コード例 #1
        public datainsertion()
            catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString);

            this.DataContext = this;
コード例 #2
        //     public static string DBConnectionString = "Data Source=C:/Users/shweta/Desktop/solprog1june/prog reporttry/CATapp/catappdb.sdf";
        //  public Int64 op;
        public Page3()
            // Connect to the database and instantiate data context.
            catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString);

            // Data context and observable collection are children of the main page.
            this.DataContext = this;

            dt.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
            dt.Tick += new EventHandler(dt_Tick);
            startDt = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #3
        private void OK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            IDictionary<string, string> y = this.NavigationContext.QueryString;
                String b = Convert.ToString(y["TextData1"]);
                 textBox2.Text = b.ToString();
                 MessageBox.Show("b" + textBox2.Text);
                 String timeonoff = b.ToString();
                 long tmonoff;
                 long.TryParse(timeonoff, out tmonoff);
              bool tmd;
              if (tmonoff == 0)
                  tmd = false;

                  tmd = true;
              string s = textBox1.Text;
              long l;
              long.TryParse(s, out l);
              var timest = from Test t in catAppDB.Tests
                           where t._id == l
                           select t;
              Tests = new ObservableCollection<Test>(timest);
              var time = Tests.ToList();
              var t2 = time[0] as Test;

              var tt = t2.Allowed_time;
              txtAllowed.Text = tt.ToString();

              // txtAllowed.Text = Tests.ToString();

              // MessageBox.Show("Allowed Time" + txtAllowed.Text);
              //var tt = Tests.ToList();
              // int ts = tt[0].Allowed_time;
              //  txtAllowed.Text = Tests.ToString();
              string tmpstp = txtAllowed.Text;
              int l1;
              long uid = 0;
              int.TryParse(tmpstp, out l1);
              ll = l1;

              IList<User> UserList = this.GetUserList();
              foreach (User usr1 in UserList)
                  uid = usr1._id;

              using (catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString))
                  Attempt newAttempt = new Attempt
                     T_id = l,
                     Timpstamp = l1,
                     Elapsed_time = l1 - ltotal,
                     U_id = uid,

                     //T_id = 13,
                     //Timpstamp = 2100,

                     Complete = completed,
                     //Elapsed_time = 200,
                     Timed = tmd




コード例 #4
 public IList<User> GetUserList()
     // Fetching data from local database
       IList<User> UserList = null;
       using (catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString))
           IQueryable<User> UserQuery = from Us in catAppDB.Users select Us;
           UserList = UserQuery.ToList();
       return UserList;
コード例 #5
 public IList<Test> GetTestList()
     // Fetching data from local database
       IList<Test> TestList = null;
       using (catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString))
           IQueryable<Test> TestQuery = from Ts in catAppDB.Tests select Ts;
           TestList = TestQuery.ToList();
       return TestList;
コード例 #6
 public IList<Attempt> GetAttemptList()
     // Fetching data from local database
       IList<Attempt> AttemptList = null;
       using (catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString))
           IQueryable<Attempt> AttemptQuery = from attempt1 in catAppDB.Attempts select attempt1;
           AttemptList = AttemptQuery.ToList();
       return AttemptList;
コード例 #7
        public noque()
            // Connect to the database and instantiate data context.
            catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString);

            // Data context and observable collection are children of the main page.
            this.DataContext = this;
コード例 #8
        private void radioButton1_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RadioButton radio = sender as RadioButton;

            //Boolean b = true;

            //if (radio.Tag.ToString().Equals(b.ToString()))
            //    IsAnswerCorrect = "true";
            //   // radio.IsChecked = true;
            //    IsAnswerCorrect = "false";
            //    //radio.IsChecked = false;

            string cn = radio.Content.ToString();

            string id = txtquesID.Text.ToString();
            long qid;
            long.TryParse(id, out qid);
            var opp = (from Option opt in catAppDB.Options
                       where opt.Q_id == qid
                       select opt).Count();

            /*var testid = from Question que in catAppDB.Questions
                         where que._id == qid
                         select que;
            var quelst = testid.ToList();*/

            var opp1 = from Option opt in catAppDB.Options
                       where opt.Q_id == qid
                       select opt;

            var opt1list = opp1.ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < opp; i++)
                var opt2 = opt1list[i] as Option;
                string opt3 = opt2.Content.ToString();
                if (opt3 == cn)
                    txtoptid.Text = opt2._id.ToString();


            long optid;
            long.TryParse(txtoptid.Text, out optid);

            using (catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString))
                Attempt_detail newAttempt_detail = new Attempt_detail

                    Q_id = qid,
                    O_id = optid,



                    //            //  A_id=1,

                    Mark_flag = true




コード例 #9
 public IList<Option> GetOptionList()
     // Fetching data from local database
     IList<Option> OptionList = null;
     using (catAppDB = new CatAppDataClasses(DBConnectionString))
         IQueryable<Option> OptionQuery = from option1 in catAppDB.Options select option1;
         OptionList = OptionQuery.ToList();
     return OptionList;