internal void ClearThroughCustom(Entities entities, ClearenceProcedure procedure, int sadConsignmentNumber, Action <Disposal> reCalculate) { CustomsStatus = Linq.CustomsStatus.Started; CustomsProcedure = Entities.ToString(procedure); SadConsignmentNo = SADConsignment.DocumentNumber(entities, sadConsignmentNumber); reCalculate(this); }
/// <summary> /// Exports the specified entities. /// </summary> /// <param name="entities">The entities.</param> /// <param name="quantity">The quantity.</param> /// <param name="closingBatch">if set to <c>true</c> the batch is to be closed.</param> /// <param name="invoiceContent">Content of the invoice.</param> /// <param name="sadConsignmentNumber">The sad consignment number.</param> /// <param name="reCalculate">The recalculate delegate is used to adjust VAT, duty and value for last started disposal.</param> /// <exception cref="ApplicationError">if any internal exception has to be cough.</exception> internal void Export(Entities entities, ref decimal quantity, bool closingBatch, InvoiceContent invoiceContent, int sadConsignmentNumber, Action <Disposal> reCalculate) { string _at = "Starting"; try { if (!closingBatch) { if (quantity < this.SettledQuantityDec) { _at = "_newDisposal"; Disposal _newDisposal = new Disposal(Disposal2IPRIndex, DisposalStatus.Value, this.SettledQuantityDec - quantity); _newDisposal.Material = this.Disposal2MaterialIndex; this.SettledQuantityDec = quantity; quantity = 0; _at = "InsertOnSubmit"; entities.Disposal.InsertOnSubmit(_newDisposal); reCalculate = x => { }; } else { quantity -= this.SettledQuantityDec; } } _at = "ClearThroughCustom"; this.ClearThroughCustom(invoiceContent, reCalculate); this.SadConsignmentNo = SADConsignment.DocumentNumber(entities, sadConsignmentNumber); } catch (Exception _ex) { throw new ApplicationError(@"CAS.SmartFactory.IPR.WebsiteModel.Linq.Disposal.Export", _at, _ex.Message, _ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Clears the through custom. /// </summary> /// <param name="entities">The entities.</param> /// <param name="sadConsignment">The _sad consignment.</param> /// <param name="trace">The trace action.</param> public void ClearThroughCustom(Entities entities, SADConsignment sadConsignment, NamedTraceLogger.TraceAction trace) { SADConsignmentLibraryIndex = sadConsignment; foreach (Disposal _Disposal in this.Disposal(entities)) { _Disposal.ClearThroughCustom(entities, this.ClearenceProcedure.Value, this.SADDocumentNumber, _disposal => _disposal.Disposal2IPRIndex.RecalculateLastStarted(entities, _disposal, trace)); } UpdateTitle(entities); }