コード例 #1
        public static async void Run(
                 Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")
            string rawmetric,
            [Table("settings")] CloudTable settingTable,
            ILogger log)
            // Instantiate objects to get relevant data from the configuration store
            IEntity     config = new Config();
            DataService ds     = new DataService(settingTable, config);

            // Get all the settings for the CentralLogging partition
            Configs config_store = await ds.GetAll(Constants.ConfigStorePartitionKey);

            Configs central_logging = await ds.GetAll("central_logging");

            // Create an instance of the LogAnalyticsWriter
            LogAnalyticsWriter log_analytics_writer = new LogAnalyticsWriter(log, config_store, central_logging);

            // Create a datetime variable that is the Linux Epoch time
            System.DateTime dateTime = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            // Parse the raw metric json into an object
            Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject statsd = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(rawmetric);

            // Iterate around the series data and create a message for each one
            var metrics = (JArray)statsd["series"];

            foreach (JObject metric in metrics)
                // create message to send to Log Analytics
                ChefMetricMessage message = new ChefMetricMessage();

                // determine the time of the event
                DateTime time = dateTime.AddSeconds((double)metric["points"][0][0]);

                // set the properties of the object
                message.metricName     = (string)metric["metric"];
                message.metricType     = (string)metric["type"];
                message.metricHost     = (string)metric["host"];
                message.time           = time;
                message.metricValue    = (double)metric["points"][0][1];
                message.customerName   = config_store.customer_name;
                message.subscriptionId = config_store.subscription_id;

                // Submit the metric to Log Analytics
                log_analytics_writer.Submit(message, "statsd_log");
コード例 #2
        public static async Task Process(CloudTable settingTable, ILogger log)
            // Create necessary objects to get information from the datastore
            IEntity config = new Config();

            // Get all the settings for the CentralLogging partition
            DataService ds           = new DataService(settingTable, config);
            Configs     config_store = await ds.GetAll(Constants.ConfigStorePartitionKey);

            Configs central_logging = await ds.GetAll("central_logging");

            // Create an instance of the LogAnalyticsWriter
            LogAnalyticsWriter log_analytics_writer = new LogAnalyticsWriter(log, config_store, central_logging);

            // Get the Automate token and fqdn from the config store
            string token_setting = config_store.logging_automate_token;
            string fqdn_setting  = config_store.automate_fqdn;

            // Set the time that that count was performed
            DateTime time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Request the NodeCount data from the Automate Server
            NodeCount node_count = await GetData("node", config_store.logging_automate_token, config_store.automate_fqdn, log);

            node_count.time           = time;
            node_count.subscriptionId = config_store.subscription_id;
            node_count.customerName   = config_store.customer_name;

            // Submit the node count
            log_analytics_writer.Submit(node_count, "ChefAutomateAMAInfraNodeCount");

            // Request the UserCount data from the Automate Server
            UserCount user_count = await GetData("user", config_store.logging_automate_token, config_store.automate_fqdn, log);

            user_count.time           = time;
            user_count.subscriptionId = config_store.subscription_id;
            user_count.customerName   = config_store.customer_name;

            log_analytics_writer.Submit(user_count, "ChefAutomateAMAUserCount");
コード例 #3
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Process(HttpRequest req,
                                                        CloudTable table,
                                                        ILogger logger,
                                                        string category,
                                                        Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ExecutionContext executionContext)
            // Initialise variables
            HttpResponseMessage response = null;
            ResponseMessage     msg      = new ResponseMessage();
            StringBuilder       db       = new StringBuilder();

            _logger = logger;

            // The StarterKit will only response to GET requests
            if (req.Method == "GET")
                logger.LogInformation("StarterKit has been requested");

                // Create a config object to pass to the dataservice
                Config config = new Config(Constants.ConfigStorePartitionKey);

                // Create a data service object to get all the data
                DataService ds = new DataService(table, config);

                string clientKeyFilename    = string.Empty;
                string validatorKeyFilename = string.Empty;

                // Define the paths for the structure and then ensure they exist
                chefRepoPath = Path.Combine(executionContext.FunctionDirectory, "chef-repo");
                extrasPath   = Path.Combine(chefRepoPath, "extras");
                dotChefPath  = Path.Combine(chefRepoPath, ".chef");

                string keyFilename = string.Empty;
                string keyPath     = string.Empty;
                string key         = string.Empty;

                // Delete the repo path if it already exists
                // This is to prevent old files from being added to the zip that has been requseted
                if (Directory.Exists(chefRepoPath))
                    logger.LogInformation("Deleting existing path: {0}", chefRepoPath);
                    Directory.Delete(chefRepoPath, true);

                // Create the directories again
                if (!Directory.Exists(extrasPath))
                    logger.LogInformation("Creating directory: {0}", extrasPath);

                if (!Directory.Exists(dotChefPath))
                    logger.LogInformation("Creating directory: {0}", dotChefPath);

                // Get all the configuration items from the config store
                config_store = await ds.GetAll(category);


                // Write out the org and user keys

                // Patche the necessary templates
                // Create the template compiler
                Mustache.FormatCompiler compiler = new Mustache.FormatCompiler();

