public Request(XElement node, string @namespace) { foreach (var element in node.Elements()) { switch (element.Name.LocalName) { case "GetCapabilities": GetCapabilities = new OperationType(element, @namespace); break; case "GetMap": GetMap = new OperationType(element, @namespace); break; case "GetFeatureInfo": GetFeatureInfo = new OperationType(element, @namespace); break; default: ExtendedOperation.Add(element.Name.LocalName, new OperationType(element, @namespace)); break; } } if (GetCapabilities == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("GetCapabilities"); } if (GetMap == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("GetMap"); } }
public ExGeographicBoundingBox(XElement node, string @namespace) { var element = node.Element(XName.Get("westBoundLongitude", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("westBoundLongitude"); } WestBoundLongitude = double.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); element = node.Element(XName.Get("eastBoundLongitude", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("eastBoundLongitude"); } EastBoundLongitude = double.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); element = node.Element(XName.Get("northBoundLatitude", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("northBoundLatitude"); } NorthBoundLatitude = double.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); element = node.Element(XName.Get("southBoundLatitude", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("southBoundLatitude"); } SouthBoundLatitude = double.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); }
public Capability(XElement node, string @namespace) { var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Request", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Request"); } Request = new Request(element, @namespace); foreach (var el in node.Elements()) { if (el.Name.LocalName == "Request" || el.Name.LocalName == "Layer") { continue; } if (el.Name.LocalName == "Exception") { Exception.Add(el.Value); continue; } ExtendedCapabilities.Add(el.Name, el); } if (Exception.Count == 0) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Exception"); } bool baseNodeCreated = false; foreach (var layerNode in node.Elements(XName.Get("Layer", @namespace))) { var layer = new Layer(layerNode, @namespace); if (_layerField == null) { _layerField = layer; } else if (_layerField != null && !baseNodeCreated) { var tmpLayer = new Layer { Title = "Root Layer" }; tmpLayer.ChildLayers.Add(Layer); tmpLayer.ChildLayers.Add(layer); Layer = tmpLayer; baseNodeCreated = true; } else { _layerField.ChildLayers.Add(layer); } } }
public WmsCapabilities(XDocument doc) : this() { if (doc.Root != null && doc.Root.Name == "ServiceExceptionReport") { ServiceExceptionReport = new ServiceExceptionReport(doc.Root, ""); return; } var node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMT_MS_Capabilities")); if (node == null) node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMS_Capabilities")); if (node == null) { // try load root node with xmlns="" node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMS_Capabilities", "")); if (node == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("WMS_Capabilities or WMT_MS_Capabilities"); } } var att = node.Attribute(XName.Get("version")); if (att == null) throw WmsParsingException.AttributeNotFound("version"); Version = new WmsVersion(att.Value); var @namespace = Version.Version == WmsVersionEnum.Version_1_3_0 ? "" : string.Empty; XmlObject.Namespace = @namespace; att = node.Attribute("updateSequence"); if (att != null) UpdateSequence = int.Parse(att.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Service", @namespace)); if (element == null) { XmlObject.Namespace = @namespace = string.Empty; element = node.Element(XName.Get("Service", @namespace)); } if (element == null) throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Service"); Service = new Service(element, @namespace); element = node.Element(XName.Get("Capability", @namespace)); if (element == null) throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Capability"); Capability = new Capability(element, @namespace); }
public FeatureListURL(XElement node, string ns) { var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Format", ns)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Format"); } Format = element.Value; element = node.Element(XName.Get("OnlineResource", ns)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("OnlineResource"); } OnlineResource = new OnlineResource(element, ns); }
public OperationType(XElement node, string @namespace) { foreach (var formatNode in node.Elements(XName.Get("Format", @namespace))) { Format.Add(formatNode.Value); } foreach (var dcptype in node.Elements(XName.Get("DCPType", @namespace))) { DCPType.Add(new DCPType(dcptype, @namespace)); } if (Format.Count < 1) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Format"); } if (DCPType.Count < 1) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("DCPType"); } }
