public async Task SendEmail(EmailModel emailData) { var email = new MailMessage(emailData.FromEmail, emailData.ToEmail) { Subject = emailData.Subject, Body = emailData.Body, IsBodyHtml = true }; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(email); }
public static async Task ComposeEmailAsync(RegisterViewModel model, string callbackUrl) { try { var senderEmail = $"Blog Admin<{ConfiguredEmail}>"; var mailMsg = new MailMessage(senderEmail, model.Email) { Subject = "Reset Password", Body = $"Reset your password by clicking <a href=\"{callbackUrl}\">here</a>", IsBodyHtml = true }; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(mailMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Task.FromResult(0); } }
public static async Task ComposeEmailAsync(EmailModel email) { try { var senderEmail = $"{email.FromEmail}<{ConfiguredEmail}>"; var mailMsg = new MailMessage(senderEmail, ConfiguredEmail) { Subject = email.Subject, Body = $"<strong>{email.FromName} has sent you the following message </strong> <hr/> {email.Body}", IsBodyHtml = true }; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(mailMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Task.FromResult(0); } }
public static async Task ComposeEmailAsync(EmailModel email) { var strFormat = "<p>You have a message From: <bold>{0}</bold> ({1})</p><p>Message:</p><p>{2}</p>"; try { var senderEmail = $"{email.FromEmail}<{EmailSendFrom}>"; var mailMsg = new MailMessage(senderEmail, EmailSendTo); mailMsg.Subject = "IraNye Site Contact-Me Message from <strong>{email.FromEmail}</strong>: " + email.Subject; mailMsg.Body = string.Format(strFormat, email.FromName, email.FromEmail, email.Body); mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(mailMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Task.FromResult(0); } }
public static async Task ComposeForgotPasswordEmailAsync(ForgotPasswordViewModel model, string callbackUrl) { try { var senderEmail = $"Bugtracker<{ConfiguredEmail}>"; var mailMsg = new MailMessage(senderEmail, model.Email) { Subject = "Reset Password", Body = $"Please reset your password by clicking <a href=\"{callbackUrl}\"> here", IsBodyHtml = true }; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(mailMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Task.FromResult(0); } }
public static async Task ComposeEmailAsync(RegisterViewModel model, string callbackUrl) { try { var senderEmail = $"Web Admin<{EmailSendFrom}>"; var recipientEmail = model.Email; var mailMsg = new MailMessage(senderEmail, recipientEmail) { Subject = "Confirm your Account", Body = $"Please confirm your Account (at BugTracker) by clicking <a href=\"{callbackUrl}\"here</a>", IsBodyHtml = true }; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(mailMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Task.FromResult(0); } }
public static async Task ComposeEmailAsync(ForgotPasswordViewModel model, string callbackUrl) { var strFormat = "<p>You have a message From: <bold>{0}</bold> ({1})</p><p>Message:</p><p>{2}</p>"; var appName = "BugTracker"; try { var senderEmail = $"{EmailSendFrom}<{EmailSendFrom}>"; var recipientEmail = model.Email; var mailMsg = new MailMessage(senderEmail, recipientEmail); mailMsg.Subject = $"({appName}) Forgot Password"; mailMsg.Body = callbackUrl; mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(mailMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); await Task.FromResult(0); } }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task SendNotificationAsync(string shortbody, string notification, string update, int ticketnum, string devid) { var from = "BugTracker<*****@*****.**>"; var userId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId(); ApplicationUser user = db.Users.Find(userId); var emailfrom = user.Email; ApplicationUser userto = db.Users.Find(devid); var emailto = userto.Email; var ticketname = db.Tickets.Find(ticketnum).Title; var body = $"{notification} {ticketname}. Please contact a supervisor for further questions."; var email = new MailMessage(from, emailto) { Subject = "Ticket changes", Body = body, IsBodyHtml = true }; var svc = new PersonalEmail(); await svc.SendAsync(email); var dropbody = notification + " " + ticketname; var record = new TicketNotification { ShortBody = shortbody, TicketId = ticketnum, SenderUserId = userId, RecipientUserId = devid, Created = DateTime.Now, Comfirmed = false, NotifocationBody = dropbody, }; db.TicketNotifications.Add(record); db.SaveChanges(); }