コード例 #1
        public static async Task Process(CloudTable settingTable, ILogger log)
            // Create necessary objects to get information from the datastore
            IEntity config = new Config();

            // Get all the settings for the CentralLogging partition
            DataService ds           = new DataService(settingTable, config);
            Configs     config_store = await ds.GetAll(Constants.ConfigStorePartitionKey);

            Configs central_logging = await ds.GetAll("central_logging");

            // Create an instance of the LogAnalyticsWriter
            LogAnalyticsWriter log_analytics_writer = new LogAnalyticsWriter(log, config_store, central_logging);

            // Get the Automate token and fqdn from the config store
            string token_setting = config_store.logging_automate_token;
            string fqdn_setting  = config_store.automate_fqdn;

            // Set the time that that count was performed
            DateTime time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Request the NodeCount data from the Automate Server
            NodeCount node_count = await GetData("node", config_store.logging_automate_token, config_store.automate_fqdn, log);

            node_count.time           = time;
            node_count.subscriptionId = config_store.subscription_id;
            node_count.customerName   = config_store.customer_name;

            // Submit the node count
            log_analytics_writer.Submit(node_count, "ChefAutomateAMAInfraNodeCount");

            // Request the UserCount data from the Automate Server
            UserCount user_count = await GetData("user", config_store.logging_automate_token, config_store.automate_fqdn, log);

            user_count.time           = time;
            user_count.subscriptionId = config_store.subscription_id;
            user_count.customerName   = config_store.customer_name;

            log_analytics_writer.Submit(user_count, "ChefAutomateAMAUserCount");
コード例 #2
        public static async Task <dynamic> GetData(string type, string token, string fqdn, ILogger log)
            // Initialise variables
            dynamic count = null;
            string  url   = String.Empty;

            if (type == "node")
                count = new NodeCount();
                count = new UserCount();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fqdn))
                log.LogWarning("Unable to retrieve count from Automate as the FQDN has not been supplied. (Type = {0})", type);
                // based on the type, set the url that needs to be accessed
                if (type == "node")
                    url = String.Format("https://{0}/api/v0/cfgmgmt/stats/node_counts", fqdn);
                else if (type == "user")
                    url = String.Format("https://{0}/api/v0/auth/users", fqdn);

                // Attempt to get the data from the Specified automate server using the token
                    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

                    // Create a client and submit the request to the URL
                    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

                    // Set a header that contains the token we need to use for authentication
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-data-collector-token", token);

                    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(new Uri(url));

                    // if the response is OK read the data
                    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        if (type == "node")
                            count = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <NodeCount>().Result;
                        else if (type == "user")
                            // Get the data from the response
                            dynamic user = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <dynamic>().Result;

                            // Turn the users into an array so they can be easily counted
                            JArray users = (JArray)user.users;

                            // Create a User object with so that the count can be set
                            count       = new UserCount();
                            count.Total = users.Count;

                        // set the server address on the object
                        count.ServerAddress = fqdn;
                catch (Exception excep)
                    log.LogError(String.Format("API Post Exception: {0}", excep.Message));

            // return the count