コード例 #1
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public override void Delete()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"delete CCEx_Group where intID = @groupid;");
     connection.AddParameter("@groupid", ID).Execute();
コード例 #2
ファイル: ProspectContact.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public override void Update()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"update CCEx_ProspectContact set strContactNumber = @contact where intID = @id and strContactNumber like @oldNumber;");
     connection.AddParameter("@id", Parent.ID).AddParameter("@contact", ContactNumber).AddParameter("@oldNumber", OldNumber)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ProspectContact.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public override void Delete()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"delete from CCEx_ProspectContact where strContactNumber = @contact and intID = @id;");
     connection.AddParameter("@id", Parent.ID).AddParameter("@contact", ContactNumber)
コード例 #4
ファイル: GroupMember.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public override void Insert()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
     @"insert into CCEx_GroupMember (intGroupID, intStaffID, intStudentID, dtmListed) values (@groupid, @staffid, @studentid, @date);");
     connection.AddParameter("@groupid", ID).AddParameter("@staffid", StaffID).AddParameter("@studentid", MemberID).AddParameter("@date", DateListed)
コード例 #5
ファイル: ImportAssistant.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        public static Prospect ImportByMXV3Guardian(int id)
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(

            declare @studentID as int;
            declare @prospectID as int;
            declare @currentTable as table(id int);
            insert into CCEx_Prospect (strAddress, strFullName) output inserted.intID into @currentTable select strMailingAddressGuardian1, strNameGuardian from Guardian where intIdGuardian = @guardianID;
            select @prospectID = id from @currentTable;

            -- We Get the Student Info --
            declare studentscur cursor for
            select intIDStudent from Student where intidGuardian = @guardianID

            declare @studentList as table (id int);

            fetch next from studentscur into @studentID

            while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 1)

            declare @prospectStudentID as int;
            insert into CCEx_Prospect (strEmail, strFullName) output inserted.intID into @currentTable select strEmailUser, strFullNameUser from AspenUser where intIdUser = @studentID
            select @prospectStudentID = id from @currentTable;
            insert into CCEx_ProspectStudent (intID) values (@prospectStudentID)
            insert into @studentList (id) values (@prospectStudentID)

            fetch next from studentscur into @studentID


            close studentscur
            deallocate studentscur

            -- We Link the Two Together --
            declare prostudentcur cursor for
            select id from @studentList

            declare @currentID as int;
            open prostudentcur

            fetch next from prostudentcur into @currentID

            while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
                insert into CCEx_ProspectRelation (intProspectID, intRelationID, intStudentID) values (@prospectID, 3, @currentID);
                fetch next from prostudentcur into @currentID

            select @prospectID


            DataTable result =
            connection.AddParameter("@guardianID", id).Query;

            return new Prospect((int)result.Rows[0][0], null);
コード例 #6
 public string GetStaffName()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"select strFullNameUser from AspenUser where intIDUser = @id");
     DataTable table = connection.AddParameter("@id", StaffID).Query;
コード例 #7
        public string GetAvailabilityCompiledRemarks()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select strday from CCEx_Day where intID = @id");
            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@id", DayID).Query;

            return result.Rows[0][0].ToString() + " (" + Remark + ") ";
コード例 #8
        public override void Populate()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select * from CCex_ProspectCaseAvailability where intID = @id;");

            DataTable table = connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query;
            DayID = (int)table.Rows[0]["intDayID"];
            Remark = table.Rows[0]["strAvailabilityRemarks"].ToString();
コード例 #9
ファイル: GroupMember.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        public override void Populate()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection
                (@"select intStaffID, dtmListed from CCEx_GroupMember where intGroupID = @groupid and intStudentID = @studentid;");
            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@groupid", ID).AddParameter("@studentid", MemberID).Query;

            StaffID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intStaffID"];
            DateListed = (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["dtmListed"];
コード例 #10
        public override void Insert()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"declare @availinfot as table(id int); insert into CCEx_ProspectCaseAvailability (intCaseID, intDayID, strAvailabilityRemarks) output inserted.intID into @availinfot values (@caseid, @dayid, @remarks); select id from @availinfot;");

            DataTable result =
            connection.AddParameter("@caseid", Parent.ID).AddParameter("@dayid", DayID).AddParameter("@remarks", Remark).Query;

