public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateBTCPayEmailReceiptsViewModel viewModel) { var services = await GetServices(); viewModel.BTCPayServices = new SelectList(services.btcPayServices, nameof(ExternalServiceData.Id), nameof(ExternalServiceData.Name)); viewModel.SMTPServices = new SelectList(services.smtpServices, nameof(ExternalServiceData.Id), nameof(ExternalServiceData.Name)); if (!viewModel.SendToCustomer && string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.AlternateEmail)) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(viewModel.SendToCustomer), "You need to send the email to either the customer or the BCC email address"); ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(viewModel.AlternateEmail), "You need to send the email to either the customer or the BCC email address"); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(viewModel)); } return(await SetItUp(viewModel)); }
private async Task <IActionResult> SetItUp(CreateBTCPayEmailReceiptsViewModel vm) { var presetName = $"Generated_BTCPayEmailReceipts_{vm.Status}"; var recipe = new Recipe() { Name = presetName, Description = "Generated from a preset", UserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User), Enabled = false }; await _recipeManager.AddOrUpdateRecipe(recipe); var recipeTrigger = new RecipeTrigger() { ExternalServiceId = vm.SelectedBTCPayExternalServiceId, TriggerId = new InvoiceStatusChangedTrigger().Id, RecipeId = recipe.Id }; recipeTrigger.Set(new InvoiceStatusChangedTriggerParameters() { Conditions = new List <InvoiceStatusChangeCondition>() { new InvoiceStatusChangeCondition() { Status = vm.Status, ExceptionStatuses = InvoiceStatusChangedController.AllowedExceptionStatus.Select(item => item.Value).ToList() } } }); await _recipeManager.AddOrUpdateRecipeTrigger(recipeTrigger); var recipeActionGroup = new RecipeActionGroup() { RecipeId = recipe.Id }; await _recipeManager.AddRecipeActionGroup(recipeActionGroup); var recipeActionGroupIndex = 0; if (vm.SendToCustomer) { var sendEmailAction = new RecipeAction() { RecipeId = recipe.Id, RecipeActionGroupId = recipeActionGroup.Id, ActionId = new SendEmailDataActionHandler().ActionId, ExternalServiceId = vm.SelectedSMTPExternalServiceId, Order = recipeActionGroupIndex, DataJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SendEmailData() { IsHTML = true, Body = vm.HTMLBody, Subject = vm.Subject, From = vm.From, To = "{{}}" }) }; await _recipeManager.AddOrUpdateRecipeAction(sendEmailAction); recipeActionGroupIndex++; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.AlternateEmail)) { var sendEmailAction = new RecipeAction() { RecipeId = recipe.Id, RecipeActionGroupId = recipeActionGroup.Id, ActionId = new SendEmailDataActionHandler().ActionId, ExternalServiceId = vm.SelectedSMTPExternalServiceId, Order = recipeActionGroupIndex, DataJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SendEmailData() { IsHTML = true, Body = vm.HTMLBody, Subject = vm.Subject, From = vm.From, To = vm.AlternateEmail }) }; await _recipeManager.AddOrUpdateRecipeAction(sendEmailAction); recipeActionGroupIndex++; } return(RedirectToAction("EditRecipe", "Recipes", new { id = recipe.Id, statusMessage = "Preset generated. Recipe is currently disabled for now. Please verify details are correct before enabling!" })); }