static void ProcessNetworkAclFromTemplate(dynamic input, CFStack stack) { NetworkAcl nacl = new NetworkAcl(); nacl.LogicalId = input.Name; nacl.Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl"; var props = input.Value["Properties"]; foreach (var prop in props) { switch ((string)prop.Name) { case "VpcId": var a = prop.Value; foreach (var item in a) { nacl.Properties.VpcId = item.Value; } break; case "Tags": break; } } stack.Resources.Add(nacl); }
private void CompareNetworkAcl(NetworkAcl originalResource1, NetworkAcl originalResource2, NetworkAcl copyResource, CFStack copyStack) { List <NetworkAclEntry> compareList = copyResource.Properties.NetworkAclEntry; foreach (NetworkAclEntry x in originalResource1.Properties.NetworkAclEntry) { //Note NetworkAclId is always null for AWS stack resource var y = originalResource2.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.Find(n => n != null && n.RuleNumber == x.RuleNumber && n.RuleAction == x.RuleAction && n.Egress.ToString() == x.Egress.ToString() && n.CidrBlock == x.CidrBlock && n.FromPort == x.FromPort && n.ToPort == x.ToPort && n.Protocol == x.Protocol); if (y == null) { if (CompareRemoves == false) { var z = copyResource.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.Find(n => n != null && n.RuleNumber == x.RuleNumber && n.RuleAction == x.RuleAction && n.Egress.ToString() == x.Egress.ToString() && n.CidrBlock == x.CidrBlock && n.FromPort == x.FromPort && n.ToPort == x.ToPort && n.Protocol == x.Protocol); if (z != null) { z.StateChanged = true; } } } else { if (CompareRemoves == true) { var z = copyResource.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.Find(n => n != null && n.RuleNumber == x.RuleNumber && n.RuleAction == x.RuleAction && n.Egress.ToString() == x.Egress.ToString() && n.CidrBlock == x.CidrBlock && n.FromPort == x.FromPort && n.ToPort == x.ToPort && n.Protocol == x.Protocol); if (z != null) { compareList.Remove(z); } } } } if (copyResource.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.Count() == 0) { copyStack.Resources.Remove(copyResource); } }
private void WriteOutput(CFStack s, RichTextBox rtb, string source, string name) { rtb.Clear(); rtb.AppendText("Source: " + source); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); rtb.AppendText("Name/Path: " + name); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); rtb.AppendText("Decription: " + s.Description); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); rtb.AppendText("Resources"); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); foreach (var resource in s.Resources) { rtb.AppendText(tab1); rtb.AppendText(resource.LogicalId); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); rtb.AppendText(tab2); rtb.AppendText("Type: " + resource.Type); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); var properties = resource.Properties; string type = resource.Type; switch (type) { case "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup": EC2SecurityGroup group = (EC2SecurityGroup)resource; rtb.AppendText(tab3); rtb.AppendText("Group Description: " + group.Properties.GroupDescription); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); var rules = group.Properties.SecurityGroupIngress.OrderBy(a => a.IpProtocol).ThenBy(a => a.ToPort).ThenBy(a => a.FromPort).ThenBy(a => a.CidrIp).ThenBy(a => a.SourceSecurityGroupId); foreach (var rule in rules) { if (rule.StateChanged == false) { rtb.AppendText(tab4); } else { rtb.AppendText(diffMarker); rtb.AppendText(tab3); } //Check if Protocol exists in Dictionary else use the number if (Protocols.ContainsKey(rule.IpProtocol)) { rtb.AppendText("Protocol: " + Protocols[rule.IpProtocol] + " (" + rule.IpProtocol + ") | "); } else { rtb.AppendText("Protocol: " + "Custom" + " (" + rule.IpProtocol + ") | "); } if (rule.FromPort.Equals(rule.ToPort, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { rtb.AppendText("Port Range: " + rule.FromPort + " | "); } else { rtb.AppendText("Port Range: " + rule.FromPort + "-" + rule.ToPort + " | "); } if (rule.CidrIp != null) { rtb.AppendText("Source: " + rule.CidrIp); } else { rtb.AppendText("Source: " + rule.SourceSecurityGroupId); } rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); } break; case "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl": NetworkAcl acl = (NetworkAcl)resource; rtb.AppendText(tab3); rtb.AppendText("VpcId: " + acl.Properties.VpcId); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); var aclEntry = acl.