public void RemoveRange <T> (IEnumerable <T> objs) { foreach (object obj in objs) { GameObject removedGO = (GameObject)obj; gameObjects.Remove(removedGO); foreach (IAgent agent in activeAgents) { if (agent.knowledge != null) { agent.knowledge.Remove(removedGO); } } if (removedGO.TryCast(out IAgent tryAgent)) { activeAgents.Remove(tryAgent); } if (GameObject.TryCast(obj, out MapMarked mapMarked)) { Map.Deregister(mapMarked); } DependencyManager.Disconnect((IDependable)obj, this); DependencyManager.Flag((IDependable)obj); } DependencyManager.Flag(this); }
public void OnTriggerDestroyed(IDependable trigger) { if (Contains(trigger)) { Remove(trigger); DependencyManager.Flag(this); } }
public override void RemoveRange <T> (IEnumerable <T> objs) { foreach (object obj in objs) { Trait trait = (Trait)obj; traits.Remove(trait); trait.parent = null; DependencyManager.Destroy(trait); DependencyManager.Disconnect(trait, this); } DependencyManager.Flag(this); }
public override void RemoveRange <T> (IEnumerable <T> objs) { foreach (object element in objs) { GameObject obj = (GameObject)element; structures.Remove((Structure)obj); obj.parent = null; DependencyManager.Disconnect(obj, this); DependencyManager.Flag(obj); } DependencyManager.Flag(this); }
public override void AddRange <T> (IEnumerable <T> objs) { foreach (object obj in objs) { Trait trait = (Trait)obj; traits.Add(trait); trait.parent = this; DependencyManager.Flag(trait); DependencyManager.Connect(trait, this); } traits.Sort((a, b) => a.secrecy.CompareTo(b.secrecy)); DependencyManager.Flag(this); }
public void OpenPicker(object eventBox, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { ColorSelectionDialog dialog = new ColorSelectionDialog("Pick new color for faction."); dialog.ColorSelection.PreviousColor = dialog.ColorSelection.CurrentColor = (Gdk.Color)property.GetValue(obj); dialog.Response += delegate(object o, ResponseArgs response) { if (response.ResponseId == ResponseType.Ok) { property.SetValue(obj, dialog.ColorSelection.CurrentColor); DependencyManager.Flag((IDependable)obj); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); } }; dialog.Run(); dialog.Destroy(); }
public override void AddRange <T> (IEnumerable <T> objs) { foreach (object element in objs) { GameObject obj = (GameObject)element; if (obj.parent != null) { obj.parent.Remove(obj); } obj.parent = this; structures.Add((Structure)obj); DependencyManager.Connect(obj, this); DependencyManager.Flag(obj); } DependencyManager.Flag(this); }
public Territory(TerritoryData data) { name =; ID = data.ID; position = data.position; size = data.size; reputation = data.reputation; structures = data.structures.ConvertAll((structure) => <Structure>(structure)); foreach (Structure structure in structures) { DependencyManager.Connect(structure, this); structure.parent = this; } traits = data.mechanics.ConvertAll((input) => Trait.Load(input)); foreach (Trait mechanic in traits) { DependencyManager.Connect(mechanic, this); mechanic.parent = this; } attack = new GameAction { name = "Attack", description = "Launch an attack on " + name, action = delegate(Context context) { attackers = new Attack(this);; DependencyManager.Connect(this, attackers); DependencyManager.Flag(this); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); Inspector.InspectInNearestInspector(attackers, MainWindow.main); }, condition = (context) => attackers == null && UIFactory.EditAuthorized(this, "attack") }; defend = new GameAction { name = "Defend", description = "Mount a defense of " + name, action = delegate(Context context) { defenders = new Defense(this); DependencyManager.Connect(this, defenders); DependencyManager.Flag(this); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); Inspector.InspectInNearestInspector(defenders, MainWindow.main); }, condition = (context) => attackers != null && defenders == null && UIFactory.EditAuthorized(this, "defend") }; }
void OnThreatToggled(object o, EventArgs args) { int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (buttons[i] == o) { index = i; } } if (buttons[index].Active) { deployment.proposedForces[deployment.affiliation] = (Threat)index; DependencyManager.Flag(deployment); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); } }
public void AddRange <T> (IEnumerable <T> objs) { foreach (object obj in objs) { GameObject newGO = (GameObject)obj; gameObjects.Add(newGO); foreach (IAgent agent in activeAgents) { if (agent.knowledge != null) { agent.knowledge.Add(newGO, 0); } } if (GameObject.TryCast(obj, out MapMarked mapMarked)) { Map.Register(mapMarked); } DependencyManager.Connect(newGO, this); DependencyManager.Flag(newGO); } DependencyManager.Flag(this); }
