public async Task<UserListItem> AddUserAsync(User user, BuddyGeoLocation location, string tag = null) { var c = new UserListItem(this.GetObjectPath() + PlatformAccess.GetCustomAttribute<BuddyObjectPathAttribute>(typeof(UserListItem)).Path, this.Client) { UserID = user.ID, Location = location, Tag = tag }; var r = await c.SaveAsync(); return r.Convert<UserListItem>(b => c).Value; }
public async Task<AlbumItem> AddItemAsync(string itemId, string caption, BuddyGeoLocation location, string tag = null) { var c = new AlbumItem(this.GetObjectPath() + PlatformAccess.GetCustomAttribute<BuddyObjectPathAttribute>(typeof(AlbumItem)).Path, this.Client) { ItemId = itemId, Caption = caption, Location = location, Tag = tag }; var r = await c.SaveAsync(); return r.Convert<AlbumItem> (b => c).Value; }
public async Task<BuddyResult<AlbumItem>> AddItemAsync(string itemId, string caption, BuddyGeoLocation location, string tag = null, BuddyPermissions readPermissions = BuddyPermissions.Default, BuddyPermissions writePermissions = BuddyPermissions.Default) { var c = new AlbumItem(this.GetObjectPath() + PlatformAccess.GetCustomAttribute<BuddyObjectPathAttribute>(typeof(AlbumItem)).Path, this.Client) { ItemId = itemId, Caption = caption, Location = location, Tag = tag, ReadPermissions = readPermissions, WritePermissions = writePermissions }; var r = await c.SaveAsync(); return r.Convert<AlbumItem>(b => c); }
public async Task<BuddyResult<Picture>> AddProfilePictureAsync(string caption, Stream pictureData, string contentType, BuddyGeoLocation location = null, BuddyPermissions readPermissions = BuddyPermissions.Default, BuddyPermissions writePermissions = BuddyPermissions.Default) { var result = await PictureCollection.AddAsync(this.Client, caption, pictureData, contentType, location, readPermissions, writePermissions); if (result.IsSuccess) { ProfilePicture = result.Value; } return result; }
private async void SaveCheckin() { var comment = txtComment.Text; var loc = mapView.UserLocation.Location.ToBuddyGeoLocation (); Action<Picture> finish = async (p) => { string photoID = null; if (p != null) { photoID = p.ID; } // add the checkin if (_selected != null) { loc = new BuddyGeoLocation(_selected.ID); } await Buddy.Checkins.AddAsync (comment, null, loc, photoID); this.NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated(true); PlatformAccess.Current.ShowActivity = false; }; PlatformAccess.Current.ShowActivity = true; // if we have a photo save that first. // if (_chosenImage != null) { var bytes = _chosenImage.AsJPEG (); var result = await Buddy.Pictures.AddAsync (comment, bytes.AsStream (), "image/jpeg", loc); if (result.IsSuccess) { finish (result.Value); } } else { finish (null); } }
public static CLLocation ToCLLocation(this BuddyGeoLocation loc) { var clLoc = new CLLocation(loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude); return(clLoc); }
private async void SaveCheckin() { var comment = txtComment.Text; var loc = mapView.UserLocation.Location.ToBuddyGeoLocation (); Action<Picture> finish = async (p) => { string photoID = null; if (p != null) { photoID = p.ID; } // add the checkin if (_selected != null) { loc = new BuddyGeoLocation(_selected.ID); } await Buddy.PostAsync<Checkin>("/checkins", new { Comment = comment, Location = loc, Tag = photoID }); this.NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated(true); PlatformAccess.Current.ShowActivity = false; }; PlatformAccess.Current.ShowActivity = true; // if we have a photo save that first. // if (_chosenImage != null) { var result = await Buddy.PostAsync<Picture> ("/pictures", new { data = new BuddyFile (_chosenImage.AsPNG ().AsStream (), "data", "image/png"), }); if (result.IsSuccess) { finish (result.Value); } } else { finish (null); } }