コード例 #1
ファイル: C4DInterface.cs プロジェクト: juradosa/BeeTheGame
 public C4DInterface(GeListNode node, DDescriptionParams descparams)
     : base(false)
     this.node = node;
     this.descparams = descparams;
コード例 #2
ファイル: DoubleCircle.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
		public override bool Init(GeListNode node)
	        BaseContainer data = GetDataInstance(node);

	        data.SetReal(CIRCLEOBJECT_RAD, 200.0);
	        data.SetLong(C4dApi.PRIM_PLANE, 0);
	        data.SetBool(C4dApi.PRIM_REVERSE, false);
	        data.SetLong(C4dApi.SPLINEOBJECT_SUB, 8);
	        data.SetReal(C4dApi.SPLINEOBJECT_ANGLE, 5.0 * Math.PI / 180.0);
	        data.SetReal(C4dApi.SPLINEOBJECT_MAXIMUMLENGTH, 5.0);

            return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GvOperatorData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public override bool Init(GeListNode node) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.GvOperatorData_Init(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node));
   return ret;
コード例 #4
        public CharakterHuman(GeListNode node, DescriptionCommand desc)
            this.b = GetDataInstance(node);
            this.button = desc.id.GetAt(0).id;
            this.doc = C4dApi.GetActiveDocument();//Speichern aller Elemente im Dokument in die Variable doc
            this.myMesh = b.GetObjectLink(SKELETT_OBJ_AUSWAHL, doc); //selektiertes Object in die Variable ObjSe speichern
            this.mcd = new ModelingCommandData(this.doc, this.myMesh, this.myMesh.GetDataInstance(), MODELINGCOMMANDMODE.MODELINGCOMMANDMODE_ALL, MODELINGCOMMANDFLAGS.MODELINGCOMMANDFLAGS_CREATEUNDO, null, null);

             * Bisheriges speichern und in die Szene zeichnen

             * Wichtungstag definieren
            this.wtag = CAWeightTag.Alloc();
            //TODO - Geaendert von DS
            //this.wtagBaseTag = BaseTag.Alloc(C4dApi.Tweights);
             * Wichtungstag in das BaseObject einbauen

             * Standard BaseObject vom Typ Joint erstellen, diese sind bei Menschen immer aktiv
            BaseObject jointSpine = this.allocJoint("Spine");
            BaseObject jointAbs = this.allocJoint("Abs", jointSpine, new double3(0, 100, 0));
            BaseObject jointChest = this.allocJoint("Chest", jointAbs, new double3(0, 50, 0));
            BaseObject jointNeck = this.allocJoint("Neck", jointChest, new double3(0, 25, 0));
            BaseObject jointHead = this.allocJoint("Head", jointNeck, new double3(0, 50, 0));
            BaseObject jointL_Hip = this.allocJoint("L_Hip", jointSpine, new double3(25, 0, 0));
            BaseObject jointL_Shoulder = this.allocJoint("L_Shoulder", jointChest, new double3(25, 0, 0));

             * Spiegelung
            BaseObject jointR_Hip = this.allocMirrorJoint("R_Hip", jointSpine, jointL_Hip);
            BaseObject jointR_Shoulder = this.allocMirrorJoint("R_Shoulder", jointChest, jointL_Shoulder);

             * Übergabe an den Wichtungstag

             * Arme hinzufügen
            this.AddArms(jointL_Shoulder, jointR_Shoulder);

             * Füße hinzufügen
            this.AddFeet(jointL_Hip, jointR_Hip);
             * Standard
            // Linke seite vom Körper
            // Rechte seite vom Körper

             * Debug Ausgabe erstellen
            C4dApi.GePrint("Der Joint wurde angelegt");

             * Skin Objekt einfügen

            BaseObject skin = BaseObject.Alloc(C4dApi.Oskin);
            if (skin != null)


