private Subplot[] SplitPlot(ProcessPlot processPlot) { // Profiler.BeginSample("SplitPlot"); Subplot[] output = new Subplot[2]; IPlot plot = processPlot.plot; if (processPlot.obbs.Count == 0) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plot.notes = "no obb split options left"; } // Profiler.EndSample(); return(output); } OBBox obBox = processPlot.obbs[0]; if (obBox.area < plot.splitSettings.minArea) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plot.notes = "area smaller than minimum"; } // Profiler.EndSample(); return(output); } Vector2[] points = plot.pointsV2; Vector2[][] boundaryPoints = plot.boundaryPoints; bool boundaryPointsUsed = boundaryPoints != null && boundaryPoints.Length > 0; bool[] externals = plot.externals; int shapeSize = points.Length; Vector2 cenExt = processPlot.shortSplit && !processPlot.longSplit ? obBox.longDir * obBox.longSize * 0.5f : obBox.shortDir * obBox.shortSize * 0.5f; float boxVariation = rGen.Range(-plot.splitSettings.variation * 0.5f, plot.splitSettings.variation * 0.5f) + 0.5f; if (processPlot.variationA && !processPlot.variationB) { boxVariation *= 1 - processPlot.variationAmount; } if (processPlot.variationA && processPlot.variationB) { boxVariation += (1f - boxVariation) * processPlot.variationAmount; } Vector2 cutCenter = Vector2.Lerp( - cenExt, + cenExt, boxVariation); Vector2 intExt = processPlot.shortSplit && !processPlot.longSplit ? obBox.shortDir * obBox.shortSize : obBox.longDir * obBox.longSize; Vector2 intP0 = cutCenter - intExt; Vector2 intP1 = cutCenter + intExt; // if(plot is Plot) // Debug.DrawLine(JMath.ToV3(intP0), JMath.ToV3(intP1), Color.magenta); List <Vector2> intersectionPoints = new List <Vector2>(); List <int> intersectionIndex = new List <int>(); for (int p = 0; p < shapeSize; p++) { Vector2 p0 = points[p]; Vector2 p1 = points[(p + 1) % shapeSize]; Vector2 intersectionPoint; if (Intersects(intP0, intP1, p0, p1, out intersectionPoint)) { intersectionPoints.Add(intersectionPoint); intersectionIndex.Add(p); if (intersectionPoints.Count == 2) { break; } } } List <Vector2> shapeA = new List <Vector2>(); List <bool> externalsA = new List <bool>(); List <Vector2> shapeB = new List <Vector2>(); List <bool> externalsB = new List <bool>(); float sqrMergeThreshold = plot.splitSettings.mergeThreashold * plot.splitSettings.mergeThreashold; if (intersectionPoints.Count == 2) { //rebuild shapes - from indicies int intersectionIndexA = intersectionIndex[0]; int intersectionIndexB = intersectionIndex[1]; int intersectionIndexAPlus = intersectionIndexA + 1 < shapeSize ? intersectionIndexA + 1 : 0; int intersectionIndexBPlus = intersectionIndexB + 1 < shapeSize ? intersectionIndexB + 1 : 0; int shapeAStartIndex = intersectionIndexBPlus; int shapeAEndIndex = intersectionIndexA; int shapeBStartIndex = intersectionIndexAPlus; int shapeBEndIndex = intersectionIndexB; //calculate boundary merge cases for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int boundaryIndex = intersectionIndex[i]; bool boundaryIsExternal = externals[boundaryIndex]; Vector2 intersectionPoint = intersectionPoints[i]; Vector2[] mergePoints; if (plot.splitSettings.useBoundaryMergeOnExternalsOnly && !boundaryIsExternal || !boundaryPointsUsed) { mergePoints = new Vector2[2]; mergePoints[0] = points[boundaryIndex]; mergePoints[1] = points[boundaryIndex < shapeSize - 1 ? boundaryIndex + 1 : 0]; } else { mergePoints = boundaryPoints[boundaryIndex]; } int mergePointCount = mergePoints.Length; float smallestsqrmag = float.PositiveInfinity; int nearestMergePointIndex = -1; for (int m = 0; m < mergePointCount; m++) { float mpSqrMag = (mergePoints[m] - intersectionPoint).sqrMagnitude; if (mpSqrMag < sqrMergeThreshold && mpSqrMag < smallestsqrmag) { smallestsqrmag = mpSqrMag; nearestMergePointIndex = m; } } bool mergeOccured = nearestMergePointIndex != -1; Vector2 mergePoint = mergeOccured ? mergePoints[nearestMergePointIndex] : intersectionPoint; if (i == 