コード例 #1
    public float[] inverse_kinematics()
        Vector3[] si_l = { this.s0, this.s1, this.s2 };
        float     rb = this.rb; float re = this.re; float rou = this.rou; float l = this.l;
        Vector3   y = this.end_point;

        CGA.CGA[] C_l = new CGA.CGA[3];
        CGA.CGA[] A_l = new CGA.CGA[3];
        CGA.CGA[] S_l = new CGA.CGA[3]; CGA.CGA[] T_l = new CGA.CGA[3];
        CGA.CGA[] z_l           = new CGA.CGA[3];
        float[]   joint_angle_l = new float[3];

        CGA.CGA Y = up_v(y);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            C_l[i] = find_Ci(si_l[i]);
            S_l[i] = !(up_v(y + re * si_l[i]) + (-0.5f) * rou * rou * ei);
            T_l[i] = find_Ti(S_l[i], C_l[i]);
        CGA.CGA C0 = C_l[0]; CGA.CGA C1 = C_l[1]; CGA.CGA C2 = C_l[2];
        bool    reachable = ((T_l[0] * T_l[0])[0] > 0f) && ((T_l[1] * T_l[1])[0] > 0f) && ((T_l[2] * T_l[2])[0] > 0f);

        if (reachable)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                A_l[i]           = ExtractPntfromPntPairs(T_l[i], true, true);
                z_l[i]           = find_zi(down(A_l[i]), si_l[i]);
                joint_angle_l[i] = Mathf.Atan2((z_l[i] | (-1f * e2))[0], (z_l[i] | vector_to_pnt(si_l[i]))[0]);
        this.theta_l = joint_angle_l;
コード例 #2
    public CGA.CGA find_zi(CGA.CGA ai, Vector3 si)
        var si_cga = vector_to_pnt(si);
        var zi     = ai - rb * si_cga;

コード例 #3
    public Vector3 forward_kinematics()
        Vector3[] si_l     = { this.s0, this.s1, this.s2 };
        CGA.CGA[] si_l_cga = { vector_to_pnt(this.s0),
                               vector_to_pnt(this.s2) };
        float     rb = this.rb; float re = this.re; float rou = this.rou; float l = this.l;

        float[] joint_angle_l = this.theta_l;

        CGA.CGA[] elbow_l = new CGA.CGA[3]; CGA.CGA[] S_l = new CGA.CGA[3];
        CGA.CGA[] a_l = new CGA.CGA[3]; CGA.CGA[] A_l = new CGA.CGA[3];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            elbow_l[i] = (rb + l * Mathf.Cos(theta_l[i])) * si_l_cga[i] + l * Mathf.Sin(joint_angle_l[i]) * (-1f * e2);
            a_l[i]     = elbow_l[i] - re * si_l_cga[i]; A_l[i] = up_v(pnt_to_vector(a_l[i]));
            elbow_l[i] = up_v(pnt_to_vector(elbow_l[i]));
            CGA.CGA Centre5D = up_v(pnt_to_vector(a_l[i]));
            S_l[i] = !(Centre5D + (-0.5f) * rou * rou * ei);
        CGA.CGA T = get_grade_2(!(!S_l[0] ^ !S_l[1] ^ !S_l[2]));
        var     result = find_P(T);
        var     P = result.Item1; var P_d = result.Item2;

        CGA.CGA Y = ExtractPntfromPntPairs(T, true, true); Vector3 y = pnt_to_vector(down(Y));
        this.end_point = y;
コード例 #4
    public CGA.CGA find_zi(CGA.CGA a, Vector3 si)
        var si_cga = vector_to_pnt(si);
        var z      = a - rb * si_cga;

コード例 #5
 // member function or method
 public void CreateCircle5DusingThreePoints()    //or should it be called "Update"?
     CGA.CGA A = up(PointA.x, PointA.y, PointA.z);
     CGA.CGA B = up(PointB.x, PointB.y, PointB.z);
     CGA.CGA C = up(PointC.x, PointC.y, PointC.z);
     Circle5D = A ^ B ^ C;
コード例 #6
    public Vector3 findEndPoint_elbi(float thetai, Vector3 si)
        var si_cga = vector_to_pnt(si);

        CGA.CGA elbi = (rb + l * Mathf.Cos(thetai)) * si_cga + l * Mathf.Sin(thetai) * (-1f * e2);
コード例 #7
    public void FindSphere5Dfrom4Points(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d)
        PointA = a; PointB = b; PointC = c; PointD = d;
        var A = up(a.x, a.y, a.z); var B = up(b.x, b.y, b.z); var C = up(c.x, c.y, c.z); var D = up(d.x, d.y, d.z);