            ID = (int)result.Rows[0][0];
コード例 #11
ファイル: ProspectContact.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        public override void Insert()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"declare @temp as table(id int); insert into CCEx_ProspectContact (intID, strContactNumber) output inserted.intContactID into @temp values (@id, @contact); select id from @temp");

            DataTable table =
            connection.AddParameter("@id", Parent.ID).AddParameter("@contact", ContactNumber)
            ID = (int)table.Rows[0][0];
コード例 #12
ファイル: Credential.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        private void login(string username, string password)
            DatabaseConnection connection =
                new DatabaseConnection(
                    @"select CCEx_User.intID, strFullNameUser, strRoleName from AspenUser inner join CCEx_User on intIdUser = CCEx_User.intID
                    inner join CCEx_UserRole on CCEx_User.intStaffRole = CCEx_UserRole.intID
                    where strUserNameUser like @user and strPasswordUser = @password");

            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@user", username).AddParameter(
                "@password", password).Query;

            if (result.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidCredentialException();

            StaffName = result.Rows[0]["strFullNameUser"].ToString();
            AccessRole = result.Rows[0]["strRoleName"].ToString();
            StaffID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intID"];
コード例 #13
        private void Search(ProspectStudentCase obj)
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                    declare @levelName as varchar(30);
                    select @levelName = strNameLevel from [Level] where intIdLevel = @levelid;

                    if (SUBSTRING(@levelName, 0, 3) like 'IP')
                        select intID from CCEx_ProspectCase where intSubjectID = @subjectid and intLevelID = @levelid and intSchoolID = @schoolid and intID <> @id;
                        select intID from CCEx_ProspectCase where intSubjectID = @subjectid and intLevelID = @levelid and intID <> @id;

            DataTable table =
            connection.AddParameter("@id", obj.ID).AddParameter("@subjectid", obj.SubjectID).AddParameter("@levelid", obj.LevelID).AddParameter("@schoolid", obj.SchoolID).Query;

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                _cases.Add(new ProspectStudentCase((int)row[0], null));
コード例 #14
        private void Populate(ProspectStudentCase scase)
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                convert(varchar(100),dtmTimeStartRegular, 108) + ' to ' + convert(varchar(100),dtmTimeEndRegular, 108) as 'Session',
                strDayRegular as 'Day', strNameBranch as 'Branch'
                 from ClassSchedule
                inner join Regular on ClassSchedule.intIdClassSchedule = Regular.intIdClassScheduleRegular
                inner join Branch on intIdBranch = intIdClassroomRegular
                where intIdLevelClassSchedule = @levelid and intIdSubjectClassSchedule = @subjectid and
                intIdClassroomRegular = @branchid and strYearClassSchedule like DATEPART(year, getdate());

            DataTable table =
            connection.AddParameter("@levelid", scase.LevelID).AddParameter("@branchid", scase.BranchID).AddParameter("@subjectid", scase.SubjectID).Query;

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                _entries.Add(new CaseSimilarRegularClassEntry(row["session"].ToString(),
                    row["branch"].ToString(), row["day"].ToString()));
コード例 #15
        public override void Insert()
            if (Conversation.Trim() != "")
                DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                    @"declare @convinfot as table(id int); insert into CCex_ProspectCaseConversation (dtmConverse, intCaseID, intStaffID, strConversation) output inserted.intID into @convinfot values (@date, @caseid, @staffid, @conversation); select id from @convinfot;");

                DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@date", Date).AddParameter("@caseid", Parent.ID).AddParameter("@staffid", StaffID).AddParameter("@conversation", Conversation).Query;
                ID = (int)result.Rows[0][0];

                connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                    @"update CCEx_CallReminder set dtmCalled = GETDATE(), intStaffID = @staffid where intCaseID = @id and dtmCalled = null;
                        if (@next >= 0)
                        insert into CCEx_CallReminder (intCaseID, intStaffID, dtmDate)
                            values (@id, @nextstaff, DATEADD(day, @next, getdate()));");

                connection.AddParameter("@next", NextCallDay)
                    .AddParameter("@id", Parent.ID)
                    .AddParameter("@staffid", StaffID)
                    .AddParameter("@nextstaff", ((ProspectStudentCase)Parent).StaffID)

コード例 #16
 public override void Update()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"update CCEx_ProspectCaseAvailability set intDayID = @dayid, strAvailabilityRemarks = @remarks where intID = @id;");
     connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).AddParameter("@dayid", DayID).AddParameter("@remarks", Remark).Execute();
コード例 #17
ファイル: Prospect.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        public override void Populate()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection
                (@"select * from CCEx_Prospect where intID = @id");
            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query;

