private static SquarePoint GetClosetSqare(SquareInformation pInfo, HeightInfo Height, double currentHeight, Gamemap map, bool pOverride) { double Closest = pInfo.Point.GetDistance; SquarePoint ClosestPoint = pInfo.Point; double InfoOnSqare = Height.GetState(pInfo.Point.X, pInfo.Point.Y, currentHeight); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { SquarePoint Position = pInfo.Pos(i); if (!Position.InUse) continue; double h = Height.GetState(Position.X, Position.Y, currentHeight); if (Position.CanWalk(h) && (!map.SquareOccupied(Position.X, Position.Y, h) || pOverride)) { if (h - InfoOnSqare < 3) //<3 { double Distance = Position.GetDistance; if (Closest > Distance) { Closest = Distance; ClosestPoint = Position; } } } } return ClosestPoint; }
public bool SetFloorItem(Item Item, int newX, int newY, double newZ) { this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().RemoveFromMap(Item); Item.SetState(newX, newY, newZ, Gamemap.GetAffectedTiles(Item.GetBaseItem().Length, Item.GetBaseItem().Width, newX, newY, Item.Rotation)); this.UpdateItem(Item); this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().AddItemToMap(Item); return(true); }
internal bool SetFloorItem(RoomItem Item, int newX, int newY, Double newZ) { room.GetGameMap().RemoveFromMap(Item); Item.SetState(newX, newY, newZ, Gamemap.GetAffectedTiles(Item.GetBaseItem().Length, Item.GetBaseItem().Width, newX, newY, Item.Rot)); UpdateItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddItemToMap(Item); return(true); }
internal static SquarePoint GetNextStep(int pUserX, int pUserY, double pUserZ, int pUserTargetX, int pUserTargetY, byte[,] pGameMap, Stackmap pHeight, short[,] pHeightmap, int MaxX, int MaxY, bool pUserOverride, bool pDiagonal, Gamemap gamemap) { ModelInfo MapInfo = new ModelInfo(MaxX, MaxY, pGameMap); SquarePoint TargetPoint = new SquarePoint(pUserTargetX, pUserTargetY, pUserZ, pUserTargetX, pUserTargetY, MapInfo.GetState(pUserTargetX, pUserTargetY), pUserOverride, pHeight); if (pUserX == pUserTargetX && pUserY == pUserTargetY) return TargetPoint; SquareInformation SquareOnUser = new SquareInformation(pUserX, pUserY, pUserZ, TargetPoint, MapInfo, pUserOverride, pDiagonal, pHeight); return GetClosetSqare(SquareOnUser, new HeightInfo(MaxX, MaxY, pHeight, pHeightmap), pUserZ, gamemap, pUserOverride); }
public Room(RoomData Data) { RolePlayerManager RPManager = ButterflyEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoleplayManager().GetRolePlay(Data.OwnerId); if (RPManager != null) { this.RpRoom = true; this.Pvp = true; this.RpCycleHourEffect = true; this.RpTimeSpeed = false; this.RpHour = -1; } this.SaveTimer = 0; this.Disposed = false; this.Bans = new Dictionary <int, double>(); this.Mutes = new Dictionary <int, double>(); this.ActiveTrades = new List <Trade>(); this.mCycleEnded = false; this.HeightMapLoaded = false; this.RoomData = Data; this.EveryoneGotRights = Data.AllowRightsOverride; this.IdleTime = 0; this.RoomMuted = false; this.PushPullAllowed = true; this.RoomIngameChat = false; this.gamemap = new Gamemap(this); this.roomItemHandling = new RoomItemHandling(this); this.roomUserManager = new RoomUserManager(this); this.wiredHandler = new WiredHandler(this); this.projecctileManager = new ProjectileManager(this); this.chatMessageManager = new ChatMessageManager(); this.chatMessageManager.LoadRoomChatlogs(this.Id); this.LoadRights(); this.GetRoomItemHandler().LoadFurniture(); if (this.RoomData.OwnerName == "WibboGame") { this.GetRoomItemHandler().LoadFurniture(5400713); } this.GetGameMap().GenerateMaps(); this.LoadBots(); this.InitPets(); this.lastTimerReset = DateTime.Now; }