               //BaseContainer bcc = skin.GetDataInstance();
               //InExcludeData list=new InExcludeData(0);
               //BaseList2D b2d = bcc.GetLink(SKELETT_OBJ_AUSWAHL, doc);
                //  InExcludeData list = (InExcludeData)bcc.GetCustomDataType(ID_CA_SKIN_OBJECT_INCLUDE, C4dApi.CUSTOMDATATYPE_INEXCLUDE_LIST);
              //     list.InsertObject(this.myMesh, 0);
                //bcc.SetLong(ID_CA_SKIN_OBJECT_INCEXC, 1);

               // InExcludeData list = (InExcludeData)
                //int t = bcc.GetId();
                //C4dApi.GePrint("list " + t);
               // list.InsertObject(this.myMesh, 0);
                //C4dApi.GePrint("list OBJ " + list.GetObjectCount());

                /*c++ Variante
                   BaseObject *skin;    // a pointer to a skin object

                    BaseContainer *bc = skin->GetDataInstance();

                    InExcludeData *list = (InExcludeData*)bc->GetCustomDataType(ID_CA_SKIN_OBJECT_INCLUDE, CUSTOMDATATYPE_INEXCLUDE_LIST);

                    BaseObject *mesh;   // the object you want to insert into the list

                    list->InsertObject(mesh, 0);


                //InExcludeData iex = autoAlloc();
               // InExcludeCustomGui iex = CustomDataType


             * Zur Szene hinzufügen


            //C4dApi.GetObjectName(1000023); // gibt "Biped Plugin" aus
            //C4dApi.GePrint("anzal der bones: "+this.wtag.GetJointCount());

            doc.SetActiveObject(this.myMesh);//Selektiert das Model im OM

            //BaseList2D te = this.b.GetLink(1000023, this.doc);
コード例 #5
        public override bool GetDEnabling(GeListNode node, DescID id, GeData t_data,DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, BaseContainer itemdesc)
            int inter;
            BaseContainer data = ((BaseObject)node).GetDataInstance();
            switch (id[0].id)
                case SPLINEOBJECT_SUB:

                case SPLINEOBJECT_ANGLE:
                    inter = data.GetLong(SPLINEOBJECT_INTERPOLATION);

            return true;
        public override bool GetDDescription(GeListNode node, DDescriptionParams descparams)
            // The main part of this code is taken from the "LookAtCamera.cpp" file from the original C4D API samples.
            // Be aware that the original LookAtCamera is not an object created from the Plugin menu but a
            // Tag type that can be added to existing objects from the "Objekte" context (right mouse button) menu under
            // the "Cinema4dsdk Tags" sub menu.

            // TODO: whatever this might be good for: if (!singleid || cid.IsPartOf(*singleid, NULL)) // important to check for speedup c4d!
            // {

            // This will load the main object attribute tabs ("Basis", "Koord", "Objekt")
            if (!descparams.Desc.LoadDescription("obase"))
                return false;

            // Create a double value named radius on the "Objekt" tab's main level
            DescID cid = new DescID(new DescLevel(CIRCLEOBJECT_RAD, C4dApi.DTYPE_LONG, 0));               // The ID of the radius value (CIRCLEOBJECT_RAD)
            BaseContainer bcRadius = C4dApi.GetCustomDataTypeDefault(C4dApi.DTYPE_REAL);                  // The type of the radius value (REAL)
            bcRadius.SetString(C4dApi.DESC_NAME, "Radius");                                               // The user interface name (Radius)
            bcRadius.SetLong(C4dApi.DESC_DEFAULT, 44);                                                    // The default value (44, but overridden to 200 in the Init method)
            // Create the new radius value as a child of the "Objekt" Tab (ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES)
            if (!descparams.Desc.SetParameter(cid, bcRadius, new DescID(new DescLevel(C4dApi.ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES))))
                return true;

            // Create an entirely new Tab (called "Ein schöner Tab")
            cid = new DescID(new DescLevel(CIRCLEOBJECT_NEWTAB, C4dApi.DTYPE_GROUP, 0));
            BaseContainer bcMaingroup = C4dApi.GetCustomDataTypeDefault(C4dApi.DTYPE_GROUP);
            bcMaingroup.SetString(C4dApi.DESC_NAME, "Ein schöner Tab");
            // Create the new Group on the top level (DecLevel(0))
            if (!descparams.Desc.SetParameter(cid, bcMaingroup, new DescID(new DescLevel(0))))
                return true;