        Sphere5D = A ^ B ^ C ^ D;
コード例 #8
    public void findSphereRadius()
        CGA.CGA Sphere5D_nD     = normalise_pnt_minus_one(!Sphere5D);
        float   SphereRadiusSqr = (Sphere5D_nD * Sphere5D_nD)[0];

        Radius = Mathf.Sqrt(SphereRadiusSqr);
コード例 #9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //take the position of the wrist as the centre of a Sphere class object
        PlatformVertexE.Point3D = Wrist.Point3D + new Vector3(-2.5f / (float)Math.Sqrt(3f), 0, -2.5f);
        PlatformVertexF.Point3D = Wrist.Point3D + new Vector3(-2.5f / (float)Math.Sqrt(3f), 0, 2.5f);
        PlatformVertexG.Point3D = Wrist.Point3D + new Vector3(5f / (float)Math.Sqrt(3f), 0, 0);

        LowerArmReach.Centre = PlatformVertexE.Point3D;
        LowerArmReach.FindSphere5DbyCandRou(); //update the 5d expression of the sphere obj
        LowerArmReach2.Centre = PlatformVertexF.Point3D;
        LowerArmReach3.Centre = PlatformVertexG.Point3D;

        CSIntersection = Intersection5D(PivotReach.Circle5D, LowerArmReach.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersection * CSIntersection) > 0)//two point intersection
            IntersectPoint1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersection);

            IntersectPoint2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersection);
            ElbowJoint.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPoint2.GameObj.transform.position;

        CSIntersectionB = Intersection5D(PivotReachB.Circle5D, LowerArmReach2.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionB * CSIntersectionB) > 0)//two point intersection
            IntersectPoint1B.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionB);

            IntersectPoint2B.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionB);
            ElbowJointB.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPoint2B.GameObj.transform.position;

        CSIntersectionC = Intersection5D(PivotReachC.Circle5D, LowerArmReach3.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionC * CSIntersectionC) > 0)//two point intersection
            IntersectPoint1C.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionC);

            IntersectPoint2C.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionC);
            ElbowJointC.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPoint2C.GameObj.transform.position;

コード例 #10
    public float find_dtheta_dalpha(CGA.CGA zi, CGA.CGA dz_dt, Vector3 si)
        var si_cga = vector_to_pnt(si);
        var denom  = (zi | zi)[0];
        var nume   = (zi | si_cga)[0] * (dz_dt | (-1f * e2))[0] - (zi | (-1f * e2))[0] * (dz_dt | si_cga)[0];

        return(nume / denom);
コード例 #11
    public CGA.CGA find_dE_prime_dalpha(CGA.CGA T, CGA.CGA P, CGA.CGA P_d, CGA.CGA dP_dthetai, CGA.CGA dT_dthetai, bool is_dY_dtheta = false)
        var dP_d_dthetai = ~dP_dthetai;

        CGA.CGA part1 = -1f * dP_d_dthetai * (T | ei) * P;
        CGA.CGA part2 = -1f * P_d * (dT_dthetai | ei) * P;
        CGA.CGA part3 = -1f * P_d * (T | ei) * dP_dthetai;
        return(get_grade_1(part1 + part2 + part3));
コード例 #12
    public CGA.CGA find_Ci(Vector3 si)
        var si_cga = vector_to_pnt(si);
        var res    = up_v(rb * si);

        CGA.CGA temp_Sphere_dual = res - 0.5f * l * l * ei;
        CGA.CGA Ci = temp_Sphere_dual ^ (I3 * ((-1f * e2) ^ si_cga));
コード例 #13
    public CGA.CGA find_dY_dthetai(CGA.CGA T, CGA.CGA P, CGA.CGA P_d, CGA.CGA dP_dthetai, CGA.CGA dT_dthetai)
        var dP_d_dthetai = ~dP_dthetai;

        CGA.CGA part1 = -1f * dP_d_dthetai * (T | ei) * P;
        CGA.CGA part2 = -1f * P_d * (dT_dthetai | ei) * P;
        CGA.CGA part3 = -1f * P_d * (T | ei) * dP_dthetai;
        return(get_grade_1(part1 + part2 + part3));
コード例 #14
 public void UpdateCircleandCircle5DfromCircleObj()
     Centre = PlaneForCircle.GameObj.transform.position;
     Radius = PlaneForCircle.GameObj.transform.localScale.x; // need to make sure same x,y,z values for localScale
     Ic = PlaneForCircle.Shape5D;
     CGA.CGA SpherebyCircle = Generate5DSpherebyCandRou(Centre, Radius);
     Circle5D = Intersection5D(SpherebyCircle, Ic);
コード例 #15
    public CGA.CGA find_dP_dthetai(CGA.CGA T, CGA.CGA dT_dthetai)
        float beta = Mathf.Sqrt((T | T)[0]);