public Style(XElement node, string @namespace) { var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Name", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Name"); } Name = element.Value; element = node.Element(XName.Get("Title", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Title"); } Title = element.Value; element = node.Element(XName.Get("Abstract", @namespace)); if (element != null) { Abstract = element.Value; } foreach (var el in node.Elements(XName.Get("LegendURL", @namespace))) { LegendURL.Add(new LegendURL(el, @namespace)); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("StyleSheetURL", @namespace)); if (element != null) { StyleSheetURL = new StyleSheetURL(element, @namespace); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("StyleURL", @namespace)); if (element != null) { StyleURL = new StyleURL(element, @namespace); } }
public override void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) { if (CheckEmptyNode(reader, "Capability", string.Empty, true)) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Capability"); } bool baseLayerCreated = false; while (!reader.EOF) { if (reader.IsStartElement()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "Request": _requestField = new Request(); _requestField.ReadXml(reader.ReadSubtree()); break; case "Exception": if (_exceptionField == null) { _exceptionField = new List <string>(); } var subReader = reader.ReadSubtree(); while (!subReader.EOF) { reader.ReadStartElement("Format"); var format = reader.ReadContentAsString(); reader.ReadEndElement(); _exceptionField.Add(format); } break; case "Layer": if (_layerField == null) { _layerField = new Layer(); _layerField.ReadXml(reader); } else { if (!baseLayerCreated) { var tmp = _layerField; _layerField = new Layer(); _layerField.Name = _layerField.Title = "Created base layer"; _layerField.ChildLayers.Add(tmp); baseLayerCreated = true; } var layer = new Layer(); layer.ReadXml(reader); _layerField.ChildLayers.Add(layer); } break; default: ExtendedCapabilities.Add(XName.Get(reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI), XNode.ReadFrom(reader)); break; } } else { reader.Read(); } } }
public Service(XElement node, string @namespace) { XElement element; if (ParseName) { element = node.Element(XName.Get("Name", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Name"); } var value = element.Value; if (!value.ToLower().StartsWith("ogc:wms")) { Debug.WriteLine("Warning: Invalid service name: '{0}'. Must be 'OGC:WMS'", value); } Name = ServiceName.WMS; } element = node.Element(XName.Get("Title", @namespace)); if (element == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Title"); } Title = element.Value; element = node.Element(XName.Get("Abstract", @namespace)); Abstract = element != null ? element.Value : string.Empty; element = node.Element(XName.Get("KeywordList", @namespace)); if (element != null) { KeywordList = new KeywordList(element, @namespace); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("OnlineResource", @namespace)); if (element != null) { OnlineResource = new OnlineResource(element, @namespace); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("ContactInformation", @namespace)); if (element != null) { ContactInformation = new ContactInformation(element, @namespace); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("Fees", @namespace)); Fees = element != null ? element.Value : string.Empty; element = node.Element(XName.Get("AccessConstraints", @namespace)); AccessConstraints = element != null ? element.Value : string.Empty; element = node.Element(XName.Get("LayerLimit", @namespace)); if (element == null) { LayerLimit = null; } else { LayerLimit = int.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("MaxWidth", @namespace)); if (element == null) { MaxWidth = null; } else { MaxWidth = int.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } element = node.Element(XName.Get("MaxHeight", @namespace)); if (element == null) { MaxHeight = null; } else { MaxHeight = int.Parse(element.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } }
public override void ReadXml(XmlReader reader) { if (CheckEmptyNode(reader, "Service", string.Empty)) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Service"); } while (!reader.EOF) { if (reader.IsStartElement()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "Name": string name = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); const string prefix = "ogc:"; if (name.ToLower().StartsWith(prefix)) { name = name.Substring(prefix.Length); } Name = (ServiceName)Enum.Parse(typeof(ServiceName), name, true); break; case "Title": Title = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "Abstact": Abstract = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "KeywordList": KeywordList = new KeywordList(); KeywordList.ReadXml(reader); break; case "OnlineResource": OnlineResource = new OnlineResource(); OnlineResource.ReadXml(reader); break; case "ContactInformation": ContactInformation = new ContactInformation(); ContactInformation.ReadXml(reader); break; case "Fees": Fees = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "AccessConstraints": AccessConstraints = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); break; case "LayerLimit": LayerLimit = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "MaxWidth": MaxWidth = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; case "MaxHeight": MaxHeight = reader.ReadElementContentAsInt(); break; default: reader.Skip(); break; } } else { reader.Read(); } } }