            // Create an new sub group (called "Hübsches Grüppchen")
            cid = new DescID(new DescLevel(CIRCLEOBJECT_SUBGROUP, C4dApi.DTYPE_GROUP, 0));
            BaseContainer bcSubgroup = C4dApi.GetCustomDataTypeDefault(C4dApi.DTYPE_GROUP);
            bcSubgroup.SetString(C4dApi.DESC_NAME, "Hübsches Grüppchen");
            // Create the sub group on the "Ein schöner Tab" main tab (CIRCLEOBJECT_NEWTAB)
            if (!descparams.Desc.SetParameter(cid, bcSubgroup, new DescID(new DescLevel(CIRCLEOBJECT_NEWTAB))))
                return true;

            // Create an new boolean value (as a checkbox) called "Check mich"
            cid = new DescID(new DescLevel(CIRCLEOBJECT_CHECKME, C4dApi.DTYPE_BOOL, 0));
            BaseContainer bcCheckMich = C4dApi.GetCustomDataTypeDefault(C4dApi.DTYPE_BOOL);
            bcCheckMich.SetString(C4dApi.DESC_NAME, "Check mich");
            bcCheckMich.SetBool(C4dApi.DESC_DEFAULT, true);
            // Create the boolean check box under the previously created sub group (CIRCLEOBJECT_SUBGROUP)
            if (!descparams.Desc.SetParameter(cid, bcCheckMich, new DescID(new DescLevel(CIRCLEOBJECT_SUBGROUP))))
                return true;

