コード例 #1
        public void TestWritingIncludeGuard()
            var writer = new CHeaderFileWriter() { IncludeGuard = "test" };

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                writer.WriteHeaderFile(new CSourceFile(), stream);
                var bytes = stream.ToArray();
                var str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);

                Assert.That(str, Is.Not.Null.And.EqualTo("#ifndef test\r\n#define test\r\n\r\n\r\n#endif\r\n"));
コード例 #2
        public void TestWritingHeaderComment()
            var writer = new CHeaderFileWriter() { HeaderComment = "test" };

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                writer.WriteHeaderFile(new CSourceFile(), stream);
                var bytes = stream.ToArray();
                var str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);

                Assert.That(str, Is.Not.Null.And.EqualTo("test\r\n\r\n"));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate C header files for a list of project items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectItems">A list of project items.</param>
        private void ProcessFiles(IReadOnlyCollection<ProjectItem> projectItems)
            bool showIncludeGuard;
            bool autoSaveFiles;
            var codeWriter = new CHeaderFileWriter();

            // Add Options
            using (var options = GetDialogPage(typeof(CSourceFileOptions)) as CSourceFileOptions)
                codeWriter.HeaderComment = SetHeaderComment(options.HeaderComment);
                codeWriter.IncludeStaticFunctions = options.IncludeStaticFunctions;
                codeWriter.IncludeExternFunctions = options.IncludeExternFunctions;
                showIncludeGuard = options.ShowIncludeGuard;
                autoSaveFiles = options.AutoSaveFiles;

            // Initialize viewmodel to keep track of progress
            using (var progressVM = new ProgressViewModel
                    Minimum = 0.0,
                    Maximum = 1.0,
                    Message = "Starting...",
                    ProgressValue = 0.0

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var projectItem in projectItems)
                    if (projectItem.Document != null && !projectItem.Document.Saved && autoSaveFiles)

                    string file = projectItem.FileNames[0];
                    string itemToAdd = GetItemFileName(file);
                    bool error = false;

                        // Parse the file
                        log.Info("Processing {0}/{1}: {2}", ++i, projectItems.Count, file);
                        progressVM.Message = string.Format("{0}/{1}: Processing {2}", i, projectItems.Count, file);
                        if (!ParseItem(file, itemToAdd, codeWriter, showIncludeGuard, projectItem))
                        progressVM.ProgressValue = Convert.ToDouble(i);
                    catch (ParserException tex)
                        // Go to file/line where the error occurred and display a dialog with the error message.
                        var window = ApplicationObject.ItemOperations.OpenFile(file);
                        if (tex.LineNumber > 0)
                            var textSelection = window.Selection as TextSelection;
                            if (textSelection != null)
                                textSelection.GotoLine(tex.LineNumber, true);
                        log.Error(string.Format("Failed to parse file: {0}", file), tex);
                        this.ShowExceptionDialog(tex, string.Format("Failed to parse file: {0}", file));
                        error = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Show a dialog with a less-than-helpful exception message.
                        log.Error(string.Format("Unknown error while parsing file: {0}", file), ex);
                        this.ShowExceptionDialog(ex, string.Format("Unknown exception while parsing: {0}", file));
                        error = true;
                        // Log the result of the parse operation.
                        var messageBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        messageBuilder.AppendFormat("Completed processing file {0}/{1}: {2}.", i, projectItems.Count, file);
                        if (error)
                            messageBuilder.Append(" There were one or more errors detected during processing.");
                            messageBuilder.Append(" The operation was completed successfully.");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a C file and write a header files from the parsed contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFileName">The source file to parse</param>
        /// <param name="headerFileName">The header file to write</param>
        /// <param name="codeWriter">Code writer object</param>
        /// <param name="showIncludeGuard">Whether to surround the header file in an include guard</param>
        /// <param name="projectItem">The project item corresponding to the source file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ParseItem(string sourceFileName, string headerFileName,
            CHeaderFileWriter codeWriter, bool showIncludeGuard, ProjectItem projectItem)
            var containingProject = projectItem.ContainingProject;
            var existingItem = containingProject.FindExistingItem(headerFileName);
            if (existingItem != null)
                var message = string.Format("File {0} already exists, would you like to re-generate the header file?", headerFileName);
                var result = this.dlgService.ShowYesNoCancelDialog(message,
                    "File Exists");
                if (result == System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.No)
                    return true;
                else if (result == System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
                    return false;

            if (existingItem != null)
                CheckOutFile(ApplicationObject.SourceControl, headerFileName);

            var c = this.ParseSourceFile(sourceFileName);

            WriteToHeaderFile(showIncludeGuard, codeWriter, headerFileName, c);

            // Add File to Project
            if (existingItem == null)
                if (!containingProject.Saved)

            return true;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Writer the parsed source file to the output file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showIncludeGuard">Whether to surround the header file in an include guard</param>
        /// <param name="codeWriter">The code writer object</param>
        /// <param name="headerFileName">The name of the header file to produce</param>
        /// <param name="c">The parse source file</param>
        private static void WriteToHeaderFile(bool showIncludeGuard, CHeaderFileWriter codeWriter, string headerFileName, CSourceFile c)
            if (showIncludeGuard)
                codeWriter.IncludeGuard = new Regex(@"[^A-Z0-9_]").Replace(string.Format("__{0}__",
                    Path.GetFileName(headerFileName).ToUpperInvariant()), "_");
                codeWriter.IncludeGuard = null;

            using (var stream = File.Open(headerFileName, FileMode.Create))
                codeWriter.WriteHeaderFile(c, stream);