コード例 #1
    ///////////////// Methods //////////////////////
     * Starts the Overlord if we are active
     * This method is called by the CheckState method
     * IF we have not seen any connections in a while
     * AND we still need some connections
    public override void Activate()
      Console.Error.WriteLine("In Activate: {0}", _node.Address);
      if( IsActive == false ) {

      DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
      lock( _sync ) {
        if( now - _last_retry_time < _current_retry_interval ) {
          //Not time yet...
        _last_retry_time = now;
        //Double the length of time we wait (resets to default on connections)
        _current_retry_interval += _current_retry_interval;
        _current_retry_interval = (_MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL < _current_retry_interval) ?
            _MAX_RETRY_INTERVAL : _current_retry_interval;

      ConnectionTable tab = _node.ConnectionTable;
      //If we are going to connect to someone, this is how we
      //know who to use
      Address target = null;
      string contype = String.Empty;
      ISender sender = null;
      int desired_ctms = 1;
      ConnectionList structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
      if( structs.Count < 2 ) {
        ConnectionList leafs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Leaf);
        if( leafs.Count == 0 )
           * We first need to get a Leaf connection
        //We don't have enough connections to guarantee a connected
        //graph.  Use a leaf connection to get another connection
        Connection leaf = null;
        //Make sure the following loop can't go on forever
        int attempts = 2 * leafs.Count;
        do {
          leaf = leafs[ _rand.Next( leafs.Count ) ];
        while( leafs.Count > 1 && structs.Contains( leaf.Address ) &&
               attempts > 0 );
        //Now we have a random leaf that is not a
        //structured neighbor to try to get a new neighbor with:
        if( leaf != null ) {
          target = GetSelfTarget();
           * This is the case of trying to find the nodes nearest
           * to ourselves, use the Annealing routing to get connected
           * more quickly
          sender = new ForwardingSender(_node, leaf.Address, target);
          //We are trying to connect to the two nearest nodes in one
          //one attempt, so wait for two distinct responses:
          desired_ctms = 2;
          //This is a near neighbor connection
          contype = STRUC_NEAR;
      if( structs.Count > 0 && sender == null ) {
         * We need left or right neighbors we send
         * a ConnectToMessage in the directons we
         * need.
        if( NeedLeftNeighbor ) {
          Console.Error.WriteLine("NeedLeftNeighbor: {0}", _node.Address);
          target = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
          short ttl = (short)DESIRED_NEIGHBORS;
          sender = new AHSender(_node, target, ttl, AHHeader.Options.Last);
          contype = STRUC_NEAR;
        } else if( NeedRightNeighbor ) {
          Console.Error.WriteLine("NeedRightNeighbor: {0}", _node.Address);
          target = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Right);
          short ttl = (short)DESIRED_NEIGHBORS;
          sender = new AHSender(_node, target, ttl, AHHeader.Options.Last);
          contype = STRUC_NEAR;

      if( sender != null ) {
        ConnectTo(sender, target, contype, desired_ctms);
コード例 #2
     * This method is called when there is a Disconnection from
     * the ConnectionTable
    protected void DisconnectHandler(object connectiontable, EventArgs args)
      ConnectionEventArgs ceargs = (ConnectionEventArgs)args;
      Connection c = ceargs.Connection;

      lock( _sync ) {
        _last_connection_time = DateTime.UtcNow;
        _need_left = -1;
        _need_right = -1;
        _current_retry_interval = _DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL;

      if( !IsActive ) {

      if( c.MainType != ConnectionType.Structured ) {
        //Just activate and see what happens:

      ConnectionList cl = ceargs.CList;
      int right_pos = cl.RightInclusiveCount(_node.Address, c.Address);
      if( right_pos < DESIRED_NEIGHBORS ) {
        //We lost a close friend.
        Address target = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Right);
        short ttl = (short)DESIRED_NEIGHBORS;
        string contype = STRUC_NEAR;
        ISender send = new AHSender(_node, target, ttl, AHHeader.Options.Last);
        ConnectTo(send, target, contype, 1);

      int left_pos = cl.LeftInclusiveCount(_node.Address, c.Address);
      if( left_pos < DESIRED_NEIGHBORS ) {
        //We lost a close friend.
        Address target = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
        short ttl = (short)DESIRED_NEIGHBORS;
        string contype = STRUC_NEAR;
        ISender send = new AHSender(_node, target, ttl, AHHeader.Options.Last);
        ConnectTo(send, target, contype, 1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: NodeInfo.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    public void TestWriteAndParse()
      Address a = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
      TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
      NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta);

