachedCrewCapacity == 0 && trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupport == 0)
                    if (trackedVessel.IsUnowned())

                // Sort by remaining amount ascending but with empty vessels at the bottom:
                trackedVesselsToDisplay.Sort((x, y) =>
                                             x.cachedCrewCount == 0 && y.cachedCrewCount != 0 ? 1 :
                                             x.cachedCrewCount != 0 && y.cachedCrewCount == 0 ? -1 :

                // Content-Box:
                scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUI.scrollStyle);
                if (trackedVesselsToDisplay.Count == 0)
                    GUILayout.Label("<b>No active flights.</b>");
                    double curTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();

                    List <GUIContent> contents = new List <GUIContent>();
                    // MissionController.missions.Sort((x, y) => x.eta.CompareTo(y.eta)); // Sort list by ETA

                    foreach (TrackedVessel trackedVessel in trackedVesselsToDisplay)
                        string situation = "";
                        switch (trackedVessel.vessel.situation)
                        case Vessel.Situations.DOCKED: situation = "docked near "; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.ESCAPING: situation = "escaping"; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.FLYING: situation = "flying at "; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.LANDED: situation = "landed on "; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.ORBITING: situation = "orbiting "; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH: situation = "pre-launch on "; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.SPLASHED: situation = "splashed on "; break;

                        case Vessel.Situations.SUB_ORBITAL: situation = "sub-orbital at "; break;
                        situation += trackedVessel.vessel.mainBody.name;

                        string content = "<color=#FFFFFF><color=#F9FA86><b><size=14>" + trackedVessel.vessel.vesselName + "</size></b></color> (" + situation + ")\n";

                        content += "<b>Crew:</b> " + trackedVessel.cachedCrewCount.ToString() + " / " + trackedVessel.cachedCrewCapacity.ToString() + " ";

                        double lifeSupport = trackedVessel.CalculateCurrentLifeSupportAmount();
                        int    color       = trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour < 0 ? red : green;
                        content += "<b>Life Support:</b> " + lifeSupport.ToString("#,##0.00") + " / " + trackedVessel.cachedMaxLifeSupport.ToString("#,##0.00") + " ";
                        if (trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour != 0 || trackedVessel.cachedCrewCount > 0)
                            content += "<color=#" + color.ToString("X6") + ">(Δ " + (trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour * CLLS.GetDayLength()).ToString("+0.00;-0.00") + "/day)</color>\n";

                        if (trackedVessel.cachedCrewCount > 0)
                            content += "<b>Remaining:</b> ";
                            if (trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour >= 0)
                                content += "<color=#" + green.ToString("X6") + "><b>infinite</b></color>";
                            else if (trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour < 0)
                                double timeRemaining = lifeSupport / -(trackedVessel.cachedLifeSupportDeltaPerHour / 3600d);
                                double boundsUpper   = 3600 * 6 * 30; // 30 kerbin-days
                                double boundsLower   = 3600 * 6;      // 1 kerbin-day

                                if (timeRemaining > boundsUpper)
                                    color = green;
                                else if (timeRemaining > boundsLower)
                                    color = ScaleRGB(green, orange, (timeRemaining - boundsLower) / (boundsUpper - boundsLower));
                                    color = ScaleRGB(orange, red, timeRemaining / boundsLower);

                                content += "<color=#" + color.ToString("X6") + ">" + FormatDuration(timeRemaining) + "</color>";

                        content += "</color>";
                        contents.Add(new GUIContent(content));

                    GUILayout.SelectionGrid(-1, contents.ToArray(), 1, GUI.selectionGridStyle);

            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("[CLLS] DrawWindow(): " + e.ToString());
コード例 #5
        protected void UpdateGUI()
            if (isRunning)
                Events["StartUp"].active  = false;
                Events["ShutDown"].active = true;
                displayStatus             = "Running";
                Events["StartUp"].active  = true;
                Events["ShutDown"].active = false;
                displayStatus             = "Stopped";

            // KSP-Gui elements only work with float, but we are using double, so we use extra varaiables for dispalying these values:
            efficiencyGui = (float)efficiency;
            currentProductionRatePerDayGui  = (float)(currentProductionRatePerDay * (6f / CLLS.GetDayLength())); // Maybe convert this to 24 hour days
            currentElectricityRatePerSecGui = (float)currentElectricityRatePerSec;