        CGA.CGA dbeta_dthetai = (dT_dthetai | T) * (1f / beta);
        CGA.CGA dP_dthetai    = (dT_dthetai | T) * (1f / beta);
        dP_dthetai = 0.5f * (beta * dT_dthetai - T * dbeta_dthetai) * (1f / (beta * beta));
コード例 #16
    public (CGA.CGA, CGA.CGA) find_P(CGA.CGA T)  //T is a point pair
        var beta = (float)Mathf.Sqrt((T * T)[0]);
        var F    = 1.0f / beta * T;
        var P    = 0.5f * (one + F);
        var P_d  = 0.5f * (one - F);

        return(P, P_d);
コード例 #17
    public CGA.CGA find_dy_dthetai(CGA.CGA dY_dthetai, CGA.CGA Y)
        float denom = (Y | ei)[0] * (Y | ei)[0];

        CGA.CGA   left        = one - one; //zero vector
        CGA.CGA   right       = one - one; //zero vector
        CGA.CGA[] basis_array = { e1, e2, e3 };
        foreach (CGA.CGA b in basis_array)
            left  += -1f * (dY_dthetai | b) * b * (Y | ei);
            right += (Y | b) * b * (dY_dthetai | ei);
        return((left + right) * (1f / denom));
コード例 #18
    public CGA.CGA find_de_prime_dalpha(CGA.CGA dAi_dt, CGA.CGA Ai, bool isY = false)
        float denom = (Ai | ei)[0] * (Ai | ei)[0];

        CGA.CGA   left        = one - one; //zero vector
        CGA.CGA   right       = one - one; //zero vector
        CGA.CGA[] basis_array = { e1, e2, e3 };
        foreach (CGA.CGA b in basis_array)
            left  += -1f * (dAi_dt | b) * b * (Ai | ei);
            right += (Ai | b) * b * (dAi_dt | ei);
        return((left + right) * (1f / denom));
コード例 #19
    public override void UpdateGameObj()
        //rotation from old plane normal (0,1,0) to norm
        //rotation angle = the angle between (0,1,0) and (A,B,C)
        float scale_of_norm = Mathf.Sqrt(norm[0] * norm[0] + norm[1] * norm[1] + norm[2] * norm[2]);
        float theta         = (float)Math.Acos(norm[1] / scale_of_norm);
        //rotation plane= the plane spaned by (0,1,0) and (A,B,C)
        var rot_plane = (e2 ^ (norm[0] * e1 + norm[1] * e2 + norm[2] * e3)).normalized();

        CGA.CGA R = GenerateRotationRotor(theta, rot_plane);
        //above: previous 'SetRotParamforPlane'
        this.GameObj.transform.rotation = RotorToQuat(R);
        // centrePoint=a;
        this.GameObj.transform.position = centrePoint;
コード例 #20
ファイル: cga.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/ganja.js
        /// <summary>
        /// CGA.Dual : res = !a
        /// Poincare duality operator.
        /// </summary>
        public static CGA operator !(CGA a)
            CGA res = new CGA();

            res[0]  = -a[31];
            res[1]  = -a[30];
            res[2]  = a[29];
            res[3]  = -a[28];
            res[4]  = a[27];
            res[5]  = a[26];
            res[6]  = a[25];
            res[7]  = -a[24];
            res[8]  = a[23];
            res[9]  = a[22];
            res[10] = a[21];
            res[11] = -a[20];
            res[12] = -a[19];
            res[13] = a[18];
            res[14] = a[17];
            res[15] = -a[16];
            res[16] = a[15];
            res[17] = -a[14];
            res[18] = -a[13];
            res[19] = a[12];
            res[20] = a[11];
            res[21] = -a[10];
            res[22] = -a[9];
            res[23] = -a[8];
            res[24] = a[7];
            res[25] = -a[6];
            res[26] = -a[5];
            res[27] = -a[4];
            res[28] = a[3];
            res[29] = -a[2];
            res[30] = a[1];
            res[31] = a[0];
コード例 #21
ファイル: cga.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/ganja.js
        /// <summary>
        /// CGA.muls : res = a * b
        /// multivector/scalar multiplication
        /// </summary>
        public static CGA operator *(CGA a, float b)
            CGA res = new CGA();