            Name = result.Rows[0]["strFullName"].ToString();
            Address = result.Rows[0]["strAddress"].ToString();
            Email = result.Rows[0]["strEmail"].ToString();

            // Populate Prospect Student
            connection = new DatabaseConnection
                (@"select CCEx_ProspectRelation.intStudentID from CCEx_ProspectRelation where intProspectID = @prospectid");
            foreach (DataRow row in connection.AddParameter("@prospectid", ID).Query.Rows)
                AddStudent(new Prospect((int)row[0], this));

            // Populate Prospect Contact
            connection = new DatabaseConnection
                (@"select intContactID, strContactNumber from CCEx_ProspectContact where intID = @id;");
            foreach (DataRow row in connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query.Rows)
                AddContact(new ProspectContact((int)row[0]
                    , row[1].ToString(), this));

            if (this.IsInstanceStudent())
                connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                    @"select intID from CCEx_ProspectCase where intStudentID = @studentid; ");
                foreach (DataRow row in connection.AddParameter("@studentid", ID).Query.Rows)
                    ProspectStudentCase pscase = new ProspectStudentCase(
                        (int)row[0], this);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Prospect.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        public override void Update()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"update CCEx_Prospect set strAddress = @address, strEmail = @email, strFullName = @name where intID = @id;");

            connection.AddParameter("@address", Address).AddParameter("@email", Email).AddParameter("@name", Name).AddParameter("@id", ID).Execute();
コード例 #19
ファイル: PerformanceReport.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        private void Populate(int month, int year)
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                Staff Performance Report
                declare @resulttable as table(staffid int, staffname varchar(100), called int, confirm int, cancel int)

                -- We get all staff that has the role of a leader or admin --
                declare staffcur cursor for
                select intid, strFullNameuser from CCEx_User inner join AspenUser on intid = intIDuser where intStaffRole = 1 or intStaffRole = 2;

                open staffcur
                declare @currentid as int, @currentname as varchar(100);
                fetch next from staffcur into @currentid, @currentname

                while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)

                declare @called as int, @confirm as int, @cancel as int

                select @called = COUNT(*) from CCex_ProspectCaseConversation where datepart(month, dtmConverse) = @month
                    and DATEPART(year, dtmConverse) = @year and intStaffID = @currentid;

                select @confirm = COUNT(*) from CCEx_ProspectCase where intStatusID = 3 and DATEPART(MONTH, dtmFinalised) = @month
                    and DATEPART(year, dtmFinalised) = @year and intOwnerID = @currentid;

                select @cancel = COUNT(*) from CCEx_ProspectCase where intStatusID = 4 and DATEPART(MONTH, dtmFinalised) = @month
                    and DATEPART(year, dtmFinalised) = @year and intOwnerID = @currentid;

                insert into @resulttable (staffid, staffname, called, confirm, cancel) values (@currentid, @currentname, @called, @confirm, @cancel);

                fetch next from staffcur into @currentid


                close staffcur
                deallocate staffcur

                select staffid, staffname, called, confirm, cancel from @resulttable;

            DataTable table =
            connection.AddParameter("@month", month).AddParameter("@year", year).Query;

            foreach (DataRow rows in table.Rows)
                _entry.Add(new PerformanceReportEntry((int)rows[0],
                    rows[1].ToString(), (int)rows[2], (int)rows[3], (int)rows[4]));
コード例 #20
 public override void Delete()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"delete from CCEx_ProspectCaseAvailability where intID = @id;");
     connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Execute();
コード例 #21
        public override void Populate()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select * from CCex_ProspectCaseConversation where intID = @id;");

            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query;

            Date = (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["dtmConverse"];
            Conversation = result.Rows[0]["strConversation"].ToString();
            StaffID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intStaffID"];
コード例 #22
        public string GetCaseStandardName()
            string standardName = "";
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select strNameSubject from Subject where intIDSubject = @id;");

            standardName =
            connection.AddParameter("@id", SubjectID).Query.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select strStatusDesc from CCEx_Status where intID = @id ");

            string statusName =
                connection.AddParameter("@id", CaseStatusID).Query.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select strNameLevel from Level where intIdLevel = @id;");

            string levelName =
                connection.AddParameter("@id", LevelID).Query.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            if (levelName.ToLower().StartsWith("ip"))
                connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                    @"select strNameSchool from School where intSchool = @id;");