public ServerMessage SerializeHeightmap(Gamemap map) { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.HeightMapMessageParser); Message.AppendInt32(MapSizeX); Message.AppendInt32(MapSizeX * MapSizeY); for (int y = 0; y < MapSizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < MapSizeX; x++) { if (SqState[x, y] != SquareState.BLOCKED || (DoorX == x && DoorY == y)) { Message.AppendShort((int)(map.SqAbsoluteHeightGameMap(x, y) * 256)); } else { Message.AppendShort(0x4000); } } } return(Message); }
internal ServerMessage GetHeightmap(Gamemap map) { if (!HeightmapSerialized) { SerializedHeightmap = SerializeHeightmap(); HeightmapSerialized = true; } return SerializedHeightmap; }
internal void FixGameMap() { gamemap = new Gamemap(this); // GetGameMap().GenerateMaps(); }
private void Initialize(RoomData RoomData) { this.Id = RoomData.Id; this.mDisposed = false; this.RoomMuted = false; this.muteSignalEnabled = false; this.Bans = new Dictionary <UInt32, double>(); this.Mutes = new Dictionary <UInt32, MuteUser>(); this.FilterWords = new List <string>(); this.chatMessageManager = new ChatMessageManager(); this.lastTimerReset = DateTime.Now; this.IsRoomLoaded = false; this.mCycleEnded = false; this.HeightMapLoaded = false; this.mRoomData = RoomData; this.roomMessages = new Queue(); this.chatMessageQueue = new Queue(); this.roomMessages = new Queue(); this.roomAlerts = new Queue(); this.roomBadge = new Queue(); this.roomDiamonds = new Queue(); this.roomCredits = new Queue(); this.roomPiruletas = new Queue(); this.roomKick = new Queue(); this.roomServerMessages = new Queue(); this.roomChatServerMessages = new Queue(); this.groupAddQueue = new Queue(); this.groupRemoveQueue = new Queue(); this.groupsOnRoom = new Dictionary <uint, int>(); this.roomUserFloorItems = new Dictionary <uint, uint>(); this.roomUserWallItems = new Dictionary <uint, uint>(); this.gamemap = new Gamemap(this); this.roomUserManager = new RoomUserManager(this); this.roomItemHandling = new RoomItemHandling(this); this.wiredHandler = new WiredHandler(this); = new GameManager(this); this.roomPoll = new RoomQuestionary(); if (!this.roomPoll.LoadQuestionary(this.Id)) { this.roomPoll = null; } this.LoadFilterWords(); this.LoadRights(); this.GetRoomItemHandler().LoadFurniture(); this.GetGameMap().GenerateMaps(); this.GetRoomUserManager().OnUserUpdateStatus(); // Update Bots State. this.LoadMusic(); if (this.RoomData.State != 3) { OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().QueueActiveRoomAdd(mRoomData); } }
private void Dispose() { if (!mDisposed) { try { mDisposed = true; mCycleEnded = true; OtanixEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().QueueActiveRoomRemove(mRoomData); using (var dbClient = OtanixEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { GetRoomItemHandler().SaveFurniture(dbClient); saveBots(); } WorkRoomServerMessageThread(); WorkRoomChatServerMessageThread(); ClearMute(); UsersWithRights.Clear(); Bans.Clear(); foreach (var item in GetRoomItemHandler().mFloorItems.Values) { item.Destroy(); } foreach (var item in GetRoomItemHandler().mWallItems.Values) { item.Destroy(); } roomUserManager.Destroy(); roomUserManager = null; chatMessageManager.Destroy(); chatMessageManager = null; roomItemHandling.Destroy(); roomItemHandling = null; if (GetGameManager() != null) { GetGameManager().Destroy(); games = null; } if (GotSoccer()) { GetSoccer().Destroy(); soccer = null; } if (GotWired()) { GetWiredHandler().Destroy(); wiredHandler = null; } if (GotMusicController()) { GetRoomMusicController().Destroy(); musicController = null; } if (GetGameMap() != null) { GetGameMap().Destroy(); gamemap = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogCriticalException("Unload of room " + e); } } }