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.OrderBy(a => a.Egress).ThenBy(a => a.RuleNumber); bool egressDisplayed = false; bool ingressDisplayed = false; foreach (var rule in aclEntry) { //Rule #, Type, Protocol, Port Range, Source, Allow/Deny if (rule.Egress == false && ingressDisplayed == false) { rtb.AppendText(tab4); rtb.AppendText("Inbound Rules"); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); ingressDisplayed = true; } else if (rule.Egress == true && egressDisplayed == false) { rtb.AppendText(tab4); rtb.AppendText("Outbound Rules"); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); egressDisplayed = true; } if (rule.StateChanged == false) { rtb.AppendText(tab5); } else { rtb.AppendText(diffMarker); rtb.AppendText(tab4); } rtb.AppendText("Rule: " + rule.RuleNumber + " | "); //Check if Protocol exists in Dictionary else use the number if (Protocols.ContainsKey(rule.Protocol)) { rtb.AppendText("Protocol: " + Protocols[rule.Protocol] + " (" + rule.Protocol + ") | "); } else { rtb.AppendText("Protocol: " + "Custom" + " (" + rule.Protocol + ") | "); } //ALL ports could be 0-0 or -1 or 0-65535 if (rule.FromPort.Equals(rule.ToPort, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if ((rule.FromPort == "0" && rule.ToPort == "0") || (rule.FromPort == "-1" && rule.ToPort == "-1")) { rtb.AppendText("Port Range: ALL | "); } else { rtb.AppendText("Port Range: " + rule.FromPort + " | "); } } else { if (rule.FromPort == "0" && rule.ToPort == "65535") { rtb.AppendText("Port Range: ALL | "); } else { rtb.AppendText("Port Range: " + rule.FromPort + "-" + rule.ToPort + " | "); } } rtb.AppendText("Source: " + rule.CidrBlock + " | "); rtb.AppendText("Allow/Deny: " + rule.RuleAction.ToUpper()); rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); } break; } rtb.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); } // Highlight Textbox Lines for (int i = 0; i < rtb.Lines.Length; i++) { if (rtb.Lines[i].Contains("*")) { int selectionStart = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(i); int selectionEnd = rtb.Lines[i].Count(); rtb.SelectionStart = selectionStart; rtb.SelectionLength = selectionEnd; rtb.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; } } }
static void ProcessNetworkAclEntryFromTemplate(dynamic input, CFStack stack) { NetworkAclEntry ne = new NetworkAclEntry(); var rule = input.Value["Properties"]; ne.Protocol = rule.Protocol; ne.CidrBlock = rule.CidrBlock; ne.Egress = (bool)rule.Egress; ne.RuleNumber = rule.RuleNumber; ne.RuleAction = rule.RuleAction; if (rule.NetworkAclId != null) { var a = rule.NetworkAclId; foreach (var item in a) { ne.NetworkAclId = item.Value; } } if (rule.PortRange != null) { var range = rule.PortRange; foreach (var item in range) { if (item.Name == "To") { if (item.Value == "-1") { ne.ToPort = "ALL"; } else { ne.ToPort = item.Value; } } if (item.Name == "From") { if (item.Value == "-1") { ne.ToPort = "ALL"; } else { ne.FromPort = item.Value; } } } } else //If port range is not specified in the template then AWS sets it to ALL { ne.FromPort = "ALL"; ne.ToPort = "ALL"; } //Format PortRange string from = ""; string to = ""; FormatPortRange(ne.FromPort, ne.ToPort, out from, out to); ne.FromPort = from; ne.ToPort = to; if (rule.Icmp != null) { //May not be needed } if (ne.NetworkAclId != null) { NetworkAcl x = stack.Resources.Find(n => n != null && n.LogicalId == ne.NetworkAclId); if (x != null) { x.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.Add(ne); } else { //TODO //Either remember and process orphaned ingress rule //Or write out to error log. MessageBox.Show("Error", "Did not find NACL " + ne.NetworkAclId + " to add entry to", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Live Stack public static void ProcessNetworkAclFromAWS(StackResourceSummary resource, CFStack stack, AmazonEC2Client ec2Client, string stackName) { DescribeNetworkAclsRequest naclRequest = new DescribeNetworkAclsRequest(); naclRequest.NetworkAclIds = new List <string> { resource.PhysicalResourceId }; DescribeNetworkAclsResponse response = ec2Client.DescribeNetworkAcls(naclRequest); foreach (Amazon.EC2.Model.NetworkAcl nacl in response.NetworkAcls) { NetworkAcl n = new NetworkAcl(); n.LogicalId = resource.LogicalResourceId; if (log) { Utils.WriteToFile(logFile, "AWS NACL: " + n.LogicalId.ToString(), true); } n.Type = "AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl"; n.Properties.VpcId = nacl.VpcId; foreach (Amazon.EC2.Model.NetworkAclEntry e in nacl.Entries) { NetworkAclEntry ne = new NetworkAclEntry(); ne.RuleNumber = e.RuleNumber.ToString(); ne.CidrBlock = e.CidrBlock; ne.Egress = e.Egress; if (e.PortRange == null) { ne.FromPort = "ALL"; ne.ToPort = "ALL"; } else { //FormatPortRange - Port range could be 0-0 -1-1 0-65535 string from = ""; string to = ""; FormatPortRange(e.PortRange.From.ToString(), e.PortRange.To.ToString(), out from, out to); ne.FromPort = from; ne.ToPort = to; //------------------------------------------------------ } //FormatProtocol - Protocol could be a number or text (e.g. 6 or tcp) ne.Protocol = FormatProtocol(e.Protocol); //------------------------------------------------------------------- ne.RuleAction = e.RuleAction; //ICMP not included. n.Properties.NetworkAclEntry.Add(ne); if (e.PortRange == null) { if (log) { Utils.WriteToFile(logFile, ne.RuleNumber + " Protocol: " + e.Protocol + " | From: " + "null" + " To: " + "null", true); } } else { if (log) { Utils.WriteToFile(logFile, ne.RuleNumber + " Protocol: " + e.Protocol + " | From: " + e.PortRange.From.ToString() + " To: " + e.PortRange.To.ToString(), true); } } } stack.Resources.Add(n); } }