コード例 #1
        public void Details_Test()
            ClientsController target = new ClientsController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            User ccUser = CC.Data.Tests.Helper.GetAdminUser();
            var  mocks  = new ContextMocks(target, true, false);

            target.CcUser = ccUser;
            Client          cc        = CC.Data.Tests.Helper.GetClient("Client1");
            Nullable <int>  id        = cc.Id;
            Nullable <bool> newClient = false;

            ViewResult actual = target.Details(id, newClient);

            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, " view result can not be null");

            System.Web.Mvc.ViewResultBase viewResult = (System.Web.Mvc.ViewResultBase)actual;

            ViewDataDictionary data = viewResult.ViewData;

            Assert.IsNotNull(data.Keys.Count() == 3, "must be 3 dataitems: client data, agencies, permissions");

            Client cl = (Client)data.Model;

            Assert.IsTrue(cl.Id == cc.Id && cl.FirstName == "Client1", " must open detail of client with name " + cc.FirstName);

            //now write the same test for user, that not have permissions for this client"
        public void IndexTest_TryUpdateStatus_NotSelectedClients()
            //try to change approval status without select clients
            target = GetTarget_ForUser(FixedRoles.Admin);
            mocks  = new ContextMocks(target, true, false);
            ClientsListModel model = new ClientsListModel();

            model.UpdateModel.SelectedClientIds   = null;
            model.UpdateModel.NewApprovalStatusId = (int)ApprovalStatusEnum.Approved;

            ActionResult actual = target.Index(model);

            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, "action result can not be null");
            string content = ((System.Web.Mvc.ContentResult)actual).Content;

            Assert.IsTrue(content == "selection is empty", "result must be:selection is empty");