internal void OnCycle(ref int idleCount) { ToRemove.Clear(); int userCounter = 0; foreach (RoomUser User in UserList.Values) { if (!isValid(User)) { if (User.GetClient() != null) { RemoveUserFromRoom(User.GetClient(), false, false); } else { RemoveRoomUser(User); } } bool updated = false; User.IdleTime++; if (!User.IsAsleep && User.IdleTime >= 600) { User.IsAsleep = true; ServerMessage FallAsleep = new ServerMessage(486); FallAsleep.AppendInt32(User.VirtualId); FallAsleep.AppendBoolean(true); room.SendMessage(FallAsleep); } if (User.NeedsAutokick && !ToRemove.Contains(User)) { ToRemove.Add(User); continue; } if (User.CarryItemID > 0) { User.CarryTimer--; if (User.CarryTimer <= 0) { User.CarryItem(0); } } if (room.GotFreeze()) { room.GetFreeze().CycleUser(User); } if (User.isFlying) { User.OnFly(); } if (User.SetStep) { if (room.GetGameMap().CanWalk(User.SetX, User.SetY, User.AllowOverride)) { room.GetGameMap().UpdateUserMovement(new Point(User.Coordinate.X, User.Coordinate.Y), new Point(User.SetX, User.SetY), User); List <RoomItem> items = room.GetGameMap().GetCoordinatedItems(new Point(User.X, User.Y)); User.X = User.SetX; User.Y = User.SetY; User.Z = User.SetZ; if (User.isFlying) { User.Z += 4 + 0.5 * Math.Sin(0.7 * User.flyk); } foreach (RoomItem item in items) { item.UserWalksOffFurni(User); } if (User.X == room.GetGameMap().Model.DoorX&& User.Y == room.GetGameMap().Model.DoorY&& !ToRemove.Contains(User) && !User.IsBot) { ToRemove.Add(User); continue; } if (room.IsPublic) { room.GetGameMap().HandleRoomLinks(User); } UpdateUserStatus(User, true); } User.SetStep = false; } if (User.IsWalking && !User.Freezed) { Gamemap map = room.GetGameMap(); SquarePoint Point = DreamPathfinder.GetNextStep(User.X, User.Y, User.GoalX, User.GoalY, map.GameMap, map.ItemHeightMap, map.Model.MapSizeX, map.Model.MapSizeY, User.AllowOverride, map.DiagonalEnabled); if (Point.X == User.X && Point.Y == User.Y) //No path found, or reached goal (: { User.IsWalking = false; User.RemoveStatus("mv"); UpdateUserStatus(User, false); } else { int nextX = Point.X; int nextY = Point.Y; User.RemoveStatus("mv"); double nextZ = room.GetGameMap().SqAbsoluteHeight(nextX, nextY); User.Statusses.Remove("lay"); User.Statusses.Remove("sit"); if (!User.isFlying) { User.AddStatus("mv", nextX + "," + nextY + "," + TextHandling.GetString(nextZ)); } else { User.AddStatus("mv", nextX + "," + nextY + "," + TextHandling.GetString(nextZ + 4 + (0.5 * Math.Sin(0.7 * User.flyk)))); } int newRot = Rotation.Calculate(User.X, User.Y, nextX, nextY, User.moonwalkEnabled); User.RotBody = newRot; User.RotHead = newRot; User.SetStep = true; User.SetX = nextX; User.SetY = nextY; User.SetZ = nextZ; UpdateUserEffect(User, User.SetX, User.SetY); updated = true; room.GetGameMap().GameMap[User.X, User.Y] = User.SqState; // REstore the old one User.SqState = room.GetGameMap().GameMap[User.SetX, User.SetY]; //Backup the new one if (!room.AllowWalkthrough) { room.GetGameMap().GameMap[nextX, nextY] = 0; } } User.UpdateNeeded = true; } else { if (User.Statusses.ContainsKey("mv")) { User.RemoveStatus("mv"); User.UpdateNeeded = true; } } if (User.IsBot) { User.BotAI.OnTimerTick(); } else { userCounter++; } if (!updated) { UpdateUserEffect(User, User.X, User.Y); } } if (userCounter == 0) { idleCount++; } foreach (RoomUser toRemove in ToRemove) { GameClient client = ButterflyEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(toRemove.HabboId); if (client != null) { RemoveUserFromRoom(client, true, false); client.CurrentRoomUserID = -1; } else { RemoveRoomUser(toRemove); } } if (userCount != userCounter) { UpdateUserCount(userCounter); } }
