public void ReadFromData(FieldDataComponent d) {// reads from the data so user can see the same values from the last time they entered them try { field = d; if (field.colliderType == ColliderType.Sphere) { colliderTypeCombobox.SelectedIndex = 1; } else if (field.colliderType == ColliderType.Mesh) { colliderTypeCombobox.SelectedIndex = 2; } else { colliderTypeCombobox.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (field.Dynamic) { dynamicGroupBox.Enabled = true; } else { dynamicGroupBox.Enabled = false; massNumericUpDown.Value = 0; } frictionTrackBar.Value = (int)field.Friction; massNumericUpDown.Value = (decimal)field.Mass; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
public void readFromData(FieldDataComponent d) {// reads from the data so user can see the same values from the last time they entered them field = d; xScaleUpDown.Value = (decimal)field.X; yScaleUpDown.Value = (decimal)field.Y; zScaleUpDown.Value = (decimal)field.Z; }
public void copyToNewComponent(FieldDataComponent f) { f.colliderType = this.colliderType; f.X = this.X; f.Y = this.Y; f.Z = this.Z; f.Scale = this.Scale; f.Friction = this.Friction; f.Dynamic = this.Dynamic; f.Mass = this.Mass; }
public void copyToNewComponent(FieldDataComponent f) { f.colliderType = colliderType; f.X = X; f.Y = Y; f.Z = Z; f.Scale = Scale; f.Friction = Friction; f.Dynamic = Dynamic; f.Mass = Mass; f.ID = ID; }
public void readFromData(FieldDataComponent d) // reads from the data so user can see the same values from the last time they entered them, just here so the calling methods doesn't throw a fit { field = d; }