            res[0]  = a[0] * b;
            res[1]  = a[1] * b;
            res[2]  = a[2] * b;
            res[3]  = a[3] * b;
            res[4]  = a[4] * b;
            res[5]  = a[5] * b;
            res[6]  = a[6] * b;
            res[7]  = a[7] * b;
            res[8]  = a[8] * b;
            res[9]  = a[9] * b;
            res[10] = a[10] * b;
            res[11] = a[11] * b;
            res[12] = a[12] * b;
            res[13] = a[13] * b;
            res[14] = a[14] * b;
            res[15] = a[15] * b;
            res[16] = a[16] * b;
            res[17] = a[17] * b;
            res[18] = a[18] * b;
            res[19] = a[19] * b;
            res[20] = a[20] * b;
            res[21] = a[21] * b;
            res[22] = a[22] * b;
            res[23] = a[23] * b;
            res[24] = a[24] * b;
            res[25] = a[25] * b;
            res[26] = a[26] * b;
            res[27] = a[27] * b;
            res[28] = a[28] * b;
            res[29] = a[29] * b;
            res[30] = a[30] * b;
            res[31] = a[31] * b;
コード例 #22
ファイル: cga.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/ganja.js
        /// <summary>
        /// CGA.sadd : res = a + b
        /// scalar/multivector addition
        /// </summary>
        public static CGA operator +(float a, CGA b)
            CGA res = new CGA();

            res[0]  = a + b[0];
            res[1]  = b[1];
            res[2]  = b[2];
            res[3]  = b[3];
            res[4]  = b[4];
            res[5]  = b[5];
            res[6]  = b[6];
            res[7]  = b[7];
            res[8]  = b[8];
            res[9]  = b[9];
            res[10] = b[10];
            res[11] = b[11];
            res[12] = b[12];
            res[13] = b[13];
            res[14] = b[14];
            res[15] = b[15];
            res[16] = b[16];
            res[17] = b[17];
            res[18] = b[18];
            res[19] = b[19];
            res[20] = b[20];
            res[21] = b[21];
            res[22] = b[22];
            res[23] = b[23];
            res[24] = b[24];
            res[25] = b[25];
            res[26] = b[26];
            res[27] = b[27];
            res[28] = b[28];
            res[29] = b[29];
            res[30] = b[30];
            res[31] = b[31];
コード例 #23
ファイル: cga.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/ganja.js
        /// <summary>
        /// CGA.Sub : res = a - b
        /// Multivector subtraction
        /// </summary>
        public static CGA operator -(CGA a, CGA b)
            CGA res = new CGA();

            res[0]  = a[0] - b[0];
            res[1]  = a[1] - b[1];
            res[2]  = a[2] - b[2];
            res[3]  = a[3] - b[3];
            res[4]  = a[4] - b[4];
            res[5]  = a[5] - b[5];
            res[6]  = a[6] - b[6];
            res[7]  = a[7] - b[7];
            res[8]  = a[8] - b[8];
            res[9]  = a[9] - b[9];
            res[10] = a[10] - b[10];
            res[11] = a[11] - b[11];
            res[12] = a[12] - b[12];
            res[13] = a[13] - b[13];
            res[14] = a[14] - b[14];
            res[15] = a[15] - b[15];
            res[16] = a[16] - b[16];
            res[17] = a[17] - b[17];
            res[18] = a[18] - b[18];
            res[19] = a[19] - b[19];
            res[20] = a[20] - b[20];
            res[21] = a[21] - b[21];
            res[22] = a[22] - b[22];
            res[23] = a[23] - b[23];
            res[24] = a[24] - b[24];
            res[25] = a[25] - b[25];
            res[26] = a[26] - b[26];
            res[27] = a[27] - b[27];
            res[28] = a[28] - b[28];
            res[29] = a[29] - b[29];
            res[30] = a[30] - b[30];
            res[31] = a[31] - b[31];
コード例 #24
ファイル: cga.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/ganja.js
        /// <summary>
        /// CGA.Involute : res = a.Involute()
        /// Main involution
        /// </summary>
        public CGA Involute()
            CGA res = new CGA();