0) { shapeA.Add(mergePoint); externalsA.Add(false); shapeB.Add(mergePoint); externalsB.Add(boundaryIsExternal); } else { shapeA.Add(mergePoint); externalsA.Add(boundaryIsExternal); shapeB.Insert(0, mergePoint); externalsB.Insert(0, false); } if (i == 0 && nearestMergePointIndex == 0) { shapeAEndIndex = intersectionIndexA % shapeSize; } if (i == 0 && nearestMergePointIndex == mergePointCount - 1) { shapeBStartIndex = (intersectionIndexA + 2) % shapeSize; } if (i == 1 && nearestMergePointIndex == 0) { shapeBEndIndex = intersectionIndexB % shapeSize; } if (i == 1 && nearestMergePointIndex == mergePointCount - 1) { shapeAStartIndex = (intersectionIndexB + 2) % shapeSize; } } //build shape B while (true) { shapeA.Add(points[shapeAStartIndex]); externalsA.Add(externals[shapeAStartIndex]); if (shapeAStartIndex == shapeAEndIndex) { break; } shapeAStartIndex = (shapeAStartIndex + 1) % shapeSize; } //build shape B while (true) { shapeB.Add(points[shapeBStartIndex]); externalsB.Add(externals[shapeBStartIndex]); if (shapeBStartIndex == shapeBEndIndex) { break; } shapeBStartIndex = (shapeBStartIndex + 1) % shapeSize; } } else { Debug.LogError("Whaaps!"); Debug.DrawLine(JMath.ToV3(intP0), JMath.ToV3(intP1), Color.yellow); Debug.DrawLine(JMath.ToV3(intP0), JMath.ToV3(intP0) + Vector3.up * 10, Color.yellow, 20); Debug.Log(intersectionPoints.Count); Debug.Log(processPlot.obbs.Count); Debug.Log(obBox.area); Debug.Log(obBox.longSize); Debug.Log(obBox.shortSize); Debug.Log(obBox.longDir); Debug.Log(obBox.shortDir); obBox.DebugDrawPlotCut(boxVariation); obBox.DebugDraw(); obBox.DebugMark(); DebugDraw(points, Color.magenta); processPlots.Clear(); // Profiler.EndSample(); return(output); } Subplot plotA = new Subplot(shapeA, _parent.splitSettings, externalsA); Subplot plotB = new Subplot(shapeB, _parent.splitSettings, externalsB); if (plot.splitSettings.minimumAccessLengthPercent < Mathf.Epsilon || (plotA.HasExternalAccess() && plotB.HasExternalAccess())) { output[0] = plotA; output[1] = plotB; } else//split was unsuccessful { if (!processPlot.longSplit && plot.splitSettings.fallbackSecondaryDivision)//restart split along long axis { processPlot.longSplit = true; processPlots.Insert(0, processPlot); } else { if (processPlot.obbs.Count > 0 && plot.splitSettings.fallbackAlternativeObb) { processPlot.obbs.RemoveAt(0); processPlot.longSplit = false; processPlot.variationA = false; processPlot.variationB = false; processPlots.Insert(0, processPlot); } else { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plot.notes = "insufficient external access - no alternative"; } } } } // Profiler.EndSample(); return(output); }
public void Execute(Plot plot, uint seed) { processPlots.Clear(); plots.Clear(); debug.Clear(); int plotSize = plot.numberOfEdges; bool[] plotExternals = new bool[plotSize]; for (int p = 0; p < plotSize; p++) { plotExternals[p] = true; } _parent = plot; ProcessPlot initialPlot = new ProcessPlot(_parent, obbFit.CreateSorted(plot.pointsV2)); processPlots.Add(initialPlot); float initialArea = initialPlot.obbs[0].area; if (plot.splitSettings.autoArea) { FlatBounds pBounds = new FlatBounds(); pBounds.Encapsulate(plot.getAllPointsV2); plot.splitSettings.minArea = Mathf.Min(pBounds.size.x, pBounds.size.y) * plot.splitSettings.autoAreaRatio; plot.splitSettings.maxArea = Mathf.Max(pBounds.size.x, pBounds.size.y) * plot.splitSettings.autoAreaRatio; } if (initialArea < plot.splitSettings.maxArea)// if the supplied plot is already small enough - return it { plots.Add(_parent); processPlots.Clear(); // Debug.Log("Plot size (" + initialArea + ") below max area " + plot.splitSettings.maxArea); return; } rGen = new RandomGen(seed); int it = 0; while (processPlots.Count > 0) { ProcessPlot processPlot = processPlots[0]; IPlot currentPlot = processPlot.plot; processPlots.RemoveAt(0); Subplot[] newPlots = SplitPlot(processPlot); bool earlyTermination = newPlots[0] == null; if (newPlots[1] == null) { earlyTermination = true; } if (rGen.output < plot.splitSettings.randomTerminationChance) { earlyTermination = true; } Subplot plotA = null, plotB = null; List <OBBox> obbsA = null; List <OBBox> obbsB = null; if (!earlyTermination) { plotA = newPlots[0]; plotB = newPlots[1]; if (plotA.plotAccessPercentage < plot.splitSettings.minimumAccessLengthPercent) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotA.notes = "insufficient access"; } earlyTermination = true; } if (plotB.plotAccessPercentage < plot.splitSettings.minimumAccessLengthPercent) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotB.notes = "insufficient access"; } earlyTermination = true; } if (plotA.numberOfEdges < 4 && !plot.splitSettings.allowTrianglularPlots) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotA.notes = "triangular split"; } earlyTermination = true; } if (plotB.numberOfEdges < 4 && !plot.splitSettings.allowTrianglularPlots) { plotB.notes = "triangular split"; earlyTermination = true; } obbsA = obbFit.CreateSorted(plotA.pointsV2); if (obbsA.Count == 0) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotA.notes = "no obb generated"; } earlyTermination = true; } else if (obbsA[0].aspect < plot.splitSettings.minimumAspect) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotA.notes = "aspect issue"; } earlyTermination = true; } else if (obbsA[0].area < plot.splitSettings.minArea) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotA.notes = "area smaller than minimum"; } earlyTermination = true; } obbsB = obbFit.CreateSorted(plotB.pointsV2); if (obbsB.Count == 0) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotB.notes = "no obb generated"; } earlyTermination = true; } else if (obbsB[0].aspect < plot.splitSettings.minimumAspect) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotB.notes = "aspect issue"; } earlyTermination = true; } else if (obbsB[0].area < plot.splitSettings.minArea) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotB.notes = "area smaller than minimum"; } earlyTermination = true; } } if (earlyTermination) { if (plotA != null && plotB != null) { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { currentPlot.notes = string.Format("plotA:{0} plotB:{1} {2}", plotA.notes, plotB.notes, processPlot); } if (plot.splitSettings.debug)//output debug info { DebugSplitInfo info = new DebugSplitInfo(); info.plot = currentPlot; info.plotA = plotA; info.plotB = plotB; debug.Add(info); } } //figure on appropirate fallback if (!processPlot.longSplit && plot.splitSettings.fallbackSecondaryDivision)//divide along the longer split { processPlot.longSplit = true; processPlots.Insert(0, processPlot); } else { if (!processPlot.variationA && plot.splitSettings.fallbackVariations)//use a variation on the split { processPlot.variationA = true; processPlots.Insert(0, processPlot); } else { if (!processPlot.variationB && plot.splitSettings.fallbackVariations)//use a variation on the split { processPlot.variationB = true; processPlots.Insert(0, processPlot); } else { if (processPlot.obbs.Count > 1 && plot.splitSettings.fallbackAlternativeObb)//if there are other cut options - use them! { processPlot.obbs.RemoveAt(0); processPlot.longSplit = false; processPlot.variationA = false; processPlot.variationB = false; processPlots.Insert(0, processPlot); } else { plots.Add(currentPlot);//termination - all allowable fallbacks used } } } } continue;//next } OBBox obbA = obbsA[0]; OBBox obbB = obbsB[0]; bool terminateA = obbA.area < plot.splitSettings.maxArea && rGen.output < 0.3f; if (!terminateA) { processPlots.Add(new ProcessPlot(plotA, obbsA)); } else { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotA.notes = "small enough to end"; } plots.Add(plotA);//termination } bool terminateB = obbB.area < plot.splitSettings.maxArea && rGen.output < 0.3f; if (!terminateB) { processPlots.Add(new ProcessPlot(plotB, obbsB)); } else { if (plot.splitSettings.log) { plotB.notes = "small enough to end"; } plots.Add(plotB);//termination } it++; if (it > 5000) { UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); return; } } // Profiler.EndSample(); }