コード例 #1
        private void AddToReport(string category, double amount, string date, string description, List <BudgetReport> report, string type = null)
            bool isNewCategory  = false;
            var  budgetCategory = report.Find(i => i.Category.Contains(category));

            if (budgetCategory == null)
                budgetCategory           = new BudgetReport();
                budgetCategory.Category  = category;
                budgetCategory.TransType = "debit"; //By default - TODO
                isNewCategory            = true;
            budgetCategory.TotalAmount += amount;
            if (type != null)
                budgetCategory.TransType = type;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(description) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
                StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                budgetCategory.Notes += sBuilder.AppendLine(formatNotes(budgetCategory.TransType, description, date, amount).ToString()).ToString();
            if (isNewCategory)
コード例 #2
        private List <BudgetReport> ProcessBudgetRecordsByTransType(IEnumerable <Budget> budgetRecords, string transType)
            List <BudgetReport> tmpBudgetReportList = new List <BudgetReport>();

            var queryByCategory =
                from record in budgetRecords
                where record.TransactionType.Equals(transType)
                group record by record.Category into g
                select new
                Category        = g.Key,
                Total           = g.Sum(record => record.Amount),
                TempDescription = string.Join("#;", g.Select(i => i.Description)),
                TempAmount      = string.Join("#;", g.Select(i => i.Amount)),
                TempDates       = string.Join("#;", g.Select(i => i.Date))

            foreach (var row in queryByCategory)
                BudgetReport bReport = new BudgetReport();
                bReport.Category    = row.Category;
                bReport.TotalAmount = row.Total;
                bReport.TransType   = transType;

                string[] splitDescription = row.TempDescription.Split(new string[] { "#;" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string[] splitAmount      = row.TempAmount.Split(new string[] { "#;" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string[] splitDates       = row.TempDates.Split(new string[] { "#;" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (splitDescription.Length == splitAmount.Length)
                    StringBuilder strNotes = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < splitDescription.Length; i++)
                        strNotes = strNotes.AppendLine(formatNotes(transType, splitDescription[i], splitDates[i], Double.Parse(splitAmount[i])).ToString());
                    bReport.Notes = strNotes.ToString();
コード例 #3
        private void btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var csv = new CsvReader(File.OpenText(txtFilePath.Text)))
                csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
                csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <BudgetClassMap>();

                DateTime sDate = DateTime.Parse(startDate.Text);
                DateTime eDate = DateTime.Parse(endDate.Text);

                List <Budget> budgetRecords = csv.GetRecords <Budget>().Where(f => f.Date >= sDate && f.Date <= eDate).Distinct(new DistinctItemComparer()).ToList();

                //remove duplicates -- original description is bit messed up. .. cleaning up by ignoring spaces.

                /*List<Budget> budgetRecords = getBudgetRecords.GroupBy(r => new { r.AccountName, r.Amount, r.Category, r.Date, r.TransactionType, r.Description, OriginalDescription = r.OriginalDescription.Replace(" ","") })
                 *                                          .Select(r => r.First())
                 *                                          .ToList();

                //Get "debit" TransType
                List <BudgetReport> tmpBudgetDebitReportList = ProcessBudgetRecordsByTransType(budgetRecords, "debit");
                //Get "credit" TransType -- REFUNDS
                List <BudgetReport> tmpBudgetCreditReportList = ProcessBudgetRecordsByTransType(budgetRecords, "credit");

                //Bind multiple categories into a useful form by looking at the config file
                List <BudgetReport> budgetReportList = new List <BudgetReport>();
                var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
                foreach (var key in appSettings.AllKeys)
                    BudgetReport bReport = new BudgetReport();
                    bReport.Category = key;
                    string[] categoryValues = appSettings[key].Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    foreach (string category in categoryValues)
                        var tmpDebitBudget = tmpBudgetDebitReportList.Find(i => i.Category.Equals(category));
                        if (tmpDebitBudget != null)
                            tmpDebitBudget.IsProcessed = true;
                            bReport.TotalAmount       += tmpDebitBudget.TotalAmount;
                            bReport.Notes += tmpDebitBudget.Notes;