            descparams.Flags |= DESCFLAGS_DESC.DESCFLAGS_DESC_LOADED;
            return true; // base.GetDDescription(node, descparams);
コード例 #6
ファイル: RigPlugin.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 //wird aufgerufen, wenn ein Event ausgeführt wurde
 //TODO: Override gelöscht - DS
 public bool OnDescriptionCommand(GeListNode node, DescriptionCommand desc)
     long button = desc.id.GetAt(0).id;
     //BaseList2D ObjSelector = bc.GetLink(SKELETT_OBJ_AUSWAHL, doc);
     switch (button)
         case SKELETT_BTN_CREATE:
             BaseContainer b = GetDataInstance(node);
             BaseDocument doc = C4dApi.GetActiveDocument();
             BaseList2D ObjSelector = b.GetLink(SKELETT_OBJ_AUSWAHL, doc);
             /*Eingeforene Selektion Auswählen vom Typ Polygon ENDE*/
             if (ObjSelector == null)
                 C4dApi.MessageDialog("Bitte wählen Sie zuerst ein Polygonobjekt aus, bevor Sie ein Biped erstellen!");
                 long skelett = b.GetLong(SKELETT_TYPE);
                 if (skelett == 3)
                     this.makeAnimalJoints(node, desc);
                     this.makeJoints(node, desc);
             // C4dApi.GePrint("Der button Erstellen wurde gedrück "+objSe.GetNodeID()+objSe.GetName()); 
             //ObjSe.GetName() liefert den namen des Selektierten Objekts zurück.
             /*Eingefrorene Selektion Auswählen vom Typ Polygon START*/
             BaseContainer b2 = GetDataInstance(node);
             BaseDocument doc2 = C4dApi.GetActiveDocument();
             BaseObject op2 = b2.GetObjectLink(SKELETT_OBJ_AUSWAHL, doc2);
             BaseTag t = op2.GetTag(C4dApi.Tpolygonselection);
             //string selekname = t.GetName();
             //BaseTag t2 = op2.GetTag(C4dApi.Tpolygonselection,1);
             //if (op2.GetTag(C4dApi.Tpolygonselection,2)==null)
             //{ }
             //C4dApi.GePrint(" blubb " + t2.GetName() + " der name der vorherigen Selektion lautet: " + selekname);
             //C4dApi.GePrint(" blubb  der name der vorherigen Selektion lautet: " + selekname);
             //BaseObject j = this.wtagGlob.GetJoint(1, doc2);
             //C4dApi.GePrint("Knochenname "+j.GetName());
             //string joinName = j.GetName();
             //if (joinName == selekname)
             //    C4dApi.GePrint("stimmen ueberein");
             //SelectionTag st = SelectionTag.Alloc(C4dApi.Tpolygonselection);
             //BaseSelect sel = st.GetBaseSelect();
             BaseTag joints = op2.GetTag(C4dApi.Tweights);
             //this.wtagGlob = joints.Get
             C4dApi.GePrint("wichtung setzen bones anzahl: "+this.wtagGlob.GetJointCount());
             //Punkte der PolygonSelektion abrufen
             //int pt = op2.GetTagDataCount(C4dApi.Tpolygonselection);
             //C4dApi.GePrint("Anzahl der Punkte : " + pt);
             //doc2.SetActiveObject(b2.GetObjectLink(SKELETT_OBJ_AUSWAHL, doc2));
             SelectionTag st = SelectionTag.Alloc(C4dApi.Tpointselection);
             BaseSelect bs = st.GetBaseSelect();
             PointObject pObj = PointObject.GetPointObject(op2);
             //for (int i = 0; i < pObj.GetPointCount(); i++)
             BaseSelect SelectedPoints = pObj.GetPointS();
             //for (BaseTag pointTag = op2.GetFirstTag(); pointTag; pointTag = pointTag.GetNext())
             //    desc.id.GetAt(0).id = 1000;
             //    pointTag.Message(C4dApi.MSG_DESCRIPTION_COMMAND, desc);
             BaseTag btA = doc2.GetActiveTag();
             C4dApi.GePrint("TypeName : "+btA.GetTypeName() +" Name "+btA.GetName());
             if (btA.GetType() == C4dApi.Tpolygonselection)
                 for (int j = 0; j < wtagGlob.GetJointCount(); j++)
                     BaseObject JointName = wtagGlob.GetJoint(j, doc2);
                     if (btA.GetName() == JointName.GetName())
                         for (int i = 0; i < pObj.GetPointCount(); i++)
                             if (SelectedPoints.IsSelected(i))
                                 this.wtagGlob.SetWeight(j, i, 0.04);
                                 C4dApi.GePrint("Der Punkt mit dem Index " + i + " ist selektiert");
             else { }
             //C4dApi.GePrint("anzahl der pt " + pObj.GetPointCount());
             //pObj.SetPointAt(1, new Vector3D(1, 2, 3));
             //XPressoTag xt = XPressoTag.Alloc();
             //xt = (BaseSelect)t;
           //  this.wtagGlob.SetWeight(1, 2, 1.0/100);  //Setweeight 1.0 == 100 entspricht 0.42 == 42.0 entspricht Deshalb ist es einfacher direkt durch hundert zu teilen
     return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: GeListHead.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public void InsertLast(GeListNode bn) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.GeListHead_InsertLast(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(bn));
コード例 #8
ファイル: GvOperatorData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public override bool SetDParameter(GeListNode node, DescID id, GeData t_data, SWIGTYPE_p_DESCFLAGS_SET flags) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.GvOperatorData_SetDParameter(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), DescID.getCPtr(id), GeData.getCPtr(t_data), SWIGTYPE_p_DESCFLAGS_SET.getCPtr(flags));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
コード例 #9
ファイル: RigPlugin.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 //GetDDescription für das erstellen des Interface
 public override bool GetDDescription(GeListNode node, DDescriptionParams descparams)
     C4DInterface C4DInter = new C4DInterface(node, descparams);
     return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool Read(GeListNode node, SWIGTYPE_p_HyperFile hf, int level) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_Read(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), SWIGTYPE_p_HyperFile.getCPtr(hf), level);
   return ret;
コード例 #11
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool Write(GeListNode node, SWIGTYPE_p_HyperFile hf) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_Write(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), SWIGTYPE_p_HyperFile.getCPtr(hf));
   return ret;
コード例 #12
