コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a 3 Part grid on a Canvas and returns those as Canvas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="On">Target Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="HeaderHeight">Height of the Header</param>
        /// <param name="FooterHeight">Height of the Footer</param>
        /// <param name="HeaderCanvas">Header Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="ContentCanvas">Content Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="FooterCanvas">Footer Canvas</param>
        /// <param name="GridLines">optional Gridline Options for the grid created</param>
        public void CreateHeaderFooter(Canvas On, GridLength HeaderHeight, GridLength FooterHeight, out Canvas HeaderCanvas, out Canvas ContentCanvas, out Canvas FooterCanvas, GridLineOptions GridLines = null)
            double ContentHeight = On.Height - HeaderHeight.Value - FooterHeight.Value;

            Grid nGrid = GridHelper.CreateGrid(On.Width, On.Height, new GridLength[] { new GridLength(On.Width) },
                                               new GridLength[] { HeaderHeight, new GridLength(), FooterHeight },
                                               Brushes.Transparent, GridLines);

            HeaderCanvas        = new Canvas();
            HeaderCanvas.Width  = On.Width;
            HeaderCanvas.Height = HeaderHeight.Value;
            GridHelper.PutInGrid(HeaderCanvas, nGrid, 0, 0);

            ContentCanvas        = new Canvas();
            ContentCanvas.Width  = On.Width;
            ContentCanvas.Height = ContentHeight; //Size of Grids are not calculated before actual rendering - thus actualheight = 0
            GridHelper.PutInGrid(ContentCanvas, nGrid, 0, 1);

            FooterCanvas        = new Canvas();
            FooterCanvas.Width  = On.Width;
            FooterCanvas.Height = FooterHeight.Value;
            GridHelper.PutInGrid(FooterCanvas, nGrid, 0, 2);

            DocHelper.PutElementOn(nGrid, On);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PlotHelper.cs プロジェクト: TerRoshak/ReportHelper
        private static Canvas NewPlotLine(PlotData pd, Size sz)
            Canvas plot = new Canvas()
                Width      = sz.Width,
                Height     = sz.Height,
                Background = Brushes.Transparent

            double xScaler = pd.XAxis.Info.Range / sz.Width;
            double yScaler = pd.YAxis.Info.Range / sz.Height;

            PointCollection pc = new PointCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < pd.Data.Length; i++)
                double xPart = ((pd.Data[i].Item1 - pd.XAxis.Info.Min) / pd.XAxis.Info.Range) * sz.Width;
                double yPart = (1.0d - ((pd.Data[i].Item2 - pd.YAxis.Info.Min) / pd.YAxis.Info.Range)) * sz.Height;
                pc.Add(new Point(xPart, yPart));

            if (pd.pType == PlotType.Line)
                Polyline pl = new Polyline
                    Points          = pc,
                    Stroke          = pd.PlotColor,
                    StrokeThickness = pd.PlotThickness,
                    Width           = sz.Width,
                    Height          = sz.Height

                DocHelper.PutElementOn(pl, plot, sz.Width, sz.Height);
            else if (pd.pType == PlotType.Dots)
                const float width  = 2;
                const float radius = width / 2;
                foreach (Point point in pc)
                    Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse();
                    ellipse.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, point.X - radius);
                    ellipse.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, point.Y - radius);
                    ellipse.Fill            = pd.PlotColor;
                    ellipse.Stroke          = pd.PlotColor;
                    ellipse.StrokeThickness = pd.PlotThickness;
                    ellipse.Width           = width;
                    ellipse.Height          = width;