            res[0]  = this[0];
            res[1]  = -this[1];
            res[2]  = -this[2];
            res[3]  = -this[3];
            res[4]  = -this[4];
            res[5]  = -this[5];
            res[6]  = this[6];
            res[7]  = this[7];
            res[8]  = this[8];
            res[9]  = this[9];
            res[10] = this[10];
            res[11] = this[11];
            res[12] = this[12];
            res[13] = this[13];
            res[14] = this[14];
            res[15] = this[15];
            res[16] = -this[16];
            res[17] = -this[17];
            res[18] = -this[18];
            res[19] = -this[19];
            res[20] = -this[20];
            res[21] = -this[21];
            res[22] = -this[22];
            res[23] = -this[23];
            res[24] = -this[24];
            res[25] = -this[25];
            res[26] = this[26];
            res[27] = this[27];
            res[28] = this[28];
            res[29] = this[29];
            res[30] = this[30];
            res[31] = -this[31];
コード例 #25
ファイル: cga.cs プロジェクト: zeta1999/ganja.js
        /// <summary>
        /// CGA.Dot : res = a | b
        /// The inner product.
        /// </summary>
        public static CGA operator |(CGA a, CGA b)
            CGA res = new CGA();

            res[0]  = b[0] * a[0] + b[1] * a[1] + b[2] * a[2] + b[3] * a[3] + b[4] * a[4] - b[5] * a[5] - b[6] * a[6] - b[7] * a[7] - b[8] * a[8] + b[9] * a[9] - b[10] * a[10] - b[11] * a[11] + b[12] * a[12] - b[13] * a[13] + b[14] * a[14] + b[15] * a[15] - b[16] * a[16] - b[17] * a[17] + b[18] * a[18] - b[19] * a[19] + b[20] * a[20] + b[21] * a[21] - b[22] * a[22] + b[23] * a[23] + b[24] * a[24] + b[25] * a[25] + b[26] * a[26] - b[27] * a[27] - b[28] * a[28] - b[29] * a[29] - b[30] * a[30] - b[31] * a[31];
            res[1]  = b[1] * a[0] + b[0] * a[1] - b[6] * a[2] - b[7] * a[3] - b[8] * a[4] + b[9] * a[5] + b[2] * a[6] + b[3] * a[7] + b[4] * a[8] - b[5] * a[9] - b[16] * a[10] - b[17] * a[11] + b[18] * a[12] - b[19] * a[13] + b[20] * a[14] + b[21] * a[15] - b[10] * a[16] - b[11] * a[17] + b[12] * a[18] - b[13] * a[19] + b[14] * a[20] + b[15] * a[21] + b[26] * a[22] - b[27] * a[23] - b[28] * a[24] - b[29] * a[25] - b[22] * a[26] + b[23] * a[27] + b[24] * a[28] + b[25] * a[29] - b[31] * a[30] - b[30] * a[31];
            res[2]  = b[2] * a[0] + b[6] * a[1] + b[0] * a[2] - b[10] * a[3] - b[11] * a[4] + b[12] * a[5] - b[1] * a[6] + b[16] * a[7] + b[17] * a[8] - b[18] * a[9] + b[3] * a[10] + b[4] * a[11] - b[5] * a[12] - b[22] * a[13] + b[23] * a[14] + b[24] * a[15] + b[7] * a[16] + b[8] * a[17] - b[9] * a[18] - b[26] * a[19] + b[27] * a[20] + b[28] * a[21] - b[13] * a[22] + b[14] * a[23] + b[15] * a[24] - b[30] * a[25] + b[19] * a[26] - b[20] * a[27] - b[21] * a[28] + b[31] * a[29] + b[25] * a[30] + b[29] * a[31];