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool Init(GeListNode node) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_Init(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node));
   return ret;
コード例 #13
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual void Free(GeListNode node) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_Free(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node));
コード例 #14
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool IsDocumentRelated(GeListNode node, SWIGTYPE_p_Bool docrelated) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_IsDocumentRelated(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), SWIGTYPE_p_Bool.getCPtr(docrelated));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
コード例 #15
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool TranslateDescID(GeListNode node, DescID id, DescID res_id, SWIGTYPE_p_p_C4DAtom res_at) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_TranslateDescID(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), DescID.getCPtr(id), DescID.getCPtr(res_id), SWIGTYPE_p_p_C4DAtom.getCPtr(res_at));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
コード例 #16
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool GetDParameter(GeListNode node, DescID id, GeData t_data, SWIGTYPE_p_DESCFLAGS_GET flags) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_GetDParameter(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), DescID.getCPtr(id), GeData.getCPtr(t_data), SWIGTYPE_p_DESCFLAGS_GET.getCPtr(flags));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
コード例 #17
ファイル: GvOperatorData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public override bool GetDDescription(GeListNode node, Description description, SWIGTYPE_p_DESCFLAGS_DESC flags) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.GvOperatorData_GetDDescription(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), Description.getCPtr(description), SWIGTYPE_p_DESCFLAGS_DESC.getCPtr(flags));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
コード例 #18
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool Message(GeListNode node, int type, SWIGTYPE_p_void data) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_Message(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), type, SWIGTYPE_p_void.getCPtr(data));
   return ret;
コード例 #19
ファイル: GvOperatorData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public override bool GetDEnabling(GeListNode node, DescID id, GeData t_data, DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, BaseContainer itemdesc) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.GvOperatorData_GetDEnabling(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), DescID.getCPtr(id), GeData.getCPtr(t_data), (int)flags, BaseContainer.getCPtr(itemdesc));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
コード例 #20
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool CopyTo(NodeData dest, GeListNode snode, GeListNode dnode, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans trn) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_CopyTo(swigCPtr, NodeData.getCPtr(dest), GeListNode.getCPtr(snode), GeListNode.getCPtr(dnode), (int)flags, AliasTrans.getCPtr(trn));
   return ret;
コード例 #21
ファイル: PriorityList.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public void Add(GeListNode node, int priority, EXECUTIONFLAGS flags) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.PriorityList_Add(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), priority, (int)flags);
コード例 #22
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual void GetBubbleHelp(GeListNode node, SWIGTYPE_p_String str) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_GetBubbleHelp(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), SWIGTYPE_p_String.getCPtr(str));
   if (C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw C4dApiPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
コード例 #23
ファイル: RigPlugin.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public bool makeAnimalJoints(GeListNode node, DescriptionCommand desc)
     CharakterAnimal Main = new CharakterAnimal(node, desc);
     this.wtagGlob = Main.getwtagJoint();
     return true;
コード例 #24
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual BaseDocument GetDocument(GeListNode node) {
   IntPtr cPtr = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_GetDocument(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node));
   BaseDocument ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new BaseDocument(cPtr, false);
   return ret;
コード例 #25
ファイル: GeListHead.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public void SetParent(GeListNode parent) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.GeListHead_SetParent(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(parent));
コード例 #26
ファイル: GeListNode.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public void InsertAfter(GeListNode bl) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.GeListNode_InsertAfter(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(bl));
コード例 #27
ファイル: GeListHead.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public void Insert(GeListNode bn, GeListNode parent, GeListNode prev) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.GeListHead_Insert(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(bn), GeListNode.getCPtr(parent), GeListNode.getCPtr(prev));
コード例 #28
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual bool IsInstanceOf(GeListNode node, int type) {
   bool ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_IsInstanceOf(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), type);
   return ret;
コード例 #29
ファイル: NodeData.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public virtual int GetBranchInfo(GeListNode node, BranchInfo info, int max, GETBRANCHINFO flags) {
   int ret = C4dApiPINVOKE.NodeData_GetBranchInfo(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(node), BranchInfo.getCPtr(info), max, (int)flags);
   return ret;
コード例 #30
ファイル: GeListNode.cs プロジェクト: KilledChicken/Fusee
 public void InsertUnderLast(GeListNode bl) {
   C4dApiPINVOKE.GeListNode_InsertUnderLast(swigCPtr, GeListNode.getCPtr(bl));