コード例 #1
        public void Add_writes_to_database()
            // All contexts that share the same service provider will share the same InMemory database
            var options = CreateNewContextOptions();

            // Run the test against one instance of the context
            using (var context = new BloggingContext(options))
                var service = new BlogService(context);

            // User a seperate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database
            using (var context = new BloggingContext(options))
                Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Blogs.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual("http://sample.com", context.Blogs.Single().Url);
コード例 #2
        public void Add_writes_to_database()
            // All contexts created from this service provider will access the same InMemory database
            var serviceProvider = _serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

            // Run the test against one instance of the context
            using (var scope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
                var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<BloggingContext>();
                var service = new BlogService(context);

            // User a seperate instance of the context to verify correct data was saved to database
            using (var scope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope())
                var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<BloggingContext>();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Blogs.Count());
                Assert.AreEqual("http://sample.com", context.Blogs.Single().Url);