コード例 #1
ファイル: ConsoleListBox.cs プロジェクト: zilti/CKAN
        private string FmtHdr(int colIndex, int w)
            ConsoleListBoxColumn <RowT> col = columns[colIndex];

            if (colIndex == sortColIndex)
                           col.Header + " " + (sortDir == ListSortDirection.Ascending ? sortUp : sortDown),
                return(FormatExactWidth(col.Header, w));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ConsoleListBox.cs プロジェクト: zilti/CKAN
 private Comparison <RowT> getComparer(ConsoleListBoxColumn <RowT> col, bool ascending)
     if (ascending)
                ?? ((a, b) => col.Renderer(a).Trim().CompareTo(col.Renderer(b).Trim())));
     else if (col.Comparer != null)
         return((a, b) => col.Comparer(b, a));
         return((a, b) => col.Renderer(b).Trim().CompareTo(col.Renderer(a).Trim()));
コード例 #3
ファイル: ConsoleListBox.cs プロジェクト: zilti/CKAN
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the list box
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="focused">Framework parameter not relevant to this object</param>
        public override void Draw(bool focused)
            int l = GetLeft(), r = GetRight(),
                t = GetTop(), b = GetBottom(), h = b - t + 1;

            bool needScrollbar = (sortedFilteredData.Count >= h);
            int  contentR      = needScrollbar ? r - 1 : r;

            // Prevent selection from running off the end of the list
            if (selectedRow > sortedFilteredData.Count - 1)
                selectedRow = sortedFilteredData.Count - 1;

            // Ensure selection is not before the top of the list
            if (selectedRow < 0)
                selectedRow = 0;

            // Don't scroll past the bottom of the list
            if (topRow > sortedFilteredData.Count - h + 1)
                topRow = sortedFilteredData.Count - h + 1;

            // Don't scroll before the top of the list
            if (topRow < 0)
                topRow = 0;

            if (topRow > selectedRow)
                // Scroll up to reveal selected row
                topRow = selectedRow;
            else if (topRow < selectedRow - h + 2)
                // Scroll down to reveal selected row
                topRow = selectedRow - h + 2;

            for (int y = 0, index = topRow - 1; y < h; ++y, ++index)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(l, t + y);
                if (y == 0)
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxHeaderBg;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxHeaderFg;
                    Console.Write(" ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i)
                        ConsoleListBoxColumn <RowT> col = columns[i];
                        if (i > 0)
                            Console.Write("  ");
                        // Truncate to designated size of the ListBox
                        int maxW = r - Console.CursorLeft + 1;
                        if (maxW > 0)
                                              col.Width < maxW ? col.Width : maxW
                else if (index >= 0 && index < sortedFilteredData.Count)
                    if (topRow + y - 1 == selectedRow)
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxSelectedBg;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxSelectedFg;
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxUnselectedBg;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxUnselectedFg;
                    Console.Write(" ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i)
                        ConsoleListBoxColumn <RowT> col = columns[i];
                        if (i > 0)
                            Console.Write("  ");
                        // Truncate to designated size of the ListBox
                        int maxW = contentR - Console.CursorLeft + 1;
                        if (maxW > 0)
                                              col.Width < maxW ? col.Width : maxW
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxUnselectedBg;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleTheme.Current.ListBoxUnselectedFg;
                try {
                    if (y == 0)
                        Console.Write("".PadRight(r - Console.CursorLeft + 1));
                        // Make space for scrollbar for anti-flicker
                        Console.Write("".PadRight(contentR - Console.CursorLeft + 1));
                } catch { }

            // Now draw the scrollbar
            if (needScrollbar)
                    r, t + scrollTop, b,
                    sortedFilteredData.Count > 0
                        ? t + 1 + scrollTop + (h - 2 - scrollTop) * selectedRow / sortedFilteredData.Count
                        : -1