public void OpenDialog(object widget, EventArgs args) { TextEditingDialog dialog = new TextEditingDialog( "Edit " + UIFactory.ToReadable(property.Name), (Window)Toplevel, () => (string)property.GetValue(obj), delegate(string input) { try { // Muahahahaha I'm evil property.SetValue(obj, input); } catch (Exception e) { e = e.InnerException; return(false); } IDependable dependable = obj as IDependable; if (dependable != null) { DependencyManager.Flag(obj); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); } return(true); } ); }
public RatingsListField(PropertyInfo property, object obj, Context context, DisplayableAttribute attribute) : base(0, 0, 1, 1) { RatingsProfile profile = ((Func <Context, RatingsProfile>)property.GetValue(obj))(context); float[,] values = profile.values; int[,] o_vals = profile.o_vals; Gtk.Alignment alignment = new Gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 0); if (context.vertical && !context.compact) { Frame frame = new Frame(UIFactory.ToReadable(property.Name)); VBox box = new VBox(false, 4) { BorderWidth = 5 }; frame.Add(box); alignment.Add(frame); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[0, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { Label ratingLabel = new Label(Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[0, i])); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); box.PackStart(ratingLabel); } } for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { if (o_vals[k, 0] != Ratings.O_NULL) { Label wrapperLabel = new Label(Ratings.PrintSingle(k + 8, values[k, 0])); wrapperLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); VBox ratingBox = new VBox(false, 5) { BorderWidth = 5 }; Frame ratingFrame = new Frame { LabelWidget = wrapperLabel, Child = ratingBox }; for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[k, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { Label ratingLabel = new Label(Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[k, i])); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); ratingBox.PackStart(ratingLabel, false, false, 0); } } box.PackStart(ratingFrame); } } } else { Box box; if (context.compact) { box = new VBox(false, 0) { BorderWidth = 5 }; } else { box = new HBox(false, 0) { BorderWidth = 5 }; } alignment.Add(box); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[0, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { bool comma = !context.compact && box.Children.Length > 0; Label ratingLabel = new Label((comma ? ", " : "") //Commas to delimit ratings + Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[0, i])); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); box.PackStart(ratingLabel, false, false, 0); } } for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { if (o_vals[k, 0] != Ratings.O_NULL) { bool comma = !context.compact && box.Children.Length > 0; Label ratingLabel = new Label((comma ? ", " : "") //Commas to delimit ratings + Ratings.PrintSingle(k + 8, values[k, 0], true)); ratingLabel.SetAlignment(0, 0); List <String> subratings = new List <String>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (o_vals[k, i] != Ratings.O_NULL) { subratings.Add(Ratings.PrintSingle(i, values[k, i])); } } ratingLabel.TooltipText = String.Join("\n", subratings); box.PackStart(ratingLabel, false, false, 0); } } } if (attribute.EditAuthorized(obj)) { ClickableEventBox clickableEventBox = new ClickableEventBox { Child = alignment }; clickableEventBox.DoubleClicked += delegate { // The property this is attached to gets the *current ratings*, not the *base ratings*, which are // what we logically want to let the user manipulate. Hence, the optional arg supplied is the name // of the base profile. PropertyInfo baseProfileProperty = obj.GetType().GetProperty((string)attribute.arg); TextEditingDialog dialog = new TextEditingDialog( "Edit ratings", (Window)Toplevel, delegate { RatingsProfile baseProfile = (RatingsProfile)baseProfileProperty.GetValue(obj); return(Ratings.Print(baseProfile.values, baseProfile.o_vals)); }, delegate(string input) { if (Ratings.TryParse(input, out RatingsProfile? newRatings)) { baseProfileProperty.SetValue(obj, (RatingsProfile)newRatings); IDependable dependable = obj as IDependable; if (dependable != null) { DependencyManager.Flag(dependable); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); } return(true); } return(false); } ); }; Add(clickableEventBox); } else { Add(alignment); } }
void Submit(object entry, EventArgs args) { SetValueFromString(((Entry)entry).Text); DependencyManager.Flag(obj); DependencyManager.TriggerAllFlags(); }