//hides the current form and shows form selected by button private void btnSurveyForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Survey formSurvey = new Survey(); formSurvey.Show(); this.Hide(); formSurvey.FormClosing += formSurvey_Closing; }
private void btnSubmitStudent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //gets the value of male or female radio buttons and sets it to string "maleOrFemale" string maleOrFemale = ""; if (rbMale.Checked) { maleOrFemale = "Male"; } else { maleOrFemale = "Female"; } //gets the value of education level radio buttons and sets it to int "educationlvl" int educationlvl = 0; if (rbHighschool.Checked) { educationlvl = 1; } else if (rbOnTheJobTraining.Checked) { educationlvl = 2; } else if (rbCommunityCollege.Checked) { educationlvl = 3; } else if (rbTechnicalSchool.Checked) { educationlvl = 4; } else if (rbBachelorDegree.Checked) { educationlvl = 5; } else if (rbCollegeAndGraduateSchool.Checked) { educationlvl = 6; } //gets the value of married radio buttons and sets it to string "marriedOrSingle" string married = ""; if (rbYes.Checked) { married = "Yes"; } else { married = "No"; } //assigns Yes to the value of children if married = Yes and cbChildren is checked string children = ""; if (cbChildren.Checked && married == "Yes") { children = "Yes"; } else { children = "No"; } int childrenNumber = 0; if (rbYes.Checked && cbChildren.Checked && cbChildrenNumber.SelectedIndex != -1) { childrenNumber = Int32.Parse(cbChildrenNumber.SelectedItem.ToString()); } //assigns Yes to credit if cbCreditCards is Checked string credit = ""; if (cbCreditCards.Checked) { credit = "Yes"; } else { credit = "No"; } //and finally we create a Student if (tbFirstName.Text != "" && tbLastName.Text != "" && cbSchool.SelectedIndex != 0 && tbPeriod.Text != "" && tbTeacher.Text != "" && cbGroup.SelectedIndex != -1 && maleOrFemale != "" && tbGPA.Text != "" && educationlvl != 0 && cbCluster.SelectedIndex != 0 && married != "" && children != "" && credit != "") { Student s1 = new Student(tbFirstName.Text, tbLastName.Text, Int32.Parse(cbSchool.SelectedValue.ToString()), tbPeriod.Text, tbTeacher.Text, cbGroup.SelectedItem.ToString(), maleOrFemale, double.Parse(tbGPA.Text), educationlvl, Int32.Parse(cbOccupation.SelectedValue.ToString()), married, children, childrenNumber, credit, Int32.Parse(cbCreditCardUse.SelectedValue.ToString())); s1.display(); MessageBox.Show("Student added to group " + cbGroup.SelectedItem.ToString()); this.Close(); Survey formSurvey = new Survey(); formSurvey.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("There is some invalid data on the form. Please make sure that you have filled in all of the values before you try to submit the student.", "Error"); } }