                // Build up a dictionary of the files to be rendered and the base path to use
                Dictionary <string, string> templates = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                templates.Add("credentials.txt", chefRepoPath);
                templates.Add("chef_extension.json", extrasPath);
                templates.Add("knife.rb", dotChefPath);

                string             path;
                string             data;
                Mustache.Generator generator;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in templates)
                    path      = Path.Combine(executionContext.FunctionAppDirectory, "templates", entry.Key);
                    generator = compiler.Compile(File.ReadAllText(path));
                    data      = generator.Render(config_store);
                    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(entry.Value, entry.Key), data);

                // Create a json file of the config_store as this can be read by other languages if need be
                path = Path.Combine(extrasPath, "credentials.json");
                data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config_store, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(path, data);

                // Determine the path for the zip file
                string zipPath = Path.Combine(executionContext.FunctionDirectory, "starter_kit.zip");

                // Remove the file if it already exists
                if (File.Exists(zipPath))

                // Create the zip file from the chef repo directory
                ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(chefRepoPath, zipPath);

                response = msg.CreateResponse(zipPath);

                // delete the zip file and the chefrepo
                Directory.Delete(chefRepoPath, true);
                msg.SetError("HTTP Method not supported", true, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                response = msg.CreateResponse();
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to process the request that has come into the API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="req">Request object</param>
        /// <param name="table">Table object on which operations will be performed</param>
        /// <param name="log">Logger interface</param>
        /// <param name="identifier">Identifier passed into the API</param>
        /// <param name="category">Category passed into the request</param>
        /// <returns>HttpResponseMessage to return to the client</returns>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Process(HttpRequest req,
                                                        CloudTable table,
                                                        ILogger log,
                                                        string identifier,
                                                        string category)
            // Initialise variables
            HttpResponseMessage response = null;
            ResponseMessage     msg      = new ResponseMessage();

            // Create a dataservice object to use
            DataService ds = new DataService(table, this);

            // Using the method of the request determine if retrieving or upserting an item
            switch (req.Method)
            case "GET":

                dynamic result;

                // attempt to get the data based on whether the identifier is set or not
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(identifier))
                    log.LogInformation("All configs have been requested from the '{0}' category", category);

                    // no identifier has been supplied so retrieve all records
                    result = await ds.GetAll(category);
                    log.LogInformation("Configuration item has been requested from the '{0}' category: {1}", category, identifier);

                    result = await ds.Get(identifier, category);

                // get the response from the datservice and setup the response for the client
                // check that the result is not null, if it is then set the response accordlingly
                msg = ds.GetResponseMessage();
                if (result == null)
                    // set the properties on the message object
                    msg.SetError(String.Format("Item cannot be found: {0}", identifier), true, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
                    response = msg.CreateResponse();
                    response = msg.CreateResponse(result);


            case "POST":
            case "PUT":

                // get the json data from the request
                string json = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();

                // parse the json

                // Determine if there are any errors
                msg = GetResponseMessage();
                if (msg.IsError())
                    response = msg.CreateResponse();
                    // attempt to insert the data
                    bool status = await ds.Insert();

            case "DELETE":

                // attempt to remove the item from the data store
                result = await ds.Delete(identifier, category);

                msg      = ds.GetResponseMessage();
                response = msg.CreateResponse();


            // Return the response
コード例 #5
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Process(HttpRequest req,
                                                        CloudTable table,
                                                        ILogger log,
                                                        string category)
            HttpResponseMessage msg;

            // Only respond to an HTTP Post
            if (req.Method == "POST")
                // Create dataservice to access data in the config table
                Config      config = new Config();
                DataService ds     = new DataService(table, config);

                // Get all the settings for the CentralLogging partition
                Configs config_store = await ds.GetAll(category);

                Configs central_logging = await ds.GetAll("centralLogging");

                // Get the body of the request
                string   body = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
                string[] logs = body.Split('}');

                // Create an instance of the LogAnalyticsWriter
                LogAnalyticsWriter log_analytics_writer = new LogAnalyticsWriter(log, config_store, central_logging);

                // Create an instance of AutomateLog which will hold the data that has been submitted
                AutomateLog data = new AutomateLog();

                // iterate around each item in the logs
                string appended_item;
                string log_name;
                foreach (string item in logs)
                    appended_item = item;
                    if (!appended_item.EndsWith("}"))
                        appended_item += "}";

                    // output the item to the console

                    // if the item is not empty, process it
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
                        // Deserialise the item into the AutomateLog object
                        data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AutomateLog>(appended_item as string);

                        // From this data create an AutomateMessage object
                        AutomateMessage automate_message = AutomateLogParser.ParseGenericLogMessage(data.MESSAGE_s, config_store.customer_name, config_store.subscription_id, log);

                        // if the message is known then submit to LogAnalytics
                        if (automate_message.sourcePackage.ToLower() != "uknown entry")
                            // Determine the log name of the message
                            log_name = automate_message.sourcePackage.Replace("-", "") + "log";

                            // Submit the data
                            log_analytics_writer.Submit(automate_message, log_name);

                _response.SetMessage("Log data accepted");
                msg = _response.CreateResponse();
                _response.SetError("HTTP Method not supported", true, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                msg = _response.CreateResponse();