                string schoolName =
                    connection.AddParameter("@id", SchoolID).Query.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                    standardName + " " + levelName + " (" + schoolName + ") - " + statusName;

                    standardName + " " + levelName + " (General) - " + statusName;
コード例 #23
        public Prospect GetProspectStudent()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select intStudentID from CCEx_ProspectCase where intID = @id;");

            return new Prospect((int)connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query.Rows[0][0], null);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
        public override void Populate()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                "select * from CCEx_Group where intID = @id");
            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query;

            if (result.Rows.Count > 0)
                Name = result.Rows[0]["strName"].ToString();

                connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                    "select * from CCEx_GroupMember where intGroupID = @id");
                result = connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query;

                foreach (DataRow row in result.Rows)
コード例 #25
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public override void Insert()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
     @"declare @groupinfot as table(id int); insert into CCEx_Group (strName) output inserted.intID into @groupinfot values (@name);
                     declare @groupidt as int; select @groupidt = id from @groupinfot; select @groupidt;");
     DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@name", Name).Query;
     ID = (int)result.Rows[0][0];
コード例 #26
        public override void Insert()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"declare @caseinfot as table(id int); insert into CCEx_ProspectCase (intBranchID, intLevelID, intOwnerID, intSchoolID, intStatusID, intStudentID, intSubjectID) output inserted.intID into @caseinfot values (@branchid, @levelid, @staffid, @schoolid, @statusid, @studentid, @subjectid); select id from @caseinfot; ");

            DataTable result =
                .AddParameter("@branchid", BranchID)
                .AddParameter("@levelid", LevelID)
                .AddParameter("@staffid", StaffID)
                .AddParameter("@schoolid", SchoolID)
                .AddParameter("@statusid", CaseStatusID)
                .AddParameter("@studentid", Parent.ID)
                .AddParameter("@subjectid", SubjectID)

            ID = (int)result.Rows[0][0];
コード例 #27
        public override void Populate()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select * from CCEx_ProspectCase where intID = @id;");
            DataTable result = connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query;

            SubjectID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intSubjectID"];
            BranchID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intBranchID"];
            LevelID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intLevelID"];
            SchoolID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intSchoolID"];
            CaseStatusID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intStatusID"];
            StaffID = (int)result.Rows[0]["intOwnerID"];

            WorkspaceBufferEngine engine = CurrentSession.BufferEngine;
            ProspectStudentCaseRemarks newremarks = new ProspectStudentCaseRemarks(engine.GetNextValidID(), this);
            newremarks.StaffID = CurrentSession.CredentialManager.ValidStaffID(1);

            connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select CCex_ProspectCaseConversation.intID from CCex_ProspectCaseConversation where intCaseID = @caseid order by dtmConverse desc");

            foreach (DataRow row in connection.AddParameter("@caseid", ID).Query.Rows)
                AddRemark(new ProspectStudentCaseRemarks((int)row[0], this));

            connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"select intID from CCEx_ProspectCaseAvailability where intCaseID = @caseid;");

            foreach (DataRow row in connection.AddParameter("@caseid", ID).Query.Rows)
                AddAvailability(new ProspectStudentCaseAvailability((int)row[0], this));
コード例 #28
ファイル: Prospect.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public bool IsInstanceStudent()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"select count(*) from CCEx_ProspectStudent where intID = @id");
     return (int)connection.AddParameter("@id", ID).Query.Rows[0][0] > 0;
コード例 #29
ファイル: Group.cs プロジェクト: khtutz/anet4jkhz
 public override void Update()
     DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
         @"update CCEx_Group set strName = @name where intID = @id;");
     connection.AddParameter("@name", Name).Execute();
コード例 #30
        public override void Update()
            DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection(
                @"update CCEx_ProspectCase set intBranchID = @branchid, intLevelID = @levelid, intSchoolID = @schoolid, intStatusID = @statusid, intSubjectID = @subjectid where intID = @id; ");

                .AddParameter("@branchid", BranchID)
                .AddParameter("@levelid", LevelID)
                .AddParameter("@staffid", StaffID)
                .AddParameter("@schoolid", SchoolID)
                .AddParameter("@statusid", CaseStatusID)
                .AddParameter("@studentid", Parent.ID)
                .AddParameter("@subjectid", SubjectID)
                .AddParameter("@id", ID)