            res[3]  = b[3] * a[0] + b[7] * a[1] + b[10] * a[2] + b[0] * a[3] - b[13] * a[4] + b[14] * a[5] - b[16] * a[6] - b[1] * a[7] + b[19] * a[8] - b[20] * a[9] - b[2] * a[10] + b[22] * a[11] - b[23] * a[12] + b[4] * a[13] - b[5] * a[14] + b[25] * a[15] - b[6] * a[16] + b[26] * a[17] - b[27] * a[18] + b[8] * a[19] - b[9] * a[20] + b[29] * a[21] + b[11] * a[22] - b[12] * a[23] + b[30] * a[24] + b[15] * a[25] - b[17] * a[26] + b[18] * a[27] - b[31] * a[28] - b[21] * a[29] - b[24] * a[30] - b[28] * a[31];
            res[4]  = b[4] * a[0] + b[8] * a[1] + b[11] * a[2] + b[13] * a[3] + b[0] * a[4] + b[15] * a[5] - b[17] * a[6] - b[19] * a[7] - b[1] * a[8] - b[21] * a[9] - b[22] * a[10] - b[2] * a[11] - b[24] * a[12] - b[3] * a[13] - b[25] * a[14] - b[5] * a[15] - b[26] * a[16] - b[6] * a[17] - b[28] * a[18] - b[7] * a[19] - b[29] * a[20] - b[9] * a[21] - b[10] * a[22] - b[30] * a[23] - b[12] * a[24] - b[14] * a[25] + b[16] * a[26] + b[31] * a[27] + b[18] * a[28] + b[20] * a[29] + b[23] * a[30] + b[27] * a[31];
            res[5]  = b[5] * a[0] + b[9] * a[1] + b[12] * a[2] + b[14] * a[3] + b[15] * a[4] + b[0] * a[5] - b[18] * a[6] - b[20] * a[7] - b[21] * a[8] - b[1] * a[9] - b[23] * a[10] - b[24] * a[11] - b[2] * a[12] - b[25] * a[13] - b[3] * a[14] - b[4] * a[15] - b[27] * a[16] - b[28] * a[17] - b[6] * a[18] - b[29] * a[19] - b[7] * a[20] - b[8] * a[21] - b[30] * a[22] - b[10] * a[23] - b[11] * a[24] - b[13] * a[25] + b[31] * a[26] + b[16] * a[27] + b[17] * a[28] + b[19] * a[29] + b[22] * a[30] + b[26] * a[31];
            res[6]  = b[6] * a[0] + b[16] * a[3] + b[17] * a[4] - b[18] * a[5] + b[0] * a[6] - b[26] * a[13] + b[27] * a[14] + b[28] * a[15] + b[3] * a[16] + b[4] * a[17] - b[5] * a[18] + b[31] * a[25] - b[13] * a[26] + b[14] * a[27] + b[15] * a[28] + b[25] * a[31];
            res[7]  = b[7] * a[0] - b[16] * a[2] + b[19] * a[4] - b[20] * a[5] + b[0] * a[7] + b[26] * a[11] - b[27] * a[12] + b[29] * a[15] - b[2] * a[16] + b[4] * a[19] - b[5] * a[20] - b[31] * a[24] + b[11] * a[26] - b[12] * a[27] + b[15] * a[29] - b[24] * a[31];
            res[8]  = b[8] * a[0] - b[17] * a[2] - b[19] * a[3] - b[21] * a[5] + b[0] * a[8] - b[26] * a[10] - b[28] * a[12] - b[29] * a[14] - b[2] * a[17] - b[3] * a[19] - b[5] * a[21] + b[31] * a[23] - b[10] * a[26] - b[12] * a[28] - b[14] * a[29] + b[23] * a[31];
            res[9]  = b[9] * a[0] - b[18] * a[2] - b[20] * a[3] - b[21] * a[4] + b[0] * a[9] - b[27] * a[10] - b[28] * a[11] - b[29] * a[13] - b[2] * a[18] - b[3] * a[20] - b[4] * a[21] + b[31] * a[22] - b[10] * a[27] - b[11] * a[28] - b[13] * a[29] + b[22] * a[31];
            res[10] = b[10] * a[0] + b[16] * a[1] + b[22] * a[4] - b[23] * a[5] - b[26] * a[8] + b[27] * a[9] + b[0] * a[10] + b[30] * a[15] + b[1] * a[16] + b[31] * a[21] + b[4] * a[22] - b[5] * a[23] - b[8] * a[26] + b[9] * a[27] + b[15] * a[30] + b[21] * a[31];
            res[11] = b[11] * a[0] + b[17] * a[1] - b[22] * a[3] - b[24] * a[5] + b[26] * a[7] + b[28] * a[9] + b[0] * a[11] - b[30] * a[14] + b[1] * a[17] - b[31] * a[20] - b[3] * a[22] - b[5] * a[24] + b[7] * a[26] + b[9] * a[28] - b[14] * a[30] - b[20] * a[31];