public bool SetFloorItem(GameClient Session, Item Item, int newX, int newY, int newRot, bool newItem, bool OnRoller, bool sendMessage) { bool NeedsReAdd = false; if (!newItem) { NeedsReAdd = this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().RemoveFromMap(Item); } Dictionary <int, ThreeDCoord> affectedTiles = Gamemap.GetAffectedTiles(Item.GetBaseItem().Length, Item.GetBaseItem().Width, newX, newY, newRot); foreach (ThreeDCoord threeDcoord in affectedTiles.Values) { if (!this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().ValidTile(threeDcoord.X, threeDcoord.Y) || (this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().SquareHasUsers(threeDcoord.X, threeDcoord.Y) && !Item.GetBaseItem().IsSeat&& Item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType != InteractionType.bed) || this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().Model.SqState[threeDcoord.X, threeDcoord.Y] != SquareState.OPEN) { if (NeedsReAdd) { this.UpdateItem(Item); this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } } double pZ = (double)this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().Model.SqFloorHeight[newX, newY]; List <Item> ItemsAffected = new List <Item>(); List <Item> ItemsComplete = new List <Item>(); foreach (ThreeDCoord threeDcoord in affectedTiles.Values) { List <Item> Temp = this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().GetCoordinatedItems(new Point(threeDcoord.X, threeDcoord.Y)); if (Temp != null) { ItemsAffected.AddRange(Temp); } } //ItemsComplete.AddRange(ItemsOnTile); ItemsComplete.AddRange(ItemsAffected); bool ConstruitMode = false; bool ConstruitZMode = false; double ConstruitHeigth = 1.0; bool PileMagic = false; if (Item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == InteractionType.pilemagic) { PileMagic = true; } if (Session != null && Session.GetHabbo() != null && Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom != null) { RoomUser User_room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabboId(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User_room != null) { ConstruitMode = User_room.ConstruitMode; ConstruitZMode = User_room.ConstruitZMode; ConstruitHeigth = User_room.ConstruitHeigth; } } if (Item.Rotation != newRot && Item.GetX == newX && Item.GetY == newY && !ConstruitZMode) { pZ = Item.GetZ; } if (ConstruitZMode) { pZ = pZ + ConstruitHeigth; } else { foreach (Item roomItem in ItemsComplete) { if (roomItem.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == InteractionType.pilemagic) { pZ = roomItem.GetZ; PileMagic = true; break; } if (roomItem.Id != Item.Id && roomItem.TotalHeight > pZ) { if (ConstruitMode) { pZ = roomItem.GetZ + ConstruitHeigth; } else { pZ = roomItem.TotalHeight; } } } } if (!OnRoller) { foreach (Item roomItem in ItemsComplete) { if (roomItem != null && roomItem.Id != Item.Id && (roomItem.GetBaseItem() != null && (!roomItem.GetBaseItem().Stackable&& !ConstruitMode && !PileMagic && !ConstruitZMode))) { if (NeedsReAdd) { this.UpdateItem(Item); this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } } } if (newRot != 1 && newRot != 2 && newRot != 3 && newRot != 4 && newRot != 5 && newRot != 