                        //also check for refunds - based on credit type
                        var tmpCreditBudget = tmpBudgetCreditReportList.Find(i => i.Category.Equals(category));
                        if (tmpCreditBudget != null)
                            tmpCreditBudget.IsProcessed = true;
                            bReport.TotalAmount        -= tmpCreditBudget.TotalAmount;
                            bReport.Notes += tmpCreditBudget.Notes;
                //Add all remaining Debit purchases
                budgetReportList.AddRange(tmpBudgetDebitReportList.FindAll(i => !i.IsProcessed));
                //Add all remaining Credit purchases
                budgetReportList.AddRange(tmpBudgetCreditReportList.FindAll(i => !i.IsProcessed));

                FixCategories("Shopping & Sporting Goods", budgetReportList, "Groceries", new[] { "Sam's Club", "Costco" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Daycare", new[] { "NANCYGKELLY", "HALLIEPETER" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Shopping & Sporting Goods", new[] { "Venmo" });
                FixCategories("Entertainment", budgetReportList, "Fun & Getaways", new[] { "TICKETSATWORK.COM" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Mobile (ATT)", new[] { "SREELEELA" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Food Services", new[] { "ZELLE TO S PROMILA" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Miscellaneous", new[] { "ZELLE Debit", "#NAME?" });
                FixCategories("Restaurants", budgetReportList, "Food Services", new[] { "Food" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Mortgage", new[] { "ZELLE TO AHUJA APARNA", "BLOSSOM REAL" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "India Investment", new[] { "RIAMONEYTRANSFER", "Xoom", "ZELLE TO KONDA KRISHNA" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Car Payment", new[] { "- JPMorgan Chase Ext" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Education", new[] { "MCPHS" });
                FixCategories("Transfer", budgetReportList, "Daycare", new[] { "ZELLE TO GANNU RAJANI" });
                FixCategories("Groceries", budgetReportList, "Water", new[] { "DS SERVICES" });
                FixCategories("Restaurants", budgetReportList, "Water", new[] { "WATER - COFFEE DELIVERY" });
                FixCategories("Restaurants", budgetReportList, "Groceries", new[] { "CRESCENT RI" });
                FixCategories("Utilities", budgetReportList, "Mortgage", new[] { "CHARLESTON MANAGEMENT CORP" });
                FixCategories("Utilities", budgetReportList, "Daycare", new[] { "ADVENTURES PRESCHOOL" });
                FixCategories("Mortgage", budgetReportList, "Daycare", new[] { "ADVENTURES PRESCHOOL" });
                FixCategories("Mortgage", budgetReportList, "Room Rent", new[] { "Jeff", "Elan" });
                FixCategories("Credit Card Payments", budgetReportList, "Groceries", new[] { "Hello Brother Indian" });
                FixCategories("Credit Card Payments", budgetReportList, "Room Rent", new[] { "Erenterplan" });
                FixCategories("Rental Income", budgetReportList, "Paycheck Income", new[] { "DEPOSIT MADE IN A BRANCH" });
                FixCategories("Other Income", budgetReportList, "Rental Income", new[] { "RAVINDRA M BHEEM" });
                FixCategories("Other Income", budgetReportList, "Groceries", new[] { "Costco Whse" });
                FixCategories("Other Income", budgetReportList, "Paycheck Income", new[] { "INSIGHT", "BAXALTA", "TAKEDA DEVELOPME DIRECT DEP", "Check Deposit" });
                FixCategories("Service & Parts", budgetReportList, "Gas & Fuel", new[] { "Auto Clinic Inc" });
                FixCategories("Miscellaneous", budgetReportList, "Gas & Fuel", new[] { "Auto Clinic Inc" });
                FixCategories("ATM Withdrawal", budgetReportList, "Car Payment", new[] { "TRANSFER TO LOAN 141" });

                //At last calculate Expenses from the above budget list

コード例 #4
        private void RemoveNotesFromBudget(string note, BudgetReport budget)
            int i = budget.Notes.IndexOf(note);

            budget.Notes = budget.Notes.Remove(i, note.Length);