            res[12] = b[12] * a[0] + b[18] * a[1] - b[23] * a[3] - b[24] * a[4] + b[27] * a[7] + b[28] * a[8] + b[0] * a[12] - b[30] * a[13] + b[1] * a[18] - b[31] * a[19] - b[3] * a[23] - b[4] * a[24] + b[7] * a[27] + b[8] * a[28] - b[13] * a[30] - b[19] * a[31];
            res[13] = b[13] * a[0] + b[19] * a[1] + b[22] * a[2] - b[25] * a[5] - b[26] * a[6] + b[29] * a[9] + b[30] * a[12] + b[0] * a[13] + b[31] * a[18] + b[1] * a[19] + b[2] * a[22] - b[5] * a[25] - b[6] * a[26] + b[9] * a[29] + b[12] * a[30] + b[18] * a[31];
            res[14] = b[14] * a[0] + b[20] * a[1] + b[23] * a[2] - b[25] * a[4] - b[27] * a[6] + b[29] * a[8] + b[30] * a[11] + b[0] * a[14] + b[31] * a[17] + b[1] * a[20] + b[2] * a[23] - b[4] * a[25] - b[6] * a[27] + b[8] * a[29] + b[11] * a[30] + b[17] * a[31];
            res[15] = b[15] * a[0] + b[21] * a[1] + b[24] * a[2] + b[25] * a[3] - b[28] * a[6] - b[29] * a[7] - b[30] * a[10] + b[0] * a[15] - b[31] * a[16] + b[1] * a[21] + b[2] * a[24] + b[3] * a[25] - b[6] * a[28] - b[7] * a[29] - b[10] * a[30] - b[16] * a[31];
            res[16] = b[16] * a[0] - b[26] * a[4] + b[27] * a[5] + b[31] * a[15] + b[0] * a[16] + b[4] * a[26] - b[5] * a[27] + b[15] * a[31];
            res[17] = b[17] * a[0] + b[26] * a[3] + b[28] * a[5] - b[31] * a[14] + b[0] * a[17] - b[3] * a[26] - b[5] * a[28] - b[14] * a[31];
            res[18] = b[18] * a[0] + b[27] * a[3] + b[28] * a[4] - b[31] * a[13] + b[0] * a[18] - b[3] * a[27] - b[4] * a[28] - b[13] * a[31];
            res[19] = b[19] * a[0] - b[26] * a[2] + b[29] * a[5] + b[31] * a[12] + b[0] * a[19] + b[2] * a[26] - b[5] * a[29] + b[12] * a[31];
            res[20] = b[20] * a[0] - b[27] * a[2] + b[29] * a[4] + b[31] * a[11] + b[0] * a[20] + b[2] * a[27] - b[4] * a[29] + b[11] * a[31];
            res[21] = b[21] * a[0] - b[28] * a[2] - b[29] * a[3] - b[31] * a[10] + b[0] * a[21] + b[2] * a[28] + b[3] * a[29] - b[10] * a[31];
            res[22] = b[22] * a[0] + b[26] * a[1] + b[30] * a[5] - b[31] * a[9] + b[0] * a[22] - b[1] * a[26] - b[5] * a[30] - b[9] * a[31];
            res[23] = b[23] * a[0] + b[27] * a[1] + b[30] * a[4] - b[31] * a[8] + b[0] * a[23] - b[1] * a[27] - b[4] * a[30] - b[8] * a[31];
            res[24] = b[24] * a[0] + b[28] * a[1] - b[30] * a[3] + b[31] * a[7] + b[0] * a[24] - b[1] * a[28] + b[3] * a[30] + b[7] * a[31];
            res[25] = b[25] * a[0] + b[29] * a[1] + b[30] * a[2] - b[31] * a[6] + b[0] * a[25] - b[1] * a[29] - b[2] * a[30] - b[6] * a[31];
            res[26] = b[26] * a[0] - b[31] * a[5] + b[0] * a[26] - b[5] * a[31];
            res[27] = b[27] * a[0] - b[31] * a[4] + b[0] * a[27] - b[4] * a[31];
            res[28] = b[28] * a[0] + b[31] * a[3] + b[0] * a[28] + b[3] * a[31];
            res[29] = b[29] * a[0] - b[31] * a[2] + b[0] * a[29] - b[2] * a[31];
            res[30] = b[30] * a[0] + b[31] * a[1] + b[0] * a[30] + b[1] * a[31];
            res[31] = b[31] * a[0] + b[0] * a[31];
コード例 #26
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //take the position of the wrist as the centre of a Sphere class object