             *          //draw average line
             * double yAvg = y.Average();
             * Line yAvgLine = new Line
             * {
             *  X1 = 0,
             *  X2 = plot.Width,
             *  Y1 = plot.Height - ((yAvg - minY) / yScaler),
             *  Y2 = plot.Height - ((yAvg - minY) / yScaler),
             *  Stroke = Brushes.Red,
             *  StrokeThickness = DocHelper.MM2Dibs(0.2),
             *  StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
             *  StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Flat
             * };
             * DocHelper.PutElementOn(yAvgLine, plot);
             * //simple linear regression
             * Tuple<double, double> simpleLinear = Fit.Line(x, y);
             * double fit = GoodnessOfFit.RSquared(x.Select(x => simpleLinear.Item1 + simpleLinear.Item2 * x), y);
             * Line l = new Line
             * {
             *  X1 = 0,
             *  X2 = Width,
             *  Y1 = (plot.Height - ((simpleLinear.Item2 - minY) / yScaler)),
             *  Y2 = (plot.Height - ((((simpleLinear.Item1 * rangeX) + simpleLinear.Item2) - minY) / yScaler)),
             *  Stroke = Brushes.Blue,
             *  StrokeThickness = DocHelper.MM2Dibs(0.75)
             * };
             * plot.Children.Add(l);
             * //DocHelper.PutElementOn(l, content);

コード例 #3
ファイル: PlotHelper.cs プロジェクト: TerRoshak/ReportHelper
        private static void DrawPlotAxis(Canvas On, AxisSettings axis, Size plotSize, Rect plotRect, Boolean First = true)
            int   dividers = axis.Divider * axis.SubDivider;
            Point StartPoint, EndPoint;

            //draw dividers and subdividers
            for (int i = 0; i < (dividers) + 1; i++)
                Boolean isDivider = (i % axis.SubDivider == 0);

                if (axis.AxisType == AxisType.X)
                    double Coord = plotRect.Left + (i * (plotRect.Width / dividers));
                    double yPos  = (First) ? plotRect.Bottom : plotRect.Top;

                    StartPoint = new Point(
                        yPos - (isDivider ? axis.DividerShortLength : axis.SubDividerShortLength));
                    EndPoint = new Point(
                        yPos + (isDivider ? axis.DividerShortLength : axis.SubDividerShortLength));
                    double Coord = plotRect.Top + (i * (plotRect.Height / dividers));
                    double xPos  = (First) ? plotRect.Left : plotRect.Right;

                    StartPoint = new Point(
                        xPos - (isDivider ? axis.DividerShortLength : axis.SubDividerShortLength),
                    EndPoint = new Point(
                        xPos + (isDivider ? axis.DividerShortLength : axis.SubDividerShortLength),

                Line dividerLine = new Line
                    X1                 = StartPoint.X,
                    Y1                 = StartPoint.Y,
                    X2                 = EndPoint.X,
                    Y2                 = EndPoint.Y,
                    Stroke             = (isDivider ? axis.DividerBrush : axis.SubDividerBrush),
                    StrokeThickness    = (isDivider ? axis.DividerBrushThickness : axis.SubDividerBrushThickness),
                    StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
                    StrokeEndLineCap   = PenLineCap.Triangle

                DocHelper.PutElementOn(dividerLine, On);

                //if divider draw text
                if (isDivider)
                    double val = 0;
                    if (axis.AxisType == AxisType.X)
                        val = axis.Info.Min + (i * (axis.Info.Range / dividers));
                        val = axis.Info.Max - (i * (axis.Info.Range / dividers));

                    string valString = "";
                    switch (axis.AxisValueType)
                    case AxisValueType.Raw: valString = val.ToString(axis.AxisValueFormat); break;

                    case AxisValueType.DataPointNumber: valString = (axis.AxisType == AxisType.X)?(i * axis.Info.Values / dividers).ToString():""; break;

                    case AxisValueType.OADate: valString = (DateTime.FromOADate(val)).ToString(axis.AxisValueFormat); break;

                    case AxisValueType.OADateRelative: valString = (DateTime.FromOADate(val - axis.Info.Min)).ToString(axis.AxisValueFormat); break;

                    TextBlock axisValueText = DocHelper.NewText(valString,
                                                                new DocHelper.FontSettings
                        Size = DocHelper.MM2Dibs(3),