6 && newRot != 7 && newRot != 8) { newRot = 0; } List <RoomUser> userForSquare = new List <RoomUser>(); foreach (ThreeDCoord threeDcoord in Item.GetAffectedTiles.Values) { userForSquare.AddRange(this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().GetRoomUsers(new Point(threeDcoord.X, threeDcoord.Y))); } Item.Rotation = newRot; Item.SetState(newX, newY, pZ, affectedTiles); if (!OnRoller && Session != null) { Item.Interactor.OnPlace(Session, Item); } if (newItem) { if (this._floorItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) { if (Session != null) { Session.SendNotification(ButterflyEnvironment.GetLanguageManager().TryGetValue("room.itemplaced", Session.Langue)); } return(true); } else { if (Item.IsFloorItem && !this._floorItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) { this._floorItems.TryAdd(Item.Id, Item); } else if (Item.IsWallItem && !this._wallItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) { this._wallItems.TryAdd(Item.Id, Item); } this.UpdateItem(Item); if (sendMessage) { this.GetRoom.SendPacket(new ObjectAddComposer(Item, this.GetRoom.RoomData.OwnerName, this.GetRoom.RoomData.OwnerId)); } } } else { this.UpdateItem(Item); if (!OnRoller && sendMessage) { GetRoom.SendPacket(new ObjectUpdateComposer(Item, GetRoom.RoomData.OwnerId)); } } this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); foreach (ThreeDCoord threeDcoord in Item.GetAffectedTiles.Values) { userForSquare.AddRange(this.GetRoom.GetGameMap().GetRoomUsers(new Point(threeDcoord.X, threeDcoord.Y))); } foreach (RoomUser User in userForSquare) { if (User == null) { continue; } if (User.IsWalking) { continue; } this.GetRoom.GetRoomUserManager().UpdateUserStatus(User, false); } return(true); }
private void Initialize(UInt32 Id, string Name, string Description, string Type, string Owner, int Category, int State, int UsersMax, string ModelName, string CCTs, int Score, List<string> pTags, bool AllowPets, bool AllowPetsEating, bool AllowWalkthrough, bool Hidewall, RoomIcon Icon, string Password, string Wallpaper, string Floor, string Landscape, RoomData RoomData, bool RightOverride, int walltickness, int floorthickness) { this.mDisposed = false; this.Id = Id; this.Name = Name; this.Description = Description; this.Owner = Owner; this.Category = Category; this.Type = Type; this.State = State; this.UsersNow = 0; this.UsersMax = UsersMax; this.ModelName = ModelName; this.CCTs = CCTs; this.Score = Score; tagCount = 0; this.Tags = new ArrayList(); foreach (string tag in pTags) { tagCount++; Tags.Add(tag); } this.AllowPets = AllowPets; this.AllowPetsEating = AllowPetsEating; this.AllowWalkthrough = AllowWalkthrough; this.Hidewall = Hidewall; this.myIcon = Icon; this.Password = Password; this.Bans = new Dictionary<UInt32, double>(); this.Wallpaper = Wallpaper; this.Floor = Floor; this.Landscape = Landscape; this.chatMessageManager = new ChatMessageManager(); this.groups = new QueuedDictionary<int, Group>(); this.ActiveTrades = new ArrayList(); this.mCycleEnded = false; this.mRoomData = RoomData; this.EveryoneGotRights = RightOverride; this.roomMessages = new Queue(); this.chatMessageQueue = new Queue(); this.rnd = new Random(); this.roomMessages = new Queue(); this.roomAlerts = new Queue(); this.roomBadge = new Queue(); this.roomKick = new Queue(); this.roomServerMessages = new Queue(); this.IdleTime = 0; this.RoomMuted = false; this.WallThickness = walltickness; this.FloorThickness = floorthickness; this.gamemap = new Gamemap(this); this.roomItemHandling = new RoomItemHandling(this); this.roomUserManager = new RoomUserManager(this); this.wiredHandler = new WiredHandler(this); LoadRights(); GetRoomItemHandler().LoadFurniture(); wiredHandler.LoadWired(); GetGameMap().GenerateMaps(); LoadMusic(); //LoadBots(); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { if (dbClient.dbType == Database_Manager.Database.DatabaseType.MySQL) { dbClient.runFastQuery("REPLACE INTO room_active VALUES (" + Id + ",1)"); } else { dbClient.runFastQuery("IF EXISTS (SELECT roomid FROM room_active WHERE roomid = " + Id + ") " + "UPDATE room_active SET active_users = 1 WHERE roomid = " + Id + " " + "ELSE " + "INSERT INTO room_active VALUES (" + Id + ",1)"); } } ButterflyEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().QueueActiveRoomAdd(mRoomData); }
internal bool SetFloorItem(GameClient Session, RoomItem Item, int newX, int newY, int newRot, bool newItem, bool OnRoller, bool sendMessage, bool updateRoomUserStatuses) { bool NeedsReAdd = false; if (!newItem) { NeedsReAdd = room.GetGameMap().RemoveFromMap(Item); } Dictionary <int, ThreeDCoord> AffectedTiles = Gamemap.GetAffectedTiles(Item.GetBaseItem().Length, Item.GetBaseItem().Width, newX, newY, newRot); if (!room.GetGameMap().ValidTile(newX, newY) || room.GetGameMap().SquareHasUsers(newX, newY)) { if (NeedsReAdd) { AddItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } foreach (ThreeDCoord Tile in AffectedTiles.Values) { if (!room.GetGameMap().ValidTile(Tile.X, Tile.Y) || room.GetGameMap().SquareHasUsers(Tile.X, Tile.Y)) { if (NeedsReAdd) { AddItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } } // Start calculating new Z coordinate Double newZ = room.GetGameMap().Model.SqFloorHeight[newX, newY]; if (!OnRoller) { // Is the item trying to stack on itself!? //if (Item.Rot == newRot && Item.GetX == newX && Item.GetY == newY && Item.GetZ != newZ) //{ // if (NeedsReAdd) // AddItem(Item); // return false; //} // Make sure this tile is open and there are no users here if (room.GetGameMap().Model.SqState[newX, newY] != SquareState.OPEN) { if (NeedsReAdd) { AddItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } foreach (ThreeDCoord Tile in AffectedTiles.Values) { if (room.GetGameMap().Model.SqState[Tile.X, Tile.Y] != SquareState.OPEN) { if (NeedsReAdd) { AddItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } } // And that we have no users if (!Item.GetBaseItem().IsSeat&& !Item.IsRoller) { foreach (ThreeDCoord Tile in AffectedTiles.Values) { if (room.GetGameMap().GetRoomUsers(new Point(Tile.X, Tile.Y)).Count > 0) { if (NeedsReAdd) { AddItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } } } } // Find affected objects List <RoomItem> ItemsOnTile = GetFurniObjects(newX, newY); List <RoomItem> ItemsAffected = new List <RoomItem>(); List <RoomItem> ItemsComplete = new List <RoomItem>(); foreach (ThreeDCoord Tile in AffectedTiles.Values) { List <RoomItem> Temp = GetFurniObjects(Tile.X, Tile.Y); if (Temp != null) { ItemsAffected.AddRange(Temp); } } ItemsComplete.AddRange(ItemsOnTile); ItemsComplete.AddRange(ItemsAffected); if (!OnRoller) { // Check for items in the stack that do not allow stacking on top of them foreach (RoomItem I in ItemsComplete) { if (I == null) { continue; } if (I.Id == Item.Id) { continue; } if (I.GetBaseItem() == null) { continue; } if (!I.GetBaseItem().Stackable) { if (NeedsReAdd) { AddItem(Item); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); } return(false); } } } //if (!Item.IsRoller) { // If this is a rotating action, maintain item at current height if (Item.Rot != newRot && Item.GetX == newX && Item.GetY == newY) { newZ = Item.GetZ; } // Are there any higher objects in the stack!? foreach (RoomItem I in ItemsComplete) { if (I.Id == Item.Id) { continue; // cannot stack on self } if (I.TotalHeight > newZ) { newZ = I.TotalHeight; } } } // Verify the rotation is correct if (newRot != 0 && newRot != 2 && newRot != 4 && newRot != 6 && newRot != 8) { newRot = 0; } //Item.GetX = newX; //Item.GetY = newY; //Item.GetZ = newZ; Item.Rot = newRot; int oldX = Item.GetX; int oldY = Item.GetY; Item.SetState(newX, newY, newZ, AffectedTiles); if (!OnRoller && Session != null) { Item.Interactor.OnPlace(Session, Item); } if (newItem) { if (mFloorItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) { if (Session != null) { Session.SendNotif(LanguageLocale.GetValue("room.itemplaced")); } //Remove from map!!! return(true); } //using (DatabaseClient dbClient = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabase().GetClient()) //{ // dbClient.addParameter("extra_data", Item.ExtraData); // dbClient.runFastQuery("INSERT INTO room_items (id,room_id,base_item,extra_data,x,y,z,rot,wall_pos) VALUES ('" + Item.Id + "','" + RoomId + "','" + Item.BaseItem + "',@extra_data,'" + Item.GetX + "','" + Item.GetY + "','" + Item.GetZ + "','" + Item.Rot + "','')"); //} //if (mRemovedItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) // mRemovedItems.Remove(Item.Id); //if (mAddedItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) // return false; //mAddedItems.Add(Item.Id, Item); if (Item.IsFloorItem && !mFloorItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) { mFloorItems.Add(Item.Id, Item); } else if (Item.IsWallItem && !mWallItems.ContainsKey(Item.Id)) { mWallItems.Add(Item.Id, Item); } AddItem(Item); if (sendMessage) { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(93); Item.Serialize(Message); room.SendMessage(Message); } } else { //using (DatabaseClient dbClient = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabase().GetClient()) //{ // dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE room_items SET x = '" + Item.GetX + "', y = '" + Item.GetY + "', z = '" + Item.GetZ + "', rot = '" + Item.Rot + "', wall_pos = '' WHERE id = '" + Item.Id + "' LIMIT 1"); //} UpdateItem(Item); if (!OnRoller && sendMessage) { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(95); Item.Serialize(Message); room.SendMessage(Message); } } if (!newItem) { room.GetWiredHandler().RemoveWiredItem(new System.Drawing.Point(oldX, oldY)); if (WiredHandler.TypeIsWire(Item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType)) { room.GetWiredHandler().AddWire(Item, new System.Drawing.Point(newX, newY), newRot, Item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType); } } else { if (WiredHandler.TypeIsWire(Item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType)) { room.GetWiredHandler().AddWire(Item, Item.Coordinate, newRot, Item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType); } } //GenerateMaps(false); room.GetGameMap().AddToMap(Item); if (updateRoomUserStatuses) { room.GetRoomUserManager().UpdateUserStatusses(); } return(true); }