        PlatformVertexD.Point3D = Wrist.Point3D + new Vector3((3f - 10 * (float)Math.Sqrt(3f)) / 6f, 0, 0) * scale_factor;
        PlatformVertexE.Point3D = Wrist.Point3D + new Vector3((-3f + 10 * (float)Math.Sqrt(3f)) / 12f, 0, (10f - (float)Math.Sqrt(3f)) / 4f) * scale_factor;
        PlatformVertexF.Point3D = Wrist.Point3D + new Vector3((-3f + 10 * (float)Math.Sqrt(3f)) / 12f, 0, -1f * (10f - (float)Math.Sqrt(3f)) / 4f) * scale_factor;

        LowerArmReachD.Centre = PlatformVertexD.Point3D;
        LowerArmReachD.FindSphere5DbyCandRou(); //update the 5d expression of the sphere obj
        LowerArmReachE.Centre = PlatformVertexE.Point3D;
        LowerArmReachF.Centre = PlatformVertexF.Point3D;

        CSIntersectionDA1 = Intersection5D(PivotReachA1.Circle5D, LowerArmReachD.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionDA1 * CSIntersectionDA1) > 0)//two point intersection
            IntersectPointDA1_1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionDA1);

            IntersectPointDA1_2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionDA1);
            ElbowJointA1.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPointDA1_2.GameObj.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Cannot reach.");
        CSIntersectionDB2 = Intersection5D(PivotReachB2.Circle5D, LowerArmReachD.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionDB2 * CSIntersectionDB2) > 0)
            IntersectPointDB2_1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionDB2);

            IntersectPointDB2_2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionDB2);
            ElbowJointB2.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPointDB2_2.GameObj.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Cannot reach.");
        CSIntersectionEB1 = Intersection5D(PivotReachB1.Circle5D, LowerArmReachE.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionEB1 * CSIntersectionEB1) > 0)
            IntersectPointEB1_1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionEB1);

            IntersectPointEB1_2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionEB1);
            ElbowJointB1.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPointEB1_2.GameObj.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Cannot reach.");
        CSIntersectionEC2 = Intersection5D(PivotReachC2.Circle5D, LowerArmReachE.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionEC2 * CSIntersectionEC2) > 0)
            IntersectPointEC2_1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionEC2);

            IntersectPointEC2_2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionEC2);
            ElbowJointC2.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPointEC2_2.GameObj.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Cannot reach.");
        CSIntersectionFC1 = Intersection5D(PivotReachC1.Circle5D, LowerArmReachF.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionFC1 * CSIntersectionFC1) > 0)
            IntersectPointFC1_1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionFC1);

            IntersectPointFC1_2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionFC1);
            ElbowJointC1.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPointFC1_2.GameObj.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("Cannot reach.");
        CSIntersectionFA2 = Intersection5D(PivotReachA2.Circle5D, LowerArmReachF.Sphere5D);
        if (pnt_to_scalar_pnt(CSIntersectionFA2 * CSIntersectionFA2) > 0)
            IntersectPointFA2_1.Shape5D = ExtractPntAfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionFA2);

            IntersectPointFA2_2.Shape5D = ExtractPntBfromPntPairs(CSIntersectionFA2);
            ElbowJointA2.GameObj.transform.position = IntersectPointFA2_2.GameObj.transform.position;
            Debug.Log("<color=red>Error: Cannot reach");

        ElbowJointA.GameObj.transform.position = (ElbowJointA1.GameObj.transform.position + ElbowJointA2.GameObj.transform.position) / 2;
        ElbowJointB.GameObj.transform.position = (ElbowJointB1.GameObj.transform.position + ElbowJointB2.GameObj.transform.position) / 2;
        ElbowJointC.GameObj.transform.position = (ElbowJointC1.GameObj.transform.position + ElbowJointC2.GameObj.transform.position) / 2;

        Vector3 planeNormal = new Vector3(0, 1f, 0);

        //Find the angle for the two Vectors
        Angle_A = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(ElbowJointA.GameObj.transform.position - Pivot.Point3D, planeNormal), ElbowJointA.GameObj.transform.position - Pivot.Point3D);
        Angle_B = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(ElbowJointB.GameObj.transform.position - PivotB.Point3D, planeNormal), ElbowJointB.GameObj.transform.position - PivotB.Point3D);
        Angle_C = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(ElbowJointC.GameObj.transform.position - PivotC.Point3D, planeNormal), ElbowJointC.GameObj.transform.position - PivotC.Point3D);
コード例 #27
 public override void GameObjToShape5D()
     CGA.CGA norm5D = vector_to_pnt(this.GameObj.transform.up);
     DistToOrigin = (vector_to_pnt(this.GameObj.transform.position) | norm5D)[0];
     this.Shape5D = !(norm5D + DistToOrigin * ei);
コード例 #28
 public void FindSphere5DbyCandRou()
     CGA.CGA Centre5D = up(Centre.x, Centre.y, Centre.z);
     Sphere5D = !(Centre5D + (-0.5f) * Radius * Radius * ei);
コード例 #29
 public void GetPlaneNormal()
     CGA.CGA n_roof = (!(this.Shape5D.normalized())) - ((!this.Shape5D.normalized()) | eo) * ei;
     norm = pnt_to_vector(n_roof);
コード例 #30
 public void findSphereCentrefromSphere5D()
     CGA.CGA CGAVector  = Sphere5D * ei * Sphere5D;
     CGA.CGA CGAVector2 = down(CGAVector);
     Centre = new Vector3(CGAVector2[1], CGAVector2[2], CGAVector2[3]);