      //Test multiple tas:
      ArrayList tas = new ArrayList();
      for(int i = 5001; i < 5010; i++)
        tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://" + i.ToString()));
      NodeInfo ni3 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, tas);
      //Test null address:
      NodeInfo ni4 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(null, ta);
      //No TAs:
      NodeInfo ni5 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance( a );
コード例 #4
ファイル: NodeInfo.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
 public void CacheTest()
   Address a = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
   Address a2 = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
   TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
   TransportAddress ta2 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
   NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta);
   NodeInfo ni2 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a2, ta2);
   Assert.AreSame( ni, ni2, "Reference equality of NodeInfo objects");
コード例 #5
ファイル: ConnectToMessage.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
    public void CTMSerializationTest()
      Address a = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
      TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); 
      NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta);

      RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();      
      AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng);
      ConnectToMessage ctm1 = new ConnectToMessage(ConnectionType.Unstructured, ni, tmp_add.ToString());

      //Test multiple tas:
      ArrayList tas = new ArrayList();
      for(int i = 5001; i < 5010; i++)
        tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://" + i.ToString()));
      NodeInfo ni2 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, tas);

      ConnectToMessage ctm2 = new ConnectToMessage(ConnectionType.Structured, ni2, tmp_add.ToString());
      //Here is a ConnectTo message with a neighbor list:
      NodeInfo[] neighs = new NodeInfo[5];
      for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
	string ta_tmp = "brunet.tcp://" + (i+80).ToString();
        NodeInfo tmp =
		NodeInfo.CreateInstance(new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left),
	neighs[i] = tmp;
      ConnectToMessage ctm3 = new ConnectToMessage("structured", ni, neighs, tmp_add.ToString());
#if false
      Console.Error.WriteLine( ctm3.ToString() );
      foreach(NodeInfo tni in ctm3a.Neighbors) {
コード例 #6
     * This method is called when there is a Disconnection from
     * the ConnectionTable
    protected void DisconnectHandler(object connectiontable, EventArgs args)
      ConnectionEventArgs ceargs = (ConnectionEventArgs)args;
      Connection c = ceargs.Connection;

      lock( _sync ) {
        _last_connection_time = DateTime.UtcNow;
        _need_left = -1;
        _need_right = -1;
        _need_short = -1;
        _need_bypass = -1;
        _current_retry_interval = _DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL;

      if( IsActive ) {
        if( c.MainType == ConnectionType.Structured ) {
          ConnectionList cl = ceargs.CList;
          int left_pos = cl.LeftInclusiveCount(_node.Address, c.Address);
          int right_pos = cl.RightInclusiveCount(_node.Address, c.Address);
          if( right_pos < DESIRED_NEIGHBORS ) {
            //We lost a close friend.
            Address target = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Right);
            short ttl = (short)DESIRED_NEIGHBORS;
            string contype = STRUC_NEAR;
            ISender send = new AHSender(_node, target, ttl, AHPacket.AHOptions.Last);
            ConnectTo(send, contype);
          if( left_pos < DESIRED_NEIGHBORS ) {
            //We lost a close friend.
            Address target = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left);
            short ttl = (short)DESIRED_NEIGHBORS;
            string contype = STRUC_NEAR;
            ISender send = new AHSender(_node, target, ttl, AHPacket.AHOptions.Last);
            ConnectTo(send, contype);
          if( c.ConType == STRUC_SHORT ) {
            if( NeedShortcut ) {
          if (c.ConType == STRUC_BYPASS) {
            if (NeedBypass) {
        else {
          //Just activate and see what happens:
コード例 #7
ファイル: AddressParser.cs プロジェクト: xujyan/brunet
  * Read the address out of the buffer  This makes a copy
  * and calls Parse on the copy.  This is a "convienience" method.
  * @throw ParseException if the buffer is not a valid address
 static public Address Parse(MemBlock mb)
   //Read some of the least significant bytes out,
   //AHAddress all have last bit 0, so we skip the last byte which
   //will have less entropy
   ushort idx = (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(mb, Address.MemSize - 3);
   Address a = _mb_cache[idx];
   if( a != null ) {
     if( a.ToMemBlock().Equals(mb) ) {
       return a;
   //Else we need to read the address and put it in the cache
   try {
     if( 2 * mb.Length < mb.ReferencedBufferLength ) {
          * This MemBlock is much smaller than the array
          * we are referencing, don't keep the big one
          * in scope, instead make a copy
       mb = MemBlock.Copy((ICopyable)mb);
     int add_class = Address.ClassOf(mb);
     switch (add_class) {
     case 0:
       a = new AHAddress(mb);
     case 124:
       a = new DirectionalAddress(mb);
       a = null;
       throw new ParseException("Unknown Address Class: " +
                                add_class + ", buffer:" +
     //Cache this result:
     _mb_cache[ idx ] = a;
     return a;
   catch(ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
     throw new ParseException("Address too short: " +
                              mb.ToString(), ex);
   catch(ArgumentException ex) {
     throw new ParseException("Could not parse: " +
                              mb.ToString(), ex);