private void Initialize(UInt32 Id, string Name, string Description, string Type, string Owner, int Category, int State, int UsersMax, string ModelName, string CCTs, int Score, List <string> pTags, bool AllowPets, bool AllowPetsEating, bool AllowWalkthrough, bool Hidewall, RoomIcon Icon, string Password, string Wallpaper, string Floor, string Landscape, RoomData RoomData, bool RightOverride, int walltickness, int floorthickness) { this.mDisposed = false; this.Id = Id; this.Name = Name; this.Description = Description; this.Owner = Owner; this.Category = Category; this.Type = Type; this.State = State; this.UsersNow = 0; this.UsersMax = UsersMax; this.ModelName = ModelName; this.CCTs = CCTs; this.Score = Score; tagCount = 0; this.Tags = new ArrayList(); foreach (string tag in pTags) { tagCount++; Tags.Add(tag); } this.AllowPets = AllowPets; this.AllowPetsEating = AllowPetsEating; this.AllowWalkthrough = AllowWalkthrough; this.Hidewall = Hidewall; this.myIcon = Icon; this.Password = Password; this.Bans = new Dictionary <UInt32, double>(); this.Wallpaper = Wallpaper; this.Floor = Floor; this.Landscape = Landscape; this.chatMessageManager = new ChatMessageManager(); this.groups = new QueuedDictionary <int, Group>(); this.ActiveTrades = new ArrayList(); this.mCycleEnded = false; this.mRoomData = RoomData; this.EveryoneGotRights = RightOverride; this.roomMessages = new Queue(); this.chatMessageQueue = new Queue(); this.rnd = new Random(); this.roomMessages = new Queue(); this.roomAlerts = new Queue(); this.roomBadge = new Queue(); this.roomKick = new Queue(); this.roomServerMessages = new Queue(); this.IdleTime = 0; this.RoomMuted = false; this.WallThickness = walltickness; this.FloorThickness = floorthickness; this.gamemap = new Gamemap(this); this.roomItemHandling = new RoomItemHandling(this); this.roomUserManager = new RoomUserManager(this); this.wiredHandler = new WiredHandler(this); LoadRights(); GetRoomItemHandler().LoadFurniture(); wiredHandler.LoadWired(); GetGameMap().GenerateMaps(); LoadMusic(); //LoadBots(); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { if (dbClient.dbType == Database_Manager.Database.DatabaseType.MySQL) { dbClient.runFastQuery("REPLACE INTO room_active VALUES (" + Id + ",1)"); } else { dbClient.runFastQuery("IF EXISTS (SELECT roomid FROM room_active WHERE roomid = " + Id + ") " + "UPDATE room_active SET active_users = 1 WHERE roomid = " + Id + " " + "ELSE " + "INSERT INTO room_active VALUES (" + Id + ",1)"); } } ButterflyEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().QueueActiveRoomAdd(mRoomData); }
internal void MoveTo(int pX, int pY) { // Comando developer activado? if (DeveloperCommand.CheckDeveloper(this, pX, pY, GetRoom())) { return; } bool guildGateUser = false; Gamemap roomGameMap = GetRoom().GetGameMap(); Point square = new Point(pX, pY); if (roomGameMap.guildGates.ContainsKey(square)) { uint GuildId = 0; string[] strArr = roomGameMap.guildGates[square].GroupData.Split(';'); if (strArr.Length < 2) { return; } uint.TryParse(strArr[1], out GuildId); if (GuildId > 0) { if (!IsBot) { if (GetClient().GetHabbo().MyGroups.Contains(GuildId)) { guildGateUser = true; } } } } // Si hay un usuario o un item, evitamos crear un nuevo path. if (!GetRoom().GetGameMap().tileIsWalkable(pX, pY, true, false, guildGateUser) && !AllowOverride && walkingToPet == null) { return; } if (ByteToItemEffectEnum.Parse(GetRoom().GetGameMap().EffectMap[pX, pY]) == ItemEffectType.HorseJump) { return; } if (isKicking) { return; } Unidle(); if (TeleportEnabled) { if (IsWalking) { GetRoom().GetGameMap().RemoveUserFromMap(this, new Point(SetX, SetY)); ClearMovement(true); } GetRoom().SendMessage(GetRoom().GetRoomItemHandler().UpdateUserOnRoller(this, new Point(pX, pY), 0)); GetRoom().GetRoomUserManager().UpdateUserStatus(this, false); return; } IsWalking = true; GoalX = pX; GoalY = pY; PathRecalcNeeded = true; throwBallAtGoal = false; // GetRoom().GetRoomUserManager().UpdateUsersPath = true; }