                    Point TextPosition;

                    if (axis.AxisType == AxisType.X)
                        TextPosition = new Point(StartPoint.X - (axisValueText.Width / 2), 0);

                        if (First)
                            TextPosition.Y = plotRect.Bottom + (axisValueText.Height * 0.5);
                            TextPosition.Y = plotRect.Top - (axisValueText.Height * 1.5);
                        TextPosition = new Point(0, StartPoint.Y - (axisValueText.Height / 2));

                        if (First)
                            TextPosition.X = (plotRect.Left - axisValueText.Width) / 2;
                            TextPosition.X = plotRect.Right + (((plotSize.Width - plotRect.Right) - axisValueText.Width) / 2);

                    DocHelper.PutElementOn(axisValueText, On, Left: TextPosition.X, Top: TextPosition.Y);

            //Draw axis
            StartPoint = new Point();
            EndPoint   = new Point();

            if (axis.AxisType == AxisType.X)
                if (First)
                    StartPoint = plotRect.BottomLeft;
                    EndPoint   = plotRect.BottomRight;
                    StartPoint = plotRect.TopLeft;
                    EndPoint   = plotRect.TopRight;
                if (First)
                    StartPoint = plotRect.BottomLeft;
                    EndPoint   = plotRect.TopLeft;
                    StartPoint = plotRect.TopRight;
                    EndPoint   = plotRect.BottomRight;

            Line axisLine = new Line
                X1                 = StartPoint.X,
                Y1                 = StartPoint.Y,
                X2                 = EndPoint.X,
                Y2                 = EndPoint.Y,
                Stroke             = axis.AxisBrush,
                StrokeThickness    = axis.AxisThickness,
                StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Flat,
                StrokeEndLineCap   = PenLineCap.Flat

            DocHelper.PutElementOn(axisLine, On);
コード例 #4
ファイル: PlotHelper.cs プロジェクト: TerRoshak/ReportHelper
        public static Canvas NewPlot(double Width, double Height, PlotSettings Options)
            Canvas content = new Canvas
                Width        = Width,
                Height       = Height,
                Background   = Brushes.White,
                ClipToBounds = true

            //PlotSettings plotSettings = Options;

            //get info for sizings ...

            Thickness Distance = new Thickness(DocHelper.MM2Dibs(15),

            Size PlotSize = new Size(Width - (Distance.Left + Distance.Right), Height - (Distance.Top + Distance.Bottom));


            //double xScaler = rangeX / plot.Width;
            //double yScaler = rangeY / plot.Height;

            Rect plotArea    = new Rect(new Point(Distance.Left, Distance.Top), PlotSize);
            Size contentSize = new Size(Width, Height);

            //draw plots
            PlotData[] plotData = Options.GetPlotData();
            Canvas[]   plots    = new Canvas[plotData.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < plotData.Length; i++)
                DocHelper.PutElementOn(NewPlotLine(plotData[i], PlotSize), content, Top: Distance.Top, Left: Distance.Left);
                //plots[i] = NewPlotLine(plotData[i], PlotSize);

            // AXIS
            DrawPlotAxis(content, Options.First(AxisType.X), contentSize, plotArea, true);
            DrawPlotAxis(content, Options.First(AxisType.Y), contentSize, plotArea, true);
            if (Options.Second(AxisType.X) != null)
                DrawPlotAxis(content, Options.Second(AxisType.X), contentSize, plotArea, false);
            if (Options.Second(AxisType.Y) != null)
                DrawPlotAxis(content, Options.Second(AxisType.Y), contentSize, plotArea, false);

            //draw title
            TextBlock titleText = DocHelper.NewText(Options.title,

            DocHelper.PutElementOn(titleText, content, CenterHorizontal: true, Top: DocHelper.MM2Dibs(3));

            Rectangle border = new Rectangle
                Width           = Width,
                Height          = Height,
                Stroke          = Brushes.DarkGray,
                StrokeThickness = DocHelper.MM2Dibs(0.25)

            DocHelper.PutElementOn(border, content);
